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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Do I find it embarrasing? I know not the meaning of the word. I've always talked about it with anyone. If someone doesn't want me talking about it with him or her, I have to respect their wishs of course, but nothing has stopped me bringing it up before that point. I worked at a hardware until this year. I talked about it to my fellow employees as well as my boss. It turned out that my boss had even heard of it.

I began playing World of Warcraft, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (or just MMORPG) and I've found a number of people around my age that like it. I don't have the time to ask every single player I meet, but one day, I met a Troll Hunter with a pet Raptor. She had named him/her "Littlefoot." I quickly walked over and asked her if she was a Land Before Time fan. She said she was, but was surprised when I told her that there was more than one movie. She either doesn't much television, as I saw various movies advertised frequently, or she watched channels that didn't show such commercials.

I met one girl just one year younger than me. She is still a big fan. I invited her to join, and she may. Being as she may join, I'd best not say anything about her in regards to The Land Before Time.

I met one woman who I also invited and may join some time. She has been a guest on here before after I gave the address, but I didn't get her opinion yet, as the character of mine we communicate with is in a stressful situation (very complicated).

The list just goes on. I've spoken to many more on that game, many more in other internet location, and offline. I haven't been made fun of in a very long time as well. Everybody I've talked to in over a year either likes it or hasn't heard of it. Nobody has expressed any displeasure with my taste in this.

The expressing of my love of The Land Before Time has never been restricted by how others might think. To like or not to like this is a matter of opinion. There is no fact about this improving your health, and there is no fact that this causes physical harm. Therefore, I simply hear peoples' thoughts on this, and if they like it, I agree. If they don't, I agree. People should be able to be comfortable indulging in innnocent franchises without fear, and if people don't like it, that's fine. The Land Before Time isn't for everyone.

I find no reason for embarrasement. If someone finds this stupid, that's their opinion, and I'm not embarrsed when being told that. Besides, aren't opnions just involuntary? People don't consciously decide if they find something childish or not. If someone watches a movie, it is either childish to them or not. I don't feel people ever need to think it over.

While I don't think it's right to make fun of others, I'm not embarrassed about it. They have an opnion about this, and they are making the poor choice to take their displeasure out on the ones who take part in it. If I feel anything, it's pity for those who lack the proper judgement to state views so instead are critical.

I get embarrased for things like singing in a choir and forgetting the words, or losing rhythm while posting in a horse show. I find no reason to feel humiliation because others dislike what I do like and make the effort to point it out. If fifty people are going to point and laugh at me for liking something because they don't, it's not going to effect my day. All that means is that we have different views, and they chose to be mean. Being as I do not make fun, I actually take pleasure in it, knowing I'm a better person in this aspect.

Again, I do admit that I have odd takes on social situations, so I hope no one was offended by anything I said. I said all of this on behalf of my own ways. I am not speaking for anyone else. I didn't mean to sound like I'm saying how to respond and feel to people, just how I do so personally. I apologise if anything I said bothered anyone, as I did not wish to do so.


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I don't hide it at all online.  I have a link to in my signature at every forum I've ever frequented.  I need the backlinks.  I can't afford to be embarrassed about it!  As to telling people online that I like LBT, they usually ask me.  This is because I usually have an LBT avatar as well as a link to in my signature.  Here's my Demonoid profile:

So yeah, I think it's pretty apparent that I like LBT. :p


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The only thing I see embarrassing about LBT is the laziness of the Music Compossors.  Dang! the Music in the Episodes were dal and there's no creativity in it.


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I don't think the movies are embarassing. I mean, when I first got back into LBT, I was a little embarassed. But as I bought the movies on DVD, I was no longer embarassed and was more along the lines of being happy. For me, buying the Land Before Time movies was like saying hi to an old friend you haven't seen in so long.

I can't say I find it truly embarassing. After all, Littlefoot and the gang have been with me my whole life. Even when I had grown out of LBT. The first Land Before Time was actually the very first movie I had ever seen, and that's something I will always take great pride in.

My friends and most of my (immediate) family know I love LBT. My mom knows this. I mean, hey, she even got me a Littlefoot plushie off Amazon(I think I might have had a Chomper plushie when I was little come to think of it). My grandma knows I love these movies and sometimes when I go to visit her, we'll sit down and watch a few. She loves them too(It's pretty funny when she comments on Cera being a B**** :lol  ). My friends know I love them and seem to have no problem with it.

With all that said, the only thing I could think of that would make LBT embarassing are some of the songs. I wouldn't mind listening to Peaceful Valley in public but if it were, say, Imaginary Friends...guh! Terrible song...


