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Messages - Almaron

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The Written Word / The First Step
« on: February 08, 2012, 07:41:52 PM »
Malefor scrutinised the glowing rock. He was, of course, fully aware of the inherent dangers of dark crystals; many times had Infernacus, the Fire Guardian, lectured him on their unstable nature. However, he had no choice. No other crystals were as powerful, and as long as he worked alone, he would need as much power as he could get, despite the vast concentration it took to ignore their foul temptations. He sighed. Not much longer now. He had escaped being corrupted by their dark influence thus far, and his plan was almost complete.
   Malefor supposed he owed one thing to Ankine; if not for him, he wouldn't have realised his...destiny. His purpose. After Ankine had died, he had fled to Tall Plains, fearing he would be held responsible, and it was there he had seen the mysterious carvings. It had all become so clear to him. Why else would he be able to master Elements none had seen before? Why else had their never been anybody like him? They had told him; reminded him constantly throughout his youth, that he would be the one to save their world. And he would.
   The carvings at Tall Plains were familiar to him; he'd been shown ones like them many years before by Amperon, the Archive Master at Warfang. Back then, he'd been a tiny dragonet, and had been terrified by the monstrous creature depicted; a creature of stone devouring the world. Those he had asked about it had no idea who had built it, or why it had been built; all they knew was that it created life by destroying it.
   At last things had made sense. The world had to be...renewed. It would be renewed. He was the savior of Dragonkind; he had been born to save the world, and now he would give it a chance to begin anew; even if it was to be achieved through such destructive means. There was no other way. It was a ghastly task, but it was his sacrifice and his alone to bear for the sake of the world. And yet, the worst thing of all, Malefor thought, was that nobody would ever know it.
   Malefor shook his head. Enough of those thoughts, he had work to do, and he wouldn't get anywhere if he lost himself to despair. The dark crystal glowed behind him, almost invitingly. He turned, and shattered it with his tail, his eyes closed as he concentrated on keeping his mind clear as the dark energies flowed into his body.
   The crystal dissipated, its force spent, and Malefor exhaled deeply as he felt his new strength. One final barrier stood in his way to unleashing the Destroyer. The last few carvings in Tall Plains had been missing, yet, he knew exactly where they were, for he had walked past them many times in his youth in Warfang. The “treasure hunters” who had raided this site had returned to Warfang’s Archives with only the most vivid carvings of the Destroyer, not realising that the incomprehensible messes of runes and images of destruction together detailed the process of reawakening the automaton.
   It was time to return to Warfang.


The burst of energy the dark crystal gave Malefor was enough to get him from the Well of Souls to Warfang without needing to stop to catch his breath. However, in his crystal-fueled haste to get to the Archives, Malefor had failed to consider the possibility that his “old friend” wouldn’t see things the same way as him.
“You're insane, Malefor!” the elderly electricity dragon yelled at his former pupil. “How could you believe for an instant that…that...”
“It’s all there, Amperon,” Malefor said calmly. “Written in the old scrolls, inscribed on the ancient tablets…the texts are very clear on the matter. You should know this; you’ve studied them as well as I have.”
“But…but…to destroy the Dragon Realms…” Amperon stammered. ”Why, it’s unthinkable! It’s Abominable!”
“Don't be a fool, Amperon!” Malefor growled; his teeth illuminated by the lantern hanging from Amperon’s wing spur. “It's everything you ever told me! My scales, my said it yourself many years ago, Amperon! The world is flawed, and I would mend it!"
"A savior!" Amperon bellowed back. "I said you would save the world, not destroy it! Have you gone mad, Malefor? After everything the Guardians taught you-"
"Wasn't it 'my destiny' to protect dragonkind?" Malefor shouted over him. "Wasn't it 'my duty' to save the world, to end misery and suffering? Even you know with destruction comes rebirth! It is the cycle of things, Amperon! has to be!" Malefor stopped, aware he was stammering. Regaining his composure, he spoke again. "I will do this, Amperon."
“I…I won’t let you”, Amperon found himself saying. Once he had placed all his hopes in this dragon; he had been so sure that Malefor would be the one; the legendary dragon the ancient texts spoke of. “I’ll fight you if I have to,” he said; his body instinctively moving into a battle stance.
   Malefor chuckled. “Amperon, you and I both know that you're no-“The elderly dragon cut him off with a quick blast of Electricity that caught Malefor across his snout. Malefor snarled and launched a wall of fire towards him, which Amperon barely managed to avoid, leaping to one side as they bore down on him. The flames continued to the end of the Atrium, where they ignited two of the immense banners that hung from the ceiling.
   Amperon knew that Malefor was right; he was no match for him. The best Amperon could hope for was to keep the purple dragon engaged in battle long enough, and hope that in the meantime another member of the Archive’s Night Watch would arrive and alert their situation to the Guardians. Still panting, Amperon forced a smile. “Using Fire against an Electricity Dragon, Malefor?” he chuckled. “I thought you were smarter than that! Or were all your Elemental studies here a waste of time?”
   Malefor retaliated by unleashing a hail of Ice towards him, forcing Amperon to take flight as the shards tore at his scales. As he prepared to attack again, Malefor leapt aloft, hovering in front of the vast mural on the Atrium’s dome. With his attacks too weak and no good defence available, Amperon launched himself towards Malefor, planning to knock him out of the sky. As he did so, he saw Malefor's head arching back; jaws open as a purple energy began to emerge from the depths of his throat. Amperon slowed, his concentration fading. No elemental energy he had ever heard of had such a colour. Malefor had at last discovered his Element!
   His hesitation cost him dearly. All other noise was drowned out as the energy erupted from Malefor's maw, tearing across the room where it slammed into the ancient Archive Master, striking him full upon his chest. A look of wonder briefly shone across his features, before his wings gave out and he fell through the air. He was dead before he hit the floor.


