The Gang of Five
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Planet Alimon

Threehorn · 137 · 39223


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"The type of rock deep in these mountians will cut the range on scanning so if we being watched our tricourters will not pick up life signs till they are on top of us" Turla told Tanner


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Tanner slaps his forehead, "****!"  He cocks his plasma gun and slings in on his shoulder, "Then we'll have to look sharp, people."


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"Please mind your words, say something like that again I will have to put you on report even this is a research mission." Commander said with arms crossed.


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Tanner remains silent.  What else was he supposed to do?  He was pushed to his limit.  He was frustrated and feeling a little short tempered at that time.  He couldn't control himself.  He looks away from Turla and lets out a sigh of frustration.


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Captain Threehorn enjoyed a cup of tea then notice something he looked out the window to see a large rock coming towards the ship and on course to the planet. "WHat the hell!? Red Alert!" Captain called out and rush of the ready room.

"Metoer incoming!" Andrew shouts out and the view screen turns to it

"We can't get out of the path! impact 2 seconds!" Ensign Baxio called out then the rock went through the ship and fades to nothing. "It... went through us... and vanished" Ensign looked confused

"Ok. Now that was strange..." Captain sat down with a much as confused look. "Hail Alpha team"

"Aye sir." Baxio tries but fails "Captain we lost transports and commucations. they both gone down."

"We can't contact or get them out?" Captain look at him

"Yes Captain..." Ensign spoke

"Find out what the blazes going on!" Captain ordered

"Aye sir" Baxio nods and get to work.

"Looks like all four teams are on their own..." Captain mutters as he look at the viewscreen unable to do anything for the teams on the surface


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Turla tap her badge to contact the ship but get nothing she tap it again and again "That strange I can't reach the ship, what about you Tanner?" Turla asked him


  • Ducky
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Tanner does the same thing, "Nothing.  I can't get it either"

(Btw, I just started an RPG since I don't really have any others going on right now)


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"What on Vulcun is going on?" Turla spoke looking down at the Alimon pack "We've got a real problem. if we can't make contact with Cretaceous there is a 73% risk of being discovered now"


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"All we can do is be careful, till feather notice, this resreach mission is over. We have to keep our heads low and await" Turla mutters "I just hope the ship and crew are fine..." Turla use the scope and watch the Alimon with another move to a set of caves hoping that no one going to get really nervious with the lose of contact with the star ship.

(darks turn)


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(btw, Threehorn.  I started a new RPG and it's been a while since I've put one up here and I was wondering if you'd like to join.)


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OOC: This RPG is slowly catching my interest.... Maybe I'll join. I'll play either A. One of the Alimons is Dark's not playing them all. Or B. An Alien race of my own creation.


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(you will have to ask Dark about creating your own Alimon to add in the pack of the rpg. another Alien race is out of the question. it would ruin the flow of the story)


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(You can play as an alimon if you want, Raptor.)

"What is all the commotion about?" Sniper asked as he approached the scene where Sorn and Nocuta had the fight. "I was just on my way to find my mate when I heard fighting. What happened?" He asked as he saw Musha walking up in his direction.

"Nothing to worry about. Just two youngsters going at each other's throats. I stopped them though." He answered his leader.

"Well, at least no one was severely injured." Sniper gave a sigh of relief. He had forgotten to tell his pack to try and reduce their temptations to fight with each other during these times. "If worse comes to worse, I want all of our capable alimons to be in top shape. Can't afford to have a bad injury."

Musha nodded, agreeing with his superior. "I just wish that Sorn and Nocuta..."

"Did you say Sorn?"

"Yeah, why?"

The leader sighed. "He's been causing nothing but trouble lately. All because he's an adolescent now, too." He shook his head. "I have no idea what I'm going to do with him, Musha. I wish he'd learn that, just because he's a teen now doesn't give him the right to directly disobey my orders."

This caught Musha's intention. "He disobeyed you, sir?" A nod. "Figures...those adolescent alimons are always the hardest to control..."

"Well I better get going. Why don't you do me a favor, Musha. Go find Sorn and give him a message."

"What?" Musha asked.

"Tell him to, tonight, come to my den so I can have a word with him privately."

"Got it." Musha said and he and his superior split up and walked towards their destinations.


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Captain stood on the Bridge systems still out the ship drifting in high orbit of the planet. Andrew look over at Bai'Ka "Can we fire a probe with a message in it?"

"I think so, but we won't be able to get it on target to where Alpha team is. we could get it about a mile away at most from last point" Bai'ka replied

"Do it, this is a risk we have to take. tell them that the USS Cretaceous has lost key systems and the ship is in a stable high orbit but we have no way to transport then back at this point. we also was hit by a unknown object that confused senors that caused the problems." Captain told her.

"Done sir. Should I fire?" Bai'ka asked

"Do it and get close to where they are. hope this works" Andrew said and then Bai'ka fired the probe at the surface.

The Probe enters the atmosphere and lands near the Alimon pack location and not to far from Alpha Camp.


Turla saw it land "That's a probe, must be from Cretaceous, things must be bad to risk sending a probe down." Turla look at Tanner. "Tanner and you ensign will come with me. we have to check that probe out asap" Turla said to them getting a phase rifle and phaser. "Just hope that these Alimon won't come and investigate this probe"


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(just waiting for either Cyber or Dark to post here :) )