The Gang of Five
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The Great Day of the Swimmers

Ducky123 · 41 · 22096


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"Maybe we could do it here, Diver, I don't see why not, but for some reason we don't. Perhaps there are things that can't be done in the Valley and need a special place to do them?"

Ruddy then sighed and got back to Edmont: "You know what's worrying me? What if mom has changed? You know, accepted the ways of the other swimmers? What if she wants us to live in a proper swimmer herd? She's never paid much attention to things such as swimmers, threehorns, or longnecks, but now that's she's a bit older could she be remembering the good old days? We don't know how much is dad's absence taking a toll on her..."

He then remembered what he said to Diver and felt he overlooked something important, but the thought slipped his mind. He looked at Edmont with a tired and worried face, and he noticed Tooele talking about something, but he couldn't make out what.


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"It's our time? What does that mean???" Lamby thought. Tooele's answer was detailed and there was definitely something going on... Though the question was 'what' was going on???
"It's our time? As for we're s'posed to do somethin'?" Lamby questioned curiously. "Well, whatever Mum's hidin', we'll squeeze it outta her sooner or later, right?" Lamby replied cheekily. "There's somethin' she's hidin' so why not ask her, eh? If it's oh so important, she'll probably tell us about it anyway but... well I'm curious what it is now and you know how curious I can be, riiight?" Lamby gave him a light punch in the side. "So, anyway, how're we going to ask her? Just us or the whole bunch?"
Lamby noticed how her mother was walking in circles as if trying to remember where she'd put something. "Or as if tryin' to plan something important..."
"Hey Tooele boy! Look at mum! Reckon, she's gonna tell us in a bit? Wanna bet?"
Inactive, probably forever.


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Edmont blanched at the mention of his mother wanting them go the way of a proper swimmer herd. Shaking his head here, his aversion to the idea was evident. "No! She can't make me do that!" He exclaimed, taking a step back. "I'm finally settling into my new role, and I like what I do! I don't want to have to be forced to live with just swimmers after all! I love learning about all the new things other herds are up to... ugh... if she did that, I'd run away!" Edmont said with determination, his face hardening and looking up now towards the sky.

But of course... he doubted he had the resolve to do something like that. He couldn't just leave his brothers and sisters after all... they were family. Sighing, his eyes dropped to the ground. "No... I guess I wouldn't." He said here, more softly. "But still... I would protest that as vigorously as I could!" he declared. "I've got responsibilities now... and I like those responsibilities." he added glumly. "I just can't see her as asking me to drop those and only hang around with my own kind."

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"Hmm, Our time may mean they may want us to do something like we saw Petrie's family and the other flyers do.  Though I don't see why we can't do that here.  Plenty of water areas here."   Diver said.


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Sonar was on his mother's back to get away from the cold stuff. "So Mom, why are you acting weird?" Sonar asked, as blunt as ever.


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"But perhaps mom will eventually tell us.  Hopefully not a short time before she  says ts' time to go like Littlefoot's grandparent's did." Diver said.

Cancerian Tiger

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"So, you think this'll be something like the Great Day of the Flyers...only swimmers this time?  Cool, but I hope we get to do something more epic than acrobats like, say, kicking some sharptooth's butt?" Mara suggested before she let out a big belch from her snack of grass.  "That would give me some awesome bragging rights on even my threehorn pals."


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"Maybe this was just practice, and now you'll get to show your skills for real? For many of the herds of out there you're a familiar face. You'll help the family find its way around", Ruddy tapped Edmont on the shoulder, his turn now to have a beak wide open with smile. In trying to lighten up Edmont's mood, Ruddy lightened his own as well. Then he heard Diver and Mara speak.

"Our time? What are you guys over there talking about?", Ruddy said calmly. He felt things were finally falling into place. They were definitely going to have a test of coming of age, but how and where he didn't know. He suddenly felt an urge to go over to his mother and ask more, but Mara's antics brightened him up and calmed him down.

Mara. As a whelp he underwent quite a lot of "torture" from his older sister, even more than he did from his older brothers. But since there was no way to get away from them, he had no choice but to harden up. And so he did. Just a few days ago while he was grinding some aromatic plants he had been gathering all day for a special meal mom was preparing, he suddenly felt a stab in his lower back. It was Mara stabbing him with a pointy stick. He would grab a stick himself and try to stab her back, but she was faster and would always keep her distance from him while trying to stab him again. Then he would invariably grab a heavier and longer stick, which Mara had some trouble wielding, and then there would be a stand-off until both got bored. After that particular stand-off she told him he was no fun at all and that she would rather play with Sonar, Edmont or Tooele instead. But a few moments later, she was helping him prepare the plants, as she was quite interested in herbs herself.

And when he and his brothers, and Mara as the only girl, played "prey", a game where one sibling was prey and two were fast biters trying to get him/her to the ground and "bite" the prey's throat, Mara was perhaps the hardest prey. She wasn't strong enough to throw any of her brothers off, like Sonar could from time to time, but her limbs were as hard to bend as entangled wood, and reaching for the throat would usually result in having to push skull to her very hard skull. And when she was the fast biter she would jump for the throat, resulting in a fast "kill" or a desperate attempt to get out of her clinch.

"And when mom stumbles upon a game of "prey", she always laments about what she has done wrong to deserve children like us", thought Ruddy with a chuckle. After Ducky, Mara was the sister he loved hanging out with the most, and the one he felt the most comfortable at fighting back in a game, as it was mostly physical, not verbal. He quickly thought of something to throw her way: "Hey Mara, I sure hope you'll get to kick butts outside of the Valley, cause thanks to you, fresh butts are getting hard to find here! And speaking of butts, would any of you care to get your well-respected behinds over here?"

As he waited for an answer from the bunch on the other side of nest, he overheard Sonar.
Sonar's direct question pierced his ears. It wasn't unexpected from Sonar to be so blunt, a trait Ruddy often admired about his strongest sibling, but in this situation it felt out of the blue. Any urge Ruddy might have felt for confronting his mother was completely gone now.

Ruddy anxiously awaited his mother's reply.


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Diver nodded to what Mara said, "That would be great, but also very dangerous.  I am not sure if mom would have us do something like that.  Maybe it'll be how well we can dive, swim, do some swimming stuff in groups, and alone.  Perhaps how much food one can get, things like that.  Escaping sharp teeth, or delaying them, dealing with them, perhaps with some acting like fast biters or sharp teeth.  or something else entirely." Diver said shrugging, not sure what such a thing would encompass.

Cancerian Tiger

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"Good point, Ruddy," Mara chuckled before she responded to Diver.  "Yeah, well whatever it is, I hope it's something epic."

Moments later, a stinky bug like the one that Ducky's friend Cera had been squirted by days after her hatching landed on Mara's leg.

"Gotcha!" she barked as she snatched up the insect, only to get squirted in the face with rancid bug juice.  She yelped in surprise as she released the bug, and regained her composure shortly thereafter.

"Why, you no-good son of a tar pit!" she howled as she leaped up and chased after the bug until it flew over the pond near the nest.  "Next time, buster!  Next time!" she promised out loud while shaking a fist at the disappearing bug before she decided to give herself a quick bath.


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Diver nodded, "yea, not something boring." She said.  She shook her head watching Mara and the bug.  "That is one bug that is not a good idea to mess with." She said.  "Though they can be annoying."


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Tooele scrunched his beak a little as he saw his mom pace around. It wasn't a pleasant looking expression-- sometimes he could tell and sometimes he couldn't, but he swore there were times he could almost identify the little tics and creases on his mom's face and make a good guess what she was feeling. Right now, she looked like someone grappling with long term stress-- something that had bugging her for quite some time.
Tooele looked over at his effervescent sister and smacked his beak a little. "Yeah, I think yoar right, Lamby," he said as he looked around the room at his brothers and sister. "I think you have the right idea. We should probably go togethuh-- a doctor may tell their patient things to keep them calm when alone, but squeal when the patient's family all comes in askin' questions togethuh."
Lamby blinked at him, and a bit of bashful blush came across my face. "If you catch my drift," he said with a bit of a nervous chuckle. "Either way, we'd all want to know if something was really wrong-- wethuh we can guess what it is or not, right?"
He leaned in, looking up slightly at his younger sister.


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Lamby listened to her brother carefully which almost must've looked funny to anybody since the cheerful swimmer overdid it, always keeping an eye on her mother though.
"Yeah, I get'cha!" she called cooly. "So what are we waitin' for buddy? Let's get the others and squeeze it outta her!" Grabbing Tooele's arm and dragging him towards the spot where Ducky, Lilly and Spike were, she was soon interrupted in her plan as a warm yet exhausted sounding voice called the names of her and all her siblings...

"Ducky, Spike, Edmont, Ruddy, Mara, Lilly, Sonar, Tooele, Lamby, Diver!!!" Mama Swimmer called her children. She had finally made up her mind about something she wanted to tell her little ones for quite a while already. However, she figured that, if she waited any longer, the weather would work against them... "Come here, little ones! I have to tell you something..."
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Diver got up from where she was and ran over to where their mother was calling them.  She looked up at her as she got closer.  though also being sure to look where she was going so she would not trip on anything along the way to where their mother was.

"What do you have to tell us mother?" She asked.  She wondered if it would be about what some of them had been talking about or something else completely different.


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Edmont perked up upon hearing his mother call his name. "Coming, mother!" he called, trotting over to her now, or maybe waddling was more akin to what he was actually doing: he resembled a frilled lizard as it ran across the desert. This was it! They would be getting answers! Swallowing hard and trying to contain his excitement and anticipation, he stopped in front of his mother now. He remained silent though, only smiling upwards at her, knowing that his patience would pay off.

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Ruddy ran over to his mother, visibly nervous.

Spike went over as well, not being in much of a hurry, but with a steady pace. He knew and lived by the saying that all things happen in due time.


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As Lilly heard her mother's call, she carelessly hopped to where she was awaiting her, humming a random melody.

Lamby, at hearing the call her mother was giving, stopped dragging Tooele around and let go of his arm. "Okay, don't mind her making it even easier for us to question her..." the swimmer mumbled, chuckling mildly. She walked over to where she was expected to be.
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Diver looked at the siblings that had gathered around where their mother was.  She stood up and looked to see if any others were on their way.  She had suspicions what their mother wanted to talk to them about, but she could not be sure till their mother told them what she wanted to tell them.

Cancerian Tiger

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Mara joined her siblings by their mother in a couple of heartbeats.

"Well, now that the treesweets are to be spilled, wassup?" Mara inquired.