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Messages - Serris

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Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: August 05, 2022, 07:19:36 PM »
(OOC - I thought Nick Wilde was back on the Spire. I guess with his talent for hustling and sneaking, he managed to sneak something to Stripetail while they were at Hogsmeade.)


Hogsmeade was a beautiful rustic village set in the moors near Hogwarts. The Hogwarts Express had stopped there to refill its fuel tender and water supply. In addition, that break also allowed the students and staff to walk around and enjoy some fresh air.

“Lord Stripetail, I must return to the ship immediately,” Captain Carson said as she disembarked the train. “The paperwork for the ship has not been properly filed. I will meet you back there.” She then started walking alongside the railroad track.

Ms. Swimmer scratched her muzzle. “That’s very unlike Captain Carson,” she said. “I hope she’s not having a mental breakdown or something.”



The last of the goblins had fled under a hail of solar javelins thrown by Kire.

He then turned to the group from the Spire. “So, what brings you to this planet?” he asked.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: June 08, 2022, 10:19:31 PM »
Captain Carson quickly racked her mind as to what spell to produce. She resorted to browsing a book that a student had left behind when they went to go to the bathroom. In the end, she simply settled on the simplest of simple spells: Lumos. She gripped her custom made Weyardian stardust wand. The wand itself was a warm, pale-gold metallic rod that glowed with its own inner fire. Her skin tingled from where it made contact with the metal but it wasn't unpleasant.

"Lumos," Captain Carson said. As she lacked magic (or even an artificial magic core that was the product of some of Lord Stripetail's magical disguises), she didn't expect too much.

What she was not expecting was the magic from Pottermore to interact with the Weyardian stardust's own magic and produce a blinding flash of white light.

A strange nagging sensation in the back of her head told her that there was something she had to do back at the Spire. Little did she know that as the train approached Hogsmeade, she would begin to feel the effects of the Muggle Repelling Charms in place.

Random Role Play / Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 08, 2022, 09:21:56 PM »
In an effort to boost goodwill with Neo Gotham, some of Stripetail's artifacts and treasure were on display at the Gotham Museum of Arts. Thanks to their extremely high value and potentially dangerous nature, they were under heavy guard from both Gotham PD and Stripetail's own retinue. Regardless, many patrons admired the artifacts the Seer had amassed over his milleneia of experience. Everything ranging from a ceremonial mawashi presented to him by the god-king of Mawashi, Ozai to the exotic metal wands gifted to him by a certain Captain Carson were on display.

Of course, not all the patrons were benign. One of them was a burly well-dressed man admiring a green levitating statuette whose placard stated that it was from Weyard and carved from a single piece of zol, a material unique to that planet that naturally levitated. This was King, patriarch of the Royal Flush Gang.


The outskirts of Neo Gotham were what could charitably called "a mess". Blammo's bombing spree had reduced many buildings to burnt out hulks and made construction nearly impossible thanks to all the ordnance left behind. Pfish and Chip as well as the DZ. Blammo had been captured and was now safely stowed inside DZ's armored hull but the trio were still busy cleaning up after him.

"That f---ing clown!" Chip shouted, kicking an ash covered lump of concrete down the road.

"Well, we are getting paid to clean this up," Pfish replied.

"We've spent the past few weeks trying to catch him! And every time we disarm one of his bombs, he goes and blows something else up!"

DZ then interrupted as he reached inside his armored compartment and pulled out the aforementioned clown, now tightly wrapped in his own clothes. "Well, we have him and all we have to do is deliver him." The clown was then unceremoniously shoved back into the compartment.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: May 18, 2022, 09:20:47 PM »
The Hogwarts Express began to approach the school itself and the massive lake that the giant squid called home. The school was enchanted to hide it from Muggles.

While everyone was marveling at the great castle, all Captain Carson could see was a decrepit warehouse situated out in the country with a sign that stated the building had been damaged by fire and it was slated for demolition. She then nudged Spyro. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" she whispered. "I overheard people saying it's a castle but all I see is some s----- burnt out warehouse."

Unbeknownst to her, Muggle Repelling Charms has also been set up but the train was not close enough for her to feel the effects.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 30, 2022, 11:44:21 PM »

Deimos took up a position atop one of the walls and started sniping the goblins. He stared as boulder teleported out of a boulder statue and crushed several goblins.

