The Gang of Five
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What in the entire series makes you think that these are literal dinos we're talking about here, and I've been striving to get the point across that this would not be any ordinary sharptooth we're talking about, here.

And while blackmailing someone, you're not really asking for any trust. You're just not giving the other side any choice.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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What in the entire series makes you think that these are literal dinos we're talking about here, and I've been striving to get the point across that this would not be any ordinary sharptooth we're talking about, here.
Then the story is leaving the field of fanfictions I'm all too seriously thinking about to be honest. There is not a species of dinosaurs in the series that could not be identified at least as very similar to a kind that did exist in reality. You may be thinking of a kind of "rainbowface" sharptooth. After all the rainbowfaces weren't normal dinosaurs either but quite frankly I did not find their obvious being aliens from outer space an element that fits well into LBT. It is just my opinion though.
And while blackmailing someone, you're not really asking for any trust. You're just not giving the other side any choice.
A person being blackmailed must have at least a glimpse of hope that doing the blackmailer's bidding does any good. If there is no such glimpse of hope (based on something like trust) the blackmailing couldn't work out.

F-14 Ace

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We don't want anybody who acts like Doctor Doom or Lex Luthor or guys who are just out for revenge.  There has to be more of a motive than that.  I wouldn't mind a disgruntled rainbowface or something.


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Disgruntled is a good idea. Being disgruntled however does not make a villain. Maybe we need no villain at all when we have a disgruntled character. In fact I have been thinking about one story in which a one eyed very scarry and scary bad mooded thronthump plays a role. I need to work on it however n part it seems just a little too dark the way I have that story in mind right now. The title would be "The guardian of gloomy groove" (even the title is gloomy ;))

F-14 Ace

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Iguanodon as I would suppose the other dinosaurs would call this kind. Spikethump might be an alternative term the dinosaurs would use.

F-14 Ace

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Oh, I was just wondering.  Well, I managed to survive that tornado we had yesterday.  I talked about it in the Frige section unter Strange Weather.  Anyway, I would like for Ali to come back along with all the other guest stars.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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he used a log as a raft.
I don't thinks so. That way he would have to leave his parents behind. I don't think any log could hold the big sharpteeth and it would be far fetched for them to create something like a raft. Also, we mustn't forget about the swimming sharptooth who prevented the escape of Littlefoot and the others via log.
I suppose there are other possible explanations for how Chomper could leafe the island. Further earthquakes could cause the water to recede (perhaps temporary only before a Tsunami strikes). Sometimes tide patterns can be altered by various circumstances.
However, I think the very idea of getting Chomper from that island could make for a very good, but very difficult story. Imagine this, sharpteeth "food" is running out on the island (Chomper said there wasn't much and with the destruction of the land path there is little chance for a constant supply) and Chomper sends word (via a captured flyer he spares under the condition that the flyer will deliver his message) to Littlefoot and ther others. Now that would be a tough story. On the one hand Littlefoot and his friends couldn't just leave Chomper to his fate on the other hand helping him and his parents would inevitably mean the death of other leafeaters. Could Littlefoot possibly take the responsibility for other dinosaurs sharing his respectively his mother's fate in the first movie? It would be quite a dilema.


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indeee Malte. but clearly Chomper managed to get off the island somehow. Hopefully the directors will fill in the details.
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I hope so too, though I have my doubts about this. I have read a few LBT comics which appeared in a German LBT magazine. In these comics Chomper was hanging around with the others same as any other kind of dinosaur and none of the grownups seemed to think anything about it. There was no attempt whatsoever to explain what Chomper was living on. I sure hope they will be more mindful about the upcomming series.


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One can only hope. It would be disappointing if Chomper just appeared without explaination, as if he just popped up out of the blue.
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Here's an idea.  Chomper is playing around near a cliff, trying to chomp on some bugs, when he loses his footing and falls into the water.  The impact with a nearby rock knocks him out and he eventually ends up washed up on shore on the other side.

How he gets to the valley from there, you guys work out.


  • The Circle
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An interesting idea  :yes
He might have maybe he is brought to shore by some Elzy like creature as he is probably not a good swimmer. Or else the sea washes him ashore as it is very rough during a storm (which might contribute to Chomper falling down the cliff). With Chomper being away from the island he might actually want to get back as his parents are there. Or maybe he suffered amnesia from his fall or impact forgetting about everything but Littlefoot and the Great Valley, so he would set out to search for them.
It might be interesting to have him forget about his carnivore nature, but I must say I generally oppose the idea of making him a leafeater.


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^^Yes, please keep him as a sharptooth, we know him too well as one. :lol:

Anyways, amnesia isn't such a bad idea if you ask me.  It would indeed make quite an interesting story, and I could indeed see it happen as the full series itself.  I think this would qualify as the most likely possiblity of what is going to happen.

What do the rest of you think?


  • The Circle
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Yes, please keep him as a sharptooth, we know him too well as one.
I'm not so sure we do. The "worst" we have ever seen was Chomper eating a dragonfly. The actual problems of his relationship to Littlefoot and the others are pretty much avoided in LBT 5. Chomper is perfectly cute and Cera comes across as overdistrustfull, as "bad" because she feels uneasy about Chomper. It would be difficult to write an LBT story that really addresses the problem, yet if it works out I suppose it would be much more interesting than just beating the bush about the whole matter.
I'm working on one story in which amnesia plays a role. It is not Chomper though who forgot about everything in that story.


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I've just gotten info from Threehorn.

Apparently, Ali will make a few appearences in the series.  This info comes straight from Aria. :)

Hmm, I wonder what Ali will think of Littlefoot once she finds out he's friends with a sharptooth. :)

The episodes featuring Ali could very well have a little focus on the relationship of the two longnecks. ;)


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Hold it. Is this REALLY what Threehorn said?
For in another post from today he wrote:
I know for sure Tria going to be in it, and for the series I think Ali going to make a few apperances in it  that kind of cool to know.
This does NOT say that Ali really will be in the movie.
Be careful not to spread false rumors!!!
Did you get any information from Aria about this Threehorn? Did Aria tell you that Ali will be there? Or have conclusions been drawn rashly?


  • Chomper
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Quote from: Malte279,Dec 19 2005 on  06:13 AM
They never made a big fuzz about the sharptooth being revengeful about the loss of an eye when he chased Littlefoot through the thorny thicket.
IIRC, he didn't lose any eye. I've seen him later in the movie with both eyes long after the thorny thicket.


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Quote from: Malte279,Aug 4 2006 on  03:32 PM
Hold it. Is this REALLY what Threehorn said?
For in another post from today he wrote:
I know for sure Tria going to be in it, and for the series I think Ali going to make a few apperances in it that kind of cool to know.
This does NOT say that Ali really will be in the movie.
Be careful not to spread false rumors!!!
Did you get any information from Aria about this Threehorn? Did Aria tell you that Ali will be there? Or have conclusions been drawn rashly?
Whoops!  You're right!  I read it wrong!  :bang  :slap  :bang  :slap  :bang  :slap  :bang  :slap  :bang  :slap