The Gang of Five
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PokÈmon Mystery Dungeon

Threehorn · 141 · 36126


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"Alright lets do it then, but we should take it easy and take our time to learn to fly and land right" Threehorn agreed to it flapping his wings he slowly taking off into the sky "Well the take off isn't bad but the others is" Threehorn spoke from above Tanner


  • Ducky
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"Yeah, maybe we should just try to be gentle when landing and take it slow.  Then we'd be less likley to crash on impact." replies Tanner as he flaps his wings and catches up with Threehorn.


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Threehorn flew in the air with Tanner beside him "Wow the view is amazing." THreehorn said looking down at the ground below then he see the land that perfect near a pillar rock just past the cave mountain. "There, that look perfect for praticing" Threehorn flew down to it.


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"Alright.  Looks good to me." says Tanner as he follows after Threehorn.  He nears the ground and carefully slows his speed as he nears the ground with the bottoms of his feet facing straight downward.


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Threehorn comes in fast as first but then slowed down raising himself up putting his feet towards the ground lower down he managed to land on his feet this time without slipping down on his face. "There how" Threehorn turned around to see Tanner coming down he jumped back just before Tanner landed "Whoa watch where your landing you almost landed on top of me"


  • Ducky
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"Ack!  Sorry!" says Tanner, as he lands on the ground, glad that it was actually his feet that landed on the ground instead of his face.


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"Its ok, just keep a eye on where you land next time alright?" THreehorn said then saw something in the dirt picking it up it was some sort of spike and near by a bag. Threehorn put the spike the bag then look at Tanner "Look like this bag belonged to those 5 we saw eariar on." Threehorn held it up.


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"Hmm.  Yeah, probably." says Tanner as he gets a little closer to the bag and studies it.


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"I'll use this string to tie it up around my arm so it won't get lost" Threehorn put the hoop of the string on the bag around one of his arms and tighten it a little "There. all we know it could come in handy" Threehorn said to Tanner. "Now should we try some of the attacks. I think one of mine is Flamethrower. so I give that a try" Threehorn air his head at the sky then fousced letting out a massive blast of flames into the sky he stopped and looked dumbfounded "Whoa I didn't know I had that much power in something like that." Threehorn looked over at Tanner. "Erm like to give one of your attacks a try?"


  • Ducky
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"Okay.  I'll give it a try.  I know that lugia's signature move is aeroblast.  Maybe I'll try that out." says Tanner cranes his neck, head in the air, mouth open.  A ball of azure light starts to form and build up size and energy in his mouth and shoots a long beam of blue light into the sky.  "Wow!  That's pretty strong!  Like shooting a gun!"


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"Yeah it is" Threehorn looked at rock then thought of something "Lets try metal claw" his claws glowed then slashed the large rock it blasting to pieces "whoa I am learning this like I done this before. I so weird and creepy with a hint of cool with it" Threehorn stared at the rubble


  • Ducky
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"Hmm.  I'm a flying type, so I should probably know gust attack." says Tanner.  He stands a good distance from Threehorn with his back turned to him.  The young Lugia starts to flap his wings as hard as he can in the direction he's facing and a tornadic whirlwind starts blowing and kicking dust into the air.  He stops flapping and the wind dies down, "Hmm.  Nothing interesting about that move..." he says as he thinks of another attack he should try.


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"How about Psychic, your psychic type as well" THreehorn suggested as he gave a try of a firespin attack a whirling torando of fire spinning around the soon dying down to nothing. "for someone that wasn't a pokÈmon before I am doing these attacks now like I am natural at it"


  • Ducky
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"Yeah.  Same.  It's as if these moves are already programmed into our minds.  Pretty neat in fact.  Hmm.  Psychic moves....  I know!  Future sight!" he says as he stares off into space.  "Hmm.  I see something." he snickers.


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"Very funny" THreehorn frowns then they hear a voice over head they looked up

"1 rescue mission is completed and 10 more come in" the pokÈmon spoke out loud.

"that a Pelipper and what was he saying about rescue missions?" THreehorn then saw what look like a set of buildings a group of them. "Tanner look at that" He pointed at the place he can now see.


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"Hmm, what?" he says, looking at where Threehorn was pointing at, "Ah.  Looks like a small town."


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"from what I can see it seem to be only have pokÈmon in it. is this some world that pokÈmon only live not human?" Threehorn questioned. "Since we learnt a bit how about we take a trip there?" Threehorn suggested "It could help us fill in the blanks"


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"Alright.  Sounds good to me." says Tanner as he spreads his wings and gets ready to take off.


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"Best if we walk in when we get near" Threehorn suggested as he took off to the little town near by.


  • Ducky
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"You read my mind." says Tanner, flapping his wings a bit to stay in the air.