Malefor landed softly on the tiled floor of the atrium, the echoing rumble of his breathing the only sound in the vast chamber. Barely a tail-length away the broken body of Amperon lay sprawled across the floor, the ceremonial collar around his neck burnt black by the force of the Convexity that had struck him.
   And yet he felt no remorse. Malefor regretted that Amperon had needed to die, but - he abruptly realised - the cause was of no importance. Amperon would have been one of many who would be swept up by the Destroyer when he succeeded in renewing the world. It made no difference. In killing him, Malefor thought, perhaps he had spared the elderly Dragon a fiery death.
   He looked to his side. The banners he had struck with his fire blast were almost completely consumed and the flames were already spreading to the wooden support beams. Once he would have rushed to douse the flames with a cold breath of Ice, but now he didn't care. He had more pressing concerns. Besides, better the secrets of the past remain lost to the world, lest another Dragon recognise his goal and set himself up as a thorn in his side. Such an act would only delay the inevitable and result in unnecessary suffering for all those who would oppose him.
   Malefor ducked his wings and entered the Hall Of Carvings, emerging shortly afterwards with the precious carvings safely held under one forearm.
Voices were echoing in the atrium from the smaller halls now, as Dragon and
Mole alike was roused from sleep and came to realise what was happening around them. Warfang's Archives Were Aflame.
   Malefor did not look back, but he paused briefly as he prepared to take flight. "Rest in peace, old friend," Malefor said to the air. "Illuminus your spirit to take." With that, he leapt aloft, flying towards the centre of the great dome.
Moments before he would have collided with the thick stone, Malefor launched a volley of Earth at it, fracturing it and the frescos that ran across it into hundreds of harmless fragments, before exiting the burning complex through the hole he had made.

( )

This is the second of two fics that have been languishing on my computer for a while now. In my opinion, this one's the better of the two, mainly because there were plenty of draft lines to work with.

Originally, this was going to be Ignitus as the Chronicler reading the book about
Malefor's life, leading to a series of short scenes involving Malefor and Amperon(one of my characters; along with Ankine; ), beginning with Malefor arriving at the Archives in his youth and learning about the Destroyer, and culminating in the destruction of the Archives in his adulthood. The final scene would have been Amperon's ghost alone in the ruins, and deep inside the earth "...the faintest echo of what had been Malefor" realising that Spyro, not him, was meant to save the world. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of enough scenes to fill up the earlier part, and I came up with a new plot point that deviated from the main story too much, so I rewrote it to show just the end instead. It's a bit clunky, but I'll fix that another time.

I tried to show how Malefor could have become descended into evil. It seemed odd that a character could go from being a savior in their youth to someone determined on destroying the world, and then I thought that perhaps Malefor truly believed what he was doing was right. As I suggested here ( ), If he grew up as the only dragon of his kind (perhaps even with prophecies surrounding his destiny), he might have come to think his fate was tied to the Destroyer, and that he was meant to destroy the world so it could be repaired and begin anew (the prophecies surrounding Spyro and him are a bit confusing...). He could have gotten worse from there, as if everyone would die as a result of the Destroyer being activated, it could be logically (and quite darkly) said that it didn't matter who died from then on.

One thing I wish I'd still been able to work in was a scene in Malefor's youth where Amperon tried to get him to discover his unique element (later revealed as Convexity), which he thought must exist. In it, Malefor inadvertently launched a fire blast at Amperon, who moves in time, causing the fireball to ignite a banner on the wall. The whole thing would have been a parallel to the scene in the Archive Hall Atrium, except that nobody extinguishes the flames.

