The Gang of Five
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Advanced Character Setup


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Hi Everyone!

Malte and I were talking earlier today about how we could let players further personalize their characters.

Aside from just looks, this is a system we're working on developing in order to let players create the personalities of their dino.

There will be three parts to this from how it's worked out so far:

I will post the Part 1 of the character design into this post.

1) Choose your kind.  Each kind has specific advantages and disadvantages.  A brief list of these so far could include:

The longneck will have few strong strengths and weaknesses.  They are the most rounded characters in the game, comparable in a way to the "human" in fantasy RPGs.
That being said, here are some ideas for their inherant traits:

Moderately high strength
Moderately high HP
Moderately low Energy
Moderately high Stamina

Back - Able to carry two large items on their back, or a 3rd large item if a small dino is riding on their back to balance it.

Mouth - Able to carry two light objects in their mouth.

-Quite friendly but capable of being aggressive.  Cannot achieve moderate, but not intense, levels of aggression or friendliness.  Tends to be more friendly than aggressive.

Water - Moderate
Fire - Moderate
The Dark - Moderate
Heights - Moderate

Special ability:
The most team-oriented species.  Longnecks love to work with others and are normally very likable.  They are able to inspire their group, slightly (say, 10%) increasing the movement speed of everyone in the group as long as they are present.  This ability can stack up to 3 times.  This means that every longneck up to 3 will increase the speed of the whole group, but adding a 4th longneck will have no effect.

Threehorns are first and foremost famous for their exceptional strength at a young age.  They are known to have strong relationships with each other, though less so for dinosaurs of other kinds.  Some threehorns would go as far to travel alone than travel with a dinosaur who is not a threehorn.

High Strength
Low Energy
Moderately high HP
Moderate Stamina

Back - Able to carry two large items on their back, or a 3rd large item if a small dino is riding on their back to balance it.

Mouth - Able to carry two light objects in their mouth.


Relatively aggressive.  While they are capable of intelligent conversation, their somewhat gruff attitude can make them somewhat unliked by some of the more sensitive members of the population.  Not the best choice when delicate conversation is the key to solving a problem but the player is able to tweak their aggression level a bit to reduce this if desired.

Threehorns are good at pretending not to be afraid...sometimes they even convince themselves!  As a result, they have relatively few fears on their own and even fewer in a group.

Water - Low-moderate
Fire - Low
The Dark - Low-moderate
Heights - low-moderate

Special Ability: Threehorns are fearless and this shows, especially in groups!  Any dinosaur travelling in a group with a threehorn will have their fears reduced.  Any other threehorns in the group will receive double the effect.  As a result, a few threehorns together truly will be fearless!

NOTE: Having your fear reduced does NOT make it harder to get to the adrenaline status.  It does, however, protect you from panicking, making this ability very useful.

This ability can stack indefinitely, even reducing the chance of being panicked to 0%.

Swimmers are typically the gentle, nimble dinosaurs who can scamper around quickly and quietly.  They're often seen in large numbers together and will happily work with anybody.

Low Strength
Low HP
High Energy
Moderately Low Stamina

Hands - Able to carry four small objects, two slightly larger objects or 1 moderately-heavy object in their hands.

Mouth - Able to carry two light objects in their mouth.


Very friendly and the most likely dinosaur to be able to gain the trust and help from NPCs (in general).  Their lack of aggression can be their downfall when dealing with more rough dinosaurs in debates, arguements or even conversation, but when asking a favour, there's no better species for the job.

Water - Very low (only waters too fast or dangerous for the swimmer)
Fire - Moderate
The Dark - High
Heights - High

Special Ability:

Most dinosaurs on an adventure will love having a swimmer around, as they tend to keep the trip enjoyable, no matter the circumstances.  The swimmer's outgoing nature will keep the rest of the group engaged in the journey and the moment, improving the stamina and energy of the group by a percentage.

Here is an idea I have for the calculations for this ability:

The % of increased stamina and energy is equal to 2x the size of the group.  For a group of 2, everyone gains 4% more stamina and energy.  In a group of 3, everyone gains 6% more stamina and energy, up to a maximum of 20%.

