The Gang of Five
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Raptor Squadron

F-14 Ace · 175 · 20841


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David hears the incoming message from the emergengy radio underneath his seat.  "Shit, I forgot about the emergency radio." says David as he picks up the reciever.  "Raptor 1, I read you.  Our bird went down somewhere in the forest canopy.  We are going to decend to the forest floor and head to the beach.  Send reinforcments and an Apache for immediate dustoff.  Raptor 2 out."

F-14 Ace

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Max replied, "I have a better idea!  I saw an airfiels about two miles from here.  Why not just go there and jack some Migs?  Escape in style.  Besides, the beach isn't any where near here unless you count the Ammazon River."


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"Alright, besides, if we infiltrate and enemy base I will have more bad guys to shoot.  Heh heh heh!" replies David, "Raptor 2 out."

F-14 Ace

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Jack said, "Stupid idea but there is no way to get a chopper in here.  Plus, you can get out before they fire that damn EMP launcher up again.  We'll cover you.  You have to takt two of those Mig-21s.  Both of you can fly, can't you?  If so, just take off.  THose jets can't land on the ship though.  They're not desighed to.  The LSO would like for you to ditch but why risk killing yourself crashing the plane in the water when you can just fly alongside the carrier and eject?"


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"Good idea," replies David, "First, we'll disable the EMP so they won't ground the rest of you.  THEN we'll hijack the Mig." replies David.

F-14 Ace

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Soon, the dirty work was done and everyone was headed home, David and Cal each flying a Mig-21.  THere were two of the and the mig was only one seat so there were two Migs.  
Max said, "Oh, man.  That was awsome how you guys did that."
Jack said, "Great job, guys.  When we get home, I'll see to it personally that you get a medal and promotion.  And COlonel McKain (Joe), that factory looked like a tornado hit it.  From now on, your callsign will be Twister.  Got that?  Max RIchard, yours is Bonehead.  David and Cal, you guys come up with your own callsigns because you have earned the privelage."


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"I got the most head shots," says David, "So I think I'll call myself, Brain Surgeon."

"I don't know what my nickname should be." says Cal.

F-14 Ace

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When they reach the ship, David and Cal bail out and are rescued.  The crashed Mig is salvaged from the ocean.  THat night, Max and the others were in the squadron room watching some special on the History Channel about the Titanic and the Britannic.  (Just like I am right now.)
Max said, "Wow, look at this."
The camera was passing over the bow of the Titanic, encrusted in rusticles.  Max said, "Hey, thai is where Leonardo said domething about being "king of the world".


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"Interesting, very interesting.  I usually watch stuff on the Discovery Channel or the Sci Fi Channel." says David.

F-14 Ace

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Max said, "Here is something stupid.  They think the Britannic was sunk by a mine because they said most u-boat captains wouldn't fire upon a hospital ship like that.  But they sank the Lusitania which was an UNARMED PASSENGER SHIP!  BS!  By the way, that is the Titanic's sister.  Also in a lot better shape than the Titanic."
Jack said, "Briefing Gay oops, er, I mean, Guy (I love turning typos into something funny) said the army will be invading New Brazil soon.  Not ready yet.  We will have to go in and take care of some more bad guys before the army can launch an amphibious assault."

Here is a link to a funny video site by Criss Rock.  It is about how to not get your ass kicked by the police.  Very funny.


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The next day the Armed Forces invade the beach.  "Listen up men!" yells Lt. Cole, "We're going in hot!  Get ready to shoot everything that moves!  This beach is heavily armed with powerful stationary guns, they're going to know we're coming.  We'll show them all we got!  We'll fill them full of lead, and blow chunks out of their corpses!  Am I right soldiers?!"

"YES SIR!" Sgt. Gabe yells at the top of his lungs.

"DAMN RIGHT I AM!" screams Cole.