<i>"Oh, the tapestry!" Malefor yelled, gesturing at the wall. Amperon turned his head to face it, and saw that the sudden burst of flame had ignited an old wall hanging. Had he been an Ice Dragon, he would have simply put the blaze out with his breath, but having no such ability, he instead resorted to wrenching the hanging from the wall and trampling it under his feet.
   Before long, the fire had been extinguished and the hanging reduced to a charred ruin. Amperon looked from this to Malefor, who was regarding him fearfully. "I'm sorry," he ventured. "I...I didn't mean to-"
"Ah, it's nothing important," Amperon muttered, waving a talon dismissively. This didn't seem to reassure the young dragon, so he added, "It's not a relic or anything; it's just something one of the librarians added. I've been meaning to replace them, actually." At this, Malefor brightened visibly.
"I think I understand what you mean. That didn't quite feel”</i>

Malefor and Legend Of Spyro it Sierra?
Amperon copyright me.
Infernacus copyright WolfofSorrow ( )
Illuminus copyright Rattlesnakedefender. ( )

1988 Theatrical Release / An Odd Rumor
« on: January 05, 2012, 03:43:09 AM »
I remember many years back reading this topic on IMDB; it was even flat out debunked by a member who had been one of the animators on the film (he had some interesting posts about production, I recall, but I don't think he ever mentioned anything about deleted scenes)!

Someone on T
vTropes even wrote a whole theory that the film was intended to end this way, and each character/event is an allegory for religious followers and the afterlife.
Read it here (it's halfway down the page). Interesting, but certainly not the intended direction of the film. Besides, as somebody pointed out, if they're all dead, why isn't Littlefoot's mother with them(although someone else jokingly suggested that the GOF were in Hell; hence the music)?

I once toyed with the idea of writing a fan-fic of sorts vaguely based on this idea - it would have been many many years after LBT; at the K-T Event. Similar setup; disaster strikes, youngsters are thrown together, except each would be dead (without realising it) and each ends up on their own at some point; confronting a manifestation of their greatest personal failing/fear. If they manage to defeat it, they move on to a spiritual "Great Valley" of sorts.

Basically, almost every character would be picked off, and then the last surviving one would see something that would prove to them they were dead, and stand up to confront the manifestation or whatever, at which point they would move on (not intended to be religous or anything, just a cheesy "twist" ending).

Problem was, in trying to write this I ended up with too many plot ideas and problems(Would "spirits" appear to the dead characters? Would characters who were beaten by the manifestation be lost forever? Should one character survive; perhaps a mammal?), and the whole thing was a mess that didn't make sense.

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: November 27, 2011, 03:24:20 PM »
I'm pretty sure they have been listed on this page two or three times already; I'm sure if you went back a few pages you'd find it.

From memory though, the novel scenes are:
*Cera telling the others to leave Baby Spike behind, as "Spiketails eat a lot", but the others ignore her and get him to follow by using a stick with berries on it as a lure.
*The encounter of two racist herds of dinosaurs who are unwilling to work together to survive (one herd has water, but no food, while the other has food, but no water). Cera remarks this is foolish.
*Littlefoot coming up with the plan to kill Sharptooth so that he won't find the entrance to the Great Valley.

A complete list of scenes also exists somewhere in this topic, but I don't remember which page. There's also my three pages about the soundtrack, which are useful in discerning what's missing and what's been recut (for example the soundtrack still contains the musical cues that would have been used for the original ending); (, plus there's also this collation of stills and video clips of cut scenes; (

Have you visited these links before? I'm sure I sent you links to all the pages with info about the deleted scenes for help with your project to rewrite the first film!

General Land Before Time / Why wasn't Topps in movie 4?
« on: November 20, 2011, 08:59:15 PM »
Topps was probably not present because the things in the film didn't really concern him. Although he and Grandpa Longneck are the most outspoken members of the Great Valley (and perhaps the closest things to leaders), Topps wouldn't really have been interested in meeting a whole herd of Longnecks; perhaps also due to the fact that he'd have no real authority over them, so him meeting them would have been pointless.

As for why he was absent during the rest of the film, I speculated a while back that he might have found it awkward to visit the deathbed of his rival. Topps wouldn't insult a dying dinosaur; especially not one who had saved his life, but he would have been too proud to say anything kindly.

T'is all part of his gradual character development, as was discussed  here.

1988 Theatrical Release / Spike's biological parents
« on: October 29, 2011, 07:03:24 PM »
Here we go; found the fic: LBT OneHalf

Boy, talk about remembering things wrong! In this, Spike's father never wanted to be a parent, and..."disposed" of the eggs whenever his mate was away. In the end, she caught on and hid Spike's egg, but got killed by a Sharptooth. After this, he turned his life around and had a son - Tippy.

Funnily enough, I doubt that's what really happened. I prefer the idea of them stampeding away and accidentally losing the egg. We see several herds fall into the Great Divide when it opens up; perhaps his parents were one of these?, the egg was too far away from the divide for that to work. Perhaps a Sharptooth catching up with them is more likely...explains why there's no bodies, and would a Sharptooth be interested in an egg if he saw one? He'd probably just squish it, I suppose.

