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How's the Weather?


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22°C right now. It's warming up here as well. Looking at the forecast, it'll continue to warm up a little into the rest of the week, although there is a chance of showers on Friday. Which I hope there is; I love the rain.


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Got up to around 30°C today with it getting a couple degrees hotter tomorrow. Certainly not used to the heat haha. At least there's some rain in the forecast for Sunday.

Hot for Alberta, isn't it? My area has only reached 30°C once so far this year despite being way farther down south than you. But then again, being near the coast keeps temperatures much cooler than inland.
Also, yay you remember how to type the degree symbol! °v°

Here, it's currently 66°F (~19°C) with Light rain in the area. Tomorrow will only get to 72°F (~22.2°C) with scattered thunderstorms for the afternoon and evening hours. The following day is basically the same temperature, give or take.

Also, here's a fun fact regarding droughts recently. Did you know that the Southeast region of Alaska recorded its first extreme drought ever since they started recording droughts in 2000? Very weird indeed, considering that it's supposed to be Alaska's wettest region. I thought this would be appropriate to share considering that we have been talking about Alberta wildfires and droughts too.

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I did remember haha. Thanks again for the tip!

It's fairly hot for Alberta though it usually gets up into that range at some point during the summer (can get as high as around 35°C from what I recall in previous years, at least where I live).

I did not know about the drought in Alaska so thanks for the info! Though there's been studies done that the arctic is being hit hardest with climate change and is warming up at a faster rate then other parts of the world. Could lead to some bad positive feedback with melting ice reducing Earth's albedo as well was trapped methane being released into the atmosphere.


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Yeah, I've heard of those trapped gasses in the ice before. Do you also think that the frequent arctic blast/polar vortex outbreaks in the United States is also related to Climate Change? I've read that it weakens the polar jet stream and allows frigid air to plunge deep southward from its usual area.

Currently, it's 62°F (16.7°C). For tonight's forecast, there's thunderstorms with heavy rain at times with a small chance of severe storms before clearing out at midnight or so. I do see on radar a band of heavy rain and thunderstorms heading east towards us. I hope it weakens or dissipates before hitting us, because it seems like there's already a couple of severe thunderstorm warnings associated with it at the same time. According to the hourly forecast, it's only about 2 hours away. Tomorrow is 68°F (20°C) with afternoon showers. I like this cool weather and I hope it stays that way. :)

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I don't know enough to say if it is or not, but yeah the really cold weather happens when the jet stream that separates high and low pressure air is south of you which allows the arctic air to move in. This winter had it drop pretty far down though I really don't know enough about the weather system to say much on the subject haha.

As for weather for me, another 30°C today. Had to work outside for a bit today which wasn't too fun. Really don't miss the days of working out in this heat (and cold in winter) :p


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Currently, it's 62°F (16.7°C). For tonight's forecast, there's thunderstorms with heavy rain at times with a small chance of severe storms before clearing out at midnight or so. I do see on radar a band of heavy rain and thunderstorms heading east towards us. I hope it weakens or dissipates before hitting us, because it seems like there's already a couple of severe thunderstorm warnings associated with it at the same time. According to the hourly forecast, it's only about 2 hours away.

Update on yesterday's weather. Basically the storm wasn't bad at all when it hit us. For the first half there were only a few rumbles of thunder and lightning. For the second half it was just pure rain. Lasted about 30 minutes or so. It was mostly light/moderate rain, with short periods of more heavier rain. But yet only less than 100 miles southwest of us, there are severe thunderstorm warnings associated with the same storm system. Entire states west of us actually had severe thunderstorm watches because of these storms that could potentially be severe.

Currently it's 62°F (~16.7°C). Tonight thunderstorms are forecasted, but no chance of severe. Tomorrow will be warmer with a high of 77°F (25°C), Mostly Sunny Skies, and low humidity. :)

As for weather for me, another 30°C today. Had to work outside for a bit today which wasn't too fun. Really don't miss the days of working out in this heat (and cold in winter) :p

Just hope it's a dry heat my friend, dry heat... ;)

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Yesterday had a crazy amount of smoke creating a weird yellow haze. Kinda spooky. Got to talking about it on discord and decided to look up how far the smoke has spread and found this.

Much better today though and a nice 16°C


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Wow, nice find of that map that shows the extensive spread of the wildfire smoke. You can really see the darker shades being near the site of the burns in Canada, and surprising so much of that smoke has ended up in the United States too. Of course, there are also wildfires in the U.S, but I'm not sure if its as much as Canada has currently.

I hope you stay safe out there, especially from those dangerous fires! :)

It's ironic how a century or so of purposefully trying to fight and eliminate wildfires have actually caused them to overall become worse, as they burn much brighter and hotter than back in the day. The wildfires are actually part of a forest's natural cycle, where it clears out crowded or dead debris and foliage on the ground to allow for new growth to come in. Since we constantly put them out, lots of dry, flammable material is left for fires to use as fuel if one is happened to be sparked. Obviously homes, infrastructures, and whatnot need to be protected, but now we are working so much harder to put out wildfires because of it. Controlled/prescribed burns are great ways to lessen the severity of wildfires and even prevent them by clearing the dense foliage on the ground that was supposed to be done naturally. It also releases nutrients into the soil further helping the aid of growth. Some pinecone trees also need that heat from the fires to open their cones and disperse seeds on the ground. If you're interested about this topic, go search for it on Wikipedia. It's also interesting to know that according to Wikipedia, the indigenous people in North America and Australia have done prescribed burns, so it has been done way before us.

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Yeah I didn't know that the fires were that extensive. Thanks for the concern, but I should probably be OK. Mostly just the smoke that I have to deal with so far. Thankfully there's only small towns in the north so it doesn't effect a large number of people, but as of right now about 10,000 people have been evacuated.

As for wildfire severity, it's not that big of a stretch to have global warming as a significant reason for the increase as disasters such as these have been predicated to get worse due to that very fact. Everything you've said makes sense as well for being a cause as well.


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There haven't been any evacuations near where I live, but we got hit with a pretty strong wave of smoke ourselves. A couple days ago, it was so smoky out that the entire sky was this monotone, grey haze all around. You couldn't even see the sun. Although thankfully it cleared out soon after and it's a much nicer day out today. You can still see a bit of smoke along the horizon, but right now it's not too bad.


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What do you guys do for the day when it's too smoky to do anything outside? Posting on the GOF, of course. :D
But seriously, what else would you do?

Scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon for me with a high of 74°F (~23.3°C) and a low of 57°F (~13.9°C).
Tomorrow is the coolest day for me, with a high of 69°F (~20.6°C) and a low of 50°F (10°C). Wow, that's the coolest nighttime temperature here since May 15, so I'm very happy about that. :)

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Well we've only had one extremely smoky day so far this year, so it hasn't been too much of an issue yet. I remember both last year and the year before, there were quite a few smoky days, although sometimes I went out for long walks anyway.

On days when I am stuck inside, however, often I'll write, draw, or play video games.


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Pretty much the same, minus the writing part. Other things have kept me occupied as well with things like learning some photo editing stuff.

But yeah, so far it's only really been one day where it's been really bad smoke wise.


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Interestingly enough, there was recently a Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued for my area. The winds increased and a very brief period of heavy rain followed, but other than that nothing significant occurred out of this thin line of thunderstorms. In fact, other than a few weak rumbles of thunder, it ended quickly afterwards.

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What country/province do you live in?

The United States. More specifically in New York State.
And hey, this isn't my Ask Me thread! :lol

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Today's temperature is 18°C, which is really good. I spent these last few days at a summer cottage. Lovely place.  :^^spike


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That seems cool, Anagnos! Did you go on vacation? What place did you travel to?

For my area, right now it's 71°F (~21.7°C) with a dew point of 32°F (0°C), so the humidity is at a very comfortable 23%. Today was another pretty cool day for me. It was also nice to have breezy conditions all day with the wind. :)

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Oh, do you like to draw too? :)
Every now and then yes. Mostly LBT art as I don't have a whole lot of time so I participate in the fanart prompts mostly. You can check them out on my fanart topic if you're interested. I've made a few of the more recent emotes as well.  :opetrie :thinking :PCera :bestsharptooth :rainbowwave are all mine (though Iris did animate the waving for me) and  :olittlefoot :yum were ones that I made from other peoples picks for emotes. We did have a talk on discord about drawing though maybe it was more about you drawing then about me haha

And since this is still a weather topic, it was a nice 19­°C today