The Gang of Five
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Buried Secrets

Nahla · 40 · 12667


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Hanna expected to see just anything on the other side of the heavy door yet she couldn't have been prepared to face a man just in front of her house - the house she was unfamiliar with but woke up in anyway... Uttering a yelp, jerking in surprise, the woman stopped in her movement. Something in her head screamed loudly. DANGER!!! But she soon relaxed when she noticed that the man she was facing was just as startled and confused as she was.
"You live here?" she heard him ask as he put out the cigarette he was smoking. Live here? Well, not for all money in the world I'd choose to live here!" she thought sarcastically. This house could be many things... an old villa of some sort, a holiday resort of some sort, maybe even one of these cursed buildings that are usually the setting for uncountable horror movies. "Or just some stupid, old house..." she mused.
Quickly scanning the features of the other, she opened her mouth and gave an answer. "No. Well, I have no idea. Woke up in there and felt as strange as a penguin in Greenland. I dunno what happened - heck, I can't even remember ANYTHING... It's like I've been born today y'know?" She nervously amended the position of her cap, awaiting a reply, an explanation, just... anything.
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Max put her flashlight away and blew out a breath. "I was hoping you'd be able to answer. I've never seen this place before."

She took out her cellphone. No signal. Sighing, she powered her phone down. "It's like we're cut off from the outside world." The woman kicked a stone.

Max pointed to a house with her knife. "Right now, I'm tempted to break into one of these houses to see if we can find out where the hell we are."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Lily paused as she scanned the surroundings frowning "This seems like a place they have in those old horror movies,only way more creepy" she turned towards the others in front of her "I'm,Lily I've been here for a few hours now,you guys are the first signs of any real life I have seen so far,looks like everyone here just upped and ran away..not that I would blame anybody,this place gives me the creeps"

Walking past the group without another word she stopped at a building a few doors down from where they were standing,it was an Inn,though the name of the Inn was faded away,all that was left was the word 'Inn' in an old fashioned wording style "Ok we have an Inn called Inn" she joked for a moment before reaching for the door and giving it a push,she was surprised at how easily it swung open,the inn was very old fashioned but still the furniture was in very good condition,if not a bit dusty. Standing in the doorway she glanced around the room,not a soul to be seen. Curious she stepped into the building and walked up to the front desk,almost timid she reached out and rang the service bell,the sound echoed across the whole village-well least it seemed like it. She noticed a guest book sticking up,looking around quickly she picked it up and opened it.

She checked the last entry made in it "June 1st,1850?" she whispred in surprise,she scanned it over again but there were no more check in's or check outs after that date,she tucked the book under her arm planning to look through it later,it may not get her out of here but it still might hold some answers on where she was.


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"So you literally just woke up here?" he asked her incredulously. "With no memory... like being born again..." he repeated to himself softly, staring off into the distance. "Huh... do you at least know your name?" he inquired. "I wandered in here myself a few moments ago but... had no idea this place even existed. It's not on any map, as far as I know. Name's J. L." he told her here, offering her his hand.

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Hanna took the hand that she was offered. "I'm Hanna," she said to the man. "Nice to meet ya, J. L. At least I'm not alone here, gee. I remember some things like how to drive a car and I recognised my clothes immediately when I found 'em but the more important stuff I don't recognise," she explained. "Wait, y-you don't know this place?" she then asked in concern. "Well, crap..."
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He shook his head as he released her hand. "No... I'm afraid not. I was driving to pick up a car a client had reportedly abandoned and... saw this village or town in the distance. Since I had NEVER heard of such a place existing before this in this location... I decided to check it out, in case my client had wandered in here to get drunk or... whatever but so far... you're the first person I've run into. Place seems deserted." he commented, shrugging here.

"Maybe we should look around... see if anyone else is actually here." he suggested now, looking to her once more.

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Hanna was concerned now. "Deserted!" her mind screamed. "So-so I'm a-alone with this guy here? How fortunate..." Though then she realised that J.L. wasn't so sure about it either.
"Well, sounds like the best thing to do right now," she said as a response, shrugging her shoulders. "Where to go?"
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"Well, they did it better than me. It was the first thing I tried." Max shrugged. "Well, since we can't leave, why not just look around? After all, it's what we'll be doing forever."

She looked at an old tavern. The dilapidated wooden sign hung from a rusty chain and it creaked with the chill wind. The sign's paint was mostly weathered away but it used to be a dark green. The lettering had long since faded away, except for the "'s Tavern" at the bottom, written in a font evocative of the US Colonial Era.