F-14 Ace

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The pilots of Raptor Squadron were called to the briefing room.
Briefing Guy announced, "THe army is launching an amphibious assault on a beach in New Brazil.  Your mission is to provide them with support.  The primary threats will be the MI-24 Hind assault helicopters which are capable of attacking both air and ground targets, and the anti armour pillboxes and bunkers on the beach.  Take them out and protect our forces from any attacks.  Be warned.  A tropical depression has moved into the area and weather conditions at the landing site are very poor.  The rough seas are making it difficult for the forces to land.  Protect them as they land on the beach, cross a hill, and storm a fortress that they are to capture.  Brazillian forces will be mixed in too so be careful not to hit our allies.  Fly the F/A-18D hornet because of its large bomb and missile payload.  You will also be armed with air-to-air missiles to attack the enemy Migs patroling the area.  Watch out for stormy weather and see to it that that fortress is captured.  Dismissed."
The carrier controller announced as Joe's plane was raised to the flight deck on the elevator, "Catapult crew, ready catapult for next craft."
the sky above the ship was cloudy but there was no rain yet.  Joe taxied to the catapult.  Cal, who was in the back seat of the two-seat fighter was checking all the instruments.
The crew hooked the plane up to the catapult and backed away.  Joe was cleared for takeoff and the plane zoomed off the front of the Freedom.  He joined up with the others.  It wasn't long before they encountered the rain.  Torrents of water pounded on the cockpit canopy as Joe tried to make out the beach.  He could see flares from an AC-130 (modified C-130 transport) gunship to mark where the forces should land.  
Just then, the AWACS operator came over the com.
He said, "Raptor Squadron, you are approaching the beach.  (no sh*t sherlock!)
A J-STARS (joint strike targeting attack system.  No clue what it means.  SOme jet similar to an AWACS (airborn warning and control system) only it commands ground forces instead of aircraft) will be commanding the ground forces.  THey will be sending you locations to attack.  You are now under their command.  Fire Streak, out."
The ground forces commander said, "Ah, you navy boys are right on time.  Kick their asses so we don't get ours kicked."
Several of the marines and soldiers cheered as the jets passed overhead through the stormy sky.  A bolt of lightning struck the mountains in the distance.
Max said sarcasticaly, "Ah. what a beautiful day.  Enough of this bull@#$*!  WHat @#$%& weather!  I hate this!"
Jack said, "Shut up and attack those targets.  The ground forces will take care of the AA guns and SAMs for us.  I feel sorry for the guys that have to run through this #$@&."


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Six MI-24  Assault Helecopters charge at them head-on.  "Uh-oh.  Enemy helis coming in hot!" screams David over the radio, he presses a red button on the joystick, a missle releases and streaks towards an attacking helicopter,  "Missle 1 deployed!"  The helicopter tries to avoid the missle, but it has already homed on on its target.  The missle detonates on impact and the helicopter's tail goes up in smoke.  Cursing in Spanish is heard over the squad's radios as the heli spins out of control and explodes on impact with the ground.

F-14 Ace

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Joe and Max both Maneuvered into attack possition and blasted the other helicopters.  Then, Joe bombed a couple of bunkers.
Just then, someone from the ground forces said, "This is Sergent McKain of Unit B.  Requesting support."
Joe said, "Rick?  Bro, is that you?"
The marine replied, "Joe?  Wow!  Hey, get your tail over here and provide my nit with some support."
Max asked, 'Joe, who is that?"
Joe replied, "My brother!"
As they destroyed the enemies attacking Unit B, six Su-37 Terminators arrived.  The lead enemy pilot said, "Hmm, these enemy pilots are good.  I'll take their leader myself.  He flew as Jack's plane and opened fire with his machine guns.  several bullets tore into the back of the plane and into the cockpit.  Mac was killed by a bulled and Jack suddenly felt a burning pain and something wet running down his back.  He reached back and pulled back his hand coveded in blood.  Jack said to himself, "Oh shit!"
He tried to avoid the enemy plane but it was no use.  then, a missile hit the F-18.
Joe saw this and said, "Captain!  Bail out!"
Jack said, "I can't.  The ejection seat was screwed up by the bullets.  Sorry guys.  Jeiutenant Colonel Joe McKain, you will lead the squadron now.  I'm done for."
Joe asked, "What?"
Jack's plane started to fall apart.  It crashed into the sea killing him instantly.
Joe and the others screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
the AWACS operator said, "You still have a mission to carry out.  Don't give up now.  Leiutenant Colonel McKain, lead your squadron."
Joe replied as he started to chock up, "Yes sir.  Kill the socialist facist pigs!  Every single one!"
Max shot down two of the Su-37s.  David and Cal engaged three of them.  Joe fired at the leader and damaged his plane.
THe enemy piot said in English, "Damn you!  We'll meet again."
The Su-37 dissapeared into the stormy sky.
Joe and the others continued through the battle.

