The Gang of Five
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Petrie. · 33 · 10602


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Actually...I think Spike is cute in his own "hungry" way.. He's always there for his friends, especially Ducky. And she's the one who usually get emotional...But Spike is always there for them as they are for him.. They are a beautiful circle of friends.
But I gotta admit. He needs a new set of brains..


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He may not be a genius, but he has been shown to have some smarts himself, though it is true that often the other gang members are more intelligent then he is.  Though part of it could be he's often laid back and doesn't really get as involved in the details as some do.  Likely, and more realistically, it would be several reasons, instead of just 1.  His being close to Ducky may, or may not, be that she was there for his hatching so he may have imprinted on her initially after his hatching.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I really like him, I think he's cute, and I felt terrible for what happened to him and Ducky in 6 (that must have really hurt!). But my question about him is...

What the hell went on in the grass between 0:51 and 0:58?!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I'll sum up his story as fast as i can. He's not gonna so I will.  ;)

Comes out of egg Grows up Eats grass Makes friends with everyone  Gets covered in tar Makes it valley Gets adopted Participates in group hug Falls in swamp Goes into mysterious beyond Licks ducky again and again Meets chomper Meets ali Meets tickles Screams "duckkkyyyyy" Carries yellow flowers Goes to island Eats leaf off log Meets chomper again Crosses log fearlessly Looks like roasted swine Steals littlefoots treestar Goes back to vallet Gets scared to cross gorge Gets nearly killed by tooth Gets stuck in log Goes home Gets STTTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNUNNNNNNNNGGGG Sits on petrie Sings bad luck and annoys everyone Cries about ducky Draws in dirt Gets covered in vines Reunutes with sister dearest Makes new friend Visits spiktail hurd Gets owned by sister Leaves valley Is a hero on finding food Nearly drowns Yells "mama" Mama saves him Splashes ducky Meets mo Pulls ducky out of nest Goes to big water again Follows littlefoot Gets tired of listening to others argue in swamp Travels to crater Licks bye bye to best friend littlefoot Searches for creepy crawlies Turns orange and meets littl longnecks Gets tired Owns his friend littlefoot Cries like a baby Goes up against sharpteeth nMeets guido ries to eat log off brnach in mysterious beyong Goes to berry valley Meets ruby Goes to canyon of shiny stones Goes to meadow of jumping waters Falls into stinky pool Gets stinky Washes off Stinks off sharpteeth Goes into hidden canyon and stuffs himself with juicy fruit Gets pinched by crab Goes on adventure to grape cayon and allows viewers to hear thoughts and you know what?

There's no more to say bout his life.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Here are 2 rather far-fetched theories to what happened to him in movie 1---

1. The little spiketail we saw at the end of 2 is Spike. He's a time traveler, and suddenly timetraveled to the great valley moments after he hatched. At that same moment a Spike from the future suddenly appeared in his place. Someday, when he's older, the little spiketail we saw at the end of 2 will time travel back to the exact same minute of his birth---and the rest is history.  ;)
2. He is not a normal dinosaur. The reason his egg was found alone in the grass is because...he has no real normal parents. He is a strange creation of the extrestrial rainbow-faces---some sort of articial dinosaur created by the rainbow-faces and set back to prehistoric times to live among his fellow dinosaurs, as an experiment. The two side results were that he can't speak and goes through sudden rapids spurts of growth, sometimes up to 10 years at a time. If this is true then Spike's time is unfortunately limited. But thankfully for him, he's in one of those "not allowed to grow up" shows, so he'll be just fine!  ;)

Just some far fetched theories!  ;)


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Ah, Spike. I can’t remember what I thought of him when I first watched the series, but after rewatching several times in the past year or so, I gained a great appreciation for him. He’s one of my favorite characters. He doesn’t speak and shows little shame in his appetite, often wandering off to explore what interests him in ways that mark him off as odd. He occasionally licks people out of affection, and that does mark him as odd (Even if in an animal world like LBT, it shouldn’t be that odd, but whatever). Yet he shows little shame for who he is and his friends generally treat him well. The most they do is laugh fondly at his antics.

He is rather laidback and friendly, wanting to appreciate the extraordinary in the simple in life. From that TV episode where we get a peek into his thoughts, he does wish his friends would kick back and take a page out of his book. He seems a bit exasperated about the often dangerous adventures they find themselves in, as seen in the song he sings to himself in that episode. However, as shown in other episodes and movies, he does have a genuine interest in exploring and learning. In that same episode, he even smiles fondly to them. Whatever his complaints, he really enjoys being in their company.

As for if he understands…I’m kind of under the impression he does, he just tunes some talk out, like the arguing and the insistence that he follow them. In that same episode, there are times where he responds to specific things his friends say. When Littlefoot and Cera argue about the existence of Hard Water Sweets after surviving an avalanche, Spike thinks in frustration “But I know where they are!” This indicates that Spike finds speaking much harder than thought. It takes a life or death scenario like his sister on the verge of being eaten or him drowning for him to talk. Clearly, there’s more to his nonverbal nature than a disinclination to speak.

I’ve read of nonverbal people learning to be verbal when they grow up and that’s displayed in a few fics, but I’m interested in what happens if he can’t do anything more than be nonverbal or minimally verbal as an adult. Would he remain content with who he was or would this might be an issue or frustration to him? He’s been treated rather well by his friends and most people, but there’s always the chance they’ll meet someone who can’t understand or is a jerk and those who might expect him to talk when he grows up. That could affect him, especially if there are things he wants to say but are difficult to get across if you can’t use words. That might be a struggle awaiting him but hopefully his friends will support him into accepting himself.

