The Gang of Five
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The Hobbit


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I'll wait till it comes out on disc.  I assume I will, like with the lotr that I've seen, will overall like it, but may find a scene or 2 of minor annoyance.  But I'll wait and see.  

As for using stuff from The Silmarillion, that is one of the book sources that can't be used.  They can only use stuff found in The Hobbit & The LOTR books, including the appendices.  This is only cause Tolkein sold off certain rights in the late 60's and that included only the LOTR & the Hobbit stuff.  If they want to use the stuff in the Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales or other books they have to go to Tolkein's heirs, which last I heard are vehmitaly against anything but book adaptions of those books.  The Company that has the rights Tolkein sold off in the late 60's are obviously easier to work with.  I think it was sold to another company in the late 60's or 70's and that may be who currently has it.  I'd have to look up to get the exact details.

Though even if they are limited to stuff in those 4 books, there is still a lot there, especially if you add in the appendices.  & some stuff that Tolkien glosses over like the battle of the 5 armies, and Bilbo having adventures on the way home as what Gandolf was up to when he kept leaving them.  Lots of room for extra stuff from those spots.


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Went to see it in theaters and there was this big group of Nerdies behind us who were having some existential debate regarding the movie the entire time^^ I was just surprised they didn't come clothed in full Gandalf garb or somethign like that.
Hilarious movie, though, I mean, laugh out loud hilarious and enjoyable, and the graphics were far better as well. The bits with Gollum flowed along better, too.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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I think I need to see it again to judge it properly. At the time, I was sort of torn; there were bits I liked, and there were bits I really didn't like. Plus I thought it was a bit long at times.

What kind of annoyed me is that there was so much time spent travelling in the wildernesses and yet we didn't really get much time with most of the dwarves; they ended up being extras in their own film! There's all this great stuff that the concept artists came up with for each character, and none of that really got explored.

I should say that I'm confident the next film will be good though; most of the really exciting stuff in the book happens in the latter half, so it makes sense that this film had to have the slow moments.