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Messages - StardustSoldier

Pages: 1 ... 81 82 83 84 85 ... 231
The Party Room / Re: The Forbidden Letter Game
« on: December 04, 2019, 10:29:51 PM »
M: Owls, for you, I will guess 'Kevin'. ID, for you, I will guess 'Jake'. :Mo

The Party Room / Re: The Forbidden Letter Game
« on: December 03, 2019, 10:01:49 PM »
H: Until next time it comes around and rears its ugly face. x(cera

The Party Room / Re: The Forbidden Letter Game
« on: December 03, 2019, 09:11:15 PM »
F: How about now? Any better luck this time? I believe in your abilities. :)

The Party Room / Re: The Forbidden Letter Game
« on: December 02, 2019, 11:56:36 PM »
D: I was going to ask if you might be able to say it on your next post. But if you happen to get 'E', that might make things tricky.

The Party Room / Re: The Forbidden Letter Game
« on: December 02, 2019, 04:29:18 AM »
A: Do you remember the movie/show? Or did you forget this time too? :)

Sound Off! / Re: Christmas music
« on: December 02, 2019, 04:25:59 AM »
Despite my earlier complaints on the thread, this song I quite like. :)

If I don't get to mine by this coming Wednesday, please remind me.

Character Showcase / Re: Ali showcase - November 2019
« on: December 01, 2019, 11:09:25 PM »
Which ties back into my earlier point that I feel this should've been a 2-part episode. But I get what you're saying.

Character Showcase / Re: Ali showcase - November 2019
« on: December 01, 2019, 09:44:32 PM »
I agree they weren't trying to punish Rhett as hard as possible. But I still felt that Littlefoot was a bit too quick to brush the whole thing off at the end. Likewise, why didn't it bother Ali that Rhett had lied to her? It annoyed me that she wasn't annoyed. :p Then again, "The Big Longneck Test" had a similar scenario where Shorty was blatantly lying to the group, but then at the end everyone was just like, "Eh, whatever."

Silver Screen / Re: Klaus
« on: December 01, 2019, 09:40:29 PM »
Cool. I might have to check this one out. :)

Character Showcase / Re: Ali showcase - November 2019
« on: December 01, 2019, 08:04:40 PM »
As usual, that is an excellent drawing. Great work, Flathead.

Anyway, a bit belated, but I finally watched the infamous Rhett episode today. And indeed I do have some things to say about it. :evilsmile

Alright, well, it kinda surprises me to say this, but... I actually enjoyed this episode. The 'Littlefoot x Ali' side of me wasn't entirely thrilled with Ali suddenly showing up with this new male friend of hers. But overall, the episode had a good plot hook, and I was legitimately compelled to see how things would play out. I likewise enjoyed that Cera was the one who engineered the scheme to expose Rhett. It seemed fitting somehow.

More than anything, I think the problem is that everything feels kinda rushed. This should've been at least a 2-parter. They could've come up with a better, more fleshed-out explanation for why Ali had fallen for Rhett's painfully obvious lies and/or why she was so loyal to him, without making her seem out of character. And for that matter, Ali could've had a bigger role in general, as she really didn't have much to do here.

Despite getting exposed and subsequently called out by the Old One, I can't help but feel that Rhett got off a little too easy at the end, with Littlefoot immediately inviting him to come play with his friends, and even Ali didn't really seem upset that Rhett had lied to her. But on the other hand, it shows how kind-hearted and forgiving Littlefoot and Ali are.

Overall, while it was a fun episode, yeah, I do wish Ali had been given another, better appearance.

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: November 30, 2019, 11:52:15 AM »
Chances are pretty good I'll still write an all-gang story at some point.

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: November 29, 2019, 07:21:31 PM »
December 2019..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt : Exploration

Dialogue prompt : “Sometimes you have to find a new place in order to find what was always there all along.”

Major prompt: The gang is notorious for exploring new places and finding new difficulties along the way. Write a story where one or more of the gang explore(s) someplace new and, along the way, discover(s) something about themselves as well.

@rhombus: So we pick one of these three prompts, correct? The major prompt mentions that it has to involve the Gang. However, if I went for the one-word prompt, would it be okay if the Gang wasn't involved, so long as it still fit in with the theme of exploration?

It's Party Time! / Re: Countdown
« on: November 29, 2019, 07:18:30 PM »

Episode Discussion / Re: Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones
« on: November 29, 2019, 04:47:14 AM »
I am aware that every episode has two songs, but that's still a criticism I had.