1988 Theatrical Release / Spike's biological parents
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:53:19 PM »
I can't remember the name, but I know somebody did a fan-fic that addressed what happened to the various adults on the way to the Great Valley. I only remember a few elements - Nod's father got killed shortly before arrival, Topps gradually lost most of his family to incidents along the way, etc - but I believe at one point a pair of Spiketails were mentioned; the female was grieving, and the male explained that he'd forced her to run for it and abandon their egg when the Earthquake happened. I don't remember what happened to them; I should seek out the fic again!

Although at least one storybook suggested that Spike's parents made it to the Valley and he later found them by following their large footprints, every other material suggests they died or went somewhere other than the Valley. Since it's unlikely that a parent would abandon a child like that*, it could be that they were killed by a Sharptooth, but they intentionally led the Sharptooth away from their nest so their child would have a fighting chance.

*Remember, Littlefoot and Cera were on the wrong side because they were fleeing from Sharptooth. Ducky's family likely stampeded and didn't realise they'd lost a family member until they stopped. Petrie...of course he was left behind because he couldn't fly away, which suggests they left as a result of the Earthquake. Being able to fly, they would have been able to return for him after things settled down, which suggests that Petrie fell from their nest and became lost amongst the rocks - when his family searched for him, they couldn't find him and were forced to move on.

As for the size change, yeah, I think that's an error. Although, Ducky did remark that Spike was a late-bloomer (perhaps his parents thought his egg was a dud and left?). Perhaps he's been lazing in his egg so long he's turned out way bigger than a normal young Spiketail. Also, I suppose a Spiketail's metabolism allows them to grow quickly by eating more? Could explain why Spike's always eating - it's an instinct to grow up and get bigger.

General Land Before Time / The Great (Mysterious) Wall
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:39:27 PM »
Hmm...that is something to consider. I don't know about using false walls; I just assumed the routes in and out of the Valley were fairly difficult to use - consider the high route taken to get to the Valley containing Saurus Rock, or the rocky mountain route used during the heavy Winter.

Someone else suggested that the Sharpteeth normally avoided the Valley cause there were too many Leaf-Eaters - enough to fight back. This works for some of the Sharpteeth seen - Chomper's parents, for instance, who were only entering the Valley to find their kid - but falls apart when you remember the Sharpteeth who snuck into the Valley after the Tinysauruses.

Alternatively, it could in fact be a clever counter-scheme by the Sharpteeth. They don't enter the Valley because they want there to be a stable supply of Leaf-Eaters living in there. Instead, Sharpteeth linger in the areas around the Valley, and pick off the odd Leaf-Eater heading in through one of the smaller routes. Wait...that doesn't work; the Original Sharptooth was working to get inside, and so was Redclaw, I believe...perhaps they do that anyway, but simply haven't found the routes in?

This needs greater examination...

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before time: the improved version!
« on: October 29, 2011, 04:38:15 AM »
If you're looking at reincorporating cut scenes into this script, I'd suggest you look at the Outcut Scenes page which lists a whole lot of scenes (some of which even have images) that have been discovered thanks to:

*Publicity Images
*Trailer Scenes
*Musical Cues From The Soundtrack
*Storybook Scenes

Some of the pictures can be seen in this amalgamated image (along with the links to the trailers - Deleted Scene Pics
), but I'd advise reading the page on the forum: Outcut Land Before Time Scenes

There's also my Soundtrack Analysis, which can be seen and read here:
First Analysis
Followup To Analysis
Better Written Verbal Analysis

Visual Art / Pixel Spyro
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:22:38 AM »
And here's a follow-up!

DeviantArt Page

The three characters at the bottom (well, really two) are my own characters; Amperon, Warfang's Archive Master (an old friend of Malefor who was later murdered by him; his ghost is the next figure), and Kavler, a dragon who fled the battlefield and went into exile after losing to Cynder, never removing his armour. The full version of their stories can be read here: ( )

Visual Art / Pixel Spyro
« on: October 18, 2011, 04:18:31 AM »
Well, I don't normally draw creatures; generally I stick to things like buildings and objects that are simpler to draw, as I haven't got much experience drawing more complex things. At this moment in time, pixel art's probably the best you'll get from me.

Visual Art / Pixel Spyro
« on: October 18, 2011, 03:38:06 AM »
A few days back I was browsing a Spyro RP page, and I got annoyed at the fact that I didn't have any pictures to represent my characters with. In the end, I decided to remedy this by making pixel versions of the characters in the Legend Of Spyro games; ones that could be edited by anybody to make new characters. And here it is!

Pixel Spyro Characters
There's more information on my DeviantArt page - check it out there.

By the way, would you believe that despite me being a fan of it, I've never actually played one of the Spyro games? I got into it one day while browsing DeviantArt and discovering the fandom. I soon plan to remedy this problem of never having played a game (suppose technically I have seen ONE being played by a friend years ago); just need to get the proper game console...already found some of the games at a second-hand store...

