The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

2021 Tiebreakers

rhombus · 10 · 4251


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Good morning, everyone!

As you might have noticed, we have some ties in the award voting this year. For this reason we will have tiebreaker votes for:

The Feedback Award (Tie between rhombus and Flathead);

LBT Discussion Award (Tie between Gentle Sharptooth and chomper 94); and

The Proactive Member Runner-up (Tie between Gentle Sharptooth and rhombus for runner-up)

Voting is open to everyone who voted, except for the members involved in a tiebreak (in which case you would abstain from the votes you are competing for). If there is a tie at the end of the voting, the admins will have to decide who wins the runner-up.

Voting will run for 8 days and will end on Sunday October 10, midnight forum time.

I will keep a running tally down below:

Feedback Award:
Flathead: 6
rhombus: 2

LBT Discussion Award:
Gentle Sharptooth: 4
Chomper94: 3

Proactive Member Runner-Up:
rhombus: 5
Gentle Sharptooth: 1

« Last Edit: October 07, 2021, 09:55:54 PM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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For the feedback award, I'll go with Flathead770, another member to provide kind and helpful comments.

For the discussion award, I'll go with Chomper94. Always enjoy their posts  :ChomperImAwesome

For the proactive member runner-up, I'm sticking with Gentle Sharptooth, who is more than deserving

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~

Gentle Sharptooth

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I vote Rhombus.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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I will stick to my original votes for Feedback and LBT discussion:
Gentle Sharptooth

For Pro-active I will vote for rhombus for keeping the forum alive :)


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I'll stick with my previous votes:

Flathead770 for feedback.
Gentle Sharptooth for LBT discussion.

For proactive runner up I'll vote for rhombus, for doing the monthly character showcases and running the fanfiction prompts, both of which encourage more activity within the forum.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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I'll stick with my previous votes too.

Feedback Award: Flathead770
LBT Discussion Award: Gentle Sharptooth

And i'm still not sure about Proactive member award, so I will skip anyway.


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For the Feedback award, I’m still keeping my vote to rhombus.

Not sure about proactive, so I’ll just skip it.


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For LBT Discussion and Proactive, I will retain my original votes for chomper94 and rhombus respectively. For Feedback, I will vote Flathead770, as I feel he is more than deserving. :yes


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For Feedback I’ll vote for Flathead.

For LBT discussion I’ll keep my original vote for Gentle Sharptooth.

And for Proactive I’ll vote for rhombus:Mo
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



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I'll keep my original vote for LBT Discussion: chomper94
For proactive I'll vote for rhombus with the continual work for the character showcases