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, ImpracticalDino!
« on: November 29, 2019, 04:01:14 AM »
Hmm. Would Pinkie Pie try and launch herself out from one of the cannons?

Episode Discussion / Re: Discuss: The Great Log Running Game
« on: November 29, 2019, 02:08:31 AM »
I thought it was a boring episode. It seemed like filler - nothing really happened. There wasn't a lot of character development. No huge event that happened. Just the gang running on logs for 22 minutes. It's nice to know that the gang can actually get injured. I kind of miss the days when there was actual violence, too (Doc vs. T. Rex, Chomper's parents vs. the Giganotosaurus, Littlefoot's mom vs. T. Rex)...and I didn't really like how Cera's ankle was instantly healed, either. I did notice that Cera's dad was far less harsh than in the movies. I hope he doesn't stay that way.
Yeah, I agree. On one hand, I think it's good for a series to have lower-key episodes sometimes. And the log running game was an interesting concept, at least, but the episode itself was a little dull.

And of course one of the gang is in danger right towards the end. I thought it was weird the way Topsy couldn't even budge the big boulder on his own, but when Littlefoot and Spike helped him, the thing easily tipped. I mean come on :p
Agreed here too. And for that matter, why didn't Topsy back up and take a running charge at it? Surely that would've helped.

And I agree with your last post Ratiasu. It would be better if there was a large journey that extended over the course of about 4 episodes or so.
Once again, I agree. Having a story arc unfold across multiple episodes would be nice to see.

Isn't it strange that we should cheer injury?
Heh, yea I know, it was kind of a joke :p

Yea that would make for an interesting twist if one of the gang was injured severely.
Agreed x4.

I felt bad for Cera. The episode had a good moral message, but still, I kinda wanted to see her figure out a way to participate in the game. Likewise, it annoyed me that Topsy was the one who got Cera going in the first place by giving her that egocentric speech and song about how threehorns can do everything and anything. :rolleyes Although at the end, he seemed to realize that he was somewhat accountable.

More great dialogue:

Ducky: "First, you get on the log. This is the hard part. Then, you stand up. This is the harderer part. Do not fall off. The harderest part is next. Now, you start running on top of the log. The fasterer the betterer. Now I am going faster and fastester."

Tria: "Remember Topsy; you were young once too."
Topsy: "I was? ... Huh."

Episode Discussion / Re: Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones
« on: November 29, 2019, 01:44:49 AM »
My fifth episode now. ^^

I was really hoping Cera would be able to bring back that stone from the canyon, but right from the beginning, I just knew somehow that she'd end up losing that one too. Oops-Eeps indeed.

This episode had some great dialogue:

Petrie: "Hey! How about we bring Tria all the tree stars we can carry?"
Cera: "Spike will just eat them all before we can get to my sleeping place."
Chomper: "I know. We could take her some fuzzy crawlers or some buzzy flyers."
Ruby: "Then you'd eat them all."

Ducky: "What is so bad about smoking mountain?"
Petrie: "It have big, black smoke that make sky all dark and spookly. And sometime it get all shaky." *suddenly smiles* "Like Cera when she mad."
Ducky: "Just because it shakes like Cera does not mean it is scary as Cera."

Mama Flyer: "It's just been so quiet lately. I hope the kids aren't getting bored."
Petrie: "MOOOMMMYYY!!!!"

And, as Ratiasu pointed out, when the lava is almost upon Ruby and all she can say is, "Oh dear..."

The songs indeed just seemed to be there.  It made it lose their shine.  Though I guess we can cut the song writers a little slack.  I mean, they're creating 26 eps here.  Most of which I'm expecting to have at least one song in.  You try coming up with 20+ songs in one year.
True, although that's kinda my problem right there. I've only seen a few episodes so far, but already it seems like they're straining a little to reach the "two songs per episode" quota. I feel it would've been better if they just aimed for one song per episode. I had a similar issue with the sequel films; instead of three or four songs, I wish they'd just done two songs, and I think that would've improved the overall song quality.

It's Party Time! / Re: Countdown
« on: November 29, 2019, 01:21:45 AM »

The Party Room / Re: The Forbidden Letter Game
« on: November 28, 2019, 10:12:21 PM »
X: I feel your pain. Really, I do. I've had many a nocturnal night of my own.

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