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Who knows you watch LBT? Do you watch it alone?


  • Cera
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My parents know that I like (love) LBT. They've never seen me watching it though, neither do they speak of it. But it's impossible to enter my room without seeing LBT stuff, so...

My sis knows, she doesn't mind. My big sis probably knows, she's not here often but neither could she've missed my LBT stuff.

One of my best friends knows it, we acctually had a pleasant discussion when I told him about it for the first time. He has accepted it to 110% :)
He acctually has equal issues himself, with the japanese AnimÈ Naruto. Which I, ofcourse, have nothing against. :)

One of my... more oddball friends knows about it, or atleast I think so.

No one at school knows. And they don't have to anyway.

I mainly watch it alone. Now it was some time since I last watched one of the movies, but sometimes I pop one of the series DVD into my laptop. Alone.

If I'd like someone to watch it with? Ofcourse! But I can't.
Sad, but it's the unclouded truth.

In addition, the only person I've watched LBT together with, is Patrick. (Nimrod)
I can't thank him enough for that.
On that note, I can add: It's way better to watch LBT with a friend. :)
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Wow, I could have sworn I replied to a topic like this. :huh:

I do watch it alone. More then once, my mom watched it with me. I know my dad is a bit annoyed with my extreme liking for LBT. Because it's a "children's series". He doesn't have me against watching it. (It would be strange don't you think?) Still, he's seems a bit annoyed with it.

I mostly watch LBT to get ideas for my fan-fiction to try to make it have that LBT feel, yet I tweak it with my own ideas or other influences from other things (i.e.. Avatar, Orwell, spirituality, etc.)
Also I sometimes pause the screen at some parts to draw the image that is there, just to practice on the LBT style.

I remember telling a few of my friends that I did like it, but because we haven't spoken each other for such a long time, (they live in a separate part of the country) I think they forgot all about it.

Besides, I'm trying to get people to see my strong interest in animation. They don't say anything about it, they just shrug and talk about other things.


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The way I see it there's some similarities between LBT and Gulliver's Travels. For the children there's a story. For the older people there's a subtext (political satire for Travels and "Fridge Logic" for LBT <by Fridge Logic I mean things like, why is there a mention of Ala Mode?> )

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Chomper
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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Apr 19 2007 on  08:24 PM
There seems to be a certain age at which you are "supposed" to stop watching these things.  My parents do not think it's normal that I still watch LBT.  They think that at the age of 15, you should be over stuff like that.  Not even one of my friends know that I like it.  It seems that society has made a certain age limit to a movie and if you do not fall into that age limit but you still watch it, you are considered to be wierd or immature.  I find that it is normal to like LBT at any age.  I usually watch it whenever I get the chance.  I have all of the lbt movies on my ipod and I sometimes watch them on the bus when no one is paying attention.  I would be horribly embarrassed if a kid at school got a hold of my ipod and found LBT videos on it.  I don't know why I would be embarresed.  I only watch LBT on the computer at home because I can encrypt the videos so no one knows I have them.  I bought all of the dvd's and ripped them onto the computer.  Then I threw the origional dvd's away.  Why are we so ashamed to like these video's?  Why are we so concerned with others opinion?  Why do people like to degrade others who still like LBT when they are past the age of 11?  My actions and reactions are illogical when my life involves LBT and others.  Where is the logic in embarressment and why do these movies make us embarressed?  It seems to me from all of the previous responses that we typically watch LBT when we are alone.  Is it truly because we can't find anyone to watch it with or is it because we are so afraid of becoming embarressed and what other people think?
What? We're supposed to give up childhood stuff like LBT? That's like stop believing in Santa Claus or magic.  :lol: I'm a baby boomer, probably the oldest amongst this group, but I still watch LBT (and Disney and Peanuts and Looney Tunes  I make no apologies. My mom knows I watch LBT and so do my siblings and friends. Some of my peers think it's sweet I still find joy in a "kids movie." The themes and messages are timeless, and they're (the movies) are so much better than what passes for "kids entertainment." I'll surely introduce my 2-year old niece to the wonders of LBT.   :DD

