The Gang of Five
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Messages - Lain_EX

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 107
Land Before Time Captions / stoned Littlefoot
« on: October 29, 2017, 07:47:15 PM »
Littlefoot: Gimmw kiss?
Cera: Uh... what?

Land Before Time Captions / Mmmm Apatosaurus rump
« on: October 29, 2017, 07:44:47 PM »
Da booteh.

It's Party Time! / Countdown
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:05:02 AM »

It's Party Time! / Alphabet Game
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:02:04 AM »
Ladle :3

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Lain_EX
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:48:52 PM »
Heh heh. Yeah. Reviving this thread from the last year. ^w^

I'm 27 now. :3

The Fridge / What is the last thing you ate?
« on: November 13, 2011, 03:53:06 AM »
Chocolate chip cookies with hot chocolate. <3

It's Party Time! / The Bad Translator Game.
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:40:26 PM »
Here's another one from Neopets: This is fattening and greasy and everything your parents told you not to eat when you were little.

Afrikaans : Dit is vetmesting en vetterige en alles wat jou ouers vir jou ges’ het om nie te eet toe jy klein was.
Back to English : It's fattening and greasy, and everything your parents told you not to eat when you were little.
Albanian : Majm”ri t” tij dhe me yndyr”, dhe Ádo gj” prind”rit e tu th”n” t” mos hani, kur ju ishit pak.
Back to English : Its fattening and greasy, and everything your parents told you not to eat when you were little.
Arabic : وقال وتسمين دهني ، وأهلك كل شيء أن لا تأكل عندما كنت صغيرة.
Back to English : The fattening and greasy, and everything that your family does not eat when I was small.
Belarusian : Адкорме і мажа, і ўсё, што вашай сям'і не ядуць, калі я быў маленькім.
Back to English : Fattening and greasy, and everything your family does not eat when I was young.
Bulgarian : Угояване и мазни, и всичко, което семейството ви не яде, когато бях млад.
Back to English : Fattening and greasy, and everything your family does not eat when I was young.
Catalan : Engreix i greix, i tot el que la seva fam“lia no menja, quan era jove.
Back to English : Bait and fat, and everything your family does not eat when I was young.
Chinese : 诱饵和脂肪,和一切你的家人也不吃我年轻的时候。
Back to English : Bait and fat, and all your family do not eat when I was young.
Chinese Simplified : 诱饵和脂肪,和所有家庭不吃我年轻的时候。
Back to English : Bait and fat, and all the family do not eat when I was young.
Chinese Traditional : 誘餌和脂肪,所有的家庭不吃飯的時候我還年輕。
Back to English : Bait and fat, all of the family does not eat when I was young.
Croatian : Mamac i masti, sve obitelji ne jede kad sam bio mlad.
Back to English : Bait and fat, all families do not eat when I was young.
Czech : N·vnady a tuk, v…echny rodiny nemaj“ j“st, kdyû jsem byl mlad?.
Back to English : Baits and fat, all families do not eat when I was young.
Danish : Lokkemad og fedt, g¯r alle familier ikke spise, da jeg var ung.
Back to English : Baits and fat, making all families do not eat when I was young.
Dutch : Aas en vet, doe het maken van alle families niet eten toen ik jong was.
Back to English : Bait and grease, making all families do not eat when I was young.
English : Bait and grease, making all families do not eat when I was young.
Back to English : Bait and grease, making all families do not eat when I was young.
Estonian : Bait ja rasva, mis teeb k?ik pered ei sˆˆ, kui olin noor.
Back to English : Byte and fat, which makes all the families do not eat when I was young.
Filipino : Byte at taba, na ginagawang lahat ng mga pamilya hindi kumain kapag ako ay batang.
Back to English : Byte and fat, which makes all the family can not eat when I was young.
Finnish : Byte ja rasvaa, joka tekee kaikki perhett‰ ei voi syˆd‰ kun olin nuori.
Back to English : Byte and fat, which makes all the family can not eat when I was young.
French : Byte et de graisse, ce qui fait toute la famille ne peut pas manger quand j'Ètais jeune.
Back to English : Byte and fat, which makes the whole family can not eat when I was young.
Galician : Byte e graxa, o que fai toda a familia non pode comer cando era novo.
Back to English : Byte and fat, which makes the whole family can not eat when he was young.
German : Byte und Fett, das die ganze Familie kann nicht essen, wenn er noch jung war macht.
Back to English : Byte and fat that the whole family can not eat when he was young makes.
Greek : Byte και το λίπος που όλη η οικογένεια δεν μπορεί να φάει όταν ήταν νέος κάνει.
Back to English : Byte and fat that the whole family can not eat when he was young does.
Haitian Creole : Multiple ak tout grËs ki tout fanmi an pa ka manje lË li te jenn ap fË.
Back to English : Multiple and all the fat that the whole family can eat when he is young.
Hebrew : מרובים וכל השומן שכל המשפחה יכולה לאכול כשהם צעירים.
Back to English : Numerous and fat that the whole family can eat when they're young.
Hindi : कई और वसा है कि पूरे परिवार को खा सकते हैं जब वे युवा हैं.
Back to English : Many and the whole family can eat fat when they are young.
Hungarian : Sok Ès az egÈsz csal·d eszik zs“rt, ha fiatal.
Back to English : And the whole family eats a lot of fat when they are young.
Icelandic : Og alla fjˆlskylduna Ètur miki? af fitu ?egar ?eir eru ungir.
Back to English : The whole family eats a lot of fat when they are young.
Indonesian : Seluruh keluarga makan banyak lemak saat mereka masih muda.
Back to English : The whole family ate a lot of fat when they were young.
Irish : An teaghlach ar fad ith a l·n saille nuair a bh“ siad Ûg.
Back to English : The whole family ate a lot of fat when they were young.
Italian : L'intera famiglia mangiato un sacco di grasso quando erano giovani.
Back to English : The whole family ate a lot of fat when they were young.
Japanese : 彼らは若い頃、家族全員が脂肪をたくさん食べた。
Back to English : They were young, the whole family ate a lot of fat.
Korean : 그들은 어릴 때 가족 전체가 지방을 많이 먹었어요.
Back to English : When I was a kid the whole family, they ate a lot of fat.
Latvian : Kad es biju bērns visu ģimeni, viņi ēda daudz tauku.
Back to English : When I was a kid the whole family, they ate more fat.
Lithuanian : Kai buvau vaikas, visai …eimai, jie valgė daugiau riebalų.
Back to English : When I was a child, the whole family, they ate more fat.
Macedonian : Кога бев дете, целото семејство, јадеа повеќе масти.
Back to English : When I was a child, the whole family ate more fat.
Malay : Apabila saya adalah seorang kanak-kanak, seluruh ahli keluarga makan lebih banyak lemak.
Back to English : When I was a child, the whole family to eat more fat.
Maltese : I meta kien tifel, il-familja kollha li jieklu aktar xaħam.
Back to English : When I was a child, the whole family to eat more fat.
Norwegian : Da jeg var barn, for hele familien spise mer fett.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family eat more fat.
Persian : وقتی من کودک بودم ، برای تمام خانواده خوردن چربی بیشتری است.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family is eating more fat.
Polish : Kiedy byłem dzieckiem, dla całej rodziny jest jedzenie więcej tłuszczu.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family is eating more fat.
Portuguese : Quando eu era crianÁa, para toda a fam“lia est· comendo mais gordura.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family is eating more fat.
Portuguese: Portugal : Quando eu era crianÁa, para toda a fam“lia est· comendo mais gordura.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family is eating more fat.
Romanian : C‚nd am fost un copil, pentru Óntreaga familie mananca mai multa grasime.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family eat more fat.
Russian : Когда я был ребенком, для всей семьи едят больше жиров.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Serbian : Када сам био дете, за целу породицу да једу више масти.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Slovak : Keď som bol dieťa, pre cel? rodinu jesť viac tuku.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Slovenian : Ko sem bil otrok, za vso druûino, da bi jedli več ma…čob.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Spanish : Cuando yo era niÒo, para toda la familia a comer m·s grasa.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Swahili : Nilipokuwa mtoto, kwa ajili ya familia nzima kula zaidi ya mafuta.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Swedish : N‰r jag var barn, fˆr hela familjen att ‰ta mer fett.
Back to English : When I was a child, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Tagalog : Kapag ako ay isang bata, para sa buong pamilya upang kumain ng mas taba.
Back to English : When I was a kid, for the whole family to eat more fat.
Thai : เมื่อฉันเป็นเด็กสำหรับทั้งครอบครัวในการรับประทานอาหารไขมันมากขึ้น
Back to English : When I was a kid for the whole family to eat more fat.
Turkish : Ben daha fazla yağ yemek iÁin b¸t¸n aile iÁin bir Áocukken.
Back to English : I was a boy for the whole family to eat more fat.
Ukranian : Я був хлопчиком для всієї родини їдять більше жирів.
Back to English : I was a boy for the whole family eat more fat.
Vietnamese : TÙi l‡ một cậu bÈ cho cả gia đÏnh ăn nhiều chất bÈo.
Back to English : I was a boy for the whole family to eat more fat.
Welsh : Oeddwn yn fachgen ar gyfer y teulu cyfan i fwyta mwy o fraster.
Back to English : I was a boy for the whole family to eat more fat.
Yiddish : איך איז געווען אַ יינגל פֿאַר דער גאנצער משפּחה צו עסן מער גראָב.
Back to English : I was a boy for the whole family to eat more fat.