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:38:51 PM »
It's not one I've heard of before, but it sounds like a scene that's in the film - when Cera hatches, she charges at both her parents, while her siblings run for safety, laughing. Probably someone got their stories mixed up.

Character Discussion / Kosh and Mr. Clubtail
« on: October 04, 2011, 04:06:02 AM »
It's worth noting that all the adults of the series have generic names that aren't necessarily exclusive to one person in particular. For instance, Mama Swimmer will only have had that name as long as she was a parent, and Ducky would logically take that name upon becoming a parent herself*; plus, there could be other Swimmer families in the valley who have that title. "Mr. Clubtail" could just be a name that refers to any male Clubtail of sufficient age, although in this case it appears to refer to the most dominant of the lot.

Since the reserved personality of Mr. Clubtail disappears after LBT V, it could be that he died during the famine and exodus into the desert, and the Mr. Clubtail of the later films is a son, nephew or grandson of his; Kosh, whose personality is little like his.

Alternatively, Mr. Clubtail of the earlier films could still be alive alongside the Mr. Clubtail of the later films, except the others call him Kosh to differentiate between the two.

*Sooner or later the entire Gang Of Five will have "titles" like this:
Littlefoot: Papa Longneck
Cera: Mama Topps
Ducky: Mama Swimmer
Petrie: Papa Flyer
Spike: Papa Spiketail

General Land Before Time / Original Land Before Time score in sequels
« on: September 23, 2011, 02:09:55 AM »
Which is kind of what happened in the end - as the sequels went on, they switched to using just Michael Tavera's music. In a way, it works, as it gives a vague suggestion of time going on and the characters slightly moving on from their turbulent past towards a safer life in the valley...with the odd adventure on the side of course.

BTW Justin, feel free to use my analysis notes of the soundtrack of the first film if it adds anything to your work. It probably won't be of much use to you, but who knows?

General Land Before Time / Original Land Before Time score in sequels
« on: September 22, 2011, 03:52:56 PM »
Good job! You'll get to this in time, but one recycled bit of score I recall specifically is in LBTVI, when Grandpa Longneck battles the two Sharpteeth. The music used is the full version of the fight music from the middle of Sharptooth & The Earthquake (Track 2) - the scene where Littlefoot's Mother battled Sharptooth. A section of the soundtrack is missing from the original LBT; arguably part of the deleted scenes.

For people who don't have the soundtrack, it's a good way to see what the deleted scenes between Littlefoot's Mother and Sharptooth would have been like; same music, same scenario of parental figure fighting for life, only difference is the violence is toned down.

Visual Art / Temeraire World Map
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:05:21 AM »
On the topic of Temeraire, I also drew this recently; a family tree for several significant characters in the series who will not be named as it's a SPOILER for the second book!

Have a look if you want, but don't read it if you haven't read the first or second books! Family Tree

On another note, the Temeraire Wiki appears to be back online! Hoorah!

General Land Before Time / When a Fire Destroys a Forest...
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:37:21 PM »
I remember there were several debates a while back about Bron's actions, and whether or not they made sense. I got the idea that the plants were starting to die out in their original home, and so they were attempting to find a new place to live. Rather than wander aimlessly, Bron went ahead to scout out one of the routes, before returning to the others.

It occurs to me that it's never said what he found exactly - he could have found the place his herd resides in by LBTX, or he could have found nothing. If they hadn't split up, all of Littlefoot's family could have wandered into wilderness and all perished, or they could have come to live in a new location.

As for the others, Spike, Petrie and Ducky would have been left to fend for themselves indefinitely, while Cera could have been eaten by Sharptooth, without Littlefoot's mother fighting to save her and her own son. Alternatively, Cera's family could have come to the rescue, which would have left them on Cera's side of the divide when the Earthquake occured.

They'd have made their way to the Valley after this, and would probably have passed Ducky. Would they have left her to die in the wastes, or would they have begrudgingly allowed her to follow them?

Argh, there's plenty more I want to add, but I'm running short of time, and I'm haven't been able to think of the rest! I'll add more later!

Visual Art / Temeraire World Map
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:58:59 AM »
There's also several short stories; two of them are in anthologies, but one of them's on the official website - it's called Feast Or Famine, and it details Temeraire and Maximus trying to get breakfast one morning.

Shame the Wiki's offline right now; there's plenty that needs to be updated.

Visual Art / Temeraire World Map
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:50:47 AM »
Get thee to a Library!

The Written Word / Spyro Elemental Analysis (Draft)
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:49:47 AM »
Darn...I still haven't been able to finish this. This is the draft of a follow-up to my old Spyro Analysis, focusing specifically on the Elements.

Like the last one, I'm using the logic established in the series to try and reveal more for the fan writers. In this case, I'm trying to figure out what dragons with unusual Elements (Fear, Poison, Wind, Shadow, Water, Time, Etc) must look like, and how they are represented in symbols.

