The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Greetings to All!


  • Literally Guido シ
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Hello! I'm OwlsCantRead (I know, it's an oxymoron)

I'm 21 years old, soon to be IT major (send halp) and on the cusp of adulthood, yet with a childish love for this series. But before I start, a really special thanks to @rhombus who helped activate my account personally when the activation email went all erratic on me for 2 days in a row. Thanks so much! I wouldn't be here otherwise!

Interests? Well, I used to be an avid video maker, having my own microphone and video recording/editing software. Now all that's left of that is a $10 mike after my Blue Snowball broke and a Elgato capture card. I' not even a hardcore video gamer at heart given that my favorite game series is the cutesy Kirby. I guess I don't have a hardcore interest in much of anything, oh no no no.

How I got into Land Before Time, I can't really say it's the same as all of you. When I was 6 or so I remember playing a dinosaur video game and I distinctly remember the phrase "Land Before Time", even though I barely rememebr anything else about it (and looking it up, I'm not even sure if it really exists). Despite all that, it wasn't until a few years ago where I looked it up and realized it was a film series on the heels of watching Jurassic World. After then I got hooked like a swimmer on a fishing pole — pretty much like the rest of you guys. The films dark nature and friendship studies, backgrounds, everything, reeled me in. And yes, I did eventually watch the sequels as well. It took a while though.

I might be good at writing, which probably means I'll give LBT fics a shot (somethig I wanted to do since forever heheh)... but on the other hand my art is terrible. Ya' win some, you lose some. The funny thing is that as an avid reader and writer, I've lurked Land Before Time's FFN archive since early 2014 and have seen the GOF forums mentioned countless times. but for some reason, I kept getting the impression that it was a Fanfiction.Net forum until the July 2018 prompt challenge (man, good stories), where I'm like, you know, this sounds legit, went to the FFN communities to see what it was about, then promptly facepalmed when I realized it was a legit forum site with its own host. Talk about counting your eggs before they hatch! :bolt

So yeah, that's about it. If I actually realized this was a legit forum I probably would have joined 3-4 years ago, but better late than never, eh? I look forward to meeting and interacting with you all! :Mo
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Hey hey and welcome to the GoF! I can see you're a good writer from your welcome post ;)

I used to make and edit videos too! Haven't had time to do so for the past 2 years or so, but my Blue Yeti is still hanging out at my desk haha.

Hope you enjoy your time here!


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Welcome to the forum, OwlCantRead!  :) I must apologize for the difficulties that you encountered in registering for this site, but rest assured that we are glad that you are now able to join us.  As a fellow writer of LBT stories I would certainly encourage you to write if that is an interest of yours.  We have several excellent writers on the site and we can always provide constructive feedback to new authors. In particular we have a Fanfiction Prompt Challenge and a Fanart Prompt Challenge that you would certainly be welcome to participate in if you are interested.  In any case, it is always good to see a new member on the forum, and I hope that you enjoy your time here.  :)littlefoot

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Literally Guido シ
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Hey hey and welcome to the GoF! I can see you're a good writer from your welcome post ;)

I used to make and edit videos too! Haven't had time to do so for the past 2 years or so, but my Blue Yeti is still hanging out at my desk haha.

Hope you enjoy your time here!
I admit that I tend to me quite formal when typing on the internet, so I suppose that's why it would seem that way.
Video editing is fun until you micromanage things down to *should this frame be faded in for 0.75s or 1s and become a perfectionist* :P Time factor is also a reason I can't mess with videos as well, although my Snowball hitting the ground was probably a bigger factor if me lack of editing. :sducky

Welcome to the forum, OwlCantRead!  :) I must apologize for the difficulties that you encountered in registering for this site, but rest assured that we are glad that you are now able to join us.  As a fellow writer of LBT stories I would certainly encourage you to write if that is an interest of yours.  We have several excellent writers on the site and we can always provide constructive feedback to new authors. In particular we have a Fanfiction Prompt Challenge and a Fanart Prompt Challenge that you would certainly be welcome to participate in if you are interested.  In any case, it is always good to see a new member on the forum, and I hope that you enjoy your time here.  :)littlefoot
Thanks! This means a lot to me since The Seven Hunters is one of those fics that wowed me in 2014 and probably kept me on the fic archive for longer than intended. Songs of the Hunters and a couple of others then pretty much forced me there from 2015 onwards.
I will certainly give writing a shot, maybe the prompts if time permits, but I'm incredibly busy as of now so I probably won't write as much as a couple of the others free young'uns here. :nyah
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Welcome to the gang! ^^

I am interested, what moments in LBT did you like the most,  and what is your favorite characters and why? :D


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Welcome to the forum! :DD I hope will you enjoy your time spent on here!
"The fire flickers with possibilities, I wonder what happens if you get a little closer?"


  • Crazy Cat Lady
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Hello! I just joined recently too and already love it here. Everyone is so friendly.
I also found this forum via

I would love to see your fanfictions.
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods, they have not forgotten this."

Simba <3 Born 21st of October 2015.

Please check out my first fanfic-Hold on Together.


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Welcome from me, too! It's always great to see more people joining GoF! :^^spike


  • A softie for sidekicks
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Hey there! I remember you from FanFiction.Net! The prompt challenges brought me here, too! I hope you like it here. Oh, and I myself have quite a thing for videos. I took some video production classes while I was in community college.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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Welcome to GOF!! :)littlefoot :Mo

I am terribly sorry for the fact that you had trouble signing up, but I'm glad you made it on after all! :)littlefoot

I'm in the process of writing my first LBT fic, and I'll post it when I get a little more done with it. As for art, I'm pretty bad too and I'm working on improving my skills.