The humanoid cyborg was next to him and fighting with a deadly combination of rockets and grenades. Both of which were fired from his arm mounted cannon.

"Does this happen often?" Deimos asked, shooting a goblin trying to breach one of the houses.

"Define often." A rocket intercepted a shadowflame apparition that was launched from a summoner standing in midair a few hundred feet from them.


The dark skinned man, who gave his name as Brimst, was fighting alongside Ratchet. His bizarre shark gun proved to be surprisingly effective as a torrent of bullets tore into the approaching goblins

A flaming spear plunged from the sky and skewered a goblin who was flying over them and trying to draw a bead on Ratchet with a harpoon gun.


Inside the castle, there was combat as goblins had broken down one of the doors. And everyone got involved. Even those who were the least expected to fight. Most striking was a man in a red hat who gave his name as Edgar and who stated that he specialized in clothing. A goblin who got too close to him learned that the hard way when a skull made of purple flame shot forth from his hand and burned the goblin with the same weapon they had used — the supernatural purple fire known as shadowflame. In particular, they seemed to have a particular distaste for one of the goblins who was standing on of the balconies and lobbing spiked balls at the invaders. Alongside him was a woman in a yellow jumpsuit who was using her wrench to bat away any projectiles.

Even the youngest member, Jimmy was helping to defend the castle as he alternated between throwing frost daggerfish and using some grotesque fish as an acid cannon. He ducked under the balcony as a harpoon crashed into the wall next to him. He peered out from between the banister and squeezed the fish's side, causing a bubble of acid that drifted towards the harpoon gunner...and burst, showering the goblin with acid.



Captain Carson was reading an issue of the Daily Prophet. The main article was regarding the increased security in Diagon Alley and a possible ban on the parents of Muggleborn mages.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 24, 2022, 06:51:11 PM »
Once Harry, Ron and Hermione had left, Captain Carson looked at the note. Written on it were the names, "Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter". She narrowed her eyes. Perhaps those three could help her. In retrospect, she should have checked the note earlier but but she didn't want to attract attention. Hopefully, the window for gathering allies hadn't closed.

"Captain Carson, we need to come up for a story for you," Ms. Swimmer said, sipping a cup of tea.

"That's a good point," Captain Carson said. "Unfortunately, my knowledge of magic is superficial so it has to be something that doesn't require an in-depth knowledge."

Random Role Play / Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: April 23, 2022, 12:49:40 PM »
Inque had seen The Seer stop the collapse of an entire building so she simply reverted to liquid form and dripped down the back side of the ruined building. Once inside the alleyway, she took the form of a small black dog and scampered out into the street.

Meanwhile, a crowd had gathered in awe of the sheer power Stripetail displayed. Of course, they assumed him to be another superhero.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 21, 2022, 09:48:25 PM »
Seeing as they were in seemingly safe territory, Ms. Swimmer lowered her the hood of her robe, revealing her saurian muzzle and otherwise inhuman features. Deciding that she should come up with a cover story, she spoke up. "I am from Vesuvio as well. As my name cannot be pronounced by Humans, I am often referred to as 'Ms. Swimmer', a literal translation of my name."

Captain Carson simply watched and remained silent. She decided that observing first was a wiser course of action than immediately coming up with a cover story like Ms. Swimmer did.

A young woman pushing a cart full of assorted pastries and snacks — magical and mundane — walked down the aisle. She called out what wares she had and their price.

Random Role Play / Re: Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: April 21, 2022, 09:40:47 PM »
Inque saw Stripetail and Batman. She was now in her stylized combat form — a faceless black humanoid. "Decided to bring a friend along?" she said. "No matter, I'll kill him as well!"

Her arms extended into spikes and shot towards Batman and Stripetail at alarming speed...only to splash harmlessly into liquid against Stripetail's shield. Seeing as that was useless, she again took a liquid form and darted into the scaffolding. The snapping and creaking of stressed metal was heard as she forced her way into the metal scaffolding and expanded, tearing them apart and causing the structure to precariously lean.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 09, 2022, 02:18:57 AM »
Captain Carson checked the note. To her surprise, the note simply read "Board Hogwarts Express".

"I guess that's what we do then?" she muttered.

"Couldn't hurt," Ms. Swimmer said. She then headed towards the train, taking care not to bump into the students who were boarding. Captain Carson followed the large dinosaur.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: April 08, 2022, 02:54:53 AM »
Unfortunately, tickets for the Hogwarts Express were not sold as the invitation letter sent to prospective students also pulled double duty as the ticket. Captain Carson looked around and noticed that no one was selling tickets nor did she see any ticket machines. "We'll have to try something else, Gabumon," she whispered. "It doesn't look like they use tickets."

"What now, do we sneak aboard?" Ms. Swimmer asked.

"I'd prefer less...troublesome methods first." The woman looked at Stripetail to see if he'd weigh in on the conundrum.

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Birthday Nick!
« on: April 08, 2022, 02:45:32 AM »
Happy Starday, Nick!

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 23, 2022, 10:01:09 PM »
Captain Carson looked around and tried to follow the boy through. To her surprise, she stepped into another platform in Crux Regis. A sign overhead read "Platform Nine and Three Quarters".

"Well, color me surprised," she muttered. All around her were witches and wizards of varying ages.

She took a look at her note and to her surprise, the note now read "Hogwarts Express". The woman looked around. The platform had the same style of shops selling various items but they were of a more...esoteric nature. Things like small travel size pepperup potions, chocolate frogs and the like.

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw some men and women in the signature Auror's robes patrolling. Thankfully, they hadn't caught onto her group's disguise.

It was then that someone got up and left a newspaper on a bench. Immediately aware of its value for intelligence, she picked it up.

"Lord Stripetail, I think we may be onto something," she said, showing the paper to the him. The paper was an issue of The Daily Prophet with a headline talking about the Hogwarts students club, Society Against Magical Abuse of Muggles (SAMAM).

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 22, 2022, 07:39:36 PM »
Captain Carson approached the woman, trying to make it look like she was trying to pass by the woman to catch a train. As she passed by the woman, the captain felt something pressed against her hand. She looked up and the woman had melted into the crowd. Scratching her head, she looked at the item she was passed.

It was a simple wadded up piece of paper. She then returned to the group and using their bodies to keep prying eyes away, she unfolded it. Written on it in what appeared to be a shimmering black ink was the phrase "Platform Nine and Three Quarters."

"This is all the woman handed me. She said nothing and disappeared," Captain Carson said. "But where is this strange platform?"

"Maybe there's a secret entrance like back at the Inglorious Hotel?" Ms. Swimmer offered.

"The equipment we use to find ore deposits would definitely suss out any secret entrance. But it's back at the ship and more importantly, there's no way to use it discreetly." She then turned to the group. "Lord Stripetail, Spyro, Cynder, what do you propose?"

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 22, 2022, 01:29:58 AM »
As Captain Carson had neglected to hold her breath or close her eyes when traveling via Floo as was recommended, she ended up getting a face full of soot. She took a tissue out of her pocket and blew her nose. "Well, that was something I'd rather not repeat," she said.

Ms. Swimmer fared slightly better, her oversized robe and hood giving her a degree of protection from the soot. "Same here," she added.

Crux Regis was relatively busy at this time with passengers and businesspeople boarding and exiting modern subway trains.

Captain Carson said nothing but remained observant. She was acutely aware of the normally dressed people giving her group strange looks; she just wasn't sure if it was due to their odd clothing or if they could see the inhuman features of Ms. Swimmer, Spyro and Cynder.

A helpful sign pointed the way to Platform Nine. They passed by a kiosk selling all sorts of sundry items like newspapers and snacks.

Platform Nine was not as busy as the other platforms. Indeed, with the kiosks present selling various knicknacks and buskers, it appeared that this platform was more popular with tourists. A quick check on an electronic board confirmed it with the trains stopping at various tourist destinations in and around Londinium.

"Okay, we look for that woman with the pink necklace and brooch," Captain Carson said.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:45:21 AM »
One of the tenders tossed a handful of a shimmering green dust into the fireplace, which flared for a moment, the flames turning green. "Crux Regis Station!" he exclaimed.

The lead auror then turned to Stripetail and his retinue. "Now then, please step into the flames."

Captain Carson and Ms. Swimmer flinched. Walking into a fire went against all their instincts but they decided to follow Stripetail's lead, lest their cover be blown.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 21, 2022, 09:27:26 PM »
Captain Carson nodded. "I'd normally ask for help with the local authorities in chasing down Chong. But at this point, I'm happy if they'll leave us alone."

"We should get going. No telling how long the person we're going to be talking to will be there," Ms. Swimmer added.


