The Gang of Five
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Nietzsche's Soldiers: Will to Power


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Oh. I liked how Dr. Tinner's VR machine played into this and the virtual equipment serves as a way to hide Dragonstorm.

One thing confuses me, so the virtual equipment works the same as the real deal? So does that mean that  Dragonstorm personnel work remotely and all the "real stuff" is in a heavily guarded location elsewhere?


The RP however, had Dr. Branston disguise the place as a logging camp.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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That's one of the puzzles Shelton and Kerzach are currently trying to solve. Where is the original equipment?

And the logging thing actually isn't a problem either, wait until the end (which is in sight) and you'll see why.

Before they left, Kerzach gave Eddie his pistol back. “Really?” gasped Eddie, surprised.

Kerzach picked up Alpha’s giant rifle. “Yeah.”

The trio headed out, Shelton figuring out the right direction through estimations of distances. While unconscious scientists were still lying everywhere, no technology could be seen anywhere in the forest.

“Did that code explain where all the original machines have gone?” asked Eddie.

“Not really. According to the code, they’re connected to the virtual equipment somehow, which merely reads and displays what the real machines finds out. The process wouldn’t work without the information gained from the real machines, so they must be somewhere.”

"Could they all be, say, in a remote cave somewhere?" suggested Kerzach. "Safely far away?"

"No, the virtual equipment has to be directly connected to the real stuff; the information is transmitted via USB. Plus the environmental scanners would only display information on the cave's atmosphere, negating their usefulness."

"So the equipment has to be here, despite the fact that its not."

“Maybe it's invisible?” suggested Eddie. “And the chip is stopping the brain from seeing it?”

Shelton shook his head. “Kerzach doesn’t have a chip, but he can’t see any machines either. Plus it would still be possible to walk into them, and it isn’t. The equipment has indeed been moved.”

After about ten minutes, Shelton said. “The virtual reality machine should be up ahead.”

“There!” Kerzach pointed.

Up ahead a tall thin black-walled room could be seen. A small trailer was partially attached to the side.

An autoturret sat outside the door. It didn’t appear to be on. Cautiously, Kerzach led the way into the room.

The inside was also black-walled, with the majority of the room taken up by a second, smaller white room. They seemed to be in a hallway that circled around the middle room. They entered the next room.

The majority of the inner white room’s far corner was taken up by the machine Shelton remembered. It had grown, however, and now included wires and antennae snaking off in every direction. The rest of the room was quite empty, except for a lone scientist, hunched over seemingly nothing.

“Tinner!” yelled Shelton.

Dr. Tinner looked over. “What areó?”

“Be quiet,” ordered Kerzach, aiming his giant rifle. “Start walking outside.”

“Get back! I’ve got an auto turret!” Tinner threatened, pointing at a second turret sitting motionless in the corner.

“The turrets aren’t on,” countered Kerzach, rolling his eyes. “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

In response, Tinner fiddled with seemingly solid air, and the turret fired, blasting Kerzach’s gun to scrap and sending him skidding. “Warned you,” Tinner smiled, still ëtyping’. “You should listen next time.”

“How did he do that?” asked Eddie, diving out of the way of auto-turret fire.

“Virtual reality controls,” said Shelton, ducking and covering. “They must be working.”

Eddie fired at the turret, destroying it. “Alright, Tinner!” he exclaimed, pointing the gun back, but Tinner had disappeared.

“Where’d he go?” asked Shelton, standing up.

“A better question is what are you doing here?” Tinner’s voice rang out, echoing off the walls. “Dr. Shelton. I admit you were the last person I expected to see here.”

“Where are you?” asked Shelton, eyes still looking everywhere.

“I am still here. Your chips have just decided to not see me.” They could hear the humor in Tinner’s voice, still echoing and making it impossible to find the source.

Shelton tried to figure out where the voice was coming from. “Is that your plan? To turn Dragonstorm invisible?”

Tinner laughed. “More of the opposite. I want Dragonstorm to be visible only to those with chips.”

"Yeah, we alre--" Shelton stopped himself from retorting, instead waiting for Tinner to continue. He might reveal more pieces of the puzzle.

He did. “While the personnel slept, Alpha and the other commanders went throughout the compound and buried the equipment in large protective bags. They still function correctly, but are now underground, transmitting to the virtual equipment.”

“Well, that explains that," realized Shelton, "and then you code the virtual equipment to appear exactly where the originals had been, then both sets of equipment are linked, and outside sources are unable to interact or see with any of the equipment!”

Tinner paused. “How did you know that? You aren’t telling me everything.”

Shelton looked at the door. “Neither are you. Since we didn’t see any virtual equipment, and because you’ve said nothing about memory loss, I assume something didn’t go according to plan.”

Tinner said nothing for a minute. Suddenly Eddie’s pistol was ripped out of his hand, and went invisible as well. Something hit Eddie in the face, sending him falling with a cry. “You can thank your friend here for that. He threw a bit of a spoke in the works. Once he discovered the plan, he sent the memory erasing command with the knockout and inserted gibberish code into the virtual reality subroutine. Fortunately, I had already taken steps to protect myself from the knockout command, and quickly revived Alpha, Beta, and Gamma to finish the job.”

Shelton heard the invisible pistol cock. “Said job is almost finished, and, as I am invisible, you two have no way of knowing who I’m currently pointing the pistol at. Care for a guess?”


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Nice cliffhanger!

Looks like Tinner can be incorporated into the RP.

Also, how are you planning to join the RP?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I figured once James and his team infiltrated the logging base, they can either bump into Shelton on accident or Shelton can seek them out. and Shelton & Kerzach will serve as a sort of inside source. I have another interesting plot twist, which I want to discuss with you via PM.

But for here, we're one more post away from the conclusion of the story!

Suddenly Kerzach leapt up, slashing with his claws, sending blood flying from seemingly nowhere into the wall. The pistol skittered to the floor. Tinner’s footsteps stumbled to the door, which swung open and shut.

Kerzach grabbed the pistol. “Guess he didn’t know I don’t have a chip, and can therefore see him.” He rushed to the door and started wrestling with the handle. “Locked!”

“Shelton, what are you doing?” asked Eddie.

Shelton was kneeling where they’d first seen Tinner. “He said that the virtual equipment would be right where the original had been standing, and that the original equipment is buried in the same spot. That means the original control panel is probably right below here.”

Together, they pried that section of floor away, to see the controls for the machine. Shelton leaned in and scanned the screen. “Memory buffer has already been deleted.” He gave him and Eddie access to the virtual controls.

Virtual equipment shimmered into being around them. Shelton accessed the scanner and located Tinner. “He’s making a run for his own tent.”

Eddie stopped suddenly. “I know what he’s going for. You have to stop him.”

Shelton ran to the door. Pushing Kerzach aside, he typed his access code into a virtual pad. The door slid open.

“Shelton, stop, I should goó” Kerzach started, but Shelton ignored him and charged out of the room. “Shelton, wait!”

“You would have been shot by the turret outside,” said Eddie. He was still working with the virtual controls.

“What do you hope to do over there?” asked Kerzach angrily. “I thought Tinner erased your memory of how to use that.”

“He did. But I can still access and activate pre-made files.”

Eddie finished typing. An Artificial Intelligence was brought online. Starting as a 3-dimensional mess of pixels, it slowly condensed to form the body of a young man with black hair and slate-grey eyes, clothed in a white lab coat and tan pants.

In seconds, the creation was complete. The AI blinked twice. It glanced at his own body, then looked around.

“I need your help,” said Eddie.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Nice! And is that AI avatar Dr. Zanasiu? It matches my description of him perfectly!

Interestingly, I never had Kerzach really attack with his claws or knife in the RPs. The only time he has done so was when he fought off Dr. Gallo (which was, in my opinion, his crowning moment of awesome.)

The only time he has done so repeatedly is in the Insane Cafe trilogy and even then only in the 2nd one.


As for the RP, I guess James and his crew bumping into him will tip them off that this is not a logging base.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Yup, that's James. I thought the Zanasiu AI from Shroedinger's Prisoners should make one final appearance :)

Aaaaand...the conclusion!

The wind whipped through Shelton’s hair. He dodged the last line of trees, and burst into the small pocket where Dr. Tinner’s tent sat.

“Freeze, Shelton!”

Tinner was standing there, holding two items in his hands. Neither appeared to be a weapon.

“Do you know what these are, Shelton?”

Shelton squinted. “Well, one of them is a radio.”

“Quite right. The other is a remote, connected back to the machine. It can erase the memory of anyone connected to the system that I command it to. It’s got your name filled in right now.”

Shelton gulped.