The Friendly Sharptooth

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I envy the people here who have been able to share time with another fan in front of a Land Before Time movie or episode. I don't and probably never will understand that pleasure. Those who have read my previous post in this are probably thinking, "Uh, you just contradicted yourself The Friendly sharptooth. You recently said a couple people did watch it with you before." No, this is no contradiction. Previously I talked about watching it with someone in general. Now I'm talking about watching it with someone that actually likes it too. Everyone that has sat with me while watching this, did so to be polite to me. None of them ever expressed any liking for it. Merely, "I guess I'll watch it with you. I'm bored anyway." They couldn't pay attention through a single movie and never said a word about it afterwards. While I appreciated the company somewhat, I only wish there had been different attentions, like, oh I don't know, maybe something simple like, THEY ACTUALLY WANTED TO WATCH IT! So in body, I have watched it with company. But in spirit, I have been alone in front of that screen when those dinosaurs showed up my entire life and will most likely continue to be so. If anyone has watched in with another fan one time, you are more fortunate that I could ever be in such a thing. And those who share my loneliness will continue to have my sympathy until the day they meet someone face to face that will end their solitude. In that case I will rejoice for I'd know that one more person doesn't have to suffer as I have. Stay strong. Unlike me who lives far away from other people, the rest of you have a chance to meet the one to strip you of your loneliness. Good luck.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Apr 19 2007 on  08:24 PM
There seems to be a certain age at which you are "supposed" to stop watching these things.  My parents do not think it's normal that I still watch LBT.  They think that at the age of 15, you should be over stuff like that.  Not even one of my friends know that I like it.  It seems that society has made a certain age limit to a movie and if you do not fall into that age limit but you still watch it, you are considered to be wierd or immature.  I find that it is normal to like LBT at any age.  I usually watch it whenever I get the chance.  I have all of the lbt movies on my ipod and I sometimes watch them on the bus when no one is paying attention.  I would be horribly embarrassed if a kid at school got a hold of my ipod and found LBT videos on it.  I don't know why I would be embarresed.  I only watch LBT on the computer at home because I can encrypt the videos so no one knows I have them.  I bought all of the dvd's and ripped them onto the computer.  Then I threw the origional dvd's away.  Why are we so ashamed to like these video's?  Why are we so concerned with others opinion?  Why do people like to degrade others who still like LBT when they are past the age of 11?  My actions and reactions are illogical when my life involves LBT and others.  Where is the logic in embarressment and why do these movies make us embarressed?  It seems to me from all of the previous responses that we typically watch LBT when we are alone.  Is it truly because we can't find anyone to watch it with or is it because we are so afraid of becoming embarressed and what other people think?
As I've said before, I don't give a crap what folks think of my love of LBT.  If they know I watch it, big whoop.  If they don't like LBT, they're missing out on a beautiful series that can help shape their lives in a positive fashion.

BTW, why would ya be so embarrassed about something ya embrace and adore?  If ya don't make a stand for something, you'll fall for anything.


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BTW, why would ya be so embarrassed about something ya embrace and adore? If ya don't make a stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

This is a VERY old topic and my views and actions have changed considerably since then.  I've matured by almost 2 years and a lot of people have gotten to know the truth about my liking of LBT.  Heck, my mom loves the series and watches the movies even by herself.  Nowadays, I make no attempt whatsoever to hide the LBT material that's on my school laptop even though tons of people use it besides me.  I've got tons of LBT images, the movies, my projects, the songs, and even the code to my LBT website on my laptop and all of this material is openly displayed.  I don't have an LBT background on my laptop mainly because I really don't want one while I'm on the go.  LBT is something that I like and enjoy on my time off when I'm at home, not something that I just have all the time when I work and are around several dozen people.

Everyone at my old school knew I liked LBT and I was casually teased a bit, but nothing too harsh came out of it.  Lots of questions and such and a couple of jokes but overall nothing bad happened.  At my new school, I haven't revealed my liking for LBT or said anything about it yet, but I still have all my LBT stuff in plain view and out in the open so I'm sure the fact that I like LBT will soon be known by everyone in the school.  I don't much care anymore.  Why would I give a crap what anyone else thinks or says about me?  I am the way I am.  God made me this way.  If I'm weird or crazy, so be it.  So long as it doesn't hurt anyone, I don't see it as anything bad.  