Adding a second swimmer to the group doubles the effect (to 4x the size of the group).  Adding a 3rd swimmer will add another group member to the effect but won't triple the effect.
In other words, the ability stacks up to 2 times to a maximum effect of 20% per group.

Flyers are the only dinosaurs who can take to the skies and love every minute of it.  They tend to be timid until they're in their own environment, where they flourish.  They can be found in both large and small groups and are content in both.  They do, however, prefer to have a companion rather than be alone.

Low Strength
Low HP
High Energy
Low Stamina

Hands - Able to carry two small objects, two slightly larger objects or 1 moderately-heavy object in their hands.

Mouth - Able to carry three light objects in their mouth.

Moderately friendly, with a healthy hint of aggression when needed.  Unlike a longneck, however, a flyer is generally less successful in intimidating its rival and tend to stick to more friendly conversation.
Overall Less aggressive than a longneck but more aggressive than a swimmer.

Water - very high
Fire - high
the dark - moderately high
heights - low, early game.  None at higher levels.

Special Ability:

Probably something to do with improving the group's vision.

Spiketails are best known for their incredible ability to find (and consume!) green food.  Beyond that though, they are generally quiet, gentle creatures, but are perfectly capable of being very impressive leaders.  They are most often seen in a herd, preferring to mingle with their own kind but willing to work with others almost as easily as a longneck.

Moderately high Strength
High HP
Low Energy
Very high stamina

Back - Able to carry three relatively large items on their back, or a 4th large item if a small dino is riding on their back to balance it.

Mouth - Able to carry two moderate objects in their mouth.

Spiketails are great conversationalists, similar to the longneck, but more capable of aggression.  They can cover a wide range of the spectrum from friendly chatter to fight-inducing threats.  

water - moderately high
fire - moderately high
the dark - moderately high
heights - moderately high

Special Ability:

This is a very special ability because the spiketail hates to use it...but because of their eating habits when times are good, they are able to last an excessively long period of time without eating if necessary.  They are also able to consume some of their stamina to gain temporary resistance to heat or cold if the environment is too much for them.

Applies only to oneself so stacking is not applicable to this ability.

Fast Runner:

Medium (or Large, if we decide not to use Medium)
Moderately low HP
Moderate Strength
High Energy
High Stamina

Hands - Able to carry two moderately heavy objects, one heavier object or four light objects in their hands.

Mouth - Able to carry one light object in their mouth.

Fast Runners are excellent survivors on their own or in small groups.  They are rarely seen in large groups but are known to work together happily with creatures of every kind (even sharpteeth!).  They are very friendly, comparable to the swimmer in this sense.  They are less sensitive than the swimmer, however, and can be a little tougher to provoke.

Water - moderate
Fire - moderate
The Dark - moderate
Heights - moderate

Special Ability:
The fast runner is able to enjoy a varied diet, able to consume eggs or even insects if the situation demands it.

Applies only to oneself so stacking is not applicable to this ability.


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2) Once you choose your species (and all of the advantages and disadvantages that go along with it), you get to choose some personality and physical traits.

Here are the traits I've come up with so far, in an image:
(Guess I Was a bit late for the Halloween theme :p)

As for the "Inspiration" value, it would appear on a triangle, not a two-way slider, so you could choose a mix of any of the three values.


  • General of the Great Valley
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Shouldn't high aggression also carry a higher risk of NPC interactions going bad? Especially if said NPC is stronger than you are. Also high aggression may may cause some NPCs to be afraid of you and not interact without.

Also since combat is a rarity, could high aggression also offer an increase chance of scaring the enemy off? This would yield the same experience as if they were defeated conventionally.


What about any group that has a flyer has its sight radius increased?


I think the honor modifier should let you start with a somewhat higher reputation as well as lessen reputation hits (say from a failed task).