“After that, I’ll use the radio to send your identity to every scientist in Dragonstorm, all of whom should be waking up about now. Imagine, a whole camp of people suddenly on a manhunt for you, just when you yourself forget who you are.”

The wind blew through Tinner’s lab coat. “This is your own fault, you know, Shelton. You were the reason my machine was never cleared to serve as a training simulator for the United States Army. It would have been the military breakthrough of the twenty-first century, saving millions of lives. But, on its first test run, you failed it. Because you couldn’t bear to see me win.”

“I failed the machine because it was dangerous to those who used it, and you lied about what would happen to those hooked up.”

“It could have been fixed, if I had been allowed to continue working on it.”

“But you weren’t, and not because of me. The Board of Scrutiny grounded you, when it became obvious you were willing to jeopardize the safety of the participants just for your success.”

“Well, the Board of Scrutiny isn’t here. And soon, you won’t be either.” Tinner held the remote high. “Good-bye, Shelton.”

Shelton stepped forward. “Tinner! Don’t do this!”

The remote cackled. “Don’t worry, Shelton. He won’t.”

Suddenly there was a massive explosion behind them. The virtual reality machine exploded behind them, sending shock waves through the earth. A plume of smoke wafted into the heavens.

Tinner’s eyes grew wide. “My machine…no…”

Three gunshots broke the dead silence. Tinner staggered, and fell to the ground, dead.

Shelton spun around.

Kerzach stepped out from behind the bushes, pistol out. “Are you okay?”

“Barely.” Shelton checked Tinner’s pulse. “Did you have to kill him?”

“He still knew who you are. He was too dangerous to let live.”

Shelton looked at the remote. “Kerzach, what about Eddie?”

Kerzach was silent.


“He constructed a virtual bomb. The same bomb you witnessed during the third trial of the machine’s test run. It blew up the virtual equipment, which sent signals to the real equipmentó” Kerzach broke off. He looked down. “I was wrong about Eddie. Right up to the end, I didn’t trust him. Maybe if I hadó”

“No,” said Shelton. “Don’t talk like that. You didn’t have the chip, so there was no way for you to activate the bomb, and if he had waited any longer, Tinner would have succeeded.”

“He brought an AI online. The plan was to have it activate the bomb.”

“They must have run out of time.” Shelton paused. “Kerzach, we’ve always assumed that everyone in Dragonstorm is an enemy. That there’s nobody here we can trust. Well, Eddie proved that not everyone here has bought into Dragonstorm philosophy. The assistants, the guards, anyone here in a lesser position, they might not have had a choice about joining or not. Eddie had no reason to risk his life to try and stop Dragonstorm, but he did anyway. More than once. He can’t be the only one.”

“Maybe you’re right,” said Kerzach. “Maybe in the future we need to rethink about who deserves to die and who’s as much a victim as we are.” He looked around. “But if we get caught here, we won’t have that chance. If the others weren’t awake already, that explosion will have done it. We can’t be seen here.”

Shelton nodded, and the two made a run away from Tinner’s tent.


Dragonstorm buried Dr. Tinner and the three commanders with full rites the next day. Their final resting place was chosen to be next to the blackened earth of the destroyed machine. Each received a eulogy regarding their loyalty and inappreciable accomplishments, and a pledge that Dragonstorm would never forget them. Eddie, the underling who had gone insane, killed four of Dragonstorm’s top men, and then blew himself up, received a small speech of his own.

“Since the evacuation of Dragonstorm, I had known there was a traitor amongst us, and had been doing everything in my power to find him,” O’Neill spoke to the congregation. “My only regret is that I wasn’t able to find him before it was too late.”

He flicked a match, setting alight the bundles of brush covering all three of the graves. “Rest assured, my friends, that Edward McKay has promised himself an eternal reputation of infamy, and his innocent victims will never be forgotten.”

Not everyone cheered as whole-heartedly as the scientists when this was declared.

After five minutes of silence as the fires died, and a silent proceeding whereupon the gravestones were carved with epitaphs about power and glory, the congregation slowly filed away, back into camp.

That night, a cold wind blew the ashes from the machine across the gravestones. In its wake, a torn calendar page was revealed, the ink on it gleaming in the moonlight:

Here Lies Eddie McKay

d. August 28, 2009

Below this was the calendar page’s Quote of the Day:

“He who fights with monsters should take care that he himself does not become a monster.
And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
~Friedrich Nietzsche