Over time my views have changed a lot.  When a year or so passes, unlike most people my maturity increases dramatically.  Almost exponentially.  I look back at some of the posts I've made a few years ago and I always ask my self "Did I really think that way?".  I'm sure when I look at this post I'm making right now in a year or so I'll wonder why my grammar and language skills were so bad and why I thought the way I did.  My views, morals, values, and religion change very frequently.  I feel as nothing is beyond my abilities.....

The Friendly Sharptooth

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When a year or so passes, unlike most people my maturity increases dramatically.
Man you're lucky. Everyone I know has said since I was a teenager that I have the maturity of a ten year old. Helpful in seeing things innocently but isn't ideal for a twenty one year old in this society. Sorry, but I couldn't resist responding to that.

There seems to be a certain age at which you are "supposed" to stop watching these things. My parents do not think it's normal that I still watch LBT. They think that at the age of 15, you should be over stuff like that. Not even one of my friends know that I like it. It seems that society has made a certain age limit to a movie and if you do not fall into that age limit but you still watch it, you are considered to be wierd or immature. I find that it is normal to like LBT at any age. I usually watch it whenever I get the chance. I have all of the lbt movies on my ipod and I sometimes watch them on the bus when no one is paying attention. I would be horribly embarrassed if a kid at school got a hold of my ipod and found LBT videos on it. I don't know why I would be embarresed. I only watch LBT on the computer at home because I can encrypt the videos so no one knows I have them. I bought all of the dvd's and ripped them onto the computer. Then I threw the origional dvd's away. Why are we so ashamed to like these video's? Why are we so concerned with others opinion? Why do people like to degrade others who still like LBT when they are past the age of 11? My actions and reactions are illogical when my life involves LBT and others. Where is the logic in embarressment and why do these movies make us embarressed? It seems to me from all of the previous responses that we typically watch LBT when we are alone. Is it truly because we can't find anyone to watch it with or is it because we are so afraid of becoming embarressed and what other people think?

Anyway, it comes down to what you value most, your interests or reputation. Do you care more about the things you like or more about others liking you? Some people like myself, have no emotion about being teased unless it's true. If someone says to me, "You're very unattractive," yeah, that saddens me because I know it's true every time I see myself. But if someone says, "The Land Before Time is stupid," I almost want to laugh because I always find it funny when people say things that they know nothing about. It's obvious when someone knows nothing about something, because when they insult it, they can't give a valid reason why they did it.

The Land Before Time, I hate to admit, is one of those topics that someone will always give you a hard time about. But that doesn't have to a be a problem, unless you value others' views over your own. It is easy for those that don't value others' opinions about their likes and dislikes, but I haven't met too many people like that. It isn't that you're embarrased that you like The Land Before Time, otherwise you would stop coming here. When people give someone a hard time, sometimes that person feels bad that their taste is being rejected, because then the person feels rejected, and the person feels that now he or she doesn't look quite so good in front of other people. So to protect your social standing, it may seem easier to hide that you like it, but then people won't see you for who you really are, but as someone that fits in with them, but however comfortable you may be, you know that you really don't connect with them. It is hard for people to be happy when they value others' approval so much that they can't be themselves. Being who you want to be and expressing yourself will always make you feel better and can be pretty fun. This is an idea. When someone gives you a hard time saying that show is for kids and that people are supposed to stop watching that kind of stuff early on, you could always show them the current 271 members here who are teenagers and up. Even if they think all of us here are crazy, they'll at least know that your not some one of a kind fanatic that thinks differently than everyone else your age. But I believe the song called "The Lesson" from The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze really sums up what I'm trying to say here.

Wanting respect is a good thing, but only if you let people respect who you really are. If you love something with all your heart, you need to give that thing what it deserves and stand up for it. Who knows? Maybe when people try to talk down to you, you could go on and on about what's so great it about until those guys get so fed up they leave you alone about it so they won't have to hear about it anymore. But I suppose it is a bit difficult to understand exactly what your going through. See, I like myself, but love The Land Before Time, so I talk about and praise it wholeheartedly regardless of what happens to me. As long as it's being loved and I can show others enough about it so they might love it too, well, I will continue to be happy, so persecution isn't an issue for me. Without any real evils of The Land Before Time, what could anyone possibly say to make me feel bad about it? How can someone go through life content wanting to believe in something but not being able to admit it? Once you decide if The Land Before Time is more important than how it makes people see you, you can also be one who respects others' opinions while being unaffected by them.