Sorry about all the cussing.  Just that military guys cuss a lot- F-14 Ace.


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"Damn them! Damn you Communist ***** to hell!" screams David as he and Cal waste all of their missiles on the opposing ground forces.

F-14 Ace

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Joe screamed as he fired at more enemies, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!  Die you worthless fascist scumbags!"
Max bobed some more enemies on the beach.  Joe finished off the last bunkers.
THe AWACS opperator said, "Raptor Squadron, mission complete.  We will return to Echo Island Base now.  You are cleared to leave."
Joe sighed and said in a choked up voice, "Come on.  Lets go home."
The planes turned around and headed back to the carrier.

Yes, I based this on Chopper's death scene in Ace Combat 5.  Only in the game, it was more dramatic.  CHarvez Mazol will not be delt with until the end of this RPG so don't allow the country to be taken completely back just yet.


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David is sitting at the bar and he is very pissed off about the battle.  "Son of a bitch!  I can't believe all of the shit that happened today.  First our commanding officer gets shot down by those commie mother ******s, and then we run out of ammo!" Screams David.  A bartender walks up to him.  "Whiskey." David replies

F-14 Ace

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All the pilots then went to the squadron room.  Joe said, "What are we going to do?  We don't have a squadron leader anymore."
Max said, "Joe, buddy.  He made you the squadron leader."
Joe replied, "That is not how it works.  You actually have to get the patch and everything.  They have to assign you to that role."
Max said, "I don'y care.  Hey, didn't briefing guy say you would qualify as leader?  I'd gladly serve under your command anyway.  I'm with you."


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The ground forces have taken over the beach and formed an effective resistance.  Leutenant Cole is briefing his platoon on their next mission.  "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP MEN!  THESE COMMUNIST BASTARDS HAVE STOLEN NUCLEAR WARHEADS FROM THE CUBANS AND PLAN TO START THE WAR BY NUKING THE STATE OF MONTANA!"

"Why Montana?" asks a random soldier at the table.


(Note: I put Lt. Cole's words in UPPER CASE letters because he is a gung ho fighter and the UPPER CASE letters are supposed to be rough and tough soldier talk.)

F-14 Ace

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THe pilots were really hoping that they would have a couple weeks without any combat ops.  However, only one week after the beach landing, they were called to briefing again.  
Briefing guy announced, "We have a very important mission at hand.  The enemy has captured several nukes and is planning to use them on the stare of Montana.  Somehow, they found out about our attack and have boosted security in the area.  Your mission is to get to the launch site ahead of the ground forces and take out all enemy aircraft including Migs and Mi- 24s.  You will also escort a flight of A-10 Thunderbolt attack planes that will destroy the enemy tanks and AA guns.  Tonight, under the cover of darkness, the the troops will launch a surprise attack.  They have moved the attack time to take the enemy by surprise.  Protect the ground forces at all costs."
After takeoff, Joe said, "Alright, everyone.  Lets all try to make it home today.  Form up and  follow me."
He guided his F-14 up to 14,000 feet.