The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Hi friends!


  • Ruby
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:Mo first of all let me say Mo is one of my favorite characters and this emoticon IMMEDIATELY caught my eye

Hi friends! I'm coldfire in all lowercase. The username is a homage to my favorite LBT movie, The Stone of Cold Fire, with which I was bizarrely obsessed as a child.

I am a teenage girl with bad eyesight living in the USA, I have one dog and two cats, aaaaand I love spending time on the internet. So, about how I came to be here now...

I actually found out about this forum in 2015, I believe? Before it moved. (surprised that happened but also grateful for a link redirecting here!) I was only 14/15 (you may guess my age with this information) and felt immensely intimidated by the older ages of most of the members I saw, so with this twisted inferiority complex in mind I closed the tab and never looked back.

Until today! I recently binge watched the entire series (TV episodes included) and felt incredibly nostalgic for the time when I owned all the movies on VCR. It was enough to send me on a little spree to find as much information on the fanbase of LBT, if there was one. Indeed there is, and it lies in the threads of this forum! I'm impressed by the survival of this forum, but even more so by the existence of it. I've never thought of LBT as having a very big fanbase, which I frankly don't think it does, but somehow I came back here to be pleasantly surprised. I have a lot of respect for the admins that have dedicated so many years to the moderation and general upkeep of this forum, as I'm sure they've done their best to provide as wonderful an experience to members as the movie does to first time viewers. <3

So! With all that said, I'm really excited to be here and partake in roleplaying especially. I don't know any of the etiquette for these boards, nor if there's some basic rules to follow (excluding ones stemmed from common sense like no spamming etc.). If I happen to make a mistake, please be gentle on me! I promise I won't have meant it. I look forward to interacting to with all of you.  :smile


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Hi Coldfire and well to the Forum!
 The Roleplay section has a rules link above it , you can read the rules at your leisure Most of them are Simple; No Godmodding, No taking over other peoples characters without permission etc.
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Sergeant Burker

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Welcome amigo!

We are pleased to have more members about here.
BUT DON'T USE BINGE. IT IS AWFUL. In my opinion. I prefer just watching online or collecting DVDs, Blu-Rays and VHS tapes.

Talk to me if you have any interests in any other animated media. My user profile image proves it. Plus this old video project I made: .

How sentimental. You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat!


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Hello and welcome to the Gang of Five. Pleased to meet you yep yep yep! :)littlefoot

What kind of roleplaying are you interested in? There's one LBT related one currently active but feel free to share ideas for a new one if you got ideas. :)

And don't worry about mistakes, the admins and mods are very kind and fair, believe me :yes
Inactive, probably forever.


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Welcome! Always good to see new members! Hope you enjoy your stay here :smile


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  • Ruby
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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I feel right at home.

Welcome amigo!

We are pleased to have more members about here.
BUT DON'T USE BINGE. IT IS AWFUL. In my opinion. I prefer just watching online or collecting DVDs, Blu-Rays and VHS tapes.

Talk to me if you have any interests in any other animated media. My user profile image proves it. Plus this old video project I made: .


Hi Sergeant Burker! Not sure which half of your name to refer to you by. When I said binge I meant in the fashion of watching all the movies at once. I get the impression you mean a service of sorts? I own a complete CD collection of LBT films so there's no need to worry at my expense. Thanks for the advice anyway!

Hello and welcome to the Gang of Five. Pleased to meet you yep yep yep! :)littlefoot

What kind of roleplaying are you interested in? There's one LBT related one currently active but feel free to share ideas for a new one if you got ideas. :)

And don't worry about mistakes, the admins and mods are very kind and fair, believe me :yes

Hello Ducky! I'm really hoping to get involved in an LBT roleplay which is based mostly, or in whole on the universe within the movies. Pretty much what you described! I'm a little sad to hear there's only one active right now, but I guess it's better than nothing. Do you have an estimate of how many members on the forum are roleplayers? I don't want to get my hopes up in case the amount of those is very small.


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It is always a great occasion when a new member joins the forum.  Welcome to our little corner of the Internet!  :)  Do not be too intimidated by us admins; much like Chomper we do not bite.   :OhYou  As for rules, we do have some basic rules which can be found here.  Generally though, the rules correspond to basic good manners and common sense.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Hello and welcome to the GoF coldfire! Glad to see you finally decided to join our gang!  :)littlefoot


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Coldfire, there are a few active and lot of members who have been in older roleplays. The current roleplay is ongoing but it's not impossible to jump in. Just look at the RP and if you're interested we can talk more about it in the discussion thread for that RP. Still, if you have any ideas just open a discussion thread and I'm sure people will jump in if it's an interesting idea :)
Inactive, probably forever.


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  • Ducky
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Welcome to GOF!! :)littlefoot :Mo

Stone of Cold Fire happens to be one of my personal favorite LBT movies, and Beyond the Mysterious Beyond is my favorite LBT song.

Do not be too intimidated by us admins; much like Chomper we do not bite.   :OhYou  As for rules, we do have some basic rules which can be found here.  Generally though, the rules correspond to basic good manners and common sense.
He pretty much said exactly what I was going to. :p :add Just use common sense, don’t be a jerk, and you’re good. We mods don’t bite either. :OhYou All of the staff here is very nice and friendly.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 10:29:04 PM by Littlefoot505 »