I've got most of it written up, but I haven't quite managed to finish it yet, so here's what I've written so far for now. The unfinished sections are marked as such, and are still readable, but some bits are just quick notes.

Speaking of unfinished Spyro things, I'm also toying with more fan characters to go with the others I came up with. This includes:
*A broodmother who went insane as a result of her family all being killed in the war against Malefor. She lives in a cave near Warfang, and hasn't destroyed the crystals that were her family. Instead, she talks to them as if they are still there.
*A dragon playwright.
*Two friends for Amperon, my Librarian character. All three met in youth, got interested in prophecy and history and stuff and decided to try and change the world. Amperon became an Archivist, one friend used his riches to finance archaeological expeditions and store them in a cavern system he owned, and one became a philosophical writer and gained a following shouting in squares. When Malefor came to Warfang, they each manipulated him to aid them in their goals for change; inadvertantly paving the way to his corruption.
In the end, Malefor went evil and killed Amperon in a fight at the Library which he destroyed. The other two met their end when Malefor attacked Warfang for the last time; the rich one feared Malefor would come for his collection and rushed to protect it, at which point the cavern caved in due to the battle raging nearby, while the other one disappeared, and was never seen again. Some said he died in the chaos, some said he fled to another city, and some thought he even shared Malefor's beliefs and rushed to join his side.

Well, I should finish this all at some point!

All the various incarnations of Spyro copyright their respective owners.

Original Page

In the Legend Of Spyro series, we are told that there are only four types of Dragons, plus the occasional rare Purple Dragon. Each of these types is attuned to a specific "Element" which is reflected throughout their body structure. In addition to this, these Elements are represented through a series of symbols; some abstract, some simple.
Over time, it becomes clear that many more "Elements" exist than the ones commanded by the four dragon types and the Purple Dragons; some people have attempted to design different Dragon types based off various unusual Elements encountered in the series, and some even from outside the series.
While the lack of information towards it in-game suggests that there are no more types of Dragon than those actively identified in the game series, it cannot hurt to imagine potential other Elements and types, and hypothetical designs for these can be easily imagined by examining the information that already is available to us, such as how the Elements express themselves in the body of the Dragon, and how they are represented in symbol form.

Each Dragon type can be distinguished from one another through several defining features, the most obvious of which is the scale colour; Red for Fire, Yellow for Electricity, Green for Earth, Blue for Ice. In addition to this, there are also the markings the Dragon has upon their scales, the "growths" upon the forward shoulders, as well as the back ridges and leg spikes, and the shape of the tip of the dragon's tail.
While some could say that it is fairly convenient that the symbols in the Legend Of Spyro Universe have the same meaning in their world as it does in ours - for example, a jagged line being an accepted symbol for Lightning in one culture doesn't mean that another culture will share it - it should be noted that if the meaning for the symbols in Spyro's world likely evolved from their appearance on the Dragons' bodies.

1.11: Scale Markings
Since only one of each Dragon Type is depicted throughout the entire series, the information regarding the appearance of a Dragon type may not be entirely accurate - they may in fact vary greater than the examples given here. As such, we have only the Guardians to use as models for the Four Elemental Types.
With the exception of Electricity Dragons, whose scale markings seem to consist of abstract jagged lines stretching across various areas of the body - arguably representing Electricity with the zig-zag shape commonly associated with Lightning - all Dragons appear to have significant markings on their shoulders and flanks, along their necks and backs, and at spaced intervals along their tails. These markings are a darker colour on Fire Dragons, but a lighter colour on all other types.
Most importantly, what do these markings mean? As mentioned before, the Electricity Dragon markings are reminiscent of lightning, which makes perfect sense, but what of the others? The markings on an Ice Dragon could be said to resemble small fragments of Ice or even Snow, and an Earth Dragons' markings bear the harsh angles that arguably represent rocks. The Fire Dragon is the confusing one, as their markings don't appear to be consistent. In some places they vaguely resemble flames, but in others no more than odd shapes similar to those of an Earth Dragon.
This could suggest that not all the markings on a dragon's body need be completely linked to their Element; perhaps being odd little marks not unlike freckles or moles. However, the Fire Dragon's unusual marks could also perhaps represent something like smoke or charred remnants of wood or coal.