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I liked land before time back when journey to big water came out and the secret of saurus rock, and after that for about 8-9 years the movies just sat on my shelf then just a few weeks ago i was moving into my new room and came across my LBT movies so i put the first one in and i  became absolutely obsessed with them again :D I am kinda embarassed about it even in front of my parents and brother and sister. I went to the library the other day to find some of the LBT movies that i dont have and i was constantly looking around to make sure no one was looking at me. But i decided that if anyone was to make fun of me or think i am stupid for liking it i would just walk away and ignore them


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That's the best solution. Anyone who would mock you for something as harmless as liking LBT is not worth your time.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Getting into LBT as late as 13 years old, I have always thought of the series as somewhat of a guilty pleasure. As I have said somewhere before, it is too easy to mock LBT based on the sheer amount of sequels it has had, although a few friends of mine did grow up with the series and remember it very fondly.

The main reason why I did not grow up with LBT was because my parents just hated the idea of buying me the series. Without any knowledge of how wonderful the first movie was, and with the slog of adverts of the latest sequels when LBT was at its prime, they dismissed it, blaming the poor animation and it being too juvenile. I decided there was no way of convincing them to buy it, so whenever LBT was on TV, I would sit down, or watch, or even record the films onto VHS. I believe my old tape of the first movie is pretty beaten up, I watched it that many times. In a way, it was a life of secrecy. Nowadays, I'm not as embarrassed as I once was and if LBT is brought in a conversation, I'm more than happy to talk about it. I also believe, now that I'm older, that my parents wouldn't mind me watching it, or even care if I was watching it.


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Unfortunately for me, I don't live in a world where my friends are understanding and support me on certain things. A while ago, my friends found my Youtube channel where I had some MV's about LBT posted, and started completely trashing me. I had to lie my way out of it so they would stop, but I felt so embarressed because I knew I was in a minority of people who still enjoy LBT and they wouldn't understand why I enjoy it still.

My mom also has a negative outlook on my passion for LBT. She found a page to my Revenge fanfic that I had printed out so I could retype it on another computer, and she flipped out on me. She kept telling me that a college student should not be wasting time with something juvenile as LBT, once again reverberating that I must grow up and leave LBT behind. She doesn't even consider the MV's I make any good because they are about LBT. The rest of my family hasn't commented on this yet, but it only takes one from my mom to make me feel terrible about it.

So even though I am proud to be a LBT fan, I still have to remain in secrecy about it and I can't stand it. There are so many things I would want to do with LBT that I cannot because I have to restrain myself to being alone.


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Those I know closely don't seem to mind me talking about it. I'm not really sure how they feel about the source of my Michael York fandom coming from LBT, but they seem fine with it :) . I did, however, write about how Pterano was an influence for me in school and the ways I connected with him. I got a check +, which would be an A+ . The teacher even made a note that she enjoyed LBT too :D . I only like to share it with the people I am closest to, and the people that I consider "real friends". I wouldn't share it with someone I have just met or feel uncomfortable around. Unless they see my art and do the usual "Duuude, that's pretty cool!"

I did, however, show my art to Taylor Crowe, an artist; His reaction was quite different from what I expected.
T: These look like The Land Before Time
Me: It IS the Land Before Time :DD
T: You're not selling these, are you?
Me: (Didn't really say this) No way!
Unless Universal wants to by them =P

The nice thing is that my boyfriend likes it too, and we even had a marathon a while back...or attempted one. It makes me quite happy that I have a boyfriend that I can sit down and watch cartoons with (we even watched Pooh's Grand Adventure recently XD !)

There are only a handful of things I would consider embarrassing, such as the 'uber bright colors of the 9+ films, and a handful of the new characters (the Tinysaurs and Yellowbellies specifically).

But I am NEVER afraid to say that LBT introduced me to Michael York. It's things like LBT that develop new interests and skills. In fact, I'd say that LBT is the supporting floor of everything I do...

Cancerian Tiger

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I dealt with a similar situation with my family like the one Rob had at his age.  I did not hide my feelings, though.  I basically told 'em that I don't give a s*** what they think about my fandom, that it's none of their business since I'm an adult, that they can either accept for 100% for who I am or not accept me at all, and that if they can't 100% accept me for who I am then I don't see any reason why I should trust them any more than I would any of my friends.

That was the last time that conversation ever took place.  They have not tried to argue it since.

