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Topics - EggStealerGirl

Pages: 1 2
Animation / Scott Behind The Wheel!
« on: June 25, 2014, 12:32:25 AM »

Scott: Hey, this ain't no Mario Kart 64!

Sorry for spamming so much of these lately! :smile

Land Before Time Captions / Flexing Sierra
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:52:43 PM »

Already posted this on another thread, but I think it also deserved a spot here. :p

Sierra: One more word, Pterano... One more word... POW! Right in the kisser!

Animation / Sam, Scott, And Lightning
« on: June 22, 2014, 10:39:06 PM »

Scott: Oww! This is the WORST game of Twister EVER! I feel like my spine is cracking under pressure! :cry

Lightning: Shut up, sha-fool! Ya'll just saying that so ya don't end up losing to the Lightning! :DD

Scott: But we aren't even using an actual MAT! :anger

Lightning: Sha-please! Gamer boy is mat enough for me! :p

Ok, so I know that this is the third one of these that I've posted today, but since I've been on such a roll and all, I just couldn't help myself! :lol

Just a funny scene I found out of Revenge of the Island! Hope you enjoy it! :D

Animation / Scott Going WILD!
« on: June 22, 2014, 03:04:42 PM »

Courtney: Scott! Were you drinking caffeine again?!

Scott: Sorry, babe! I had myself a few pick me ups after tryin' to find that stinkin' invincibility statue all night on Boney Island!

Note to self: don't give Scott a bunch of caffeine unless you want him to growl at you like a grizzly bear! :lol

OMG, I love these two together sooo much! :wub

More than an average human being should, LOL. :DD

Land Before Time Captions / Flyer See, Flyer Do...
« on: June 22, 2014, 02:37:00 PM »

Caption away, guys! :D

I sadly can't think of any creative captions as of right now, but I just had to post this one! :lol

I've got even more funny shots of these guys on my Photobucket account, BTW. ;)

Visual Art / EggStealerGirl's Non-LBT Fan Art
« on: April 28, 2014, 06:44:55 PM »
Here's some of the recent works I've drawn:

Feel free to tell me what you think! :DD

The Welcome Center / Back From The Dead!
« on: April 28, 2014, 06:26:43 PM »
Hey, guys... It's been awhile, a long while. I don't even know how long it's been, LOL. :lol

Anyway, not really new to the forum, just an old member deciding to finally post here again.

But aside from the point, there's a ton of stuff that has happened to me during my absence, both good and bad: earlier in the month, I only just started drawing stuff again after five months of being depressed due to personal reasons. It's slowly starting to get better, but I still feel a little bit down every now and then. :cry

However, I haven't exactly been very productive when it comes to drawing and writing anything related to the Land Before Time, as I've been mostly focused on drawing Total Drama fan art, especially ones with Scott and Courtney. Scott is my new cartoon obsession! :D

But it's a fandom I've gotten myself back into, despite how crappy season five was... Heh.

I've also started to reach out to others like me by attending annual Adults with Aspergers meetups in my area and I'm even taking part in an online forum for people on the spectrum, so I guess you can say that kind of helps me cope with my depression just a little bit.

But the main reason why I wanted to come back here is because I really missed some of the great conversations on here, whether if it was about Land Before Time, or just other things having nothing to do with it.

However, I sadly can't use my old avatar, so I'm just going to use the one I'm currently using on another forum.

Anyway, it's great to be back! :DD

Silver Screen / Brave Little Toaster CGI-Remake
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:20:08 PM »
Brave Little Toaster Remake Will Be A CGI/Live-Action Hybrid With An iPhone

Ok, so I actually heard months ago about this project, but a DA friend of mine had convinced me that it wasn't ever going to happen... Well, guys; it apparently is.

