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My Polymer Clay Sculptures

Mumbling · 102 · 30227


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Cute house. :DD I like how you put grooves in the door to make it look like it's comprised of wooden boards. And are those vines or ivy growing on the side? That's probably my favorite detail (along with the door). Those tiny little flowers look amazing. :wow (Judging by the grass in the photo, the house is really small; I'm having trouble imagining how tiny the flowers must be. :blink:)

Nice ladybugs, too. I had to look closely, but I notice that each one has a groove down the center of its back to mark the separation of its wing cases. About how big are these ladybugs?

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Thanks! And yeah! :D Those flowers are very tiny, haha. I took a string as small as your smallest finger's fingernail, flattened it and rolled it into a tiny rose.

The lady bugs are not that small. I'm trying to think of a decent example here, but I think about half of a penny in diameter :)


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I call it Hogwart's Beginners set =D It has all the things noted in the first book as to which harry has toget, except for the set of glass/crystal jugs etc. :) Glass is kind of hard to make from clay :o


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I created two carrots on a date on the moon :D

Moon created of Glow in the Dark Polymer Clay
Carrots are 'just orange' with 'green'

And there are glittery sparkles all over! Sadly enough a bit too much, but I do know how to work with them now :)

The male one is wearing a black bowtie and the female one a blue ribbon.. Now I know why they call it Transparent Blue :D


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Hoo boy…I’ve been falling behind on my reviewing. :rolleyes:

Nice work with the “Hogwarts Beginners’ Set”. :smile Lemme see…I recognize a wand, books, a hat, a cauldron (probably my favorite; I love the “brew” you put in it :DD), robes, and…is that a telescope? I don’t know what the little red and orange things are. :confused

Still one thing missing, though: a critter! :P: (Though I suppose owls, bats, cats, and toads aren’t technically school supplies.)

I thought the carrots were on a giant decorated peeled banana at first. :lol I figured it was either that or a crescent moon, though. This is one of your more random creations. :p Is this meant to be a pendant or ornament of some kind? (I see a little ring on top.)

I like the color of the “transparent blue” clay. That’s a pretty good ribbon you made. :yes And the bow tie on the male carrot is funny. :lol

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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The yellow things are copper scales (and yes, I was lazy so they don't look like it :D) and the red thingies are red dragonhide gloves for protection of the hands :) & yeah, that is a telescope.

A critter was actually not on the list :D So I didn't make one. lol

Yeah it's my moon carrots... lol :D It can be used as a charm of kinds or as a pendant, not sure yet but I thought it'd be cute.

Me too ! I love light blue which is why i bought it, and I thought it was curious why they called it transparent. But I can clearly see in the picture why. Thanks.

By the way I have a blog now in which you can see in full details how I make my work :)

Paradise Bird

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I have creation talent of a rock lol this stuff is awesome Mumbling!


  • The Circle
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Very nice set of sculptures and very interesting to see all of them. As well as being very creative too.


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I don’t get it, I’m afraid, :oops but I like the cake! :D (Is that a jack o’lantern face on it?) Those are some great colors you used (blue frosting and red/pink icing), and I love the skewy* candles! :smile

*word I just invented, meaning bent or curved in unusual, varying angles or directions :p

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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The cake is a lie is an internet meme (you can just look it up on google :D ), but that's not really why I made it. I made it because I joined a contest (with the theme: lures).


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Interesting looking sculptures.  Looks like with that you can do your own online comics.


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^I could, but I don't have enough inspiration to make comics :) Thanks though!


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I'd like your opinion.. Is this creature a plant, a herbivore or a carnivore?

It has to be part of a rainforest Ecosystem. Name suggestions are welcome, too :)


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So…you haven’t decided what it is yet, and you’d like us to tell you what we think it is? Sure!

Do you see it as being motile (capable of moving around) or sessile (stuck in place)? The eyes suggest to me that it is capable of moving around, as all of the animals I can think of that spend their lives rooted to the spot (corals, anemones, mussels, barnacles, sea squirts), are eyeless, whereas most ambulatory animals of insect size or larger that don’t live in perpetually dark environments have vision (save for a few ocean drifters such as jellyfish and salps). However, I don’t see any obvious limbs or mouth (unless they’re underneath the body), so I don’t see it as being especially fast, or as being a predator that chases its prey. From the looks of it, if it moves at all, it’s probably limited to sliding around like a slug or amoeba.

