The Gang of Five
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Bounty Hunters


  • Spike
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"I see..." Rex replied as he closed his eyes while putting back on his helmet, "Planet Elysium, huh? Suspicious activites? Alright, I'm on my way."


  • Ducky
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"Ok, thanks," Tanner says as he switches off his helmet radio and turns it on again, this time to contact Kacie, "Kacie?  Are you there?"


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  • Littlefoot
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Kacie heard the transmittion, and answered, "Yes I'm here, Tanner."


  • Ducky
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"I need you to come help Rex and I, There's some suspicious activity going on at the planet Elysium.  We need to check it out." says Tanner.


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  • Littlefoot
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"Okay." Kacie said, and she turned on her digital map. It was a 3-D hologram of the immediate galaxy she was in. Expertly, she picked out Planet Elysium, and her current position. She coordinated the best route, and programmed it into her ship's computer. Not long after she did this, the ship started to change course and headed towards Elysium. "I'm on my way."


  • Ducky
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"Ok, the planet isn't far from the asteroid belt." says Tanner, just then, a space pirate cruiser appears on his radar.  He takes evasive action by activating his ship's camoflauge.  Just then, Rex's ship appears on radar.  "Rex!  Careful, there are several space pirate vessels in orbit.  i have my camoflauge on, that's why you can't see me!"


  • Spike
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Rex manually operated his ship toward the planet Elysium. It wasn't far off from the asteroid belt, and quickly spots it.

The planet is a beautiful green jungle planet where hundreds of different species live, the planet is beautiful for a vacation and just release their wild side. Rex smiles as he sees the planet, although his smile drops as he sees no sign of Tanner, and just then a transmission clears that all up.

"Rex! Careful, there are several space pirate vessels in orbit. i have my camoflauge on, that's why you can't see me!"

"Ack!" Rex yelped as he decreased his ship's speed immediatly and stopped from getting any closer to it, his radar already picking up several unknown ships orbitting about the planet. Rex gulps as he pressed a few buttons on the cockpit and activate the ship's twin laser weaponry just in case. "Definetly something going on..." Rex mutters. He turns on his comm and sends a transmission to Kacie, "Kacie, several space pirate vessels are near the planet, keep a distance from it so you won't be caught." He then changes transmissions to Tanner, "So, Tanner, how do we go about this to land on the planet?"


  • Ducky
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"I don't know, does your ship have optical camoflauge?" asks Tanner.


  • Spike
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Rex sighs, "Negative. My ship is equipped with dual laser technology, a high mobility engine and can gain practically the fastest speed possible. I can easily outmanuever and shoot them down though."


  • Ducky
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"Ok, how about we put some distance between us and the planet until Kacie arrives?" says Tanner.


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  • Littlefoot
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Kacie nodded when Rex gave her the warning message. She slowed her speed just a little, and started to travel inside the asteroid belt. This would provide a little cover until she reached the planet.


  • Spike
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Rex nods at Tanner's suggestion, "Roger. My radar already picked up Kacie's ship in the asteroid belt. Let's go."


  • Ducky
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"Ok." says Tanner as he flys towards the edge of the asteroid belt and switches off his camoflauge when he was at a safe distance.


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  • Littlefoot
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Kacie emerged out of the asteroid belt, careful not to be spotted. Since she also lacks camouflauge, she decided to find Rex first. Once she spotted his ship, quietly, she flew up next to it. She carefully spoke into the radio, "So what's the plan?"


  • Ducky
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"The plan," Tanner's ship flies in, "Is that we descend to the surface of the planet and find out what's these space pirate bastards are up to."


  • The Gang of Five
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(ok I will just add this bit in about the SCF on the other side of the belt. away from the planet)

on the other side of the belt feather away to the planet two SCF ships and 3 bigger ships all opening up with constuation ships coming out with many pieces of station. the SCF already starting on the strengthing of their claims of the astorid belt starting to build a Outpost. the other two ships there to protect the three builder ships.


  • Spike
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Rex remained quiet as he turned around and heads back toward the asteroid belt, wondering and worrying why space pirate vessels are orbiting on the beautiful planet, Elysium. Maybe illegal hunts again, or maybe to destroy the environment to inhabit the planet with outsiders.

Rex moves his gaze to his right as he sees the camouflage device from Tanner's ship being shut down, allowing visibility to Tanner's ship. Rex couldn't help but smile as he sees Tanner's ship again for a while of not seeing it.

"Hmm..." Rex hums as he closes his eyes with a smile, "Really been a while..." He opens his eyes again as they approach the asteroid belt, and no sooner as they go in he spots Kacie's ship.

"So what's the plan?" Rex hears Kacie's transmission.

"The plan," Tanner's transmission was next, "Is that we descend to the surface of the planet and find out what's these space pirate bastards are up to."

Rex listens and speaks his say, "Problem is that we got vessels orbitting around the planet. If they spot us they'll inform whoever they have on the planet and it could get nasty. We can either fly past a blind spot and land on the planet or we can just shoot them down."


  • Ducky
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"We can descend on the dark side of the planet, where the sunlight is blocked out.  We'd have to turn out all of our lights so it's harder for them to spot us." says Tanner through his helmet radio, "We descend to the surface, we find out what these pirates are smuggling and we bust them."


  • Spike
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Rex smirks, "Now you're talking! Sounds like a good plan!" He moves his gaze to Kacie's ship, "You're up for this, Kacie?"


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  • Littlefoot
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Kacie listened to what Tanner said, and nodded. "Got it." She flipped a switch and her lights began to dim until there was just enough for her to see, but little enough so it was hard to spot. She then responded to Rex's question, "Yes I am."