For those who do know me personally, you probably already know that the original BLT was one of my favorite old 80s movies growing up, right next to the Land Before Time, of course. :DD

Now, there are both some good and bad aspects about this, as you can probably tell from reading the article... Honestly, I am rather concerned about some of it, yet a bit excited at the same time. Geez, I can't seem to make up my mind on this... :p

But on another note, I do find it rather annoying whenever film industries pull up something old and attempt at making it "hip" and "new". However, this doesn't necessarily mean I am against all remakes. I also do understand that they're just trying to introduce classic characters to a new generation...

Honestly, I just hope they stay true to the actual context of the overall film; if you haven't seen it yet, it's a film I'd highly recommend. Much like the Land Before Time, it does also have some of its dark moments...

UPDATE: Changed my mind. I'm completely against the fact that they'll actually be replacing the original characters! :anger

Land Before Time Captions / Sharptooth, Ducky, And Petrie
« on: August 31, 2012, 08:35:07 PM »
Ok, this will be the last one I post for the while. This one was just too good for me to pass up :p ;

Sharptooth: Derpity derp derp!

I also have no clue what Petrie is doing there, BTW.

Land Before Time Captions / Flyer Trio Swooping In!
« on: August 30, 2012, 12:14:01 AM »

Rinkus: Oh, finally! We made it here! I never knew that sky traffic could be that bad!

Sierra: I knew we should've gotten some showtoons!

Pterano: Oh, quit complaining! We made it here, didn't we?

Longneck: Hey, who are those three flyers I've never seen before?

Other Longneck: I dunno. Plot device?

Silver Screen / Favorite Voice Actors?
« on: August 23, 2012, 05:33:34 PM »
Well, hopefully this hasn't already been done by someone else on here already.

Anyway, share away! :DD

Here's just a select few of the ones I personally love;

Jim Cummings, (Sierra, Tigger, Pooh Bear).

Rob Paulsen, (Gordon Quid, Spike, Strut, Rinkus).

Jeff Benett, (Petrie, Ozzy, Dr. H‰msterviel).

Tara Strong, (Bubbles, Angel, Twilight Sparkle).

Dan Green, (Grovyle from the PMD2 anime specials).

Judith Barsi, (Ducky, Anne Marie).

Kevin McDonald, (Waffle, Pleakley).

Susan Egan, (Megara).

James Woods, (Hades).

Eric Idle, (Devon).

Tabitha St. Germain, (Minty, Pashmina, Rarity).

Chiara Zanni, (Triple Treat, Hamtaro).

Michael York, (Pterano).

John De Lancie, (Discord).

Yeah, I'm a fan of quite a few. :p

Silver Screen / Stitch! Anime
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:48:48 AM »
Personally for me, I just flat out HATE this adaption to the series...

Why? Well, here's just a couple of reasons on why I dislike it;

1. Lilo is hardly in it. I do know for a fact that she was featured in the anime at some point, but then never seen again. For the most part, she's been replaced by Yuna, yet another blatantly obvious Mary-Sue. <_< Seriously man, it only took her FIVE FREAKING MINUTES to bond with Stitch, while it took Lilo an ENTIRE movie! Not only that, but Yuna was actually able to nearly defeat Stitch with her moves; black belt or not, you can't just be as strong as Stitch and nearly win... Unless you're 627 or Leroy.

2. Some of the characters don't act as they should, case and point, Angel, or experiment number 624 as she's often called. Seriously, she's every freaking female cliche' in the book; she's a freaking gold digger who only loves Stitch if he goes out and buys her expensive crap! I mean, what the heck? Angel never acted that way in the original series! Sure, you could give me the argument that it's just how Japan views the characters, but I honestly don't care... They completely ruined Angel's character for me...

3. They don't even bother to teach you about the Japanese culture throughout the series, unlike that in the original, where you learn all different types of Hawaiian sayings and customs.

Case and point, I really hate this anime.

If you're one of those who likes it just fine, then I really have nothing against you.

This is just my own thoughts on it.

