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LBT Trivia Game

Petrie · 774 · 157022


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I'm sorry, but I can't say that. The English land before time video I have is a copy a friend sent me for my birthday. You can listen to it only as Mono (otherwise you'll hear only rustling). As for the trombone, I can only guess it's a trombone, some kind of brass instrument for sure.


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Ok, I'll give it to you.  It's not a trombone, it's a trumpet and if you could hear it in stereo it would be out of the right channel.

Oddly enough it's heard in the film but not in the soundtrack...kind of like somebody forgot to play the part when they were recording it. ^_^

For any of those that couldn't locate it on the film, it happens right before Littlefoot and Cera nearly get crushed by Littlefoot's mother's foot in the sharptooth scene.


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Quite frankly, I cannot tell a trumpet from a trombone by the sound. I could only compare what I heard to the sounds my music keyboard gives, and there it sounded more lie the keyboards trombone.

Anyway, next question. In one of the LBT sequels a direct statement is made about the composition of the population of the Great Valley. It's a statement that can easily be disproved by watching earlier sequels (sad example for how little they care about the content of previous sequels when they create an LBT movie). What statement is it, and why is it disproved by earlier sequels?


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Hi Malte

Sorry to be bothering you but I didn't quite get the question can you explain it.. sorry but my brain doesn't usually work at this hours =P
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Yes, I'm afraid the whole question is formulated somewhat complicate. Unfortunaltely writing it in a more distinct way answers half of the question already. Anyway, it makes no sense if the question is formulated too complicate, so here it is more plainly:

One LBT movie claims that a certain kind of dinosaurs doesn't regularly live in the Great Valley. Name the movie, the kind, and some (at least two) examples for appearances of this kind in previous LBT movies.


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LBT VIII was all about stegosauruses so I think there were stegosauruses in LBT III if I remember correctly. ;)


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Yes, and there have been stegosauruses in LBT 2, LBT 5, and LBT 7 as well. I'm not absolutely sure, but I think some were shown in LBT 4 and 6 too, so again this lack of regard for earlier sequels made me frown a bit over LBT 8.
Anyway, yours is the next question.


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I didn't think I got that right! :)

Okey dokey....

How many siblings does Petrie have (don't look at sequels for this answer as they really don't know!)


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In the original LBT tehre's a scene when Petrie goes to his mother and his brothers are there with her.. Their 5, 3 brown ones who maybe are male and 2 blue ones who are probably females =P
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Yep yep yep, that's correct.  Your turn to give a trivia question.


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There are two types of sharpteeth that don't get waht they want but who aren't much bothered with it, I want you to name the kinds of sharpteeth the movies and how the gang escaped.. hint: I've only seen lbt 1 to 7 and 9
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The swimming sharptooth in LBT 9, which I think is a Liopleurodon (spelling may be wrong), didn't seem to be too bothered by the escape of the kids. They escaped as Mo lured the beast away and then hid. When the swimming sharptooth smelled the ocean it just swam home (so it didn't seem to be too bothered).
There are no distinct hinds I remember about any other sharpteeth being particularly NOT bothered by the kids escape, so I can only guess.
The sharpteeth in LBT 3 (Dinonychus or Velociraptors), who maybe were too relieved that they escaped themselves (after the kids broke the dam so the water almost drowned them) to be all too bothered about the kids getting away?


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Yup you got it... next time I'll try to do something harder =P So it's your turn Malte (=
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It's not easy to come up with hard ones. :P


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It's difficult to find a hard question simply because we all know these movies very well. However, I prefer questions such as the last one (about the content of the movies) from questions where one has to look up the credits. Either way I consider the LBT quiz fun!

Here is the next question. For creative reasons the land before time couldn't take too much care about science. Many of the dinosaurs shown side by side in the movies actually lived millions of years apart from each other. Cera and Ducky for example lived in the late Cretaceous period while Littlefoot and Spike lived in the Jurrassic and Petrie in the early Cretaceous.
In very few cases there are dinosaurs from the Triassic period (previous to Jurrassic) as well. Please name a movie in which a sharptooth from the Triassic period appears, and name the kind of that sharptooth.


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That's easy... LBT 1 that dimetrodon that Littlefoot, Petrie and Ducky hide of =p I thought dimetrodons were from the carbonian period I'll look it up...
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Were they really? I've to admit I'm not absolutely sure. I know there was a kind during the carbonian period that resembled Dimetrodon very much (with a sail on the back), but was a herbivore. I think Dimetrodon was from the Triassic, but I cannot put my hand into fire for it.
Anyway, you gave exactly the answer I wanted to hear, if it was too easy I may be should have left out the part about the dino being a sharptooth. However, your answer was correct.


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Sorry for not posting earlier but I've been kind of busy...
Hmm... In the sequels there is a caracter that helps the gang resolve an argue, although tehy don't enjoy it... I'd like you to tell me the caracter, the argue and he solves it, and the sequel of course =P
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I'm pretty sure you are refering to Littlefoot's grandfather at the beginning of LBT 5, when he solves the quarrel about the last treestar that had been eaten by Mr. Clubtail while Littlefoot considered it his own (and blamed his friends who thought different about that that it had gone to non of them).
Am I right?
By the way, we were both wrong about Dimetrodon. It lived neither in the triassic, nor in the carbonian period, but a period between those two that began about 285 million years ago. I don't know the English name for that period, and non of my books tells it (can you help out Arvens?), but the German name for it would be "Perm".


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You're right about the sceen but the character I was looking for wasn't Littlefoot's grandpa but Mr Clubtail.. he solves the argue by eating the las leaf =p
I think in english it's called Permian... It's the last period of the paleozoice era.. I guess

Anyway, it's your turn now
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