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Raptor Squadron

F-14 Ace · 175 · 20840

F-14 Ace

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Yet another random RPG.  I just can't think of a good LBT RPG.  ANyway, this one is about a fighter squadron called Raptor Squadron.  They are a special ops squadron of the U.S. Navy stationed aboard the carrier U.S.S. Freedom.  You creat your own characters.  THe pilots will usually fly F-14B Tomcats but sometimes they may use more advanced craft like the F-22 Raptor (the navy was actually going to produce some for carrier use but decided to cancel in favor for the F-35.)
My character will be Joe McKain, a 25 year old pilot from Medford, Oregon.  I willalso be using the squadron commander (somehow, I don't think he will last though.)  If you are going to join in, please creat two characters because the F-14 is a two seat aircraft.  I guess the copilot doesn't have to have a very big part though.  Before we start, please creat your character(s).  I would like for there to be at least five pilots but I will be using two.  There can be more than five because everyone can join and there also has to be some bad guys right?

F-14 Ace

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It was a dark and rainy morning.  It had not yet begun to get light yet.  Lightning flashed in the sky.  Joe McKain exited the bus and entered the hanger across the street where the other pilots were waiting.


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(I'll give this RPG a shot, although I was hoping for a Ace Combat-style one.  I always want to try my hand at different RPGs.  Here are my characters:

Michael Keene AKA Shinobi:  24.  Former Air Force pilot from Phoenix, AZ.  Took training in California to become a Navy pilot.

Allen Cruise AKA Archer:  22.  Co-pilot from San Diego, CA.

The F-14B they'll be riding is nicknamed the Silver Sparrow.  Hope that info helps.)

Mike watched the rain through the bombay doors of the hangar, while Allen reads a book at a desk not far from their Silver Sparrow.  Mike could see a silouhette (must check spelling) walking through the rain towards them.

F-14 Ace

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Joe walked into the hanger and dropped his luggage.
A loudmouthed man said, "Alright everyone, listen up! You'de better get use to flying in weather like this because we are being deployed to South America.  It rains there a lot.  The other pilots in the squadron are already aboard the Freedom.  They boarded the ship in in San Francisco.  Hey!  You!"
He was yelling at a pilot with red hair.
He said, "Get your butt of the wing of that jet!  You are Leiutenant Max Richard, right?
The pilot replied, "Yes, sir!"
THe loudmouth said, "You are a bonehead!  I'm Captain Jack Wilson, your squadron commander."
He pointed to a man next to a C-1 Trader transport and said, 'That is Colonel Mac Jennings.  We are your commanding officers.  Put your luggage in the transport and grab a plane."
Mac said, "Captain, the transport is full.  It won't hold any more cargo!"
Jack said to Joe, "It looks like you are going to have to carry your luggage in your plane.  Lets go, men!"
Joe climbed into the fighter and closed the canopy.  He started the engines and taxied out of the hanger.  He was the first to get takeoff clearence.  Joe punched the throttle and the plane took off into the stormy sky.
Max's plane came along side him and Max said, "Hey, don't I remember you from trining?  You scored higher on your flight exams than anyone else."
Joe said, "Yeah.  Maybe we should focus on flying to the ship.  It will probably take some time to get there.  It left last night.


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My characters:


Age: 20

Took training at Edwards Air Force Base in California.  Pilot.


age: 19

Took training a Wright Airfield in Ohio.  Co-Pilot

Lt. Cole

Age: 32

Has been in the Armed Forces for fifteen years.  Tough as nails.

Weapon of choice: FN-P90 SMG

Sgt. Gabe

Age: 24

Has been in the Armed Forces for five years.

Weapon of choice: M-16 Assault Rifle

David is in the mess hall having dinner and Cal is sitting right next to him.  "Did you see those tanks go up?  BAM!" says Cal.

"Yeah, we wasted it pretty bad.  Those terrorists didn't know what hit em." replies David.

F-14 Ace

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Their copmmanding officer said, "Relax.  It was just a simulation.  However, you guys are going to get your chance.  We are all being transfered to Echo Island off the coast of Brazil.  It is a U.S. owned island and has a a military base there for our operations.  Some drug guy is getting out of hand and trying to start a war.  He has his own personal military.  I heard the navy is being deployed first.  This asshole bombed our embessey (dammit I hate spelling) in Brasillia.  We will only go fight is the navy can't handle them.  Any of you have relatives in the navy?"

Meanwhile, the pilots had reached the Freedom and had beguin to land.  Joe and the captain were the only ones still flying.
Jack said, "Alright, kid.  Just go strait for the desk.  Make an instrument approach and follow the LOS's (landing officer system) instructions.  You'll do fine.  I hope this storm lets up soon."
Joe lowered the tail hook, landing gear, and flaps and touched down on the deck.  He taxied to an aircraft elivator and was lowered to the hanger deck.  Jack announced the situation after he landed and told the pilots who they would stay with.  Joe was bunking with Max.
Joe said, "Dibs on the top bunk!"
After a hot cup of coffee, Joe went back to the cabin.  It had a sofa, an armchair, two bunks, a tv, a radio, a phone, two small dressers, two night stands, a table with two chairs, a DVD player with a VCR, a desk, a closet and a bathroom. The bathroom didn’t have it’s own shower though. The top bunk had a flat board above it where you could put things. It had a reading lamp attached to it. There was also a book shelf in the room. There was even a balcony.
Max said, "Look at this place.  It is like a luxury cruise.  Maybe this whole living at sea thing isn't so bad after all.  I'm going to visit our squadron room."
Joe said, "I'm going to the ship's dinner."
Mak exclaimed, "A dinner?  This ship has it all!  I hear this is suposed to be the most luxurious ship in the navy.  It has a chapple, of corse most ships do.  A lounge, a tennis court, a bowling ally, a library, a gym, a pool, and now you tell me there is a diner too?  This is an aircraft carrier, not a luxury cruise!”
   Joe said, “There is also a bar and a coffee shop with doughnuts.  This is the only ship in the navy with a bar. We are aloud two cups of any alcoholic beverage per day.”
Max said, "Well, if you change your mind, just come join us.  I'm going to meet the rest of the squadron."


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"Uh, I my father's F-14 was shot down in Iraq two weeks ago." says David.

"I don't have any relatives in the Navy, Sir." says Cal.  The commanding officer gets up from his seat and leaves the Mess hall.  The two pilots finish eating and go back to their cabin.  Dacid and Cal's cabin has a bunk bed and a TV with both an Xbox AND and Xbox 360 hooked up to it.  David starts getting ready for bed.

F-14 Ace

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Two weeks later, the U.S.S. Freedom was nearing the coast of Brazil when the pilots were called to the briefing room.
A man in full military uniform stood in front of a screen on the wall.  The briefing room had several digital screens on the wall.  One showed the weather conditions and time, one showed the tactical map with targets and terrain, another screen showed photos of the targets if photos were available.  Another showed information about the targets.  Finally there was a dry erase board with a pull down screen.  Images were shown on the screen from a wall mounted overhead projector.  The screens suddenly lit up.  Maps and charts appeared.  
The man said, "Three C-5 Galaxy transport planes carrying soldiers to Echo Island Base have come under fire from unknown Mig-29s.  Their escorts were shot down and the planes are defenceless now.  However, they are far enough ahead of the enemy planes so that you have enough time to reach them and provide support.  Defend those planes and don't let even one get shot down.  They are carrying new recruits from a training base back in the U.S.  Dismissed."
The pilots ran to their planes and took off.
Jack said, "Alright, team, don't worry.  Remember what you learned in training and you should do fine.  You are cleared to engage!  David, you guys take those two over there!  Joe, you and Max take the three up there!"
Joe asked Cal who was hi copilot, "Doing alright back there?"


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F-14 Ace

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Joe said, "Alright, good.  Hold on!"
He pulled up on the controls and the plane climbed higher.  He fired the plane's guns at the enemy planes.  After he flew over the enemy planes, Joe rolled the plane over.  As the world turned upside down and the plane went back down.  
Joe said, "Alright, Cal.  Get ready to fire that missile.  I could but I need to worry about flying this jet.  When the target appears on the HUD, fire the missile."

F-14 Ace

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Max shot down an enemy when two more Migs got behind him.  One fired at him but missed.  No matter how hard Max tried, he could not shake them.
He said, "Dammit!  Dogfighting sucks!  Someone get these jerks off my butt!"
Jack said, "Hold on, Bonehead!  I'll take care of them!"


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Shinobi and Archer had their own dealings with the MIGs as they joined the fray.  The Silver Sparrow weaved in and out between the dogfighting planes, downing one bogey with a missile.

"Squadron Leader, this is Silver Sparrow," Shinobi spoke.  "Three more MIGs have just appeared on radar from the cargo planes' six.  We'll go swat them off."

The Silver Sparrow makes an immediate U-turn to intercept the enemy fighters.

