The Gang of Five
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Land Before Time: The Stone of Light

Threehorn · 695 · 55589


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"I gather you meet someone or something from beyond your imagatation" Andrew said looking at Littlefoot. "But the reason I am here... that was all acciently and that all I can say. I have to keep to my directives, rules that I have to keep to and limit the damage so to speak" Andrew walk up to them and knees down to their eye level.

"All I can say is that I am not here for some so call visit I just crashed and now working on repairing my shuttle to get back to where I come from. Also not expected myself explaining this to you two. But here we are and saying it to you" he chucked then stood up looking around.

"So..." he clapped his hand together rubbing them a little "What is the name of this place?" he said with a smile trying to keep things about the Shuttle and what else around it limited as possibly can.


The Great Valley Guardian

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"So..." he clapped his hand together rubbing them a little "What is the name of this place?"

Ruby looked up into the sky and thought to herself and finally said to Andrew "This is place is called the Great Valley, it's a very safe place from Red Claw and his fast biters." But then another question came to her mind... "Your flying rock thingy back there...why does it shine like water wnen under the Night Circle?"


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"Well... I can't really say but all I can tell is that we use forms of energy and forms of things that can use that energy to create lighting. I can't completely explain it for good reasons and that thingy is a Shuttle Craft." Andrew said with arms crossed then uncross them walking over this his phase rifle picking it up and then placing it on the outside of the door and turn back to them and right by him by a meter.

"Look Ruby, Littlefoot please stop asking me about my shuttle and anything else about it please. I can't tell you much for the rules that I follow forbid me to. So can we limit the questions." Andrew said and sit down again on the step sliding his tail to the side a bit with a sigh feeling very bad about not telling them much but he couldn't tell them even he liked to.

"I don't mean to be rude but it just your no where near the type of thing that you will understand within this door and because of that the directive stats that if contact is ever made limited it as much as you can. So this is where I have to drew a line" Andrew stats to them hoping it don't go the wrong way

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby just nodded and said "Oh okay....well we should get going before the Birght Circle rises in the sky."


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Captain suddenly heard a very loud roar and two screeches and pull up his phase rifle aiming at the direction of the sound turning the torch on and then pull out his triquarter aiming in the direction as well "I am getting three lifesigns one big one and from the movement patterns they are predetors" Andrew then look to the inside of his ship

Andrew then look to the kids "get inside my shuttle now! I have no idea what coming but it not nice and friendly most likely don't want to chat" Andrew told them with a serious look on his face and charged his weapon ready to use it.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ruby's eyes widen in fear as she screams "It's Red Claw and his fast biters, Screech and Thud!" Natuarlly she followed Andrew's advice and ran inside the ship hoping that Red Claw hadn't caught their sents...


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"Littlefoot get in now" Andrew said with a bit of a raised voice as he watch the triquarter picking them up come closer and closer.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Quote from: Threehorn,Aug 11 2007 on  03:06 PM
"Littlefoot get in now" Andrew said with a bit of a raised voice as he watch the triquarter picking them up come closer and closer.
Ruby looked back and sure enough Littlefoot was still looking around for Red Claw instead of moving to safety and Ruby shouted "Please Littlefoot hurry before Red Claw comes!"

Dash The Longneck

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"Huh" ? Littlefoot said coming out of his day dreaming. He was thinking about how mysterious this one threehorn Andrew was. He didn't really seem to answer a lot of questions and had a very mysterious personality. But when he heard Red Claw. He hesitated no longer and ran in to the "Shuttle" as fast as a four legger could go and stayed in the ship with Ruby.


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Andrew looked at his triquarter again "less then 300 meters, they be here in seconds. And the shuttle superstructure might be damaged from the crash." Andrew then walk up to the door "Computer shutdown all consoles and panels for 5 minutes, Authrization Alpha niner seven gamma"

"Approved... shutdown commencing"

"You two be safe in here, I will deal with these three to keep you children safe, power will come back on in a little bit, so you have to deal with the dark till then. Hopefully I can get these three away long enough so power can be restored and you can make a run for your Great Valley." Andrew touch the panel on the outside and the door starts to close. "I been in worst problems then this, I will be fine, just get to safty once ten minutes is up, that display behind you will count to zero four round circles then the door will reopen. Nice meeting you kids and see you soon" the door closes and power shuts down the lighting around the shuttle also going dark.

Andrew hids behind a rock and check his triquarter again and see they now almost ontop of the location. He close up the triquarter and using the moon light and sees Screech and Thud then Red Claw. "I see why his named Red Claw" Andrew whispers and gets his phase rifle ready.


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(I did the little action scene for this little fight. hope that ok :) )

Screech and Thud hears the sound of the Phase Rifle powering up and jump at that location Andrew sees them and use the rifle to block their claws then falling back he used his feet and kicked them right over him both landing a bit away. Red Claw roars and goes in for the bite but the sudden turn on of the light on the phase rifle startled him making him back away a little in shock and Andrew turn around to face the fast biters as one comes at him and take a bite he dodges it but the uniform jacket shoulder  part gets locked in Screech's teeth and he undo it.

