The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

A Disruption in Time


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The pair of longnecks reached the valley in couple hours. Ali relaxed as she saw the valley before them.. " Now to Find Littlefoot CEra and the others" Ali said, smiling..
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"We could explore some caves, we could, we could.  Or you could finally take us to where your fastbiter friend lives, you could you could." Ducky said.

"Deon? Yes, I certainly could. If you'd be interested.  I do know some caves that lead to where his herd can often be found." Diver said.  

"Fastbiter friend?" Mim asked.

"Yes," Diver said, "He traveled with my other friends and helped us to find our families who had by then formed a mixed herd.  He could follow their smell even when there were not footprints to follow.  And we met his herd along the way." Diver said.

"Following the herd looking for stragglers no doubt." Mim remarked, knowing how most sharptooth were.  

Diver shook her head, "No, he said his herd eats mainly fish and other things that do not talk.  They only eat things that talk if it attacks them first.  They don't hunt things that talk. And he knows 3 languages.  sharptooth, flattooth and a whistle language." Diver said.

"Whistle language?" Mim asked, interested.  

"He said his great grandfather got the idea, and learned flattooth from an old flier friend he met once who told him of other places, including how in the big big water there are swimmers who can talk in a whistle language to others far away." Diver said.

Ducky nods, "Mo could do that.  Some others farther away told us how to get to a place where we then knew the way back to the great valley." She said.


"Cera." Petrie called out from where he was flying closer to where she was.


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Rex had finally gotten inside the great valley, " many....things...that i shouldn't eat.." said Rex as he drooled, Rex saw so many flatteeth that he was beginning to get the urge to hunt...although he had learned to control that urge. he walked around the great valley looking for more crawlers....although he had to hide every few minutes so flatteeth didn't see him and try to kill him.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail smiled at Chomper and said, "Follow me to Crawler Cave! Trust me, you'll love it!"

Cyrix turned to Chomper and Longtail and spoke.
"I'll be coming along, just to keep you both safe."


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Rex had been walking around the valley for a long time now...."dang....still no sign of any crawlers to eat.....", Rex' stomach gurgled for food "oh my stomach is gurgling for food....i better find something to eat soon.....i can't hold my urge to hunt forever....but when it comes, i'll have to run out of the great valley so i don't eat anybody!", Rex continued searching for something to eat

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail as he turned to walk away his sniffer picked up a new smell...another sharptooth! " you smell that?" He asked just to make sure he wasn't going crazy.


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"Yup, I do too, you're not crazy," Chomper said, "But it doesn't smell like my girlfriend."


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Petrie shrugged, Cera didn't seem to be in a mood to talk so he flew off.  He didn't want to be anywhere near her when she was in a not happy mood.  He started to looking to see if he could see any of his other friends to see what they were up to.


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"this valley is very big?" thought Rex to himself as he continued searching....another five minutes had passed and Rex had found a hive of buzzing stingers "oh great! yum!" Rex was so happy "i guess waiting all this time has paid off!" Rex walked over and he knocked down the hive and he started snapping at all of the buzzing stingers that came out.


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"That herd sounds interesting.  I do believe I'd like to meet this Deon friend of yours and perhaps some of the older adults of the herd." Mim said.

"We can go now if everyone is certain they are ready." Diver said.


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Once Rex had finished he had a full belly, "ah...that was good" said Rex "now i'm not hungry anymore.....i may as well explore this valley a bit since my hunting urge is gone"


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OCC: I am sorry for my delay here, I¥ll post something in the next two hours ;)


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Littlefoot finally woke up in his sleeping nest. He noticed that the bright circle already was rising very high and stretched as he gave a big yawn. To his left side he saw his grandfather, picking up some treestars from a nearby tree. "Goodmorning grandpa", Littlefoot said with tired eyes." The big longneck looked down to Littlefoot. "Goodmorning Littlefoot. Do you want to have some of these fresh treestars up here?" "Sure, I really would like to", Littlefoot answered with a smile and made a jump of happiness. Littlefoots grandfather laughed as he reached for the tree and began to shake it, so that some of the treestars were falling down. Littlefoot began to eat. I wonder what my other friends are doing right now, LIttlefoot asked himself.

Farther away, near where Mim, Diver and Ducky were, Ecco was swimming in the lake. Finally he got out of the water and shaked his body to get rid of it. "Brr, pretty cold this morning.", he said to himself. He then began to walk along to see if any of his friends are nearby.


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Petrie decided to fly over to where Littlefoot was and see what he was up to.  


Mim got a drink of water.  "So what are your plans, decided yet?" She asked Ducky and the others.

"We could maybe explore some caves.  There's still a lot we have not looked in yet, there is, there is.  and at the same time perhaps meet this fastbiter friend of my little sister's." Ducky said.


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Rex began walking at a slow...relaxing pace...he thought to himself "i don't see how these flatteeth find this icky stuff delicious" as he broke off a branch that had leaves on it "i can this taste better than crawlers and buzzing stingers?"


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As Littlefoot was finished with eating he decided to look for his friends, what they would like to do today. So he decided to walk to Ducky¥s nest to see what she is up for.


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Petrie flew over to where Littlefoot's sleeping place was and seeing Littlefoot not far flew over to where he was.  

"Hello, Littlefoot." He said hovering about eye level to Littlefoot and off to one side, not far from him. "What you up to?" He asked.


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"Hey Petrie, good morning", Littlefoot said with a smile. "I am going to Ducky resting place to see what she¥s up for today. Wanna join me?"


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Petrie nodded, "Me like that.  Me wonder what we do today." Petrie said while still hovering in place.


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Ali run in front of her mother, looking around for familar faces.  Finally, she noticed Littlefoot and Petrie "Littlefoot! Petrie!" she called out happily, running over to them..
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