The trip to Londinium was uneventful. As they were dressed in the outfits of magicfolk, they had to take care to use magical means of transport. Luckily, the Aurors had not completely shut down the entire floo network. But the single functioning floo fireplace was located at an Auror outpost.

"What is your business and your location of travel?" the Auror operating the floo fireplace demanded, looking over the retinue. The floo fireplace was an unremarkable brick and stone fireplace with a moderate sized fire within. Two men with dragon hide gloves and equipped with wands and fireplace pokers operated the fire.

Captain Carson stepped back to allow Stripetail to handle this; she was not in the mood to get obliviated again.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 19, 2022, 06:18:11 PM »

Once the meal was finished, Kire spoke up. "Well, I guess I should..."

It was then that a guard entered. "Goblins are approaching!"

"Again?" Kire sighed as he drew his glowing spear. "Right, I'll go handle this." He then flew through an open skylight.

"I guess we wait here," Mr. Bigmouth said, helping himself to some fruit.

"Be on your guard," a man in a red hat said, a purple aura coalescing around his hand. "They can teleport it."

"Don't worry, we'll give 'em what for!" The speaker was a dark skinned man holding something that looked like a shark with several gun barrels sticking out its mouth.

"Guess that means we should get ready," Dr. Zanasiu said, readying his shotgun.



Captain Carson's robe was a expensive looking bottle green velvet one. She also had on the classic conical witches' hat. She pulled out the wand in her pocket. She recognized it as the unusual metal clad one that some of the Spirarians had made as an experiment. "Hey, these wands were made by the Spirarian science team as an experiment!" She shook her head. "It's a pity I can't use it or share it with the others on this planet."

Ms. Swimmer's robe was oversized to conceal her tail and saurian profile and it had a hood to conceal her distinctive muzzle. "Okay, we should—"

She was interrupted by an owl knocking on the window. She opened the window and said owl deposited a letter. Her heart sank as she saw it was addressed to Stripetail and it was a letter from what she assumed was a government agency, the Ministry of Magic. The owl flew off as soon as the letter was deposited.  "Lord Stripetail, you'd better look at this." She passed the letter off to him.


Auror Firch sat down in front of Minister Fudge. He placed the file regarding on Lawder on the desk. "Minister, we've compiled quite a bit of information on Lawder. I trust you will find the information useful."

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 14, 2022, 09:22:14 PM »
The two Aurors nodded and exited Minister Fudge's office.


Meanwhile, Auror Firch was looking over Daniel Lawder's criminal record. It was a lengthy one with mostly harassment — namely sending stacks of howlers to local Auror offices — and breaches of the Statute of Secrecy. It was only recently that the wizard had escalated his tactics to much nastier means. Currently, he was being tried for sending an envelope full of bubotuber pus along with a threat that the next envelope will have a mandrake root in it to one of the Aurors who had arrested Carlotta Pinkstone.

"Auror Firch."

The aforementioned Auror turned his head and saw one of the Aurors who had been meeting with Minister Fudge. "Yes, what brings you here?"

"Minister Fudge wishes to speak to you regarding the disposition of Daniel Lawder," the Auror said.

Auror Firch picked up the parchment he was looking at and apparated to outside the Minister's office. He then knocked on the door.

Random Role Play / Re: Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier
« on: February 13, 2022, 08:04:34 PM »
Ms. Swimmer nodded. "Do we have a choice? If we don't go, we're letting Chong do whatever he wants."

Captain Carson then spoke up. "I didn't see any non-Humans around here so if we are to head to Londinium, we need to use a disguise," she said.


Inside the Ministry of Magic's chambers, the two Aurors who met with Stripetail apparated into Prime Minister Fudge's office.

"Minister Fudge," the first Auror said. "We have met with this new wizard who arrived from offworld. He appears to be an Animagus...perhaps one whose spell misfired as he has taken the form of an anthropomorphic squirrel. But he fancies himself a lord, referring to himself as 'Lord Stripetail'. He is a very skilled wizard who apparently shows a disregard for the Statute of Secrecy."

The second Auror snorted. "Disregard is putting it lightly. He showed utter contempt for it by reversing a Memory Charm and openly working with and performing magic in front of Muggles, who are likely to be offworlders like him. We've warned him that if he continues to flout the Statute of Secrecy, he will be arrested and sent to Azkaban. Regardless, he has requested an audience with you, Minister."

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