The Gang of Five
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Is there anyone in LBT that you would call evil?


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I wonder, considering that most villains seem to be just hungry predators, are there any in LBT that you could actually say are, well, evil?

I do worry about Chomper's parents.  I mean, that seems very cold to suggest, when your kid invites some friends over for dinner, or says he is going to, to reply "Sure, we could use some dessert."

 :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow  :wow

That almost does sound evil, if you really think about it.

(Note, this thread isn't really about them, but I thought I'd bring up that oddity.)


  • Ducky
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I think that Chomper's parents just thought their son was joking about the whole "friends with leaf eaters" thing and didn't take it seriously. As for really evil characters I can recall plenty, such as the original sharptooth, Ozzy and Strut or Red Claw from the TV series.


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I actually find it hard, as stated from just the film, to show Sharptooth himself as eviller than any of the other guys that tried to eat the Gang of Five.

Now, Red Claw, on the other hand, if he's willing to stoop to cannibalism, then he's pretty bad.

As for Chomper's parents, what is so alarming is that Chomper could have had Fast Biter friends for all they knew.  They didn't smell Littlefoot until after they had said that line.   There's no reason to assume that they knew he was even mentioning Leaf Eaters.

Besides, the look on his face says it all.  If he thought they were kidding around, he'd have probably shown them the Gang of Five rather than hide them in the Stinky Place.  Especially as his parents had said that they already had something for dinner so the kids wouldn't be in immediate danger, er, would they?  

Also, I don't find Strut that evil.  More misguided and bullied.   Ozzy, he's a whole nother story!   :lol


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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 18 2015 on  10:36 AM
As for Chomper's parents, what is so alarming is that Chomper could have had Fast Biter friends for all they knew.  They didn't smell Littlefoot until after they had said that line.   There's no reason to assume that they knew he was even mentioning Leaf Eaters.
Keep in mind that Chomper is much younger than any member of the gang. He might not have understood the joke... Although to be fair, they've never showed us any sharpteeth younglings playing in the movies or during the TV series. And in modern day reality predators, eating cubs (sometimes even their own) is not a rare occurrence.


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Sierra from The Stone of Cold Fire. I swear he's a sociopath. I mean who casually states they're going to feed children to the sharpteeth?

Rinkus is also a pretty nasty piece of work. I mean, he suggests killing the children if they don't tell him where the Stone of Cold Fire is.

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  • Ducky
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What about Ozzy? He wanted to give the kids a lava bath, is horrible to his own brother, and was gonna throw Littlefoot off the Great Wall?  

One of his worst moves was actually against Strut.  Strut was gonna go across the log when lava was coming and he made Strut get out of the way and said 'I'm first!  I'm first!  I'm always first!"

Ozzy is so selfish.  He's rotten toward everyone in the film.

I also agree about Sierra.  He also says "Who cares?  You should be used to this sort of thing by now!" when it looks like Ducky has fallen to her death.  (Not that Rinkus seemed too concerned either.)


  • Chomper
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Ozzy, Sierra and Rinkus. Also I completely disagree that original movie sharptooth was evil. There was absolutely no indication that he was something else other than just a hungry predator.


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As I remember, Don Bluth himself stated that original Sharptooth wasn't villain at all.
the same we can say about all other sharpteeth.

Creature becomes evil when they do things beyond simple nature actions. Ozzy, Strut, Pterano, Rinkus and Serra showed us that well.

More thoughts about Sharptooth and Red Claw gang...

Sharptooth, besides his natural hunger, wanted to make small revenge for his damaged eye. Hmm, does it make him evil?..

Red Claw... As I understand, he and his fast biters imagine themselves as the most important persons in region, so they banish any other sharpteeth from their way, for no more reasons, right?
Also, we still don't know, if they chase our gang more because of some conflict with Chomper and Ruby than chasing for getting food...


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Quote from: Snik,Jan 3 2016 on  06:22 PM
As I remember, Don Bluth himself stated that original Sharptooth wasn't villain at all.
the same we can say about all other sharpteeth.

Creature becomes evil when they do things beyond simple nature actions. Ozzy, Strut, Pterano, Rinkus and Serra showed us that well.

More thoughts about Sharptooth and Red Claw gang...