It's Party Time! / The Bad Translator Game.
« on: May 06, 2011, 12:48:10 AM »
This looks kinda fun! I'll try from one of Neopets site quote: "This vegetable soup is nice, but why is there a lump of dung in it?"

AFRIKAANS : Dit groentesop is mooi, maar hoekom is daar 'n knop van mis in dit?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup is nice, but why is there a lump of dung in it?
ALBANIAN : Kjo sup” perimesh ”sht” e bukur, por pse nuk ka nj” gung” t” bajg” n” t”?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup is nice, but why not a lump of dung in it?
ARABIC : هذا هو لطيف شوربة الخضار ، ولكن لماذا لا قطعة من روث في ذلك؟
Back to ENGLISH : This is a nice vegetable soup, but why not a piece of dung in it?
BELARUSIAN : Гэта добры агародніннай суп, але чаму б не кавалак гною ў ім?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why not a piece of dung in it?
BULGARIAN : Това е добър зеленчукова супа, но защо не е част от тор в него?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why is not part of manure in it?
CATALAN : Aquesta Ès una bona sopa de verdures, perÚ per quË no forma part de fem en ella?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why do not part in it?
CHINESE : 这是一个很好的蔬菜汤,但为什么不是在它的一部分?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED : 这是一个很好的蔬菜汤,但为什么不是它的一部分?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
CHINESE_TRADITIONAL : 這是一個很好的蔬菜湯,但為什麼不一個部分呢?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
CROATIAN : Ovo je dobra juha od povrća, ali za…to ne dio toga?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
CZECH : To je dobr· zeleninov· polÈvka, ale proč ne č·st toho?
Back to ENGLISH : That's the good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
DANISH : Det er den gode gr¯ntsagssuppe, men hvorfor ikke en del af det?
Back to ENGLISH : That's the good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
DUTCH : Dat is het goede groentesoep, maar waarom niet een deel ervan?
Back to ENGLISH : That's the good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
ENGLISH : That's the good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
Back to ENGLISH : That's the good vegetable soup, but why not a part of it?
ESTONIAN : See on hea juurviljasupp, kuid miks mitte osa sellest?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a good vegetable soup, but why not share it?
FILIPINO : Ito ay isang mahusay na sopas gulay, ngunit bakit hindi ibahagi ito?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share it?
FINNISH : T‰m‰ on erinomainen kasviskeitto, mutta miksi ei jakaa sen?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share it?
FRENCH : Il s'agit d'une excellente soupe aux lÈgumes, mais pourquoi ne pas le partager?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share it?
GALICIAN : Esta È unha sopa de legumes excelente, pero por que non comparta-lo?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share it?
GERMAN : Dies ist eine ausgezeichnete Gem¸sesuppe, aber warum nicht teilen?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share?
GREEK : Πρόκειται για μια εξαιρετική σούπα λαχανικών, αλλά γιατί να μην μοιραστείτε;
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share?
HAITIAN_CREOLE : Sa a se yon soup legim ekselan, men poukisa pa pataje?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share?
HEBREW : זהו מרק ירקות מצוין, אבל למה לא לחלוק?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share?
HINDI : यह एक उत्कृष्ट सब्जी का सूप है, लेकिन शेयर क्यों नहीं?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share?
HUNGARIAN : Ez egy kitűnő zˆldsÈgleves, de miÈrt nem megosztani?
Back to ENGLISH : This is an excellent vegetable soup, but why not share?
ICELANDIC : ?etta er fr·bÊrt grÊnmeti s?pa, en af ​​hverju ekki a? deila?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a great vegetable soup, but why not share?
INDONESIAN : Ini adalah sup sayuran yang besar, tetapi mengapa tidak berbagi?
Back to ENGLISH : This is a great vegetable soup, but why not share?
IRISH : Is È seo anraith glasra“ go hiontach, ach cÈn f·th nach bhfuil roinnt?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup is great, but why not share?
ITALIAN : Questa zuppa di verdure Ë grande, ma perchÈ non condividere?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup is great, but why not share?
JAPANESE : この野菜スープは、素晴らしいですが、理由は共有しない?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup is great, why not share?
KOREAN : 이 야채 수프, 주 큰 이유 아닌가요?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for weeks is not it?
LATVIAN : äī dārzeņu zupa, liels iemesls, lai nedēļas vai ne?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
LITHUANIAN : äis darûovių sriuba, didelė prieûastis, savaitės ar ne?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
MACEDONIAN : Оваа супа од зеленчук, голема причина за една недела или не?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
MALAY : Ini sup sayuran, alasan besar selama seminggu atau tidak?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
MALTESE : Dan soppa tal-ħaxix, raġuni kbir għal ġimgħa jew le?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
NORWEGIAN : Dette vegetabilske suppe, en stor grunn for en uke eller ikke?
Back to ENGLISH : This vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
PERSIAN : این سوپ سبزی ، یک دلیل بزرگ برای یک هفته یا نه؟
Back to ENGLISH : The vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
POLISH : Zupa jarzynowa, wielki powÛd na tydzień czy nie?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
PORTUGUESE : Sopa de legumes, um grande motivo para uma semana ou n„o?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
PORTUGUESE_PORTUGAL : Sopa de legumes, um grande motivo para uma semana ou n„o?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
ROMANIAN : Supă de legume, un motiv de mare pentru o saptamana sau nu?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
RUSSIAN : Овощной суп, большая причина, в течение недели или нет?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
SERBIAN : Супа од поврћа, велики разлог за недељу или не?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week or not?
SLOVAK : Zeleninov· polievka, veľk? dÙvod za t?ûdeň, alebo nie?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for the week, or not?
SLOVENIAN : Zelenjavna juha, velik razlog za teden dni, ali ne?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, a big reason for a week, or not?
SPANISH : Sopa de verduras, una de las razones por una semana, o no?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, one reason for a week, or not?
SWAHILI : Supu ya mboga, sababu moja kwa wiki, au la?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, because once a week, or not?
SWEDISH : Grˆnsakssoppa, eftersom en gÂng i veckan, eller inte?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, because once a week, or not?
TAGALOG : Gulay na sopas, dahil minsan sa isang linggo, o hindi?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, because once a week, or not?
THAI : ซุปผักเนื่องจากสัปดาห์ละครั้งหรือไม่?
Back to ENGLISH : Vegetable soup, because once a week or not?
TURKISH : «¸nk¸ haftada bir kez veya sebze Áorbası,?
Back to ENGLISH : Because once a week or vegetable soup?
UKRAINIAN : Тому що один раз на тиждень або овочевий суп?
Back to ENGLISH : Because once a week or soup?
VIETNAMESE : Bởi vÏ một tuần một lần hoặc s?p?
Back to ENGLISH : Because once a week or soup?
WELSH : Gan fod unwaith yr wythnos neu gawl?
Back to ENGLISH : Because once a week or soup?
YIDDISH : ווייַל אַמאָל אַ וואָך אָדער זופּ?
Back to ENGLISH : Because once a week or soup?


