The Gang of Five
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An Enemies Presence

Zimba · 535 · 70547


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Littlefoot groaned and stayed still but raised his head "Can I talk to you and Grandpa later?" he glanced at Nahla and Zimba "Alone" he added dropping his head again.


  • Petrie
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Zimba scoffed getting closer to Nahla kicking her in the side to get her to stand up. "Did I say you could rest?!!" he snarled a little too loud. He realized the Grandparents and Littlefoot heard "I mean..I was gonna give you  a feast of sweet bubbles first" he lied.


  • Ducky
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OOC: At this rate, we really don't need him to beat up Nahla to get everyone to get the hint >-<

"Mmmhhh..." He regarded the Dinosaurs in the distance.
"A most foul presence, no?" The other mused. "I fear our sister doth come into this sooner afore later..."
"Our speech alone heralds her coming already. Thy big mouth doth cause trouble." His other sister darkly said. "Afore we know it, she shall have torn through this sanctuary."


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Zimba stared at her "" he reared up bringing his feet down onto her back hard "YOU! I told you to shut up and yet you blab on..well now your gonna die..." he laughed and began beating her in a horrific manner. After making Nahla's back be coated in her own blood he turned to the already injured leg and stepped on it,a snap of bones filled the air as her leg bone broke clean in to. Ignoring her dying screams he began to kick her in the side,another snap filled the air as he broke a rib bone of the female "Ready for the fatal blow?" he asked laughing and raised his large foot over her frail neck.


  • Ducky
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He didn't get far as Grandpa rammed him away from the pink female, roaring his anger and challenge. "That is quite ENOUGH!"

In the distance, a black Sharptooth entered the Valley, uncaring as to who saw. High on the slopes she stood, a sharp contrast to the smooth rock around her. And her white eyes were fixed on the cluster of Longnecks.

"She has arrived." He spoke, with fear in his voice. He feared not Sharptooth. He feared his sister. "This Valley is no longer a haven for those who seek it. Let us convene with our sister."


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Littlefoot was in total shock,but he didn't bother...he could see death overcoming the female...and he didn't want to be here to see it happen. He stood up forgetting what Grandma said and limped off.

Nahla was struggling to keep her eyes open,she knew if she let them close she would never open them again. She was in a LOT of pain.


  • Petrie
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"SHUT UP!" Zimba snarled at Grandpa "You're nothing,now  move unles you want to die along side the wrothless creature over there" he nodded to Nahla while saying it.


  • Ducky
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"Do not underestimate me, boy." Grandpa snarled. "It might be the last thing you do."

The Black Sharptooth now descended into the Valley, weaving through the forest as if she had been here many, many times.  So close now...
"Sister!" Someone adressed her with something else than roars and charges. "Tell me that thou art not here for what I fear thou art."
"For that and more, honorable sibling." She did not stop. "As thou ought to realize with our brothers here as well.

OOC: Whoopdiedoo, there goes a Sharptooth and a Fast Biter and no one notices them xD


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Nahla was finding it harder and harder to breath,the light in her eyes began fading.


  • Petrie
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Zimba just threw his head back "I'll kill your sure of that...and once I'm leader of The Great Valley..iI'll have YOU and your mate executed" he threatened "Unless you shut your mouth and do as I say"


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Wrong words. Grandpa swung around, smashing his tail against Zimba with an infuriated roar. "Don't you DARE touch them."
Behind him Grandma reappeared, carrying herbs and such to attempt to fix up Nahla.

 "Heed me, child." She demanded, bringing her head close to the fallen Longneck. Her sister stood beside her and her brothers behind her. A cluster of black, scared, emaciated Dinosaurs. "Does thou wish to perish?"


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Nahla's eyes rose in shock when she realized who she was looking at "W-w-w--what do you's want with me?" she whispered/


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Zimba snarled and stomped his foot challenging Grandpa to a fight.


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Grandpa was meanwhile quite willing to do so. :anger

"Thy heart." She answered. "A feast. Many will follow thee into death. Give in, so that I may enjoy thy offering to me."


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"Am..I...dying?" the female asked,she groaned still trying to keep her eyes open.


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Zimba stopped his foot again harder this time,once again challenging Grandpa to fight him.


  • Ducky
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"Thou standest upon the edge. Thy choice alone shall now decide thy fate." The Sharptooth looked up. "And the fate of those that fight. Choose well, but swiftly."

Grandpa was not a fool. He KNEW he was old. He also had realized that the other had a short temper. And temper makes mistakes. "You are afraid, aren't you? That is why you are so loud: to hide your fear."


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Nahla looked away "I will not die...." she muttered as her eyes darkened even more,she was clearing suffering.


  • Petrie
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Zimba roared "I SAID SHUT UP!" he rose to his feet and came back down with a heavy thump before charging right into Grandpa.