I do like Ducky and Spike’s relationship. There’s obvious mutual affection. Though he can be at times exasperated with Ducky, he cheerfully plays along with her just as much. He appears to enjoy her cheerful spirit and he must be appreciative she looks after him so much. For the first days (and weeks?) of his life, she was his guardian and the gang the first family he knew. That’s got to color how he views them. I do like the glimpses of how he relates to the others. He’s given Littlefoot a few licks, appreciating his kindness and how he looks after everyone. That episode about Spike and Chomper was pretty sweet, since they’re both the youngest and with the best noses, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they bonded. Cera mightn’t be always the easiest to get along with, but I could see him liking her wit and occasions for mischief. I can see them becoming closer when they take mud baths with Tria and Ruby, in turns relaxing and maybe lobbing mud at one another. Spike and Ruby would get along, since the latter’s calm and thoughtful, which the former’s laidback nature would agree with. Spike does seem to get along with Petrie. He can relate to Petrie’s occasional fear of adventure and danger, and seems to find Petrie’s idiosyncrasies whether in fear or play fondly amusing. As someone small like Ducky, Spike seems protective of Petrie. I’m fond of his bond with the others and I’d like to see that more explored.


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Spike is a sort of mixed bag for me. I like his relationship with Ducky and the basic idea of a silent, different kind of character in the Gang. However, the way it's done is sometimes rather difficult to like. For example, the beginning of the eighth film showed many of the things why I have problems with the character.  :lol

There are certainly nice qualities to Spike's personality and to the role he plays in the Gang. The Petrie/Ducky/Spike trio often has entertaining scenes and they fulfill each other nicely. Also, it was nice for them to try to show Spike's thoughts in the TV series. All in all, the overall character concept is pretty good and there are some decent scenes about him. His and Ducky's bond is indeed very interesting and the fact that Ducky is the only one who understands him fully (except for Tippy, perhaps) brings some scary prospects for him if he isn't going to learn to speak.

However, I found the way "Through the Eyes of the Spiketail" was executed really bad. Spike's voice was annoying and the episode made little sense. Also, while he might be more intelligent than he seems, some of his scenes feel like Deus Ex Machina, most notably in JOTB. Plus, I don't like his "singing" parts in the series.

All in all, I wouldn't have used Spike as a main character in a story if I disliked him. But he also has many qualities I dislike so I'll just conclude that there's potential in his character but the way he's usually acting doesn't appeal to me.


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Spike... гг


If I have a free time this week, I will write my vision of Spike and my very hard relationship with him...

Gentle Sharptooth

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Spike is a great foil to the rest of the Gang. Many times his gluttony (although being a growing Stegosaurus makes his appetite acceptable according to Paleontology) gets the Gang in trouble, like eating leaves on tree trunk on the ocean or over chasm. Other times, he makes discoveries like Stinky stuff in LBT XIV: Journey of the Brave. For me Spike represents the opposite of Cera, he is totally relaxed and very little unnerves him, while Cera rages relatively easily (she is Threehorn after all, and I blame Topsy's influence).

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Spike: the member of the Gang I sadly have overlooked the most. Every Gang of Five character got to be my favorite at some point in my childhood...except Spike. I think I just found him boring, which I feel bad admitting. But I don't think the way these films were so wishy-washy about his characterization helped. Sometimes he's the sweet younger brother, sometimes he's an eating machine devoid of personality, sometimes he's a smart but silent type. His personality depends completely on the movie, which doesn't work very well. In XIII, which was practically supposed to be his movie, I was annoyed with how he ate Ducky's food on purpose, then laughed when she complained to Mr. Thicknose. That was pretty irritating (though I honestly didn't like Ducky's personality in that movie, either--it's unfortunate that both characters the movie focused on weren't done very well, but enough about XIII). I had previously assumed Spike was a glutton just because he didn't know better, not that he would eat someone else's food on purpose and find it funny.

To my surprise, I think the TV series might have been where Spike was portrayed best. He was more of an active member of the Gang, helping out and even unexpectedly saving the day at times, whereas the Spike of the movies seems more like he's just dragged along for the ride. Unfortunately, I wasn't much of a fan of the episodes that Spike was actually the main character in, but that wasn't due to Spike himself as much as it was due to other aspects of the episodes, which I won't get into here.

I must say, though: every time Spike talks, it's awful! :p I could never stand his voice in IV--Spike should never have sounded so high and scratchy! He sounded almost exactly like Dil. What were they thinking?? His voice in the TV show was lower, as it should have been, but something about that voice annoyed me, too. Yeah, I'll take silent Spike any day of the week over talking Spike.
I've now spent a lot of time griping about Spike, so before you guys get the impression that I can't stand him, I suppose I'd better mention his good traits! :SmugSpike He and Ducky are an adorable pair of siblings, and his easygoing, silent demeanor is endearing. He sort of comes across like a lovable, lazy dog much of the time. It's not that I ever disliked him--I would never want to see him removed from the Gang!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Spike was my least favorite of the Gang until The TV Series. He saves the reat of the Gang so much, eapecially when he’s eaten the bad luck treestars that make Redclaw and company flee.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Spike was my least favorite of the Gang until The TV Series. He saves the reat of the Gang so much, eapecially when he’s eaten the bad luck treestars that make Redclaw and company flee.
Agreed, I like Spike much better in the TV series. :^^spike He became the kind of character I would've liked to see him be all along.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Spike was my least favorite of the Gang until The TV Series. He saves the reat of the Gang so much, eapecially when he’s eaten the bad luck treestars that make Redclaw and company flee.
Agreed, I like Spike much better in the TV series. :^^spike He became the kind of character I would've liked to see him be all along.

Spike fans unite! :D

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith