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Gift Art

The Mr E

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Merry Christmas!

Decided to surprise some writers this year with fan art of their fanfics!  Wait ... does that make this 'fan-fan art'?  Anyway, here's the first piece!  I would have liked to create at least 3 digital paintings, but unfortunately I'll have to settle for two because arting takes a lotta outa ya (yep, I verbed a noun, and regret nothing ;)).  You can expect the second one later today.  Without further ado, I give you ...
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 09:37:25 PM by The Mr E »

The Mr E

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Based On: The Windrider Valley Quest -
Writer: @RainbowFaceProtege
Notes: We have a fairly good idea of what Zephyr could look like, although I wasn't sure about certain details such as her eye colour - not that she needs irises per se, but I think they're a nice touch.  Thus, I decided to wing it, 'cause I'm punny like that *wink, wink*.  I took a little artistic license on other details such as her tail.  The difference between their tails is just a matter of gender-based dimorphism, but that's just my headcanon.

« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 09:32:54 PM by The Mr E »


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Oh this is great Mr E! I like how they're posed together in the sky.  :)littlefoot


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I really like the angle of the gliders' wings, furled and outstretched in a combined circle while airborne. I feel like I've seen that pose before, but it's a visually striking one that really lends credence to both their wings. But it's still a very striking pic, so good job!

If I'm not wrong Zephyr is initially skittish and skeptical in the story, so I like how cute and cheerful she is in this picture. Really lends a Blu & Jewel from Rio dynamic to the gliders.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.

The Mr E

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Thanks @Flathead770 and @Sneak!

You too, @OwlsCantRead!  You've probably seen the pose in some Guardians of Ga'Hoole fan art I used as reference.  Yeah, I get a distinct Blu and Jewel feel from these two.  Of course, Zephyr doesn't know Guido well enough for a synergistic scene like this, but all in good time, I'm sure.

Funny you should comment, OwlsCantRead.  You're actually next!

The Mr E

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Based On: Weathered Gorge -
Writer: @OwlsCantRead
Notes: My Early Thoughts: "Okay, the initial sketches and base composition seem reasonable.  This should be a breeze, pun unrepentantly intended."
My Mid-Term Thoughts: ":GuidoAAAAAHHHHHH Aaaaaaaaauuuuuuggghhh!!!!  It feels like the composition is fighting back at every step!!!  No one I've asked can even identify the cliffs in the background!!  Where did I go wrong?!"
My Late Thoughts: "Okay ... I'm surprised how suddenly this seemed to pull together, but you be the judge.  Thank God for Krita's vanishing point Assistant Tool."

A'ight, time for me to sprawl on my bed and pass out.  Merry Christmas!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 06:34:04 PM by The Mr E »


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This is so epic!

Awesome job, Mr E!!! Both in drawing quality, and picturing of the scene!!!


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These are both amazing drawings! Would love to see more art by you :D


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That's kinda the same way I envisioned Weathered Gorge as I was reading it. Nice job!
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy


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This is excellent! I may have said this already, but have you considered joining in on the fanart prompts? Would be great to see what you come up with there!  :chompysmile

The Mr E

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@DiddyKF1 phew, I'm so glad it fit the mental image!  Some people I ran it by couldn't tell what was going on in the background.  I guess it could still be confusing to those unfamiliar with the fanfic.

I appreciate the sentiment, @Flathead770, and thanks for the invite to jump in on the prompts!  This month's one is "Unlikely Friendship", right?  It's an interesting topic, although I can't really think of a piece I'd make for it, although I'll try to keep my eyes open for prompts that interest me.

Thanks, @Mumbling!  More is yet to come.

@Sneak, that is high praise!  I'm glad you like it!

The Mr E

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I'll be releasing this video on my YouTube channel in several hours, so consider this an exclusive, early viewing since the video hasn't been released to the mainstream audience yet.

Songs featured, "The Calling" (0:00) by Marcus Warner and "Nothing to Prove to You" (2:07) by Audiomachine felt rather resonant of the story.  "First Deviation" (5:16) - also by Audiomachine - had the perfect ambiance for the freakishly escalating phenomena of the Gorge, at least in my opinion.  Despite the suggestion of death conveyed by the iconic "Funeral March" (6:47), Position Music's version of the song carries a surprisingly resounding element of triumph.

If anyone wants to know, the digital painting program I use is Krita.  It's free, but most of you are probably familiar with it.

Hope you enjoy the video!
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 03:36:22 AM by The Mr E »


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Sweet drawings! And great concept as well. These are pretty cool. ^^


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There truly couldn't have been a better surprise for me to find when I logged back on!! :chompysmile I know I already just messaged you @The Mr E but I feel like I should leave a proper review here as well! I love the sense of motion you've created between Zephyr and Guido--the way they're posed and positioned in relation to each other really leads one's eye around the picture! And the billowing clouds in the sky behind them are beautiful! Drawing clouds has always been a difficult thing for me, but it looks like you have it down to a science! As for your artistic license in Zephyr's coloring and the gender dimorphism of the species...consider it CANON to the story, my friend! :) I LOVE your interpretation!

And yes, I have to say that my headcanon/plans for Zephyr and Guido as a pair are more than a little Blu and Jewel influenced, given that I love both Rio movies! So to see how you drew these windriders in a scene reminiscent of those characters...well, it really made my day! It tells me that you read the very small amount of story I've written so far and somehow envisioned things the same way I did as I was writing it. What more can an author ask for?? If I ever write this story out to the end, you can bet I'll find some way to canonize this drawing into it somehow! I can't say enough that I downright love it!! :D

The Mr E

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Thank you so much, @RainbowFaceProtege!

I still have a some things to learn when it comes to clouds, but I'm quite pleased with how I've been rendering them recently.  It's based on the style for a sci-fi, Caribbean graphic novel / video hybrid I'm working on.  Perhaps I'll share it with you guys sometime!

"And yes, I have to say that my headcanon/plans for Zephyr and Guido as a pair are more than a little Blu and Jewel influenced, given that I love both Rio movies!  So to see how you drew these windriders in a scene reminiscent of those characters...well, it really made my day!"  I loved the Rio movies too!  The music was amazing, not to mention the visuals.  I was a tad worried that she'd look too much like Jewel.  Though I wasn't looking at any reference images from Rio, Jewel's design was on my mind.  I'm glad you like it, and I totally ship these two!

"As for your artistic license in Zephyr's coloring and the gender dimorphism of the species...consider it CANON to the story, my friend!  :) I LOVE your interpretation!"  WOW!  I'm honoured!

"If I ever write this story out to the end, you can bet I'll find some way to canonize this drawing into it somehow!"  Aww, thanks!!   :)littlefoot

The Mr E

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Okay, finally managed to edit this together and post it!

Given that Guido's feathers are on the darker end of the spectrum, I felt like I had to contrast him with a cloud otherwise his tone might not stand out against the blue.  Zephyr, on the other hand, stands out just fine against the darker blue regions of the sky.  Initially, the clouds seemed to be interfering with the somewhat circular composition, so I had to make them curve with it a little.  The sky took a bit of experimentation, but a simple and clean design can go a long way sometimes.

Songs Featured:
0:00​ "All We Are" by Marcus Warner
2:36​ "Take Flight" by Audiomachine's Harry Lightfoot
4:19​ "Life's Circles" by Chroma Music's, Daniel Belardinelli
5:33​ "Forward Thinking" by Marcus Warner, (ft. Claudia White)
8:55​ "A Promise Kept" by Luke Richards
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 09:53:54 PM by The Mr E »


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I'm also really late on the uptake, but I'm very impressed by the Weathered Gorge drawing. The picture has an even more dynamic angle than what I pictured in my head (I pictured it from a side view, not a full frontal top-down view as portrayed in the image). The storm/rain and Petrie's determination is really conveyed well, you're a really good artist. It really sells the stakes, and I really like it a lot!

And yes, I have to say that my headcanon/plans for Zephyr and Guido as a pair are more than a little Blu and Jewel influenced, given that I love both Rio movies!
That's three people saying the same thing now lol, guess the Rio influence was obvious both in prose and image format.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.

The Mr E

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I'm also really late on the uptake, but I'm very impressed by the Weathered Gorge drawing. The picture has an even more dynamic angle than what I pictured in my head (I pictured it from a side view, not a full frontal top-down view as portrayed in the image). The storm/rain and Petrie's determination is really conveyed well, you're a really good artist. It really sells the stakes, and I really like it a lot!

Thanks, glad you got to enjoy it!  It's loosely based on the moment when Petrie was fighting the upward draft, hence the 'top-down' shot shot.  I don't think there was any rain/blizzard at that time, so I guess it's a bit of an amalgam of scenes.  It was intended to be a blizzard scene ... and you can kind of see the snowy wind rushing by, as well as the icy air wafting off Petrie's wings and body as he fights through the weather.  All those hyperspace-style lines were initially meant to convey breakneck speed more than anything else; perhaps bits of snow rushing by.  They ended up looking more like rain.  Either way, the effect seems to work.

By the way, you might notice a vague impression of Petrie's mom in the background ;)Cera