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Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion

rhombus · 481 · 156090


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I quite like the idea of having three different prompts which still are built around the same theme so that's certainly a good thing. I should be able to write something of almost all of these ideas, my only question mark being the February one. I know it has the Valentine's Day theme but I admit, I feel like I've struggled on the romance prompts quite a bit in the last two years. :sducky And about the exchange prompts, I'm not entirely sure if making them more frequent will work out perfectly. I'll most certainly take part but I wonder if some others will suffer some kind of fatigue from that idea if we do it too often. But other than that, good job on these prompts! :)littlefoot
« Last Edit: September 05, 2018, 04:36:38 PM by Sovereign »


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I really like many of these ideas.  :) I do have a particularly good taste with romance stories. The only ones I feel uneasy about are the exchange prompts. I prefer to have a sense of freedom when it comes to my story writing, because I know what to write about when prompted or when someone asks me to write a particular story, so getting that sense of having no idea what we're going to write about feels intimidating. I don't have much else to say other than many of these prompts will probably provide the forum with some very happy and light stories in 2019 compared to this year's emotionally dark stories.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

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Somehow missed this post in my mentions. :P

I don't have a problem with most of these prompts, bar a stretch of consecutive prompts around the middle that I don't have a solid idea on how to tackle. But I like many of the brainstormed ideas, so I guess the only problem is my standard procrastination when it comes to scheduled writing. :P

Like the other two posters before me, I feel exchange prompts is something which may or may not be feasible in the long run. It's like burning a strip of magnesium: flashy and over quickly. Since it's very unpredictable and relies a lot on a group effort in terms of responses and actual plotlines, well I guess we just gotta see.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Thanks for the input, guys.  :) One consensus that seems to have developed is that the prompt exchange should be limited to one instance per year, and looking at the situation that is probably a good idea.  So for the second draft I will replace one of the prompt exchanges (probably the January one) with another monthly prompt. If you have any prompt ideas that you think might be interesting to add then please let me know in this topic.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Sorry for the delay in my reply  :p But I agree with what everyone else has said about the exchange prompts, although I think it would be fun to do them once every while. That’s really all I have to say, and apart from that, I’m feeling very enthusiastic about these prompts!!  :Mo
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I also agree with what everyone else is saying. Having three prompts to choose from per month allows for more creativity and individuality among the submissions while sticking to the same overall theme.

Also, I could see myself writing for any, if not all, of these prompts.


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@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Good evening, everyone!  :) Though the forum's fanfiction awards have been extended until the end of Sunday to allow for a few more individuals to vote, I will not let that delay the awaited beginning of the next season of the LBT fanfiction prompt challenge.  I have been especially impressed with the participation and excellent entries in this challenge's previous season and eagerly look forward to what all of our talented fanfiction writers have in store for us this season!  :yes

For this third season of the prompt challenge there will be a few changes that I would like all of you to be aware of.  First, I will be managing this season's challenge as the sole administrator of the prompt challenge so please be patient if I take a little longer than usual to decide tie-breakers and things like that.  Much like Spike I might seem to be a bit distracted at times but eventually I end up where I need to be.  :p  Secondly, we are using a bit of a different system for the prompts which I would like you to take notice of.  In the new system there are three different prompts for each month, but they all share the same general theme.  For any month you may choose to use the one word prompt for a general theme, the dialogue prompt to include in your story, or the more detailed prompt to guide your writing.  Regardless of which prompt variant you choose it will be considered a valid entry for the prompt challenge. It is my hope that this new system ensures that we stick to general themes while at the same time allowing for more freedom than sometimes existed in the prompts of previous seasons.

As for the rewards for a winning prompt, I am actually open to suggestions.  Does everyone want to stick to the previous system of a fanfic prompt banner with stars indicating the number of wins in the season?  Or would you be interested in me writing a short story based upon a winner-selected prompt (<5000 words) for the winner of each month?  I am open to either suggestion though if there does not appear to be a clear consensus either way then we could try the banners once again.

In any case, I look forward to what you all come up with in another productive year of LBT fanfiction.  :smile  Happy writing, everyone!

December 2018..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt: Belief

Dialogue prompt: “Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.”

