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Pages: 1 2 3 4
LBT Fanfiction / Ali's Final Destination
« on: August 26, 2010, 07:19:08 AM »
After reading a post in The Insane Crossover Thread, I've decided to write a crossover of Final Destination and The Land Before Time.

Here's the link.

I'm only going to include the violence from all four movies, and profanity. Nothing other than that.

Rated M for Rated R for strong violent/gruesome accidents, gory images with terror, language

A cross between all four final destination movies in the Rating. I've written a short introduction just like the movies go and that's all so far.

LBT Fanart / Rise of the Storm Tide fanart?
« on: August 17, 2010, 07:04:18 PM »
I was always wondering since I read it, has anyone ever thought of drawing scenes from Caustizer's Rise of the Storm Tide? I'm going to do a few and upload them, I already have an idea for a few, but I just drew a picture, so I don't know when I'll do this next one, but I'm am going to do some of my favorite scenes, like where Rozzy and Ruby kiss or the final scene between Syndra and Guido kissing.

I'll even try a few pictures of new characters by themselves, like Rozzy, Thor and Syndra.

I'm not going to force anyone to do fanart, it's only a suggestion to others. When it comes to fanart, I'm not forceful with other users and friends.

Land Before Time Captions / Ruby and the tunnel
« on: August 16, 2010, 11:36:50 AM »

Ruby (thinking): Wow. I wonder how far that goes...

Land Before Time Captions / Nervous Rinkus
« on: August 14, 2010, 07:18:36 PM »

Sierra (offscreen): Rinkus? Why are you look at me like that? Your supposed to "get rid of" the kids, not me!

The Written Word / Ice Age: The Revenge of Scar-Face
« on: August 13, 2010, 09:01:54 AM »
Here's chapter 1, which I wrote on two seperate days. Half yesterday, half this morning.

The herd ends up in the dino-world again after an accident, they meet an old friend and a new character named Tera also meets the herd too. They find out Scar-Face, Scar-Eye's brother, is out for revenge and they must stop him from killing them all.

Guan walks over to Mindy, and says, "Come on Mindy, you have to get some sleep. You've had a long day." Mindy tiredly responds, "But I'm..." She yawns, then continues, "But I'm not sleepy yet." Guan says, "Then why did you yawn?"

Mindy says, "Fine. I am tired, but I... I'm scared that I'll end up like Sid." Guan says, "Don't worry, Your sibblings, your father, you, our herd and I are the only guanlongs in the valley, and none of us intend on hurting you. But I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." Mindy yawns again, and lays down on her rock bed. She turns over so her back is face her mother, and the grass on her bed makes a faint cracking sound.

Her mother hears her snoring, she turns around, and slowly walks out of the cave. She walks into her own cave, lays down in a corner and falls asleep. Shelly and her sibblings are walking across the playground with tired looks on their faces, Shelly yawns and says, "Well, I didn't know that spending a day at a playground can make you tired. Where's are cave at? I forgot."

Jennifer points over to a cave with a small opening and says, "It's that one over there, remember, ours is the one with the small opening." The four walk over to the entrance, and they walk into it one by one.

They each lay down on a different rock with grass on them, and they all all asleep instantly. Amber walk by their cave, can hear them snoring and says, "Jeez, I thought that I was a loud snorer." She walks off towards the tree with the swing on it, climbs into the space in the tree, and falls asleep.

The next morning...

Shelly comes walking out of her cave, yawns, and shakes her head. She walks over to the tree swing, and begins yelling, "Wake up Amber! Wake up! Guanlongs! Wake up! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Amber comes crawling out of the tree, looks up, and sees Shelly laughing at her, "You idiot! I was sleeping!"

Shelly says, "Well, sorry. Yell at Jennifer, not me. She wanted me to wake you up, so..." Amber cuts her off, "Well, don't be yelling so loud that someone in the dino-valley can hear. All we need is something from there coming up."

Egbert, Yoko, Jennifer, Guan and Mindy come walking over to the tree, before anyone can even say anything, the ground starts shaking violently, and Mindy yells, "Run! Its an earthquake!"

They all begin running in the same direction, Shelly looks back, she sees a large crack in the ground forming, and coming straight towards them, "Run faster! The grounds splitting up! Hurry up! Go!"

They jump out of the way of the earthquake, they all get all get up, and Mindy says, "How did that happen? Dose that happen often here? Shelly?" Shelly says, "No, that's the first one we've ever had here."