Land Before Time Captions / Littlefoot, Chomper, And Ruby
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:58:46 AM »

Ruby: *insert lengthy friendship speech here* (Yugioh Abridged reference)

Littlefoot: *is in his happy place :DD*

Chomper: *is dying from boredom on the inside*

General Land Before Time / Is Littlefoot Ungrateful?
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:33:12 PM »
Well, not in movie one, but in anything else after it?

I just bring this up because yesterday I was watching Journey to Big Water, and I heard this one remark from Littlefoot that REALLY caught my attention;

Littlefoot: I wish my mom had given me a brother, then I'd always have someone to have fun with.

I give them props for at least referencing Littlefoot's deceased mother, but the way he just said that sounded very, very rude to me. Was I the only one to catch this?

I'm not trying to bash Littlefoot's character, or anything. It's just that this one line really got on my nerves...

Has he ever acted this way in any of the other sequels, or even from any of the episodes in the T.V. series? I'm curious to know! :DD

General Land Before Time / LBT VI Dream Sequence...
« on: August 12, 2012, 07:18:20 PM »
Ok, no offense given to fans of Littlefoot or the sequel itself, but I REALLY couldn't take that scene very seriously...

I mean, the whole idea of him impersonating the Lone Dinosaur in his sleep story by whipping the sharptooth with his tail and having it hop away on one leg with it hollering in pain really is too hysterical of a setting to grasp!

Sure, I know he's still just a kid, but come on!

There were also plenty of other things I found wrong with this one, like how slow the sharpteeth were at attacking the kids...

General Land Before Time / Who's Your Favorite Flyer?
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:25:23 PM »
Second LBT poll I've created here, just cause I've been obsessing over these guys a lot lately! :lol

But honestly, I kind of like Sierra a little above the others. Not saying that Pterano and Rinkus aren't just as awesome, though.

General Land Before Time / Sequel With Best Songs?
« on: August 06, 2012, 07:50:29 PM »
Ok, so I'm pretty sure this is my first poll to create here, so I hope this idea hasn't been used already.

But, yeah. The question's pretty self explanatory.

Personally, I'd say movie 7 does. But that's just me.

General Land Before Time / Can Sierra Form Romantic Relationships?
« on: August 05, 2012, 11:23:42 PM »
Ok, so probably for the past couple of days now, I've had this thought constantly bombarding me... It's a little out there, but I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Personally, I don't think it's very likely to happen, just because of how Sierra's character has been portrayed thus far.

Now, does this mean I'm completely against any SierraXLBT OC pairings? Of course not, because I believe that everyone has their own take on a character.

I tend to sometimes think this same thing of Ozzy, especially after putting FBS's "Self-Control" fanfic to mind. But I digress.

But, I'm not trying to be a killjoy here in saying that Sierra has no hope in having a love-life.

What do you guys think?

Land Before Time Captions / Determined Sierra
« on: August 05, 2012, 09:26:28 PM »
Yeah, I had to freaking post this; just cause I thought it was too damn funny.

Sierra: Rinkus! To the Batmobile!

Rinkus: Umm, Sierra...? I can't see too good with your wing in my face...

I literally have a TON of other lulzy screencaps of these two, but I'll save those for another day. ;)

The Party Room / Which Flyer Are You?
« on: August 03, 2012, 01:46:46 AM »
LBT 7 Personality Quiz

Ok, so I apparently just happened to stumble upon this thing today, and figured I'd better share it here in case no one else has done so yet.

But basically, it's a personally quiz deciding on which of the flyers from the seventh film you are most like, or in other words, are you a Pterano, a Sierra, or a Rinkus? :lol

Now, if you know all three of these guys extremely well, which I'm pretty much sure most people on this forum do with the back of their hand, you should be able to pick out which answer goes with each flyer.

I mean, that kind of ruined the fun for me, but at least I was still able to enjoy it.

Also, if you're wonder which one of them I got, it was Pterano. ^^

But, after you do take it, you could reply to this by saying who you ended up with. ;)

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