Andrew gets his arms out and grab the other sleever and pulls Screech right at him and gives a punch into the snout and then a twist he whacks the fast biter with his tail knocking Screech onto the ground. Andrew sees Thud coming at him so he grab Screech tail and pulls him around and slams right into Thud both land at the feet of Red Claw. He roars and charge at Andrew, he waits and then as Red Claw lower down to bite Andrew use his bottom mouth as a spring point and jump up over Red Claw mouth and lands on his snout and pulls out the little touch from his pocket and shine it right into Red Claw red eye the light causing shock and pain of the light beaming into his eye that he steps back in shock and falls over a rock landing hard with a crash. Andrew lands on the ground on his feet.

Thud lunge it claws at him and Andrew jumps back but get a shallow scrach on his torso and holds the two claw cut mark on his chest and see Thud come again with his mouth. Andrew jumps out of the way but gets whacked by Red Claw's tail and land on the ground he see them coming at him to finish him off, all three of them.

Then he grab the phase rifle on the ground and shots the rocky surface right by their feets the phase pulse and the explosion of dirt startled them. "Next one be on your faces" Andrew growls a little and then fire another shot on the ground and hit a pocket of trapped steam the shudden gust of hot steam causing a big fireball to raise and scared them a bit.

"Care to take this dance big boys" Andrew raise his weapon at them and Red Claw roars out something and they turn and run disappearing into the darkiness. Andrew held his injury, the rifle falling to the ground and seeing he did get a bit scrached up by them and the blow from Red Claw didn't help either, his black t-shirt and toursers cut up by the claws and small marks of bleed froming surface cuts he smiles weakly. "Note to self not to fight overgrown lizards..." then he collapses onto the ground the blow from Red Claw gave him causing the captain to finally black out, just as the doors reopen and power comes back on.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"Note to self not to fight overgrown lizards..." then he collapses onto the ground the blow from Red Claw gave him causing the captain to finally black out, just as the doors reopen and power comes back on.

As the doors opened Ruby looked out at the ground looking for Andrew hoping he was okay...but upon having the aid of the moon light, she found him unconsiouss on the ground. While she was scared, she took a swift look around, and seeing that Red Claw and his friends were gone Ruby ran towards him.

Upon reaching his prone form, Ruby screamed after seeing the scars and cuts from the fight, and she immediatly said "We have  to help him, we're the only ones who can!" But she didn't know what to  do first and her reaction to that was simple "LITTLEFOOT I need your help!" Ruby could only hope that Andrew's flying shuttle would be able to help...

Dash The Longneck

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Littlefoot quicly ran over to ANdrew and Ruby and examined Andrew's cuts. "Those look pretty deep. You're right Ruby we have to do something. Any ideas?"


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Computer powered up fully "Primary power at 23% and holding, main computer check complete. no damage to primary and secondary computer core... Damage list... Left Warp Nescell, Commucations relay, Deflector control, energy relays 12 to 19." Computer reported the check as programmed the voice was heard by Ruby and Littlefoot but they couldn't see anyone.


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"Await... new instrucations..." Computer stats and the voice Littlefoot and Ruby heard coming from the shuttle but the voice sounded like it wasn't speaking in a tone like they do.

Dash The Longneck

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Littlefoot heard the voice of the computer as well. "Hello?" He said not really seeing anyone was there.


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"Unable to confirm please restate request" Computer replied back the voice coming from inside the ship.


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(I am going to try and move it on a little)

Ruby walk into the ship to see where it was coming from "Internal scans completed... Life form Ovliraptor Captain Andrew Threehorn state name... Ruby. Exstestnal images intocated that there was a comflict with Captain Threehorn and dinosaurs refered as Thud... Screech and Red Claw injuries... shallow cuts to chest, leg and arm, bursing to chest from impact of tail... Activating procal seven." Computer spoke but no one could be seen.

"Activating repocater... Thermal Regenerator..." a light shines from a open panel before Ruby and a object lays on it "Take and place in palm of hand use thumb to activate by pressing the green button. Monified for Ovliraptor use. when activated place over injuries just almost touching the injuries will heal. Tutoral modifed program completed." Computer voice said giving details how to use the stick like device.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Monified for Ovliraptor use. when activated place over injuries just almost touching the injuries will heal. Tutoral modifed program completed." Computer voice said giving details how to use the stick like device.

At first Ruby was confused, even as the machine gave step by step instructions on how to best help Andrew....but as it said place over wounds and they will heal them Ruby smiled and said "Now that I do understand..."

She ran outside to see Littlefoot still sitting with Andrew, and she hurried over, and placed the machine over one of the cuts, as Ruby said to herself 'I just hope this works!' and pressed the green button, and the small healing device went to work....