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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 53811


  • Petrie
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Ducky was finding it hard to believe, they had to leave? How could this happen?

It took her a few moments to register what Spike said to her, Spike can talk...he can talk. With a shaky breath she repeated the words to ensure herself "Petrie will be okay." she glanced sideways at the flyer, she did not want to think of the pain he was in or what he went through to get those wounds in the first place. She thought if Petrie wanted to tell them he would, in his own time.

At Chomper's words her head shot up "Y-y-y-our parents? But your parents are..big..and scary...why would they protect us? We are..." she was about to say leaf-eaters but with a look at all her friends she cut herself short "Oh yeah..we're not leaf eaters anymore, no no no but how will you explain who we are?" she fell silent after that, she wanted to run back into the valley and curl up at her mothers side, safe and warm.

Ducky glanced back at Chomper "What if your mummy and daddy get mad and try and hurt our families..I mean they did try and hurt you so won't they be mad?" a sinking feeling filled her stomach at the thought of her mother of siblings being hurt or even killed because of her. Without thinking she threw her arms around her brother in a hug "I'm scared, Spike...what will happen to us? Our families don't love us anymore..not while we look like this"


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Despite his surprise at being hugged by his sister, he reciprocated the gesture as he soothingly spoke to her.

"I don't know, Ducky.  We...  we just have to do what we can to survive now and..."  His eyes met Chomper's with a helpless expression.  "...and Chomper's parents are our best hope."

The fastbiter left his doubts unspoken for his sister's benefit.  ...and we don't have much hope right now.


Cera looked away at the scene with a feeling of dread settling over her.  It was one thing to talk about leaving, but it was quite another to actually find Chomper's folks.  That was when she had an unsettling idea.

"Chomper?  How far are your parents?"  She sighed.  "We are um... well... if they are far away then maybe we should try to find Ruby's folks first..."  She shifted her glance uncertainly to the rose-colored fastbiter.  "...we need help before we get hungry."

Silence descended upon the group for an instant.  Hunger...  The possibility that no one wanted to consider had just been broached directly.  One way or another they would need to seek help for their situation.  Otherwise nature might begin to take matters into its own hands...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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"I do have an idea how to avoid what we are dreading." said Chomper.  "I've done it for many cold times."  "What?" said Littlefoot.  "We can eat Stinging Buzzers and shells.' said Chomper.  "That would work.  Work it would." said Ruby.  "Eat another creature?!  That would not be good.   Oh no, no, no, it would not." said Ducky.  "You would prefer to eat a Swimmer?" said Chomper.  Ducky shook her head.

"Besides, if worst comes to worst, we can always eat Egg Stealers." said Cera.  They all laughed.   "Me no want to eat another creature at all." said Petrie.  "You don't have a choice Petrie.  I learned that a long time ago." said Chomper.  

Their hearts fell in that they might have to become killers, but at least the worst hadn't happened yet.  They continued on their journey.  


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LittlefootAndAliTogether, those characters are not assigned to you. You cannot just play as a character someone else is controlling in a roleplay. Here are the character assignments-

Narrator Ducky123
Littlefoot Nahla (Twoclaw)
Cera Pterano (Fastbiter) (currently taken over by Rhombus)
Ducky The Anonymous Person (Fastbiter)
Petrie bushwacked (Sharptooth Flyer)
Spike rhombus (Fastbiter)
Ruby Ducky123 (Fastbiter)
Chomper vonboy (Twoclaw)
Male Rainbowface (Mimus) Pterano
Female Rainbowface (Galli) Ducky123
Redclaw The Anonymous Person
Thud Dosu2Dinner
Screetch bushwacked
Guido bushwacked
Grandpa Zimba
Grandma Nahla
Topsy vonboy
Tria Zimba
Mama Swimmer Ducky123
Mama Flyer rhombus
Mr. Thicknose vonboy
Chomper's Mother Ducky123
Chomper's Father bushwacked
Mr. Thicknose vonboy
Tricia Nahla

If you would like to join the roleplay, please post in the discussion of this RP ( ) and come up with your own character (or maybe find a canon character that hasn't yet been taken). You can describe the actions of a character you don't control, but only after the person controlling them made a post and the only actions you can describe are the ones the person dictated in their post.

Yeah there are a number of rules for roleplays. If you are still confused, you can post in the roleplay discussion to try to get a better understanding. A number of people here roleplay, so I'm sure they will be able to answer any question you might have.