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Shouldn't high aggression also carry a higher risk of NPC interactions going bad? Especially if said NPC is stronger than you are. Also high aggression may may cause some NPCs to be afraid of you and not interact without.
Aye.  I was running out of space so I left it to the reader to assume that the opposite of "befriending and being helpful" would be true if the setting was reversed.

Also since combat is a rarity, could high aggression also offer an increase chance of scaring the enemy off? This would yield the same experience as if they were defeated conventionally.
That's a good idea.  Thanks for bringing that up.  These are far from complete so any additions are welcome! :D

Perhaps to expand on this, a group can combine all their Aggression scores together.  If the total score is high enough, they have a chance to scare away the enemy.  The more points they are over the minimum for that enemy, the more likely they are to succeed.  How does that sound?

What about any group that has a flyer has its sight radius increased?
Sure, we could do something with the sight being improved with a flyer around.  That sounds reasonable to me! :)

I think the honor modifier should let you start with a somewhat higher reputation as well as lessen reputation hits (say from a failed task).
I like this, too.  Honour felt like the weakest choice of the three but I wasn't really sure how to improve it.  This helps quite a lot, I like it.  Thanks!


  • The Circle
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What about any group that has a flyer has its sight radius increased?

Sure, we could do something with the sight being improved with a flyer around. That sounds reasonable to me! smile.gif
I am not sure if it would be a good (realistic) idea to give every member of a group with a flyer an increased sight. Petrie flying above would not allow Littlefoot to "see" what is going on beyond the next ridge, but Petrie would probably tell.
This can easily be done through the games chat function and would require players to interact closer.

As for the Inspiration section I would suggest this to be nothing to select when creating a character, but rather something variable that depends very much on your actions during the game. It could be a meter for the reputation you get. If you threaten a hatchling into telling you what you want to know you will be seen differently than when you threaten someone who is of your size or stronger, not to mention the more polite approach of obtaining information by less aggressive means (means which may be more easily available to characters with higher "diplomacy" values).
Such an approach would prevent the possible embarassement of a character posed on fame or honor going around being the Boogey Dinosaur for every hatchling in the Valley.

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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I think that having high aggression alone should not immediately have a chance to scare off enemies. You can't tell how aggresive somebody is just by looking at them, they would have to do something to intimidate you. Instead, I think there should be abilities with the sole purpose of scaring enemies off that are based on your aggressiveness. An example could be something like "Mean Look", which wouldn't cost anything to use, and could scare the enemy off depending on how much aggression the character who used the ability has. The only thing is it might seem out-of-place to have an ability that doesn't cost anything to use, but I can't see how something like that would cost anything.

As for the Inspiration section I would suggest this to be nothing to select when creating a character, but rather something variable that depends very much on your actions during the game. It could be a meter for the reputation you get. If you threaten a hatchling into telling you what you want to know you will be seen differently than when you threaten someone who is of your size or stronger, not to mention the more polite approach of obtaining information by less aggressive means (means which may be more easily available to characters with higher "diplomacy" values).
I really like that idea Malte. I think maybe you should be able to adjust the inspiration meter at character creation, but the things you do in the LBT World will effect it gradually and it may end up changing. An example would be if you started out at full adventure inspiration, but rarely explored much of the world, it may start to sway from adventure into one of the other 2.


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I am not sure if it would be a good (realistic) idea to give every member of a group with a flyer an increased sight. Petrie flying above would not allow Littlefoot to "see" what is going on beyond the next ridge, but Petrie would probably tell.
If we 'pretend' that the flyer is reporting back what he/she sees to the rest of the group then simulating that with increased range of detection of things in the world would be logical.  The question is, do we want to do that or ought we rely on players to manage that a bit more manually?

Obviously the fun part about playing the flyer is having knowledge that others won't.  Perhaps you're right, Malte.  We can think on this some more.

As for the Inspiration, I'd love to talk some more about it to see more what the effect would be on it as different events happened in the game.  You bring up some good points and I'd like to continue those thoughts.

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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I think forcing the players to manually communicate with each other would be the better choice. It will make the game feel more realistic, which is the kind of approach we are trying to take.