Animation / Jafar Caption 1
« on: April 13, 2011, 08:23:24 PM »
How Jafar does open his lips THAT wide without using his fingers is surprising. o3o

The Fridge / Merry Christmas GOFers
« on: December 25, 2010, 02:41:19 AM »
Hi there. =3

It's me, Lain, wishing you for the merriest of Christmases to all of you GOF users! ^w^ *gives everyone a Santa hat*

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Lain_EX
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:57:30 PM »
Hi! Just dropped in to check out stuff. =3

Thankies much for the birthday wishes! ^w^ *huggles you all*

It's Party Time! / Alphabet Game
« on: November 18, 2010, 03:02:29 PM »

It's Party Time! / Alphabet Game
« on: November 14, 2010, 03:21:25 AM »

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Darkhououmon!
« on: November 13, 2010, 03:17:45 PM »
A very happy birthday to do.

Also sorry if it's a bit late. ^w^;;

It's Party Time! / Alphabet Game
« on: September 01, 2010, 06:29:35 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Jun 5 2010 on  01:17 PM

It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: September 01, 2010, 06:26:28 PM »

It's Party Time! / Alphabet Game
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:26:36 AM »

It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:25:59 AM »

Animation / Ronald McDonald caption
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:22:02 AM »
Ronald McDonald. According to Klasky Csupo.

Animation / Bug's Life caption
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:20:38 AM »
Flik: You wanna do WHAT? o.o

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