F-14 Ace

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Max said, "Thanks for clearing my six, captain.  I'll go give the others a hand."
He and Joe flew towards the transports and helped shoot down the other bandits.  They were now over a group of islands.  Just then, a group of F-16s appeared on radar.  Reinforcements had arrived to protect the transports.
Jack said, "Alright, Raptor Squadron.  Mission complete.  I dought we'll get any medals for this but I just want to know who is responcible for the attack.  Rturn to the ship."
In the Freedom's briefing room, the man said, "The escort mission was successful.  We have recieved word that all transports reached base safely.  Also, we have confirmed that Charvez Mazol, an international drug runner, is behind all attacks in this region.  He has also taken over a part of Brazil and Colombia, calling it New Brazil.  He has set up a socialist government there.  We will have to deal with him at a later time.  Dismissed."
The pilots all went to their squadron room.  It had a wood table with four wood chairs, a sofa, a wide screen tv, some potted plants, a red tiled floor, a dvd and vcr player, a radio, a soda machine, and an X-box and PS-2.  The games included some combat gamed.  Max and Joe were playing Star Wars Battlefront II.  Max flew an X-wing while Joe flew a TIE fighter.  On the wall hung a banner with the squadron's logo.  It was a circle.  The upper half had a velociraptor while the lower half had an F-14 zooming by.  The name Raptor Squadron  CVF-221 was enscribed on a ribon across the bottom of the logo.  There was also a list with the names of the current squadron members that hung on the wall.  The logo also appeared on the sleevs of the pilot uniforms and on the tail and nose of the planes.


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(How about we slow it down some to keep the action hot when we go into battle?  As well as get some interaction between players through the storyline.)

F-14 Ace

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Jack asked, "Hey, it is my turn to play the X-box.  Me and Mac are going to play something now."
Max said, "Sure.  Go ahead.  I was going to play chess with Michael and Allen anyway."  
Thunder rumbled outside.  Joe got up and looked out the window.  Dark clouds had filled the sky and a few drops of rain were landing on the window.  He pushed a button and the blash shield closed over the window.  It was meant to protect the window fron battle damage.
Max was complaining about sucking at chess.  
Joe said, "I'm going to the coffee shop."
Colonel Mac Jennings (no relation to Peter Jennings) said, "Go ahead.  I'm too busy with the game now.  I'll go later.  Hey, does anyone know where David and Cal are?"

(the story will pick up more soon.  By the way, please no damaging or destroyind the carrier.  I would like for it to survive because I have written stories about it and became kinda attached to it.  Anything else is fine as long as the ship survives.)


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David is in the cabin playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live when Cal walks in.  "So, how'd it go?" says David.  

"Alright I guess.  I didn't get a chance to shoot anything.  I did have a chance to bomb an enemy Mig.  But Damn it, I got over excited and fired the missle without checking to see if I had a lock on it." replies Cal.

"Bummer." replies David.  Cal sits down, picks up an Xbox controller and starts playing along side with David.

F-14 Ace

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That night, Max was sitting at the table next to the porthole.  He closed the shutter over it and said, "Oh what crappy weather.  Rain couldbe heard pounding on the glass.
Joe, who had taken the book, Moby Dick, off the shelf, climbed into his top bunk and started to read where he last left.
Max asked, "Uh, so, you have anyone else in your family who is in the military?"
Joe answered, "Well, my brother is in the amry.  I can't believe I didn't think of this!  He may have been on one of those transports we saved today!  Gish, good thing they all made it to the base safely."
Max asked, "Who is he?"
Joe answered, "Actually, he isn't my brother.  He was adopted by my parents.  He is Emith Smite.  Emith is a Native American.  His past is unknown to me.  All I know is that his parents were murdered by some anti-indian racists.  He was with a baby sitter at the time.  His family didn;t live on a reservation.  He was from a Chinook tribe.  I dispize the people who did that to him."
Max asked, "So, he is like a half brother?"
Joe replied, "Yeah."
Just then, there was a knock on the door.
Max got up and opened the door and Cal and David were at the door.
Joe asked, "Oh, what brings you guys here this time of night?"


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"Nothing, Just wondering what you guys were up to." says David as he takes a sip of coffee from the mug in his hand.

"And we brought Halo 2." says Cal as he takes the game disc out of his pocket.

F-14 Ace

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Joe said, "Well, please keep the volume low if you are going to play tonight.  I'm trying to sleep here.  Never was a fan of 1st person shooters.  Only 3rd person games for me."
Max said, "I tried to play that game once.  I sucked.  Drove a warthog off a cliff and kept dying.  Those whatever you call ems kept getting me too. (no idea what the bad guys are called.  My friend at school talks about all the time and I really drove a warthog off a cliff because I can't get the hang of X-box controls.  My friend kept killing me.)
Joe said, "I might try it tomorrow.  I'm just real tired."
He turned out the light above his bunk and pulled the covers over him.


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"Well, practice makes perfect." David says to Max as he puts the disc in the Xbox and picks up the controller.  "Since you're a newbie I'll go easy on you." says David as Joe picks up a controller.