Amber says, "Well, we should go see what the damage is to the valley. But the one thing none of us will find out is: How did it happen?" Guan cuts in, "Uh, Shelly? Are we the only ones in the valley?"

Shelly responds, "Yeah, everyone else left the valley to get away from the dangers of it for a while, they were sick of always getting frozen, ending up in the future, and begin chased around by the inhabinants of the dino-world."

Guan asks, "So, when are they going to be back?" Shelly responds, "They said that they'd be gone for about a month, its only been three days, I'm guessing the main reason they left is, that after our troubles with Drake, they wanted to go to the beach."

Mindy says, "I have a feeling that we would've wanted to go with them after today, even Rudy, Momma, Flood and Barry have gone with them. That means we have no protection from the creatures in the dino-world."


In the depths of the dino-world, a large, dark baryonyx with a scar across one side of his face is slowly sneaking through a dark canyon with plants growing all over it.

It steps by a vine with thorns on it, which begins moving in the direction the baryonyx is walking. It hears a slithering soud, turns around, and dosen't see anything, anywhere. He turns around, and continues walking, the plant begins moving after him again.

He soon comes to a clearing in the valley, which reveals another canyon, further done in the valley, again, filled with tons of plants. The vine comes up to the baryonyx's ankle, wraps around his ankle, and begins pulling. The baryonyx looks down, and sees the vine.

He pulls his foot forward, tearing the vine, it quickly slithers back into the woods, screeching.

Back in snow valley...

The group comes to an entrance to a cave, and Guan says, "Oh yeah, we're dead. That cave leads to the dino-world, and the entrance has been opened. So who knows what came out of the cave when we were over here."

Mindy nervously says, "Probaly nothing..." they all begin feeling the ground shaking violently, and Amber yells, "Run! Get in the cave! Hurry!"

They all turn towards the cave entrance, and run into it, soon as the last one of them gets in the cave, a large rock collapses over it, sealing the entrance off.

Mindy says, "Great. Now how are we going to get out?" Guan responds, "There's one way out, but we'll have to walk all the way through the dino-world to the other side. This isn't going to fun, I just know it."

Amber says, "Why? What's so wrong about a valley?"

Guan says, "This valley is the most dangerous place in the world, there's plants that can kill large dinosaurs, spiders and hornets bigger than you are..." Amber cuts her off, "Okay, okay. I get it. But if your right about those things, then how are we going to get through there safely?"

Guan says, "I don't know. Its been years since I've been done here, I personally don't know. But we have too."

They begin walking through the cave, which begins to get darker as they go further in. Mindy looks up, and sees something moving across the ceiling of the cave. Then she hears a faint hissing, and says, "Guan, there's something in this cave. I... I could see it moving across the ceiling of the cave, it... it was hissing."

Guan quickly responds, "Okay, everyone, get out of the cave, okay forget that! Run!" They all quickly begin running, when more hissing is heard, only louder than before. Mindy trips down, Guan runs back, and lifts her up, they begin running again.

They come to a cave exit, where Guan says, "Finally." A spider drops down behind them, and begins hissing, Mindy says, "What... what was that?" They turn around, and see the spider staring at them. They quickly jump off the ledge, and they begin sliding down a rock ledge. The spider turns around, and walks back into the cave.

They soon reach the bottom of the rock slide, where they find themselves staring at a large opening to a jungle. Guan, in a very serious tone, says, "The Jungle of Misery." Amber quickly asks, "The what?!" Guan continues, "The Jungle of Misery is one of the most dangerous places in the whole Dino-World, there are plants and bugs in here of great sizes. From the size of a leaft, to the size of a teenager guanlong, like you Amber."

Amber says, "Great."

Guan says, "Yeah, but the only way to get to the way out of the valley is on the other side of the valley, and we have to get through this jungle, then we'll be at a large canyon, with a rock path across it. Then we'll have to cross another large canyon called, The Plates of Woe. Then we'll be at Lava Falls, which is the aread where the way out of this valley is."

The Fridge / Pebble and the Penguin forum
« on: August 12, 2010, 04:16:50 PM »
I created a new forum about The Pebble and the Penguin I already asked Tropicalia at her forum if she'd come (unintentional though, I was asking for help, and she said she'd join).

So if anyone goes to the site, can you please join there? I'm not forcing any one to join, I wanted to be know about it, and possibly join if they want too.

[Edit by Mumbling]
Moved the topic to The Fridge. The 'Show Us' forum is meant for pictures :)

The Fridge / Cardboard Franchi SPAS-12
« on: August 10, 2010, 11:01:50 PM »
I was on deviantart and I found this:ßion=...PAS-15#/d1cwvpn

It took this person 30 hours to make it this and all they used was cardboard, PVC glue, white school glue, and it is 100% hollow! How would someone have the patients to make this?