"Well, who wants some free drinks?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Upon seeing Max approach the tavern, Maximillion decided that he should explain his first experience with this place.

"I already tried to explore a shed when I first came here.  It looked just as abandoned as the rest of this place."  He face twitched in confusion.  "It's like a ghost town!"  

Absentmindedly, he stroked the woodwork on the tavern's relatively sturdy exterior wall and took on a noticeably confused expression.  A sudden thought overtook him.  "How can an old abandoned building like this survive in a moist place like this?"  He gestured with exaggerated arm movement.  "Wouldn't everything have rotted away and collapsed long ago?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Kate wandered around,still not having a clue. Scanning into the distance she spotted two forms-two HUMAN forms.

Hope filling her she broke into a jog calling out before they left "WAIT!" she skidded to a stop in front of Hanna and J.L. "Umm..can you guys help me? I kinda took a wrong turn and have no idea where I am-any directions would be welcomed"

Kate had amused that these two were residents,not having of heard the conversation between them before. She paused for a moment before remembering her manners,she reached out her hand "I'm,Kate and as you can clearly tell I am not from around here-please tell me you guys are or at least know the area"


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Lily still with book under arm,walked to rejoin those other people she found,they seemed like the only signs of life around here. She noticed them by the tavern...well what used to be one anyway.

"Hey,guys-look what I found" she spoke upon reaching them,pulling out the book  as she said it. She looked around for the nearest surface and plopped the heavy book down on the top of waist-height stone wall.

She opened the dusty book,the pages were yellow with age "This thing is ancient" turning to the last page she pointed at the last entry made"Last check in was on June 1st,1850 no check in or outs afterwards-did everyone just vanish into thin air or something" glancing from side to side she frowned "But I must say,for an abandoned village,this place doesn't have much building decay.considering it's over 200 years old..maybe even more" she shook her head "I don't get it,where the hell are we? And on earth is with this place?"


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Max shrugged. "Dunno. No cellphone reception, no GPS. Nothing. For all we know we might be in another dimension."

She then examined the ledger. A shudder ran down the back of her neck but she put it out of her mind. "That's not helping the creepiness," she said.

The hunter then tried the tavern door. The ancient lock creaked and groaned but held fast. She examined the window. It was frosted over with age and centuries of dirt but it was remarkably intact.

She sighed. "Well, the tavern's closed. Anyone else got ideas?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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"Well I didn't pass anything this way..." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder. "So let's try that way." He nodded behind her. "Seems to be generally towards the center of town, after all." They were interrupted however by Kate running up to them, causing J. L. to startle just a tad.

"Oh! Someone else IS here!" he exclaimed, letting a grin slide across his features. He shook her hand in greeting with a firm grasp, but realized she thought they were residents here. "Uh... hate to disappoint you... but I wandered in here only a little while ago. Name's J. L., by the way." he belatedly introduced himself. "We were just about to go look around... if you wanted to join us." he suggested, shoving his hands in his pockets here.

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Max looked around the abandoned village. A chill wind blew through, making the long abandoned signs creak and moan.

An involuntary shudder ran down her spine. She swallowed to control her racing heart. "Lily's found possibly the only clue in this creepy-ass town. I'd say we break into the inn and start looking for clues as to where the hell we are!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Kate's face fell "You're...not residents?"  she took a step back and glanced around the area "Can't same I blame you for not living here, but this place isn't exactly the ideal holiday spot either."

"I stumbled upon this place..I got a little lost and came here..but now I'm even more lost then I was." she pulled out her phone as she spoke only to met by the low beeping of a dead battery "Rats." she shoved the phone back into her pocket "Blasted phones, never work when you really need them."

Turning back to the people in front of her she nodded "Maybe there is a sign of something, if we have a name for this place we might be able to place ourselves better...and hopefully get back to civilization and try and forget this whole ordeal ever happened."

She turned her head to look behind her twisting her hair with her finger "Maybe we could try going more towards the village center?"


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Lily flipped through all the pages and stopped when she reached one page, it was a large photograph of a man standing in front of what looked like the Inn, he was wearing all styled clothing and was smiling at the camera in a manner that somehow disturbed her. Lily almost felt he was staring at her, "Oh this place is really getting to me.." she muttered quietly to herself.

She realized the photograph was loose on the page, the glue haven been long worn out. Carefully she pulled it free from the page and studied it closer. "Hey guys, come look at this." she held out the photograph "Who is this guy? And why is he smiling like some kind of serial killer?"


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Richard reached out and took the photograph from Lily, holding it up and angling it in a futile effort to better distinguished what was depicted in the picture - even the sunlight seemed strangled, barely managing to leak through the opaque blanket of fog surrounding them. He frowned. "Probably the guy who owned the inn a while back." Shaking his head, Richard dropped the photo back onto the book and turned to study the building.

On hearing Max's suggestion, he nodded. "At least we'll be out of the cold. And we could try to wait out this fog - if we go wandering around looking for the village center, we could just get lost in it." Unkempt gravel and dead, damp grass crunched under his shoes as he joined Max at the tavern door. "You already tried it?" Without waiting for a response, he turned the rusted, metallic handle, hearing the inner mechanism whine, but the door stuck fast. Frowning, Richard angled his body and tried again, this time simultaneously knocking against the structure with his shoulder. Nothing.

He sighed. "Shit." Moving over, he stepped carefully through the knee high grass growing in clumps along the side of the path, his foot knocking against a large chunk of stone that had come away from the outer structure, and peered through one of the large windows to the right of the door. As Max had noted previously the dust and grime coating the glass made it almost impossible to see anything through it. Rubbing the surface with his jacket sleeve accomplished nothing, and when he flipped the flashlight option on his phone and squinted through, the only thing that was revealed was a thick, inky darkness. "Hello? Anyone there?"

No response.

After a moment, he turned back to look at the others, his expression grim. "Well, I don't think there's anyone here to complain." With that, he bent down to retrieve the rock his foot had knocked against. Drawing his sleeve up against his hand for protection, he knocked the rock against the glass, shattering one of the panels. As the sound of glass raining down onto the floor reached him, he hit the window again and again with the rock until the window was bare. The smell of mould and damp wafted out from the dark mouth now yawning before them. "We've got out way in," Richard muttered over his shoulder.

Still keeping a hold of the rock, he pulled himself up onto the windowledge, and taking a deep breath dropped through into darkness of the tavern.


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Maximillion grimaced at the broken window where Richard had been moments before.  They had little information now and even fewer options.  They could simply stay out here in the elements or enter into the long abandoned tavern.  

"Well... Maybe we can find out more information inside..."  He muttered, but his voice carried little actual confidence.  He sighed deeply and looked towards the others who had remained silent.  "Well, what have we got to lose?  Let's see what the tavern has in store for us."

With extremely cautious movements he raised himself onto the window ledge and looked into the tavern's interior.  Only a darkened void greeted him.  The moist smell of mold greeted his nostrils with overpowering strength as he resisted the urge to gag.  The tavern had all of the ambiance of a tomb.

"Here goes nothing..."  He muttered with apprehension, before dropping himself into the tavern.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Lily slowly followed, it took her a bit more effort to heave herself over the window ledge. Once there she hesitated. Can I really trust these people? We have no idea what could be in here. With a shaky breath she let herself drop onto the tavern floor struggling to regain her balance.

She wrapped her arms around herself shivering as the cold air blew in through the smashed window. The dampness of the building did not help, she tried to stop herself from gagging at the smell "Dude..did something die in here?" she complained covering her nose and mouth "No wonder why everyone left."

Slowly walking forward with the little light provided she recognized the shapes of tables and chairs, she jumped back when her arm brushed a cobweb "To be expected I guess...this place most likely hasn't been cleaned in a century."

After bumping into a table she discovered an old gas lamp, praying it still worked she tried to turn it on, relief filled her when the lamp flicked and filled the room with the a dim light. Holding the lamp up she walked forward the wooden floor creaked every step she took. Shining the light against a wall she screamed, the sudden sight of the large spider when she was already jumpy was the final straw.

She jumped back tripping over a chair and tripping, both chair and girl to the fall with a crash. "Owww...." she moaned glancing to the side she frowned when she saw the lamp sitting perfectly upright by her side, the light wasn't even disturbed. It was as if it had been sitting there  this whole time. "Well that makes perfect sense." she muttered sarcastically under her breath.


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Max hauled herself through the window. The tavern's air was cold and dank, the stench of decaying wood and mold overpowering. She took out a flashlight from her pocket and flicked it on.

The piercing white beam drowned out the flickering light of the old gas lantern. The light revealed roughly hewn wooden benches and tables covered with over a century's worth of dust as well as cobwebs lining the floors, walls and ceiling.  

In the back corner were two stairs. One lead to what was presumably the tavern keeper's lodgings and the other led to what was probably a cellar.  

Max shivered as the temperature suddenly seemed to drop. "Anyone feel cold in here or is it just me?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.