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I Watched The Land Before Time Movies 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, And 10 By Myself On TV And The DVD Player. What Do You Think?


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to many retarded people around so usually I keep it to myself.


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I think there's a bit of prejudice in the heart of this topic.
I'm completely opened about it, all my friends know I love it, I don't have any problems with going to a store and buying the DVD's. You shouldn't let what others think get to you, and be opened about it, you might find out that people are able to surprise you in a good away every now and again ;)
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Quote from: NewOrder,Apr 2 2009 on  03:33 PM
I think there's a bit of prejudice in the heart of this topic.
I'm completely opened about it, all my friends know I love it, I don't have any problems with going to a store and buying the DVD's. You shouldn't let what others think get to you, and be opened about it, you might find out that people are able to surprise you in a good away every now and again ;)
Thats Good for you. you don't have retarded people living by you.  

However, where I live if I tell somebody my business that will spread I would be called or be known a Sissy.  Yes that's how it goes.  Its best to ignore them but it can get annoying when they continuously call you a sissy or gay.


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my better friends for sure know and my mom and siblings probably know by now but besides that nobody knows but me.

Just told one of my other friends and found out that he likes them to


  • Banana Egg
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my whole family knows i watch LBT and so does my best friend Bradley
but i never told my friends at my new school.
my friend bradley supports me because we had a day of watching our favourite kids shows and i put on LBT and he put on Digimon and Dragon ballz and thomas the tank engine..........what happned there??? :blink:


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i'm not going to tell anyone about the fact i like LBT at school because i will die!!!!


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The only people that knows I do is two friends I know from school. There account names are TaerkEX and MisfitsChibis, who I call Misfits on both Deviantart and youtube. Other than that I watch it alone in the dark usually right around midnight.


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I used to watch my LBT videos on my own late at night. On the odd occasion my younger bro or sis might watch it with me too but I guess that was at the age when you had to be careful about what you tell your peers in the fearful event it might be spread around and you're mocked for your interest. Now, I don't give a monkey's who knows I watch it. My friends have all seen my DVD collection and they know I'm an avid fan of the series. People can say what they want but they're just words at the end of the day. And no amount of words will deter me from doing what I like doing. Who are they to judge? ;)


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I was very lucky in that I used to have a couple of friends who I watched LBT with. I still remember one of them saying "Erika, you'll never guess what happens in this one! Littlefoot finds his father!" right when the tenth one came out :p
Nowadays we've drifted apart, and most of them have moved away from LBT. The group of people I run with now is well aware of my love for LBT, I make sure of that :lol Most of them really hate the sequels, but I have enough of a reputation as a girl that you don't want to mess with to keep them from bugging me about it. They're generally pretty cool in regards to it, though. A couple of them actually watched LBT 7 with me over break. Now that was ridiculously fun. I'll agree, LBT is better when you watch it with friends.


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Well to be honest only my mom,you guys and the members of are the only people who know I like LBT. after I turned 12 I got over it for years I hadn't even known it existed anymore but once you watched LBT once you can't keep it out of your life, 2008 Land Before Time returned and really I think it was the one thing that made my childhood not every day could you pop in a DVD watch it at one point say "hey I remember that" but apperently there are alot of people who say your immature or retarded if you haven't gotten over it by 10 or 11 now I just turned 15 on Aug.2 and yet I remain a big LBT fan and still I see no reason why people should be calling us retarded or immature etc. all because we're trying to hold what's precious to us when I'm on a LBT site and someone walks in,sure I'll quickly bring the the page down but still I see no reason to why people should insult us all because we're LBT fans trust me,I know someone who's like 30 who's still fond of The Land Before Time and sure it may not be my favorite movie but it sure is ONE of my favorite films and therefore its fair and yes I watch it alone.



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I just figured out I'm friends with cool people. I let slip that I watch the LBT movies, and they were completely indifferent. I must not be that bad of a judge of character.