All I know is, I'm gonna try this tommorow.

He said that it actually pumps and the butt-stock actually folds out! How?!

Land Before Time Captions / Frozen Cera
« on: August 09, 2010, 09:58:37 AM »

Caption away!

Cera: I'm never... climbing... Mt.... Everest... again... if... I... get... down...

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie's sibblings
« on: August 08, 2010, 01:43:51 PM »

Caption away!

All: "Oh no! The sharptooth got our mother!"

LBT Fanart / Scratte's New Fanart Thread
« on: August 07, 2010, 06:42:11 PM »
I've decided to start a new fanart thread where I can start clean, since there was only help and questions in the old one.

The Fridge / Where's Chomper4?
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:34:55 PM »
I've noticed that soon as I created my account here, Chomper4 disappeared from this site.

Dose anyone know if he's become inactive, blocked, taking a break or what?

I sent a personal message asking, but I still haven't seen him here.

All the message was just telling him that I would make a few scenes from Total Drama Valley and asking where he is.

LBT Fanfiction / New untitled fanfiction
« on: August 03, 2010, 04:50:27 PM »
I am writing a new sixty chaptered fanfiction, I have yet to come up with a real title for the fanfictions.

But it isn't actually involved with Out of the Shadows, although there are multiple references to the events of it.

I am planning on using charcters from all thirteen movies it and the tv series in it.

I can't actually post hear do the amount of violent content and profanity in it. But I'll post links to the chapters and updates.

I am planning on writing 2500 worsd per chapter, which means it will have 150,000 words when its all done.

I'm hoping it will recieve alot more reviews than my other stories, which haven't been getting to many there for some reason, even Blood Ruby hasn't.

The actual rating is M for Strong Graphic Bloody Violence with Disturbing Gross Content and Language.

Chapter 1 is currently done with 2539 words, and I'm currently working on the second chapter of the story. But I deleted it from until can come up with a good title for it, if anyone wants the chapters I'll send you a personal message with them in it.

But what you see in the rating is what's in it, nothing more than violence and profanity.

Don't ask me to post it hear, I'm not gonna break the rules of the site.

Also, can someone people hear help me come up with a good title for story? So people at don't think I just stold Kacie's story title or idea.

Edit by Mumbling: No need to call your fanfiction exactly 'Out of the Shadows', I changed it to untitled fanfiction. Perhaps it would be best to do that on too until you have found a better title :)

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie's sibblings scared
« on: August 03, 2010, 08:28:26 AM »

This is the first animation I'm posting as a caption, it's one of Petrie's sibblings getting nervous about a hungry Chomper.

Caption away!

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie's Momma in mud?!
« on: August 01, 2010, 07:44:35 PM »

Caption away!

Land Before Time Captions / Chomper and Petrie's sibblings
« on: July 31, 2010, 11:39:53 AM »

Caption away!

Chomper: Get OFF my tail!
Alice: Only if it stops raining!

Note: Alice is just the name I gave one one of Petrie's sisters.

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky Hugging Petrie
« on: July 28, 2010, 02:03:11 PM »

Caption away!

Animation / A dancing penguin? Wait that's Gwynne!
« on: July 24, 2010, 08:32:19 PM »

Since when do penguins dance? That's makes a big plot hole in The Pebble and the Penguin and Happy Feet. :lol

The Written Word / Ice Age: The Time Kids
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:39:05 PM »
I asked a friend of mine if I could upload his favorite story here, and he approved (plus he wanted more people to know about it, so that's why I asked, its already on It's called Ice Age: The Time Kids, it has two spinoffs, Momma, I Blew Up the Hatchling (which is currently being written) and Suprise Anniversay for Momma Dino and Kids (not written yet), then one sequel which isn't started yet called Ice Age: The Time Kids 2.

Its rated T for Some Crude Humor and Mild Language (language will be edited)

Chapter 1: Kids out of Time

Time is particular in its own way. And if time is wasted, it can not be regained. But if time is controlled, it can be a great passageway into the past or into the future. One group of talented kids and teenagers have found a way to do both. They were called the time Watch Corporation kids. Using special Japan technology and the state of the art tools, the kids and several adults made the first two prototype time watches.

It took weeks and a month to build them but they had accomplished what no human has done before. They could travel back in time to the past and the future with just a twist of the watch’s disk.

But the watches had one serious error; energy. No matter how much they time traveled, the watches could not hold on to an efficient energy supply. It took two and half weeks just try again and again but so far, nothing.

Then when the corp. intended on shutting down for good, three brilliant teens from the employees’ job found a technique around the energy predicament. By converting solar power on the watches and perfectly small rays designed by the three, they had done it. The watches now ran on solar power energy. It took three weeks but soon three new watches were made and the corp. had been saved from a major shutdown. The three kids were now given special authorization to time travel whenever they wanted provided they didn’t mess with ancient times or the future.

The three employees were Josiah clover, Shelly Blake, and Ken Blake.

Shelly and Ken were brother and sister yet complete opposites.

Ken liked being on his computer and was referred by his sister as a ëhacker’ a ’nerd’ and a ëBrain box’. Ken never did like the great outdoors very much. Being only ten years of age, he was younger then his sister who was twelve and who liked the outdoors more then him.

Shelly never appreciated her brother’s behavior about the outdoors and saw it as annoying. She liked the outdoors and didn’t care whether are not her brother didn’t. She was taller then ken and being older then him, would make sure he got it. She was never scared of the flora and fauna out in the woods when they went camping nor was she afraid to go to the outhouse by herself at night.

Ken, unluckily, would always take a flashlight with him and an extra roll of toilet paper to the outhouse just in case. If an animal or some other critter did come near him, he’d shriek so noisily that half of a trailer park would wake up and wonder who is making all that noise in the middle of the night.

He wasn’t very bold when it came to large animals’ ether. He was frightened to death at the very sight of anything larger then him.

Be it an elephant, horse, or giraffe, ken didn’t like ether of them.

And when it came to time traveling back to prehistoric times, Josiah clover led the two on the craziest ones. Josiah loved time traveling to prehistoric times and interacting with the animals alongside Shelly. Josiah, being twenty years of age, was the oldest of the group and the leader. That made him responsible of the groups protection when they time traveled to certain periods in time.

Josiah took this seriously and never let his guard down for a minute. Because the last time that had happened, Ken was attacked by a plesiosaur that had nabbed him by seat of his khaki shorts and tossed him around like a dog with a toy. Poor ken never got over it and was traumatized by for days when they had returned to the future. On top of that, his shorts and underwear were torn by the teeth of that animal.

Good thing Josiah and Shelly used the corporation Gadgets to help him out. The time corporation had a steady use of gizmos and gadgets from Japan from time to time and they’d permitted the corporations use of them during time travel voyages in the past.

Provided they bring them back to the future after use.

Items left in the past in certain movies had always been misused by people in history. And that is what the corporation couldn’t risk.

The last thing anyone wanted to do was create a time paradox. The watches could not be used for financial gain by anyone from the institute, either. The intent there was to explore time itself. Not to corrupt it.

The kids knew that. Everyone at the corporation knew that.

This was the one rule they had: never interfere with time. Time was not a game to be played with nor was it to be taken for granted.

Josiah, Shelly, and Ken never forgot that one rule.

It was the one rule they never broke together.

Another one was to stick together as a team.

But like all teams, some things come to an end.

Plus, he also wants people to review his story, so he knows if people like it or not.

He's also got several images (which I'll post after the last chapter is posted).

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfictions that would be good enough to be a film
« on: July 20, 2010, 09:12:53 PM »
I've always been thinking. Are there any fanfictions people would love to see as a movie?

I can name a few I would love to see as movies.
  • Out of the Shadows
  • Out of the Shadows II
  • Twilight Valley
  • Revenge
  • Revenge II
  • Revenge III
  • Sharptooth Valley
  • Sharptooth Valley II
  • Total Drama Valley
  • Total Drama Valley II
  • Twilight Valley: Blood Ruby (this depends on how I write the other 54 chapters)
  • A Sharptooth's Heart
  • A Sharpooth's Heart II
  • The Land Before Time XV: The Quest of the Longneck Princess

The Fridge / Twilight Valley wiki
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:53:30 AM »
I created a Twilight Valley wiki and I need someone to create a good logo for the site. If anyone decides to make one, post it here. It can be fanart or an animation, I just need a picture of maybe Blue-Scale or Raptix with "Twilight Valley wiki" in one of the lower corners (left or right, dosen't matter).

I'd do it myself, but my picture of Blue-Scale isn't good enough for a logo.

Also, if anyone as information about the characters to post there, can you create an account with the user name you have here and help me out?

The pages will already be created, but I'll help adding the information on.

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