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Malte279 · 60 · 12129


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I think you guys are overthinking this. What I see in the relationship of Cera and Littlefoot is the clasic cliche of the "I don't need anyone and I'm great and fearless" character (Cera) to be quite fond (and in fear of loosing) of the main character (Littlefoot). So in stead of calling it a crush, I just take it as a part of this cliche


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Maybe. They have shown their 'love' for each other at times throughout the sequals. But you do bring up very good points about how suspicious Cera got when they met Mo. Also, anyone notice how quickly in number 9 when they were having that conversation about Mo after he sacrificed himself to the sharptooth, Cera apoligized to them after Littlefoot said that she was just as fun as Mo? Well, of course their probably the closest of the gang because they've known each other the longest so maybe it's more of  sibling relationship rather than a crush.  I don't know. I mean, I'm all for Littlefoot and Cera relationships but their different species so, you have to ask yourself how that could work out? But they are very good points Malte279.

Geez, before I was on the forum I never thought about Littlefoot and Cera being together or petrie and Ducky for that matter, not even Littlefoot and Ali. Then I was on fanfiction and discovered it. Funny how GOF and make you think.


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Huh, since, it seems, I am actually super deeply secret shipper of Littlefoot and Cera, here's question to public :smile :

How do you think: if Cera and Littlefoot were the same species, BUT remaining the same characters and temperaments - would they be a GOOD and LONG-TIMED couple in the future? Don't forget that even since despite they're still best friends, they still have almost absolutely opposite characters, and adult family life is kinda serious here, since LBT world has different types of dinosaurs communities, large catastrophes, migrations, and problems of individual dinosaurs.
What do you think? I'm asking not about pure romance or passion here, but about how life can give couples some troubles and trials.


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Let's see... I ship our favourite flathead with Ali so I need to put that aside for a second :p

If Cera was a longneck (she would be proud of longneck things then I guess? :DD) I think the relationship would be working quite well, however the occasional fight might still happen :p

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whoa, somebody answered. :D

lol, yeah, our flathead is so loveable so he can be involved into all possible LBT friendships and relationships. :lol  :lol

Well, are you SURE that these "occasional" argues and fights make relationship "well"?  :unsure: I have huge doubt, since I think Cera would never change her character.


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Quote from: Ducky123,Nov 9 2017 on  06:49 AM
Let's see... I ship our favourite flathead with Ali so I need to put that aside for a second :p

If Cera was a longneck (she would be proud of longneck things then I guess? :DD) I think the relationship would be working quite well, however the occasional fight might still happen :p
I too think Ali is Littlefoot's best match, even if Cera was a longneck, for all the reasons Ducky and Snik just said. I hear that many people do fanfics in which Littlefoot and Cera get romantically involved, which I simply don't understand. They do make good friends, but for a serious relationship, they're NOT compatible at all, not to mention that they're COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SPECIES!!!! :x


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yeah, their characters are opposite...
And because of that - I do not think it would be good as well.

(though without cross-species relationships, there would not be evolution in our planet. :lol )


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Obviously wouldn't be quite as romantic and harmonic as the LF/Ali couple but... I can imagine it working out if they're the same species :p
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Quote from: Snik,Nov 9 2017 on  12:00 PM
yeah, their characters are opposite...
And because of that - I do not think it would be good as well.

(though without cross-species relationships, there would not be evolution in our planet. :lol )
Yeah but those cross-species relations aren't between species as different as an Apatosaurus and a Triceratops. The species have to be very similar in order for a hybrid to be biologically possible (e.g. horse/donkey, wolf/dog, lion/tiger, etc), so an Apatosaurus/Triceratops hybrid wouldn't be possible.


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A Longneck with three horns and a frill sure would look... uhh  :lol:
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Quote from: Ducky123,Nov 10 2017 on  08:17 AM
A Longneck with three horns and a frill sure would look... uhh  :lol:
I'd have to agree. At least we have the laws of nature to prevent that. Even if some some mad scientist tried to make a test-tube baby with an Apatosaurus sperm and a Triceratops egg, it wouldn't work.


