The Gang of Five
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Which villains do you think will reform?


  • Ducky
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Which ones do you think are capable of getting redemption and which do you think are too wicked or too mean or that have no reason to want to reform?

I think Sierra and Ozzy are too psychopathic and murderous to be capable of reforming or getting redemption.  Red Claw seems to be capable of cannibalism and is also a big bully.  Screech really hasn't shown any reason to want to reform, though it's possible.

Dil and Ichy are a mystery, as they're talking Sharpteeth and aren't with other Sharpteeth, so we can't rule them out as getting better.

Strut seems only to be bad as he's with Ozzy.  Thud has shown that he can be nice when he helped the kids get away from Red Claw and Screech.  True, it was because Chomper helped him out, but still, I think he's not totally hopeless.

Rinkus seems less evil than Sierra, though he's a deceiver and also pretty wicked still.


  • Ducky
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I would say Strut and Thud.

Thud, well, it's because of how he didn't betray Chomper and the others' position in the TV series when he could've after Chomper helped free him from the rock slide. It's that ending to that episode that made me respect him back in 2010 and still do, even five years later.

I'll post my reasoning for Strut tomorrow since there's a movie on TV I want to catch the last ten minutes of.


  • Ducky
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Ironic, I gave those two, plus Dil and Ichy, redemption in a fanfic of mine.  


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My reason for Strut is a bit simple, really. It's just that, if I remember correctly, Strut seemed to feel a bit of regret about following Ozzy's orders. I could see him becoming a protagonist rather than an antagonist if he ever does appear again. (Assuming they aren't dead after Chomper's parents went after them.)


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  • Petrie
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Strut certainly, because he is badly influenced by Ozzy, if Ozzy one day pushes him over the edge, and Strut turns on him, I can imagine, that without Ozzy, he won't  be villain any more, and could even befriend the gang.
Then maybe Thud, but if he meets the gang again at a later time, and would be with Screech and Red Claw again, I really cannot anticipate, what would have happened.
Other villains do not seem to regret anything, because Rhett, Pterano, Hyp, Mutt, Nod, are not full-fledged villains, and others, like Dil, Ichy and Rinkus really do not seem to reform themselves out of the blue, let alone Sierra and Ozzy, who are even full-fledged psychopaths.

Dr. Rex

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Strut and Thud, without a big doubt. Both are pretty much just being bossed around by big bullies (Ozzy metaphorically, Red Claw literally).

I actually think Rinkus is even MORE evil than Sierra, to be perfectly honest. He may come off as a coward who flinches at the sight of Pterano and is the first target of his anger or irritation, but he's also the one who corrals the blatantly psychopathic Sierra when Pterano has his back on them. Sierra's more impulsive and honest with his psychopathy, but I remember Rinkus being the actual schemer of the duo.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I’d add Bitey who Chomper met.

Thud is an obvious choice.

I think Chomper Parents are contenders, they not only were thrilled  when Elsie saves Chomper. Cera even high fives Momma in the leg and she just smiles at Cera.  :MommaSmile

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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I’d add Bitey who Chomper met.

Thud is an obvious choice.

I think Chomper Parents are contenders, they not only were thrilled  when Elsie saves Chomper. Cera even high fives Momma in the leg and she just smiles at Cera.  :MommaSmile

Lol I never seen such a kind smile from any other sharptooth in the series. XD

I felt like everyone already went over the villains I think could turn over a new leaf... So maybe Screech could be redeemed depending if he is close to Thud if he leaves Red Claw. I then this happen in a RP where Screech accepts Thud's choices and joins him (Probably in the yellowbelly RP.  :bestsharptooth)

...And maybe Rhett if has learned not to tell tall tales as if they were truth.  :rhett_brag


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I thought about Strut and Thud.

If Strut becomes free of his brother's bad influence, and gets a helpful "push" to right direction, then he would stop doing pure villainous deeds. Somebody has to teach him that horrible children killing and pursuit are something beyond his omnivorous nature. And, well, eating green food in extreme situations, when he's really hungry, instead of "hunting only eggs till you finally eat it or die" sound better to me.

In my opinion, Thud, part of sharptooth trio, who occasionally seems to do some villainous deeds with residents of Mysterious Beyond, both herbivores, omnivores and carnivores (for some reason, maybe just because they can), gave Chomper not only "because you saved my life" favor, but also some respect, because our little fellow bravely stood for himself, for his friend, and for his position about having true friends and trusting them, so they will come after him despite everything. Maybe this encounter will make him rethink his life of being partner of somebody like Red Claw.

Gentle Sharptooth

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What about Chomper’s Dad? He didn’t get along as well as Momma w/ the Gang, but surely he sees the Gang in a new light after they helped save Chomper from drowning.


“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Gentle Sharptooth

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I argue the Useless Sharptooth (LBTVI) could reform. I mean he was so bad at being a sharptooth he might as well become a melon eater.

 :taunttroll :tauntclaw

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith