The Gang of Five
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Things change


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A/N: This is a story I wrote about Calvin and Hobbes, and it deals with the transition between child and teen. This is sad, no happy ending, but this is also written from my own experience, abandoning toys that I held on to for so long. Review please. Note: not for the faint hearted, made me almost cry writing it.

Hobbes always heard from Calvin's other toys what would happen one day. That one day, everything would change, and he would lose his best friend. But he refused to believe them, because he and Calvin had a special relationship. Love. Not romantic, but brotherly.

No matter how many time they fought, in all the G.R.O.S.S meetings, every time Calvin got home from school, or just when they argued. They always had that love. But as Calvin grew older, he started to change.
When he was 7, he was still that imaginative, rule-breaking, crazy kid Hobbes knew. But he was changing. When he turned 8, Calvin started to have less and less G.R.O.S.S meetings, and didn't antagonize Susie as much.

9, Calvin suspended G.R.O.S.S completely, and they had a big fight. But they still stayed together. 10, Calvin started to get interested in girls, and he and Susie, began to hang out more. Hobbes began to think that it was coming. But the thing he dreaded the most, he told himself, would never come.

11, Calvin left Elementary school, and went to middle school. It was farther, and Calvin no longer played any 'Spaceman Spiff' or 'Stupendous Man'. He also began to date Susie, and that drove them even farther away.

12, Calvin threw away the transmogrifier, and the time machine, they hadn't used it in more then 4 years. By this time, Calvin could easily beat Hobbes in a fight, and so the pouncing began to lessen, and soon stopped dead. At the same time, his favorite comic books were given to a charity, as were most of his toys, all but Hobbes.

13, Calvin and Hobbes barely talked, Calvin simply walked in, and Hobbes always waited for him, trying to talk. Calvin only did on certain occassions. The summers after 10  were not like they were before, Calvin was always off with his friends, human friends. The winters were worse, everytime Hobbes offered a snow ball fight, building a snowman, or waiting for Santa, Calvin said no.

What hurt the most was that he just said no. Just no. Not a kind, 'sorry, I have to do this or I have to go there'. Just flat out, annoyed no. Hobbes eventually burst into tears, and Calvin didn't even notice, and he saw that, for the first time, no matter what he did, Calvin just ignored him. He realized that, now, Calvin had moved on. The spunky, bratty, insane kid was dead. In his place, a normal, every day teenager.

But Calvin was not normal. He never was normal. But now he was. One day, he heard Calvin's mom asked if he wanted to take him to a charity. Hobbes realized then that it was over. Calvin was gone. It was over.
Hobbes snuck out the door and ran to the woods. Crying and roaring, he would not do this, even though Calvin abandoned him, Hobbes would not abandon his friend. Finally, he saw the creek and dove in. He never let himself go up. After 3 minutes, lack of air kicked in, and Hobbes was gone. It was over.