Sharptooth, besides his natural hunger, wanted to make small revenge for his damaged eye. Hmm, does it make him evil?..

Red Claw... As I understand, he and his fast biters imagine themselves as the most important persons in region, so they banish any other sharpteeth from their way, for no more reasons, right?
Also, we still don't know, if they chase our gang more because of some conflict with Chomper and Ruby than chasing for getting food...
Exactly how I think about it, and why I depicted him as such in my story. A somewhat tragic figure, driven by hunger and revenge. Though I've gave him a pretty bad backstory to justify that.
That's just on a sidenote, however.

Concerning OP's question, I would say Sierra and Rinkus, even Pterano until the turning point in the respective movie, and even those were doing it for simple power. Though I don't consider their actions forces of nature per se, so yeah, I would classify them as a little evil.
Other than that... Maybe that plated sharptooth (green Giganotosaurus) from the 5th movie that attacked Chomper's parents? He seems like a pretty "evil" guy. :D


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Quote from: Campion1,Jan 3 2016 on  11:47 AM
The Yellowbellies
My God, that made me laugh!  They're so EVIL for ruining LBT 13 for us!  Just joking of course.

As for evil characters, I don't consider sharpteeth to be evil just because they're doing what's natural for them.  Evil is doing something unnecessarily bad for no purpose other than it gives you pleasure to do so.  Rinkus and Sierra from LBT 7 would fit that bill.  Pterano....I'd call him conceited and overly ambitious, but not evil.  The difference between him and the other fliers was that he didn't enjoy violence and hurting others like the other fliers seemed to.  Strut from LBT 2 is close to being evil in my eyes.  Dill and Icky certainly aren't nice, but they're still doing what's natural for them so I'd call them a grey area.


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Other than that... Maybe that plated sharptooth (green Giganotosaurus) from the 5th movie that attacked Chomper's parents? He seems like a pretty "evil" guy.
but as I remember, he attacked gang, Chomper defended them with his bite, then Chomper's parents attacked him to defend their son. also, I assume there would be some talks on sharptooth language about small island territory, where isn't much food for three adult sharpteeth. One of them would be excess. :D


they are just a mistake of nature. nothing more


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but as I remember, he attacked gang, Chomper defended them with his bite, then Chomper's parents attacked him to defend their son. also, I assume there would be some talks on sharptooth language about small island territory, where isn't much food for three adult sharpteeth. One of them would be excess. :D
Huh... Have to watch that part of the movie again sometime... But now that you say it, it makes sense. Still, if not his demeanor then his depiction is clearly "evil", at least intented by the makers of the movie, snake-like eyes and all.


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Quote from: JulianR94,Jan 4 2016 on  09:43 PM
his depiction is clearly "evil", at least intented by the makers of the movie, snake-like eyes and all.
We're sharpteeth...
Great circle of life gave us such depiction and facial features...

yay! I became Chomper now! ^-^


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Quote from: Snik,Jan 4 2016 on  09:23 PM
Quote from: JulianR94,Jan 4 2016 on  09:43 PM
his depiction is clearly "evil", at least intented by the makers of the movie, snake-like eyes and all.
We're sharpteeth...
Great circle of life gave us such depiction and facial features...

yay! I became Chomper now! ^-^
Not snake-eyes, though, my fellow hunter.  :p

Dr. Rex

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Quote from: JulianR94,Jan 4 2016 on  04:29 PM
Quote from: Snik,Jan 4 2016 on  09:23 PM
Quote from: JulianR94,Jan 4 2016 on  09:43 PM
his depiction is clearly "evil", at least intented by the makers of the movie, snake-like eyes and all.
We're sharpteeth...
Great circle of life gave us such depiction and facial features...

yay! I became Chomper now! ^-^
Not snake-eyes, though, my fellow hunter.  :p
Actually, they did. There's quite a few sharpteeth that have slitted pupils, not just the Giganotosaurus.

As for the topic title itself, the only villains I can think of are Ozzy, Strut, Rinkus, Sierra, Red Claw, Screech, Thud, and the book version of Sharptooth. That's about it.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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...and Cera with Ducky.  :rolleyes:

Ok ok, Cera was "apprentice of the evil", and /ducky only in single episode.


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Ducky is the most evil swimmer, hands down :p
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