The Gang of Five
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  • Petrie
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Let's have a friendly discussion and talk about what characters you'd like to return in lbt 14 and/or future movies (if there's more after 14)

Let the discussion begin  :)
Life Is Good


  • Chomper
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For movie 14, I'd like to see Chomper, Ruby and Shorty come back. Chomper and Ruby were really great characters to have along with the gang and introduced new dynamics in the group. I'd be interesting in seeing how Shorty's relationship with the gang develops, in particular with Littlefoot as his foster brother. I also kind of want to see Pat again: he hasn't been seen since the end of 10 even though he's living in the Great Valley, and I'm curious to see whats happened to him.

If they make more sequels, I'd like to see Chomper and Ruby become regular or semi-regular parts of the cast, but I wouldn't want the main cast to get larger than seven, otherwise, there could be too many characters. Still, I'd like to see some returning appearances from past sequel characters, in particular Shorty, Ali (I'd personally like to see the two of them interact), Mo, Guido and Pterano. I know they're in the Great Valley right now, but I'd also like to see more of Tricia and Mr. Thicknose as well.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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  • Petrie
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I don't know if I want Ruby and Chomper to come back; but, that's just my opinion. I'm not sure about Ali either; in my opinion; her appearance in the tv series was terrible.

It would be nice to see Shorty and Bron again; those two are characters I'd like to see again.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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I think while the gang of five is enough to make a good movie, having Chomper and Ruby with them would be neat :) Shorty is a character who still has quite some potential for future movies since a lot about him is unknown and since his personality can be used for pretty interesting plots  :smile

Other characters I'd want to see again are...
  • Ali. I really like her character (and the relation between Littlefoot and her :smile). I'm pretty sure that a reappearance of her won't be as crappy as her appearance in the TV-series (mind you, I did enjoy that episode but not for Ali's design, oh no, no, no!) I also think that the combination Shorty + Ali can be used for quite a few story ideas...
  • Guido. Why? Because I love that guy and his awkward appearance and his slight oddity at times :lol I did enjoy all episodes of the TV-series he was in if I remember correctly...
  • Hyp, Mutt & Nod. I think the way they were portraited in the series was quite okay and I see some potential for future sequels involving them (or at least they could be minor characters who get a few lines...)
  • Tricia. Because... :wub Would be odd if Tricia was missing but Tria would be around (and even more so if Tria was missing as well <_<)
Inactive, probably forever.


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  • Petrie
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The only characters I want to return is Chomper (no surprise there) Chomper's parents, and Pterano
Life Is Good


  • Chomper
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Chomper and Ruby are the clear choices to return. Maybe even Guido and Tricia if they go in that direction. If they introduce any new dinosaurs to the Great Valley, Baryonyx could be one of the interesting candidates.

They were piscivorous after all and if we could go further extreme on possibly other candidates, Spinosaurus, since it's believed they too were also piscivorous. That's just my thoughts.


  • Ruby
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Mainly, I think I'd like to see Chomper again.  :D