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Discuss: Through the Eyes of a Spiketail

Chikara · 75 · 29847


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It has some good elements, but some continuity problems also.  Though that is nothing new for LBT.


  • Spike
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This episode was different than others because it showed how Spike seen things. That was kind of neat. :)


  • Ducky
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One of the Coolest Episodes.  Why I never thought Spike would speak ever again.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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While I'm doing it I supose I'll tell you I'm watching Jittery's "Spike needs more cowbell". Yeah, I know I've said I hate him, but some of his stuff is funny. I particularly like this:



  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, I really like that poop. Also watch out for Ducky and MORE COWBELL! :lol

Oh, and be sure to watch the one with Rhett in it (Ali means bussiness) That longneck get's what he deserves!  :anger
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I saw it. It was funny.

Littlefoot to Ali: "So...wanna shag?"
Ali: "Sure!"


Bruton the Iguanodon

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Ah I see.

Personally I don't like his Through The Eyes Of A Spiketail YT poop. It's not as good as his other stuff, like the LBT7 one. That was one of his best ones.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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One question: why does Spike see everything purple? Was he born this way or did something happen to him to cause it and if so, when? And does this mean other members of the cast might see things in strange colors?


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He was probably born that way. During the whole series Spike experienced no obvious brain or eye damage that could have changed his vision.

As for the other members of the Gang, I don't know. We never get to see the world through their eyes. First person view is an innovation in LBT that we only get to see in "Through the Eyes of a Spiketail".

Bruton the Iguanodon

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It was very interesting to see this, and makes me very interested to see what other scenes in the series that Spike is in would look like from his point of view. For example, what would one of the songs in the film sound like to him?

As for the rest of the gang, it would be interesting to see the world through their eyes. I like the idea of them all having a very unique POV, like Spike apparently does. How about Cera seeing everything in red, since she's agry a lot of the time?  :lol


  • Cera
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 Well, since the serie is particularly aimed at younger kids (maybe an attempt to get new fans?), maybe the different color when in Spike's POV is to more easily understand when we are looking through his eyes and avoid any way of confussions?. Or maybe he is colorblind, which is not an unknown problem that some people has.

 And I don't know if this is off-topic, maybe not, but this is the only episode of the tv serie that I saw in spanish, aired in a local tv channel. What  Inoted is that the voices were made in the same dubbing company than the LBT sequels, so all the main characters (except Spike since this is the first time we can actually hear him talk... even if in his mind) have the same voices for all sequels and the tv serie. I think that is great, not even the original english version has that  :DD .


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Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Mar 11 2012 on  05:14 PM
One question: why does Spike see everything purple?
I thought I told you in another topic the likely reason why he sees everything in purple. Chances are he's lacking most of the cones except the ones that let him see purple. And this is something you're born with.

Just realized something. There is a chance Spike was not born with it and instead developed later, in this case from an injury or something. At least one movie hinted that Spike could see other colors earlier on.

Remember LBT4? Spike was the one who noticed the golden flowers first and showed Ducky. Now how would he have known those were the right flowers if he couldn't see the color yellow? Unless he just had a hunch, I think it's likely that he was able to see that they were golden flowers and showed them to Ducky.

If this is the case, then something would have had to happen to Spike to make him see in nothing but purple.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Good thinking, Darkhououmon! So what could it be, then?

This is making a fun discussion topic!  :smile


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Damage of the visual nerve (a tumor? :blink: ) or continuity error.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Maybe during the bee stings something happened we didn't see? Like a rock falling on his head? Seeing as momets later after Littlefoot tells him to hit it he starts making ba-ba noises and does so in Good inside big water good time good friends which the old Spike never did and his lips moving on one of a kind (though the old Spike did that at least once

Bruton the Iguanodon

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You know, there are some things I really hate about this episode. First of all, making Spike's vision purple and having him hear everyone talk in grunts? What are they, making him dumb? I'd be ok with the color thing if it's something other characters have a problem with, but the grunting he hears is inexcusable.

Second, seeing the LBT world from his POV made it all a bit of a joke. He even had to make Cera's dad a joke: "Sometimes I think Mr. Threehorn just likes to argue." That was very disapointing.  :(

Thirdly, depiste the fact that I'd rather they not show his point of view and just have us assume it's normal, I would be fine with them showing it...if they hadn't made him practically the hero throughout this whole bloomin' episode. I mean, think about it. They portray him as the only one smart enough not to get on the tower (well Petrie didn't), have him find the grapes, have him be the only one brave enough to go through some bloomin' wind, have him save his friends, have him portrayed as superior to Mr. Threehorn (who I am a fan of and was kind of unimpressed to see that)...and it just happens to be this point that Ruby comments that she wishes we were all more like Spike. Really? Did they have to go ahead and shove it in our face that Spike is "the best" here in this episode?  :anger

They didn't even need to show Spike's point of view for this episode, really. It could have just been a normal episode. Even wikipedia seems to think so. Their summary says:

On the first day of the cold time, Mr. Thicknose tells the gang about Hard Water Sweets (frozen grapes), and the gang set off on an adventure to find them.

Without even mentioning the whole Spike issue. Really, a better title for the episode would have been "The Search for the Frozen Grapes". The whole Spike stuff was just gloss or filler (either sound logical) in attempt to either make the episode "special" (at which it falls flat) or fill the 23-minute time slot, which would be laziness! They already waste time on 2 much can they waste?

Pokeplayer's site has the summary:

For the final episode, we get to see it all through the mind of Spike.  What secrets does the most quiet one of the group hold?

What secrets would it hold? They're making it sound like we're getting a treat, when really all we find out is that he sees in purple and hears in grunts---neither of which I really wanted to know.

If I was to choose a member of the gang to see through the eyes of I'd rather see through Petrie's eyes? Why? Well, one, cause we'd get a bunch of beautiful aerial shots when he flies,  ;) , two, cause Cause he's my favorite right now. A month ago, as you probably knew, Spike was, but now Petrie's my favorite

Cancerian Tiger

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Spike is commonly believed to be on the autistic spectrum, and it is very common for autistics to have what's called synesthesia, the most common type being when one sees in other colors and tastes colors or hears colors.  This makes him unique, and the episode was trying to explain to the audience why Spike is the way he is.  Spike is very popular among disabled fans.  To say he's dumb because he's some kind of synesthete and possibly an autistic is VERY rude and offensive.  As someone who is on the spectrum and deals with synesthesia (mirror-touch), I find this wrong on so many levels.  You might as well call him the R-word and be done with it.

Saying someone's no longer your favorite character because they're different or disabled is shallow.  What if you had a best friend who was in an accident and had to be in a wheelchair for the rest of their life?  Would they no longer be your best friend because they're different or disabled? Petrie is no different.  He has what humans may call a delay in his speech development, which often indicates a mental disability.  For someone his age to still talk in third-person is not what others would call normal or healthy.  You're basically sticking up for one different or disabled character and bashing another.  What makes one better than the other?

On the note of Spike being the hero or superior, in my opinion, it was about time.  Littlefoot is nice and all, but he's been the shining star way too often in the series, and Ducky hasn't barely had a chance yet.  It was time for Littlefoot to step back and let somone else take the lead.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Alright, but I also had some other things to point out about it you didn't mention, if anyone wants to make an argument.