The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

The Great Plague

Ducky123 · 333 · 74041


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"Yea, let's get out of here before something finds us." Cera said, thinking that that would happen all to soon.  It did seem to with regularity.  As did adventures happening to them.


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"Can you guys gimme a moment to rinse my mouth? That was awful..." Chomper quickly walked to the water to do as he said.

The Anonymous Person

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(Time to finally quit the laziness once and for all...)

"We attack...NOW, BOYS, NOW!" Red Claw shouted. With that, he and the other two fastbisters proceeded to expose themselves to the gang, all of whom screamed as soon as they saw them.

"REDCLAW!" the flyer leading the gang shouted, his look of terror as clear as the others.


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Ducky shrieked in horror upon hearing Petrie's warning. Turning around to see the Sharpteeth approaching them with quick steps and a thundering noise with her own eyes, she panicked.
"Oh no, it is Redclaw, oh no, no, no, no, noooooo!" the Swimmer cried, frightened.
She once again turned around ran for it, screaming in fear.
Inactive, probably forever.


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"Redclaw?!" Cera said in surprise and some fear at seeing Redlcaw and his fastbiters.  "Run." Cera said, looking for the best place for them to run and running with Ducky hoping the rest of the gang would keep up with them.  She did try to pick up Ducky quickly and put her on her back since she could run faster then Ducky could, in her view at least.


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"Hey, HEY! STICK TOGETHER!" Littlefoot shouted just as a shadow descended over him.
Red Claw looked a tad thinner than usual. Littlefoot guessed he probably hadn't eaten for a few days. Chomper had told him once that sharpteeth weren't used to having multiple meals a day and often went days without food. "But when they do eat," Chomper had told him, "It keeps them going for a lot longer than green food does for you."

Not that it mattered. Red Claw had plenty of reasons to kill them even if were full.
Littlefoot ran out of the giant's shadow before he could lunge at him. "Don't split up! We're dead if we do!"


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"Go." Cera said looking at the others, she was looking for places they could go that Red Claw would find to small to go in, though if his 2 fast biters were with him they would likely not be as impeded as he would be.  

"Where he is his 2 buddies are sure to be also." She said, looking to see where Thud & Screech were so they'd not run into them trying to get away from Red Claw.


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Ruby had screamed - and loudly - but her following reactions were swift and sure. She knew how to handle this sharptooth, and despite the fact that she was terrified, hers was a controlled fear. Or at least as controlled as it could be. "Littlefoot!" She cried. "Where do we go to run?"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"RedClaw!?!" Petrie screamed in a near panic, "Everyone run." He said, flying in the direction most folks had started to run in.


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Ducky was quickly tiring, being far smaller than her friends. Redclaw gained on her. "HEEEEEEEEELP!!!" she screamed.

Spike noticed that his sister was lacking behind, becoming an easy meal for Redclaw in any moment... Of course, Spike couldn't let THAT happen as he deeply cared for the swimmer that found him all this time ago. Despite his extreme fear of becoming Redclaws appatiser instead he slowed his sprint considerably, grabbed the swimmer just in time and dogded the mighty swing of Redclaws claws. He quickly gained some distance between himself and the beast pursuing him.
Inactive, probably forever.


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"Well, crap." Chomper looked around as he ran. He didn't see any hiding-places, but for now, he also didn't see those two Fast Biters, so that was a plus.


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Petrie looked back, seeing his friends were not close behind him made him pause.  He shrugged and flew back, flying to try to distract Red Claw so he would hopefully pause so the others could get farther away.


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Out of the corner of his eye, Littlefoot saw a crack in one of the pile of rocks that littered that open grassland. From this distance he couldn't tell if it was big enough to fit them all.
The ear-splitting roar behind him convinced him that it was worth a try, at least. He saw Petrie moving around like he was attempting to draw Red Claw's attention.
"Everybody to the rocks!" he shouted, and made a hard turn while waving his tail towards the direction of the crack.