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Quote from: Littlefoot505,Nov 10 2017 on  06:26 PM
At least we have the laws of nature to prevent that. Even if some some mad scientist tried to make a test-tube baby with an Apatosaurus sperm and a Triceratops egg, it wouldn't work.
you know what evolution is? How we got modern animals? No mad science at all.

btw, it reminds me about very old joke I read somewhere, where some guy commented DuckyxPetrie ship, he/she said something like "Now we know how we got DUCKS. XD"

But it's long away from my first question. Though yeah, I don't think it would be good couple too. Alas.


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Good Lord, who bumped the 500 year old thread?  This thread started out (back in the cretaceous era) as being about an innocent crush.  Now we're talking about weird hybrid offspring between two entirely biologically incompatible species.  :p  I thought the old board used to lock old topics after a period of time so they couldn't be bumped like this?  Maybe not...


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover on Nov 11 2017, 11:04:33 AM
Good Lord, who bumped the 500 year old thread?  This thread started out (back in the cretaceous era) as being about an innocent crush.  Now we're talking about weird hybrid offspring between two entirely biologically incompatible species.  :p  I thought the old board used to lock old topics after a period of time so they couldn't be bumped like this?  Maybe not...
No, we generally encourage posting in an existing topic if one exists for the subject in question. Though, admittedly, if a topic is very old then it will sometimes be overlooked by people searching for a topic, and a new topic will be created concerning the same thing, which is perfectly alright in that instance.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover on Nov 11 2017, 11:04:33 AM
Good Lord, who bumped the 500 year old thread?  This thread started out (back in the cretaceous era) as being about an innocent crush.  Now we're talking about weird hybrid offspring between two entirely biologically incompatible species.  :p  I thought the old board used to lock old topics after a period of time so they couldn't be bumped like this?  Maybe not...
It looks like Snik bumped it.


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The interpretation of Cera's jealousy could go either way but I lean toward platonic. I'm under the impression Cera sometimes sees getting a new friend means replacing a old one while Littlefoot and the others see a new friend as a addition that widens the circle. However she complains, she dearly values her bond with the gang and doesn't want it to be endangered. Once she realizes the likes of Ali and Mo are additions to the group rather than replacing anyone, she cools and warms up to these new bonds.

Of course, Cera crushing on Littlefoot can be possible, in the canon or at any future point in their lives. Elsie thought Grandpa Longneck was quite fetching, so crushes between species is a thing, even if she resigns their different types means nothing would come from it (Though strangely, she either doesn't know or isn't concerned he already having a mate means nothing would come from it.). Though in a wide world as big as theirs, the chances are there were a few dinosaurs of different types who tried to couple up and the gang have been shattering social mores since their friendship began. Not saying those social mores wouldn't give them pause, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few of their generation, who are used to mixed-species friendships, wouldn't at least be curious enough to experiment with a mixed-species romance.

So if Cera and Littlefoot do have crushes on each other, they might try it out. There will be struggles. The dating process in the ideal is already complicated enough, with figuring out if you enjoy being together, can get along, and what exactly this romance thing entails. Any prejudices they might deal with might add further wrenches, since they might stick together out of stubbornness and stifle conflicts or arguments to show their bond can work. This can be a problem, since learning how to navigate conflicts and arguments and settle them in a healthy manner is part of the dating process and Cera and Littlefoot would especially need to learn that. And there's the fact that sometimes oops, this isn't who they want to spend the rest of their life with after all or the flame goes out, and the pair would have to figure out what their bond, if any, would be from there. This is especially the case for teenage relationships. Not saying it couldn't work out, if they can work out the conflicts of their friendship, they might do so as a couple and it might be what they want after all, screw social mores. But there will be complications.