By the way, it doesn’t have to be a carnivorous animal, a herbivorous animal, OR a plant. I can be a combination, like a carnivorous plant, a plant that feeds on other plants (like a parasite), or an animal that has a symbiotic relationship with microscopic plants, which live in its tissues and provide it with extra nutrients in the form of photosynthetic byproducts. Examples of all three exist in real life: venus flytraps and pitcher plants, mistletoe and Rafflesia, and hard corals and spotted salamander eggs, respectively. It could be a saprophyte (an organism that feeds on decaying matter); maybe not a glamorous ecological role from a human perspective, but an EXTREMELY important one.

Having only two small leaves (are they ears?) on its head and a leaf-like projection on its tail would not be especially useful for photosynthesis or camouflage. My suggestion is to have it use them for communication purposes, flapping and twitching its ears and waving and flicking its tail like semaphore, to send visual messages to others of its kind.

It kinda looks like it’s wearing a bunch of red-and-yellow neckties. :lol If you’ve thought of it already, what are those things, and what is their purpose? Can they lift up and move like tentacles, or are they fused to the sides of its body? One idea I had would be that they could secrete nectar or some other attractive-smelling substance (as many carnivorous plants do), to lure insects and other small animals. When they land or crawl onto the “neckties”, they curl from the tip, fold from the sides, or otherwise enclose the prey, trapping it. Once the prey has been digested, the “neckties” open again.

I’m still not sure about that round white thing on its head. What is it supposed to be, if you had anything in mind?

In summary, I think this creature is most likely an animal with symbiotic plants in its skin. I have a couple of ideas for what its lifestyle could be. My “necktie trap” and “leaf semaphore” ideas are compatible with both:

#1: It crawls over the forest floor, feeding on fungi, decomposing plant and animal matter, and anything slow or oblivious enough for it to catch. It feeds by crawling on top of its food (its mouth is on its underside). Since sunlight on the forest floor is limited to small patches that constantly shift with the movement of the sun, its ability to move allows it to maximize its time in the light for continual photosynthesis.

#2: It lives in the forest canopy, crawling along tree branches and up trunks, the underside of its body gripping them like a gecko’s foot. It also has mouthparts on its underside, which it uses to pierce the bark of its tree and drain the sap for nutrition. It also absorbs sunlight for photosynthesis, and devours plants that try to gain a roothold on its tree (vines, bromeliads, strangler figs, etc.).

I can’t think of a name, I’m afraid, but does any of that help? :)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I¥m glad to hear your ideas Pangaea! That really does help. I have thought of a kind of idea for the plant myself by now. I might however pull elements of your ideas in it at well! :)

My idea so far:

This green, plantlike creature is in fact a little monster of the rainforest. With its big eyes and a radiating globe on its head it truly seems harmless. However it turns out to be a different creature than most of us think.

The globe radiates light, which is in fact his way of luring a pray. Either a plant which turns towards the source of light, or another creature who is lured by its plant-like existence. They will be grabbed by one of many 'leaves' on the side of the creature, and eaten by a vicious mouth hidden beneath those leaves. The creature is small and therefore not harmful for most others.

I guess it can also move around with the tentacle like leaves.

Sounds mean? Yeah :p

The thing is, for the contest I have to create 4 to 8 creatures who live in some kind of rainforest. I would like all other creatures to somehow be related to this one.


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I gots Nintendo Fever! It happens so now and then, haha. Here are my two most recent sculptures:

I've written about squirtle in my blog: :)


  • The Circle
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Nice looking sculptures.  It looks like you do them fairly often.   I guess you have ideas for a lot more you'd like to someday do.


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Wow, Iris! More nice work! :DD I really like the color on the center mushroom (and the crown looks good, too). Overall I think the green one looks best shape-and-symmetry-wise, but I think you did the best job merging the differently colored clays to make the red one (such that the spots don't form three-dimensional surface features).

And I swear, that Squirtle figure looks like it could have been professionally made. :wow I think I had one that looked almost exactly like that once.

Also, pretty nice behavioral concept for the rainforest critter. :smile If it uses bioluminescence to lure prey, then it would make sense for it to be nocturnal, or dwell on the forest floor (or both). Though using its light to attract plants seems awfully inefficient (unless some of the plants in your rainforest are capable of moving around; that's an idea for another rainforest organism you could create :idea).

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.