I'll admit I'm a fiesty one, but if I had any advice to give in Rob's case, I'd say lay down the law (in a nice but firm way!) and tell 'em it's your life and your fandom, and that nobody will ever change it so they're just wasting their time.


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The only thing I was left undecided on for a small while was if it was too manipulative with it's artwork, which I do not appreciate at all in animated films. But I guess it's execution is rather timeless.


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Quote from: Campion1,Jul 26 2010 on  09:19 PM
The only thing I was left undecided on for a small while was if it was too manipulative with it's artwork, which I do not appreciate at all in animated films. But I guess it's execution is rather timeless.
When you say "manipulative", to what end? How exactly do you find its artwork manipulative? As in its interaction with the audience or the screenplay (as in what goes on on screen?) This isn't a dig at you btw. Just genuinely interested by what you mean. Care to explain?


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When you say "manipulative", to what end? How exactly do you find its artwork manipulative?
Iiii don't know. Cute little dinosuars looking sad and all, that's all I meant. It's ok though, because it intertwines with the storytelling. I'm kinda over it now, anyway.


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Were you expecting them to depict it realistically as one would expect in the wild?


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I've never even thought to be embarrassed by liking The Land Before Time. There just aren't a ton of situations where it comes up in real life. I guess I don't go around advertising that I enjoy it. If I did, the fact that I might feel compelled to evangelize would perhaps be the only embarrassing part. But I just don't understand the situation where somebody feels they need to come out of the closet, so to speak, with their family or friends.

Maybe if you have an unhealthy obsession with LBT, but that wouldn't be something to feel proud about anyway.


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I don't find it embarrising to like The Land Before Time. I have ten friends that like The Land Before Time as much as everyone at this site, and one of them is older than I am.

Five of them are fifteen, Four of them are fourteen and 1 of them is sixteen and they all like The Land Before Time. They even defend me against people who make fun of me for liking LBT.

Especially one, he really dose the job sometimes. Like I said, some of my friends are rough talkers.

I keep telling people that make fun of me and my friends for liking LBT that if they just watch it they like.

But of course, they make fun of my friends and I for watching LBT, but they watch Pokemon, Yugioh, Tellitubies, Dora the Explorer, they act like two years old half the time at scholl!

They have NO common sense at all, and they think that were crazy for watching LBT and they watch stuff for even younger kids.

LBT isn't for kids like 5 and under, while the stuff the watch is like for kids 3 and under!

They even make fun of me for watching kids movies like Ice Age ment for ages 7+. One time I told them I watched an rated R movie (Carnosaur 3: Primal Species) it makes the gore and profanity of Twilight Valley seem like nothing, and they still thought I was crazy just because its made in 1996.

I've watched R rated movies, they said they wouldb't even bother watching, like It Waits and one NC-17 movie Land of the Dead. They still think I'm less mature than they are, I watch movies they'd be scared to watch! They'd probaly be afraid of Komodo vs Cobra for all know.

They wouldn't watch even LBT1 if you super glued them to a chair and forced them, they'd just get up with the chair and try and leave.


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I wouldn't be embarrassed about being an LBT fan in front of my friends and close family. They're not the type of people who would judge me for it anyway. And even if they did, as other members have stated in this thread, they'd be the ones with the problem, not me.

That said, I have worn my LBT shirt out and about a few times, and I did feel mildly embarrassed to be wearing it in public. Oh well.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 03:23:25 PM by StardustSoldier »


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As for embarrassment, most of my close friends know that I've watched all the movies and such so it's not that big of deal, though I've never mentioned to any of them about the GoF before.


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I do indeed have an LBT shirt, yep, yep, yep. It was custom-designed and I ordered it online.

I was pleased with how the image turned out, although the shirt itself is a bit too large for me. So I might order another shirt sometime with the same image, but a smaller size.

I got some positive comments on it from my mom and brother (who both already know I'm an LBT fan). I also wore it to book club recently and one of my friends at book club commented favorably on it. This one elderly lady I'm friends with also commented on it, but she has no familiarity with LBT so she didn't know what the image was about. I was also hanging out at my local university one afternoon, and this little girl passed by and she seemed to be staring curiously at my shirt, although I'm not sure if it's because she actually recognized The Land Before Time or not. Those were the only instances where it was obvious someone noticed, although it's a new shirt and I've only worn it a few times so far.

It's a weird feeling. Like, I don't think adults enjoying children's media is a bad thing at all (in fact I think it's good). And I'm happy with the shirt itself and my passion for LBT makes me want to wear it. And yet, I've still felt a little sheepish when I do wear it. :/
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 12:53:59 AM by StardustSoldier »