  • Literally Guido シ
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Whoa so many replies. Honestly, I'm stunned by the overwhelming response. Thanks! :^^spike
Now to reply them all one by one...

Welcome to the gang! ^^

I am interested, what moments in LBT did you like the most,  and what is your favorite characters and why? :D
Ahem. Excuse me there. I really can't pick between the original five (Chomper and Ruby don't trail too far behind either), but if I really must pick one I'll have to say Petrie. I used to be the ever-lovable shy coward when I was younger. Still am, actually, to people who know me in real life.
As for moments in Land Before Time? Any form of character interaction between the group. I'm a sucker for those.

Welcome to the forum! :DD I hope will you enjoy your time spent on here!
Looking to be quite the place from what I've seen. I'm impressed, honestly. Never would have thought a movie close to three decades old would have such a relatively large fan-following.

Hello! I just joined recently too and already love it here. Everyone is so friendly.
I also found this forum via

I would love to see your fanfictions.
You're right: everyone is friendly. Nice and cozy.
As much as I laugh at the quality of fics on FFN at times surprisingly LBT is quite the exception, probably 'cos of the prompt challenges.
this just means I actually have to write one, doesn't it? oh, woe is me

Welcome from me, too! It's always great to see more people joining GoF! :^^spike
Thank ya! I'm glad I can be part of that rising number.

Hey there! I remember you from FanFiction.Net! The prompt challenges brought me here, too! I hope you like it here. Oh, and I myself have quite a thing for videos. I took some video production classes while I was in community college.
Hey, I know you! It was your fic for the June prompt challenge that I mentioned in the OP that made me really consider looking up GOF... and caused me to look it up on Google after I realized it wasn't a FFN community. Guess I have you to thank for that, huh? :DD
By any chance do you know how After Effects or Premiere work? They were the bane of my existence when my school used to have a video editing module.

Welcome to GOF!! :)littlefoot :Mo

I am terribly sorry for the fact that you had trouble signing up, but I'm glad you made it on after all! :)littlefoot

I'm in the process of writing my first LBT fic, and I'll post it when I get a little more done with it. As for art, I'm pretty bad too and I'm working on improving my skills.
I really have to thank @rhombus once again for this. When the activation email didn't send through multiple times, my OCD kicked in and I was almost tempted to delete the account and start over until I realized that I have no way of doing that lmao. In the end I just looked in the staff list and sent Rhombus an email (PMs don't work unless you're activated) and thought, "well, guess I'll have to wait a day or so to get this fixed", but surprisingly I got a response in a half hour and the forum account was activated shortly after. That certainly gave me a good impression of the place even before my first post. :D
As someone who's written fics for other fandoms before, I say go for it. Creative writing can really exercise your skills, and you can only get better the more you write.
Ah art. I'm so bad at art that even my brother's better than me at it.

Also oh man, sorry for wall of text. Well, it's at least better than double posting everything. :P
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


  • A softie for sidekicks
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By any chance do you know how After Effects or Premiere work? They were the bane of my existence when my school used to have a video editing module.

I do my video work on Vegas Pro, but my video production classes introduced me to Premiere. Still though, I grew accustomed to Vegas and it works very well for me.  I'd gladly recommend it.  :)
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


  • Literally Guido シ
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By any chance do you know how After Effects or Premiere work? They were the bane of my existence when my school used to have a video editing module.

I do my video work on Vegas Pro, but my video production classes introduced me to Premiere. Still though, I grew accustomed to Vegas and it works very well for me.  I'd gladly recommend it.  :)
...I do use Vegas. So, so, so, so, so much easier compared to Premiere. Also despite Vegas sapping up loads of CPU usage Premiere is somehow worse, like seriously I have never seen a program capable of gobbling up so much RAM in my life. It's like Premiere is Spike and the laptop's RAM is a big, hearty treestar bush. You need like 16GB of RAM for Premiere. 8GB just isn't enough.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Welcome to the GoF! It took me a while to sign up too, but after years of lurking on here I finally made an account of my own and joined the prompt challenges. We’re very glad to have you!  :Mo
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



  • *feels like Pterano*
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Welcome to the GoF! Enjoy yourself around here, yep yep yep! :^^spike
Inactive, probably forever.


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Welcome to the GoF and glad to see everything worked out!  :)littlefoot


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Welcome to the forums OwlscantRead! If you like telling stories, you can do fanfiction or roleplays, which can be about either LBt or your favorite Tv shows/movies. Always glad to see new faces!
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Literally Guido シ
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Oh, new batch! :^^spike

Welcome to the GoF! It took me a while to sign up too, but after years of lurking on here I finally made an account of my own and joined the prompt challenges. We’re very glad to have you!  :Mo
Ah, I see you're a master of lurking as well. But no lie, I lurked on the FFN fic archive instead. I legitimately did not know this was its own place until a few days ago.

Welcome to the GoF! Enjoy yourself around here, yep yep yep! :^^spike
Oh, I will... I will!

Welcome to the GoF and glad to see everything worked out!  :)littlefoot
I'm glad to be here too!

Welcome to the GoF!  :wave
Hi and thanks!

Welcome to the forums OwlscantRead! If you like telling stories, you can do fanfiction or roleplays, which can be about either LBt or your favorite Tv shows/movies. Always glad to see new faces!
Fanfiction writing is definitely happening, although I'm a bit more apprehensive on roleplaying. Not that I hate it, but time factor steadily creeps up to me, so I really am hesitant on committing to group projects. But who knows?
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


  • The Circle
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Welcome!  I don't have much else to say or add because everyone else has, but