(For those participatingi n this roleplay, I do apologize for the second interruption)


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"I do have an idea how to avoid what we are dreading." said Chomper. "I've done it for many cold times." "What?" said Littlefoot. "We can eat Stinging Buzzers and shells.' said Chomper. "That would work. Work it would." said Ruby. "Eat another creature?! That would not be good. Oh no, no, no, it would not." said Ducky. "You would prefer to eat a Swimmer?" said Chomper. Ducky shook her head.

"Besides, if worst comes to worst, we can always eat Egg Stealers." said Cera. They all laughed. "Me no want to eat another creature at all." said Petrie. "You don't have a choice Petrie. I learned that a long time ago." said Chomper.

Their hearts fell in that they might have to become killers, but at least the worst hadn't happened yet. They continued on their journey.

I thought DarkHououmon had told you how Roleplays work, LittlefootAndAliTogether. Neither are you allowed to post in this Roleplay unless you officially take a character with the agreement of the leader of the Roleplay which happens to be me (and you didn't have my agreement!) nor are you allowed to post as several characters at once ( in a Roleplay you are supposed to play as only the characters you have taken!).
I won't let you join this Roleplay in case that's what you want because neither do we need another player at the moment nor would your posts do anything to this roleplay but lower its quality significantly, judging by the written work you've shown us so far. I'm sorry but that's the harsh reality and sometimes things just need to be said...
I don't want any interruptions of you in this Roleplay again or else you're in trouble, that I promise you   :anger

(For those participatingi n this roleplay, I do apologize for the second interruption)
Don't worry, I'm glad you did.
Inactive, probably forever.


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L&AT, RPs have rules
1 you cant join a rp that someone else has started, without asking permission first
2 you cant 'hijack'; other players chars, you are limited to what characters you pick, UNLESS another rper asks you to rp as them for a time (ie they are on vacation and wont be able to rp for awhile).
3. rp posts must be connected in flow  to prior posts, questons about what to do must go in the "discussion ' thread connected to that rp.
4 the GM of the rp has final say on what to admit in his/her rp.
5 other rpers must be given the chance to post and contribute, you do not need to post 5 times in a row.
6. repeated violations of this rules will lead to consequences, first and foremost, not being allowed to rp, and second, warnings or even suspension from the GOF. If i get repeated complaints from the GM of the rp or other rpers that you are not following the rules i will act.

Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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Littlefoot went silent for a moment, "We won't be able to prevent hunger, but we'll have to learn to control it..for now. At least until we figure out what is going on. All I know for sure is that we have to get away from here soon as possible, the grown-ups will be checking the area for us...they have no idea what happened to us and we can no longer talk to them" he paused as he glanced back towards the valley "Like they'll believe us anyway, to them we are predators who killed their children no doubt"

He glanced towards Chomper "Just how far away is the area where your parents would be? If it's a bit of a distant we could go to Ruby's folks seeing as we know exactly where they are, the sooner we get help the better"

"Our home is in the Mysterious Beyond now, and we won't survive long if we just try and fend on our own." glancing at Chomper again " might be ok, but the rest of us...we never eaten meat in our lives let alone killed a living creature, we can't hunt, we would die of starvation before we figure it out" he turning his gaze to each of his friends in turn "Soon as Pertie is fit enough to travel with no serious harm done, we'll set out but we need to be gone before the bright circle rises. We barely escaped the adults this time in the pitch dark,in broad daylight they'll have it much easier...and they will be out to kill"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Yeah, they're pretty far way. I don't think we'd make it to my folks before... you know" The friendly sharptooth was at a loss for words right now. Much of the gang didn't seem to like the idea of seeing his parents again, and they were starting to worry about the coming hunger madness, when a sharptooth is starving, everything else in it's brain will shut down, and focus only on food. It was a horrifying thing to watch, and even more horrifying to live through.

"Yes, maybe it would be better to go see Ruby's family. I remember Ruby's father was quite a good fisherman. Maybe he could catch us some fish to stave off the... hunger madness."
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"Can travel, don't... don't need to wait for me." Petrie tried to give Littlefoot an assuring look - an effect that was likely nullified by the fact that he had to lean on Spike for support. "Must move when still dark, or..." He left the rest unsaid - the chances of their surviving another encounter with the adults - their parents and friends - was slim to none.

As Chomper mentioned hunger madness, Petrie swallowed, the unconscious action stinging his throat. Of course - they were different now. They'd become monsters. With the shock of the realisation still working its way through his system, Petrie hadn't thought - hadn't wanted to think - about what they'd have to eat now. He blinked as he looked around at the others. That's what we're made for now Petrie thought bitterly. That's what we are... He caught a glimpse of the alien, brutal talons extending from his own hands, and gruesome memories forced themselves into his mind -


Trembling, Petrie shook his head and desperately clung onto the last few words Chomper had spoken. "Yes! Fish, we... we find fish! Find Ruby's parents! Have to!"


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Ruby watched her winged friend with concern. "He shouldn't be walking yet, not walking he should," her mind noted. The fact that Petrie's expression was already less painful and the fact that he already tried to get to his feet was a positive sign in her book. Now the only thing he needed was...
"Petrie, I think that you should rest now, rest you should!" Ruby exclaimed. "We can carry you so you don't have to carry yourself."
Turning to Chomper's purple form, Ruby spoke. "I'm sure that your parents are where they should be, Chomper," but then the rose fastbiter added. "But I'm even more sure that my parents will be where they should be... at Hanging Rock. It's only a few days walk, a few days walk it is."
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Cera sighed.  A deep, growling sound that would have horrified her leaf-eater self.  But those days were no more.  The cocky threehorn who had been so sure of her abilities was no more and only a scared and confused fastbiter remained.  Cera didn't know what to make of that horrific reality, but at the moment she wouldn't let it overwhelm her.

Because they had a choice to make.

"But I'm even more sure that my parents will be where they should be... at Hanging Rock. It's only a few days walk, a few days walk it is."

Cera closed her eyes.  They would certainly begin to starve after more than a few days of travel and that would mean...

We have to avoid that at all costs.  Her mind protested resolutely.  We need to get help and Ruby's folks are our best help at this point.

"I agree with Ruby."  Cera began to speak before she even realized what she was doing.  "We have to get help before..."  She shook her head.  "Before we lose control."

With inquisitive eyes the yellow fastbiter turned towards Littlefoot as if to silently ask for his confirmation.  In many ways she was the counterpoint to Littlefoot, a voice of conservatism to counteract his optimistic idealism.  But idealism had no place in the situation that they now found themselves... and nor did her conservatism.  They now had to strike out with only each another as company into a reality that would not allow for a return to the old ways.  They were sharpteeth now and they no longer had the luxury of considering anything other than their survival.  The only thing that they had left of their old selves was their friendship.

Now it was commitment to this final shred of her identity that she looked towards her friend.  She awaited the words which would set them on a path into the unknown.  Into their new lives...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Littlefoot looked at each of his friends before sighing realizing it was up to  him to confirm what they were to do. Before he could change his mind he spoke the words "We leave..we'll head to Hanging Rock and just hope we can keep in control until we get there and get help"

He nodded towards Petrie "Someone carry him until he regains enough strength to fly on his own, I don't know much about wounds but even I know he needs rest but we can't afford to just stay here nor are we going to abandon him here" turning back to the whole group now he continued speaking "We may have lost our home, our families..and everything that we used to be. But we still have each another..and we are going to need each other, I think this will be the biggest test of survival we have ever faced"

He glanced at the valley one last time whispering to himself "Bye Grandma and Grandpa" and turned and took a few steps into the unknown land "Let's get going..put some distant between us and this place..maybe we'll find a place where we can rest until daylight..but now we should just move far away as we can." he continued walking forward overwhelmed by all the scents now filling his nose. He had been out here many times, but before he had been the prey. Now he was the predator.

The tables had turned.


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Secretly, Ruby couldn't help it but feel happy about the fact that they were going to Hanging Rock after all. There would be her parents, her two siblings...
"But I'm a Fastbiter now, not a Fastrunner. I'm not what I used to be." These thoughts and the realisation hit Ruby hard - so hard in fact that she'd stop in her movement just for a moment, scratching her head in confusion, pondering, and move on. "What if my parents won't realise that I am I? Surely they wouldn't even let us get close to them! They would hide from us, hide they would..." Ruby decided to keep these thoughts for herself for the time being. She knew that her friends were, likewise, trying to deal with their new situation and the problems that would come along with them and she knew better than to disturb them. They were in the Mysterious Beyond now, moreover, so it was obligatory to keep an eye on your surroundings for behind every boulder could be a threat. They could always talk about it when they actually got close to Hanging Rock after all.
Ruby cast a quick look on Petrie who was resting on Ducky's back only to notice that he was alright. Her friend would fully recover and that was more important than anything else. They've been friends for a long time and friends they would stay, especially in a situation like this.
With that in mind, Ruby picked up some speed and continued the journey to Hanging Rock... gaining distance from the Great Valley...


In the morning that followed, a meeting was being held by the time the Bright Circle just peeked over the tops of the mountains that surrounded the Great Valley. Literally every resident was present to discuss the next steps after the terrible victory of the sharpteeth...
Inactive, probably forever.


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Grandma stood with the others, her head hung. Littlefoot hadn't been found after the attack and she was starting to accept the worst..those..monsters. They took away the most precious thing she had. She refused to forgive either of them..Chomper...that traitor..he helped kill the children then took off-had he no shame?

The old longneck closed eyes trying to block out scenes of how terrified the children must of been, having their young lives ripped away from them. Killed by the one they trusted, the one they called a friend.

"I shall forever live to regret that day we let that darn sharptooth stay here" she intended to say that to herself, but spoke it loud and clear "If I ever cross paths with him he won't have a second to regret what he has done"

Grandma was growing mad with her grief, though the children's deaths had not been confirmed fully.All the signs lead to it, there was no sign of them anywhere, not even a footprint. She was convinced the children were gone, and nothing would ever bring them back.

"We surely can't just let them get away with this? I refuse to let those childrens memories just fade away, I refuse to have my grandson die and just pretend nothing happened. If we don't do something who knows how many more lives we will lose, we lost 6 in just one night. And now these sharpteeth know a way in and right now nothing is stopping them"


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Grandpa took a deep breath "We must act reasonably." though he too was in mourning over the children he knew better to the react with emotion "We really only need one way in and out of the valley, all those extras are just asking for trouble and unwanted vistors. Maybe it's best if we blocked those off for good. They are rarely used anyway expect in a fire, but that could be a problem if there is a fire and all but one exit is blocked off. Not all of us might not make it to that one exit."

"We've been betrayed and lives have been lost as a result, going after revenge won't bring our children back, all we can do is honor their memories and protect what we have left. We must keep our eyes open. We can't have a repeat of last night, we were attacked when we were unprepared and vulnerable. We can't risk that again."

"I know some of you will want revenge on Chomper, but what will it solve?" Grandpa sighed heavily "I would do anything to have my grandson back, but going after revenge is not one of the options. And besides, sharpteeth have already long won for me. They took my daughter and now my grandson.  I wouldn't waste my last breath on those creatures..and besides. We have no idea where they've gone, we can't risk our lives trying to track down a pack of sharpteeth."

He turned his attention to Mr Threehorn "Do you wish to say something, Threehorn?"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Topsy marched up to the front of the group, shaking his head at the old longneck.

I might have agreed with you on a different occasion, Mr. Longneck, but this is different. He... That monster knows our valley inside and out! We shouldn't have let him live with us in the first place, but now we have to deal with him. We have no choice. Who knows how many sharpteeth he has behind him? We saw several fast biters, and a sharptooth flyer, but there could be more, and they know how to get in now, because of him.

For a moment, he thought of his dear daughter, Cera. He couldn't bring her back, but he could do his part to ensure the rest of his family was safe.

He raised his voice, so everyone in the area could hear him. "As long as Chomper is alive, our valley is in grave danger! He must be dealt with!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Perched on a small boulder overlooking the meeting, a small blue shape sat, arms wrapped its knees. Guido gnawed on one of his fingers nervously as he surveyed the scene with exhausted eyes. As Topsy's thunderous voice boomed through the air, his hate-filled words washing over the crowd, the glider couldn't help but notice that Topsy's suggestion of setting out to kill Chomper was having an effect. They were getting worked up, restless. They wanted blood.

But something was nagging Guido, details gnawing at the back of his mind. Why would Chomper do something like this? He and the other kids had best friends... it didn't make sense that he would just betray their trust like this. Of course, Chomper was still a sharptooth, but even so...

And why hadn't the sharpteeth put up more of a fight when they'd been discovered? Guido had seen sharpteeth when confronted by leafeaters. Sure, they might run eventually if overpowered, but not before biting, scratching, clawing at their prey, attacking with bloodthirsty and savage intensity. But the sharpteeth last night - they'd fled without so much as a snarl. Even the diving attack from the flyer hadn't seemed as hateful. It seemed almost... desperate. But then, what about Mama Flyer's cave? When he'd arrived, it had been a gory mess. Even now, the blood was still drying on the walls, and Petrie's little sister was clinging to life by a thread. But what was bothering him most of all was...

Gulping, Guido scrambled up and cleared his throat nervously. "Where are..." His trailed off as he could tell his small voice was almost inaudible against the excited chatter and anguished moaning being thrown between the scared and confused members of the crowd. Guido straightened his back and tried again, raising his voice.

 "Where are the bodies?"

One by one, the dinosaurs gathered in the meeting area turned to fix their eyes on him. As he stared back, Guido started to wilt under their stares, returning to his typical slightly hunched posture. "I mean, there's no bodies or... or anything!" Guido's hands fidgeted as he continued. "The only one's missing are Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike and Petrie, but there's no sign of blood or... anything else. I mean, we looked everywhere and except for Miss Flyer's cave, there's nothing. And most of that blood came from the sharptooth that attacked her family."

Guido paused, unsure of how to continue. "So... maybe they aren't dead. Something feels off about this. If Chomper really did have something to do with this then maybe the kids are with him. Or maybe he's... holding them hostage for some reason." He shrugged helplessly. "It's possible... isn't it?"


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Mama Swimmer was choking back sobs as she was attending the meeting. Her little Ducky was gone - more than likely feasted upon by the sharpteeth who had entered the Great Valley the previous night; entered because Chomper had let them in, apparently.
"Chomper..." A wave of sadness stroke her body only to be replaced by pure rage. The swimmer was known for her peaceful and friendly attitude but if anything as wrong about her children... The death of Ducky, one of her children who brought an exceptionally broad smile to her face, by the claws of a friend, made something snap in the hadrosaur.
"Mr Threehorn is right!" the female shouted determinedly. "That son of a tar pit who we thought to be a friend of our children which are no more..." A mighty sob emerged from the heart-stricken mother. "We need to hunt him down, that bastard!!! He can return anytime and strike at the weakest of us, t-the children... We MUST prevent further harm to our beloved valley!"
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Mama Flyer listened to the outraged parents in a near-stupor.  She had lost a son and now had one daughter that was barely clinging to life.  All of this pain... all of this suffering... all because of one traitor.  Her son had been betrayed by one of those he had trusted the most.

Killing Chomper won't bring Petrie back...  She tearfully concluded.  ...but it may save others.  Chomper knows our entrances... our defenses...  Shuddering, the female flyer took a deep breath.  She knew what had to be done.

"My son..."  Several of the voices became silent at the sound of the distraught flyer's hoarse voice.  After a pause, she continued.  "My son and his friends... your dear sons and daughters... they risked themselves many times when we were too divided to take any action at all."  She could barely see out of her tear-soaked eyes as she could feel the eyes of the others follow her words and murmur in agitated agreement.  They all knew that she spoke the truth.  "They are not here now... they are all gone."  Her voice cracked at that affirmation, but she carried on.  "They are no longer here to do what we cannot... if our remaining younglings are to be defended from the sharptooth and that worthless fiend..."  Her voice seethed with hatred.  She refused to speak Chomper's name.   "Then it is up to us."

As echoes of agreement and grunts of rage emanated from the crowd, she looked straight at Topps and to the flyers which were perched on the bluffs behind him.  "My daughter barely clings to life... if she awakes I do not wish to leave her alone... but you will need flyers to track down our enemies."  She swallowed.  "Are any of my fellow flyers willing to help the valley in its time of great need?"

An eruption of enraged affirmations arose from the bluff like thunder in the sky.  When the decision was finally made, there would be no doubt that the flyers would answer the valley's call.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Grandma stepped forward "I must agree with the others, Chomper  must pay for this. Do we not owe it to our children to give them justice? Many times, our children took the problems of the valley into their own hands while we fought, they acted more like a true herd then we  adults ever did in times of  trouble."

"Littlefoot trusted that sharptooth, and all get gets in return for his devotion was his own death, I won't let that just slide. I'll make Chomper pay if it's the last thing I do, Chomper betrayed us, and killed. The punishment for such crimes should indeed be a harsh one."

A loud sob escaped the elderly longneck "Killing Chomper will not bring any of the children back, but it will bring justice to their deaths. What would the children think if we just sat back and tried to act like their deaths never happened? That they weren't betrayed? And if we don't do something who knows how many more he would kill, I'd hate for someone else to lose their child to that monster."

"You all know me, I rather not resort to violence. But this time there is no other option. We must hunt him down!"