As for having children - I don't think they would be able to do so but a) not all couples want children, even if they might get along with them and b) they could adopt if the opportunity strikes.

Though if it is successful and/or if others do the same, I can picture some outside communities tutting disapprovingly, thinking the Great Valley has become more of a "free love interspecies mixing hippie commune"  than they already believe it is (Yes, I know "hippie" and "commune" are probably not in their vocabulary, but I couldn't think of their equivalent for those words, so there you go).


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As always, you have great points, Dave. However, I wouldn't interpret Elsie's comments about grandpa as involving any real crush or any indicators about cross-race relationships. I prefer to see her remarks as a part of her sense of humor or some very eccentric courtesy. As for Cera and Littlefoot becoming mates, I deem it rather unlikely. They are very different persons and even if they'd have a crush, I doubt it'd last. Both of them are clever enough to understand there are far better matches (Littlefoot already has one) and the duo have probably a lot of love and respect to their families and I see them as willing to have children later on. Even if they were of the same kind, I don't see them as probable mates because of their deep contrasts.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2017, 06:21:26 PM by Sovereign »


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You might be right in the Doylist sense that's what the creators assumed and likely intended. But Watsonian-wise, you don't always know at their age. I vaguely assumed I was straight and would marry and have kids like everyone else because that was the only option presented to kids like me. However, as I came into my teenage years, I found out I was gay and have no plans to pursue having a spouse or kids. Sometimes who you really are and what you really want strikes you later, and that might be the case for Littlefoot and Cera, whatever that might be. If his sexuality and/or preferences are different, I could see Littlefoot initially going along with usual romance expectations, to make his grandparents happy, though that might cause conflict later on since I can't see him happy not being true to himself. If Cera was in that position, she might tolerate any dates or dodge the issue with her parents. Probably put off telling them altogether, because however Cera and her father like being direct, they could sure like dodging conflicts or uncomfortable issues.

Anyway, back to Cera probably crushing on Littlefoot, either now or at some point: because they are childhood friends, it might be happening or will happen. However, because they are childhood friends, that might put a damper on that. There have been studies and observations done that show if people are friends from childhood with someone who identifies as a gender they are attracted to, being around them that long could rob any romantic spark or interest in both participants. Even if species weren't a issue, the gang being together for so long day to day might mean by the time they get interested in romance, there would be no spark or interest for them to date one another anyway.


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Well, these issues have never been too close to me so I cannot really say how one feels about romance or attractiveness in real life. However, I'm not sure if Littlefoot would even see Cera as a potential love interest due to their physical differences (or vice versa). Those differences are more profound than they can ever be with humans so it's impossible to say whether cross-race romance could be a thing with humanized dinosaurs. At least it's improbable that both of them would would be willing to form such a relationship, imo. Your last point is a good one, also, because it could be a bit odd for them to see each other as more than friends after all this time. Of course, their futures can hold surprises but overall, I think chances are highly stacked against the probability of the two becoming a couple.


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You're right the differences between species are far different from the ones between race (Not least because all humans are the same species and race is a social construct we made up for various reasons, so I've seen some caution against comparing it with [still fictional because we haven't met aliens yet] cross-species relations). That would lead to conflict if any romance between species transpires, with issues like what's considered natural and proper and continuing on the family line. Again, I don't ship Cera and Littlefoot but I'm nevertheless optimistic cross-species romances can happen and work out and that anyone with those kind of ships needn't be held back by the species part to continue shipping (In fact, it could be a resource for interesting conflict). I'm also optimistic because I have one or two ships that are also cross-species but shh.  ;)

Though this Littlefoot/Cera talk does make me think of a amusing scene I vaguely have planned for a fic, where Cera and Littlefoot are teenagers and Cera is struggling with her own romance issues. She abruptly asks, "You're not in love with me, are you?"

"No," Littlefoot replies, taken aback.

"Good. Don't want to have to deal with that kind of drama," Cera says, turning away.

And Littlefoot is baffled but shakes his head in amusement.