1.12: Ridges, Spikes & Growths - UNFINISHED
Another thing that differs between each different Dragon Type is the various

In addition to the colour that defines their Element, each Dragon Type appears to have various body growths made from a substance that represents their Element. This includes the ridges that run along their back, the scales along their belly, the horns on their heads, the spikes on their tails, the growths on their shoulders, and the "fingers" of their wings.
*For Fire, the Dragon appears to have
*For Earth, the Dragon appears to have body growths that give the impression of rock and dirt; not only is every growth coloured a shade of brown, but
*For Electricity,
*For Ice,

The shape of the horns does not appear to be restricted to any

(need to note wing finger patterns)

Should have probably mentioned the colour underside…

1.13: Purple Dragons & Cynder

It is not clear whether these markings exist on all Female Dragons, or whether they are a result of Cynder being affected by Malefor - - or if they were tattoos

1.21: Game Symbols
The four colours and symbols for the Traditional Elements in "Dawn Of The Dragon" are as follows:
Fire - Red/Orange; A flame.
Earth - Dark Green; A large rock with two tiny rocks alongside.
Electricity - Yellow; A traditional lightning bolt symbol.
Ice - Light Blue; A three pronged Stalactite.

The four colours and symbols for the unusual Elements are as follows:
Fear - Red; Cynder's head.
Poison - Light Green; Three drops of liquid; clearly poison.
Wind - Blue/Grey; a swirl representing air.
Shadow - Dark Blue/Dark Purple; reminiscent of a Taijitu (Yin-Yang) symbol on its side with the Dark Blue above the Dark Purple.

A different albeit similar set of symbols appears in the Nintendo Dual Screen adaptation of the same game; they are as follows:
Fire - A flame on a white background.
Earth - A brown rock on a green background.
Electricity - A yellow spark of electricity on a black background.
Ice - Blue crystals on a white background.

The four symbols for the unusual Elements are as follows:
Fear - A red human skull on a dark background.
Poison - Green bubbling liquid on a white background.
Wind - A blue-white tornado on a black background.
Shadow - A purple hand on a white background.

So what can we discern from this? We've seen so far that the colour of the power matches the colour of the symbol, and by extension, the colour of the Dragon. A problem arises in that the Dark Purple colouring listed for Shadow could potentially come into conflict with the rarity of Purple Dragons. However, the yin-yang symbol could represent the Dragon in different stages; the Dark Blue represents the Dragon in their normal form, and the Dark Purple represents them in Shadow form. Alternatively, the dark colouring could represent Cynder's unusual colouring
The multiple colours listed with each Element could also be linked to the colouring of the scale markings or the body growths; like how Earth seems to be linked to both Green and Brown, which are seemingly combined for the Dark Green Elemental colour. Alternatively, the colouring of a dragon Element could be a mixture of the two different symbol colours.
What of the symbolism? It is quite clear that a specific image is used to represent each Element, although no standard definition of this image exists.

*The symbol for Fire in any form is a reddish burning flame.
*The symbol for Earth in any form is a green/brown rock.
*The symbol for Electricity in any form is an arc of yellow electricity.
*The symbol for Ice in any form is several blue frozen shards of ice.
*The symbol for Fear in any form is a red skull, which of course would vary depending on whatever creature wielded it.
*The symbol for Poison in any form is a green liquid - drawing upon the image of poison being bottled and used against another person - and as such a Temple Sigil would need to reflect this in some way; perhaps similar to the way Ice is depicted by three frozen shards.
*The symbol for Wind in any form is a blue/grey swirl, or some form of shape that suggests the movement of wind.

The odd symbol out is Shadow, where both symbols are drastically different from one another. The DOTD symbol, as mentioned above, presumably represents the changes between the two states - from a physical being to a shadow creature. The DS symbol, alternatively, represents the aggressive nature of the Element - how it can be used to attack from the shadow.
It has been observed that multiple Sigils exist for each Element, to showcase specific abilities (this will be discussed further in the following section). It is therefore likely that the two differing symbols thus represent two different parts of the Shadow Element; the DOTD symbol representing the transformation, and the DS symbol representing the attack.
It is likely then that the first of the two symbols is used to represent the Element, as it has been observed that each Dragon Type displays the symbol of their Element via their scale markings. It would be quite a stretch to assume that a Shadow Dragon, should one exist, would have markings resembling hands all over their body; more likely that the markings, which, as was discussed earlier are fairly simple in design, would resemble the Taijitu (Yin-Yang) symbol.
This can also be extended to the other Elements. A hypothetical Fear Dragon would have markings resembling skulls, a Poison Dragon would have markings resembling droplets of poison and a Wind Dragon markings that give the impression of the movement of wind, i.e. swirls.

1.22: Temple Sigils - UNFINISHED
Four symbols are shown in the first Legend Of Spyro game - A New Beginning - which represent the four traditional Elements.
These "sigils" appear to also show up in the Pause Menu to represent the various attacks that Spyro can use. Abstract shapes very similar to the Temple Sigils are used to represent the Primary Breaths for Fire - albeit reversed and a solid flame instead of the abstract line - and Electricity, but not for Ice and Earth, which instead use their Temple Sigils to represent the Secondary Breath.

Primary Breath: Fire Blast
Represented By: A burning flame - Reminiscent of the Temple Sigil.
Secondary Breath: Fire Bomb - A fireball.
Represented By: A circular shape with five points emerging from it.

Primary Breath: Earth Shot
Represented By: A pattern of diamond-like shapes - Reminiscent of the Ice Temple Sigil.
Secondary Breath: Earth Bomb - A tornado.
Represented By: A spiral - The Temple Sigil.

Primary Breath: Electric Stream
Represented By: An arc of electricity - The Temple Sigil.
Secondary Breath: Electric Arc
Represented By: An abstract shape reminiscent of one of Volteer's body ridges.

Primary Breath: Ice Stream
Represented By: A pattern of shapes resembling snowflakes around a tiny diamond.
Secondary Breath: Ice Shards
Represented By: Three shards of pointed ice - The Temple Sigil.

The abundance of the symbols suggests that there is a Sigil for each Breath ability, resulting in far more than four Sigils. One thing remains confusing, however; why are the Sigils for the Secondary Breaths of Earth and Ice used to represent the Element?
It could be that the Dragon Temple had Sigils for each Elemental Breath, but that some of these were damaged prior to the events of the first game and subsequently removed. However, it could just be that at some point in history the Guardians decided that the symbol for the Secondary Breath represented the Element better, or was simpler in design and thus easier to reproduce; alternatively, the Secondary Breath could have been "identified" before the Primary Breath was.
The secondary symbol for Earth may have been chosen because it showcases the full ability of the Earth Element. As briefly hinted at in my previous essay, it could be that each Dragon Breed does not contain the physical form of their Element within themselves - i.e. an Earth Dragon does not carry Earth within its body to expel at an opponent - but instead uses a form of magic to manipulate material around it to create the Elemental Breath. To quote my previous essay:
…what constitutes the Earth Element varies from game to game; in the first game, the element mostly summons Wind storms, in the second, it consists of a Green Energy attack, plus physical attacks that affect the ground surrounding the user, in the third, it involves manipulating rock with Green Energy.
This suggests that an Earth Dragon does not summon its Elemental "breath" from within itself to use as an attack, as the other Elemental Dragons do, but instead uses a Green Energy that can be used as an attack on its own, or to influence Earth - and possibly also plants - around it; either channelling it through the ground, or using it to bind bits of Earth together into a boulder.

In other words, the symbol for Earth was chosen because the rocky spiral represents many things; the Earth that is manipulated, the Energy that is used to do so, and the fact that it can also affect the Wind. Alternatively, since the Earth Element was largely used for Wind based attacks in the first game, it could just be that Spyro was being taught a specific area of the Earth Element.
It should be noted that these sigils do not represent the full range of the Elemental Breath powers, as each of the games has new abilities. It is likely then that there are many such sigils, and each represents the ability in an abstract yet still vaguely recognisable form.

What of the other Elements without a Sigil? It

Poison similar to Ice
Wind with swirls like Electricity
Fear is the oddball

Primary Breath: Siren Scream
Secondary Breath: Phantom Fright - Fear released in the form of floating orbs.

Primary Breath: Venom
Secondary Breath: Scorpion Strike - Covers the body in Poison.

Primary Breath: Cyclone - Essentially Wind Breath.
Secondary Breath: Tornado -

Primary Breath: Shadow Strike
Secondary Breath: Shadow Fire

So what can we assume from this? '

*A Fear Dragon would thus be red, with scale markings resembling skulls, and
*A Poison Dragon would thus be green, with scale markings resembling droplets of poison, and
*A Wind Dragon would thus be blue/grey, with scale markings resembling the movement of wind, and
, and growths resembling clouds.
*A Shadow Dragon would thus be dark blue, with scale markings resembling the Taijitu (Yin-Yang) symbol, and

Water, for instance, an Element not seen in the Legend Of Spyro but shown in the Original Series and the Skylanders spin-off. Following the logic established above, a Water Dragon would be a deep blue; perhaps matching the colour of the sea, and their scale markings and sigils would have to represent the flow of water in some way.

What about Time? It could be that the Chronicler is considered the Guardian of Time, and thus his colouring represents this; being the "Colour" of the Time Element. As such, he would be considered a "Time Dragon".

It could be that colours are not exclusive to any Element - with the obvious exception of Purple - and instead the (hue?) of the colour indicates the specific Element; for instance, Fear Dragons could be only coloured Bright Red, while Fire Dragons are coloured a simple Red, leaving Dark Red vacant for another hypothetical Element. This theory is of course let down by the fact that the primary colour of the Fire Element seems to spill over into Orange, but the colour setup must be something along those lines.

Cynder's Elements are listed by colour.

Should mention how Skylanders depicts an "Air" Dragon as being pale blue with feathery wings and two horns. Of course, they are separate worlds, but still worthy of mention.

Spiral on wind bracers for Sonic Boom char.

Does Spyro mean anything? Perhaps "Small PYRO"? Perhaps it's a meaningful word in the Dragon world? Might be worth noting how there appear to be lots of letter "s"s hidden in the concept art…

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