The Gang of Five
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Species stay the same

LBT90321 · 87 · 14375


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a little advice.
 give a list of the characters, and open them up to people who want to join. otherwise its not much of a rp if you play all the characters.
 second, be patient. rps can last for years, with days or even weeks passing between posts.  spamming posts to try and draw intest will only result in you getting tossed.
3 be more descriptive. Why do they change?  how will their changes affect their personality? and so on.
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What is the purpose of this? What plot will this lead into? You say that you see this as a long roleplay, but really, so far all you've mentioned is that they constantly change each day somehow. I don't think the mechanism is explained, so it feels like it's just happening just cause. And honestly, I don't see much story potential with what you described so far. It just sounds like the entire story amounts to "Littlefoot and his friends experience some changes. They return to normal. The end."

But what about conflict? What are they going to do each day? Are their parents going to recognize them? How are they going to react? What else did you have in mind for this roleplay outside of them just changing? And again, what is the meaning of the changes?

To explain, I'll bring up another roleplay. The change in species one that hasnt' been continued in a while, where the gang become sharpteeth. The purpose here was to explore what would happen if Littlefoot and his friends were suddenly on the opposite side of the food chain, and how their folks would react. This already bring about plenty of potential for story telling as it could go in several directions, and has already brought forth the well-recieved fanfic, The Seven Hunters, which was inspired by the roleplay.

But so far, you have only explained that these characters change, but you haven't reallly given a reason as to why. You haven't given a potential conflict. It's almost like your idea is just them interacting like they normally do, their parents interacting with them like they normally do, with the only thing changing being what they are. This does not make for a very interesting story.

There is potential, however. Like... let's say that, when they change into different species, their personalities are altered to suit that species. Cera becoming a bit more skittish and ready to fly off when she's a flyer, or laidback Spike turning into an aggressive fighter when he becomes a threehorn. Stuff like that. And having their parents actually react to the changes. Perhaps refusing to acknowledge that the 'colored like my child but a different species' child is their own. Like Cera's dad honest-to-gawd refusing to see a longneck Cera as his daughter.

These ideas could help spread out the roleplay and make it longer.


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I'd rather it be  'a change in species' and build from there. its not  the title of the rp thats at issue, its lack of conflict. And where will the rp be put? if it involves magic, it goes in random roleplay. Also your response gave them their heights, which is frankly irrelevant. how tall they are doesnt matter, its their personalities that matter. you also need to refrain from double and triple posting. if you have extra stuff to say, edit an existing post and add it in.
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sure, i'll help you. i'm the admin for the roleplay section, after all. however, part of changing into different species, also requires that their voices change. this will create conflict between them and their parents. it will also provide an opportunity to explore outside of the great valley. And further instead of each change lasting a single day, the changes should last a week each. otherwise the changes arent long enough for them to adjust to them, and get used to being in that form or gender.
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Quote from: LBT90321,Jan 14 2017 on  11:15 PM
Basically and honest I wanted to see the gang as a different kind of species.
The parents will recongnize them by voice and color. Im sorry for disturbance.
Also the somewhat (not sure exactly) nice the gang will experience new things in the form of
Different dinosaur species. Like if littlefoot was turn into a swimmer and he started swimming for the first time. Im sorry for hurting you members. Please forgive me.
Wanting to see the gang as different species is a start, an initial inspiration which isn't bad. But it's not enough to get a story going. You need to build it more; a story cannot stand around just one idea.

Also, realistically I don't think their parents would recognize him by color and voice alone. I can more easily see them thinking that they just happen to have similar colors and voices to their children, but it wouldn't be enough to identify them. I feel that there would be some potential conflict, and thus some interesting plot development if the adults didn't recognize their children as they change.


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part of a rp, is adjusting to the other  rpers, as well as where the story is headed.  you have to be flexible. being happy , mad etc, are not personalities, they are feelings. being mad isnt a personality. you need to also add things like relationships in. for instance, say little foot likes Ali, or Cera likes Ducky.   you need conflict, and you need relationships between the characters. changing the species allows for changes in relationships, and changes within the characters themselves. Maybe Cera likes being a boy, for instance.
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well, no. the changes cant just be one-offs. theres no conflict if they change into them once, and never again afterwards. rps require that  things stay interesting as well. if they kids only change once, then they forget that it ever happened after awhile. that week has to be memorable.  perhaps each charactes likes a different form. saypetrie likes being a long neck, while Spike likes being a threehorn.
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no, you have to mix it up.  say one week, all the characters are girls, next week  all boys. the week after that a mix.   keeping their genders the same is limiting.
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