The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => Hobbies and Recreation => Computer and Electronics => Topic started by: landbeforetimelover on May 15, 2009, 11:13:53 PM

Title: I Am Now Vista-Tolerant
Post by: landbeforetimelover on May 15, 2009, 11:13:53 PM
I can't believe I haven't posted this yet, but I have now switched almost all my usable computers to the dreaded Windows Vista.  Now why would I do such a thing?  Doesn't Vista suck?  The answer is yes, the Vista vista core does suck, however obviously MS started putting parts of Windows 7 into it because it's finally decent.  It no longer has constant crashes and hangups and it's an OS that I can live with.  I know it's the updates though because if I install Vista on a computer without installing the updates, it's a piece of crap.  

Is Vista better than XP?  Not by a long shot.  But Vista does require MUCH less updating and maintaining for a network administrator like myself.  There are still some criteria a computer must adhere to before I install Vista on it though.  The computer must have at least the following requirements:
*1gb of ram (if DDR2), 2gb of ram (if DDR)
*160gb+ hard drive
*64mb graphics memory
*Must be Vista capable or originally come with Vista

I only work with one version of Vista...Windows Vista Ultimate Edition x32 and x64.  I've found the x32 version to be more fast and stable than the x64 version, which is a surprise to me since most people I talk to say the exact opposite.

There are still two main computers that have XP on them.  My server is one of them.  The other is my main downloading computer.  Both of these machines MUST have XP because I can increase their maximum connections without Windows going all crazy on me.  Out-of-the-box Windows (Vista or XP) has a maximum of 10 connections.  Obviously this isn't enough to download multiple files or host a server.  That's why I use XP on those two machines.  Other than that though, I'm all Vista right now.  It feels good to let MS do my job for me for once.  :p