Major prompt[/u]: Religious or not, we all have beliefs or certainties that sustain us, even in our most desperate moments.  Write a story showcasing a character relying on his/her beliefs, morals, or philosophy to overcome an obstacle or hardship.

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

March 2019..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

One word prompt: Conflict

Dialogue prompt: "This means that we fight."

Major prompt: A rather straightforward prompt this time: write a story that features battle as a major plot point.  The battle may be to defend a herd (for leaf-eaters), find success in a hunt (for sharpteeth), defends one’s reputation or standing, or for training purposes.

April 2019..............................Apr 1 – May 31   

One word prompt: Jokes

Dialogue prompt: “The hardest part about pranking [insert name or species here] is all of the running involved.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a practical joke, a prank, or some other humorous antic goes way too far in a non-tragic way.

May 2019..............................May 1 – Jun 30   

One word prompt: Duty

Dialogue prompt: “It is required of you...”

Major prompt: Write a story where one of the characters is given a sacred duty or a quest.

June 2019..............................Jun 1 – Jul 31   

One word prompt: Lessons

Dialogue prompt: “Sometimes the hardest lessons are those you teach yourself.”

Major prompt: Write a story where a character learns a lesson about the facts of life.  This can be played for seriousness or for laughs.

July 2019..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

Summer prompt exchange!: Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!

August 2019..............................Aug 1 – Sep 30

One word prompt: Greatness

Dialogue prompt: “In order for him/her to rise, he/she had to first fall.”

Major prompt: Write a story about a character rising to the occasion after experiencing a loss or hardship in life.

Hiatus for fanfic awards..............................Oct 1 – Nov 30

The prompt challenge will be on hiatus so as not to interfere with the forum fanfiction awards.  It will return on December 1.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 02:38:53 AM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ah, I see that Jan's prompt has been finalized. :p

I'll wager that the star system works better. A winning-prompt, in my opinion, would put unnecessary stress and workload on you and I wouldn't wish to burden you, though I see where you're coming from and appreciate the concept.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I agree that the star system is the best for the challenge. Though, if I happen to win two more prompts this year, will I simply get another row of stars to my banner?


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Alright, banners it is again!  :)  That is what I call a pretty clear consensus on the way forward.  I will talk to DarkWolf about the possibility of preparing new star banners for this new season.  I would like to thank her once again for all of the time and effort that she has put into the banners in the past.  :)

I agree that the star system is the best for the challenge. Though, if I happen to win two more prompts this year, will I simply get another row of stars to my banner?

For the new season I plan on us starting the star banners from scratch (though with 2019 appearing on the banners) so everyone will be starting at zero stars.  But you can keep your banner from the last season showing that you won the contest four times that season.  Think of this working like the forum banners with new banners being used for each year and the banners being cumulative in nature.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Hey guys!
There are a couple of ways we could do next year's banners. If everyone wants to keep the same characters with a background and text change, that's fine, but I'm also willing to do new drawings to help differentiate them from last year's banners. I'll also renew my offer to participants of getting a new banner done with a character of your choice in case you'd like one with a different character this year :smile Just let me know what you all think.


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This is just a reminder that the December contest is still going on.  I hope to have my entry up relatively soon (in the next week or so) but the December challenge continues through the end of the next month.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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in other words there's no hurry right?
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in other words there's no hurry right?

Pretty much.  A month still remains, though January's contest will also begin next month.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I am bumping this topic just to remind everyone that we currently have two prompt challenges in progress.  They are as follows:

December 2018..............................Dec 1 – Jan 31

One word prompt: Belief

Dialogue prompt: “Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart.”

Major prompt[/u]: Religious or not, we all have beliefs or certainties that sustain us, even in our most desperate moments.  Write a story showcasing a character relying on his/her beliefs, morals, or philosophy to overcome an obstacle or hardship.

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

As always, I look forward to what you all come up with!  :)  I hope to have my December prompt response added to the collection in the near-future.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Alright, everyone, we are waiting on one person's entry which has been delayed due to special circumstances but we can begin voting once that is posted.  That being said, I am quite pleased with the participation thus far.  In the meantime I would like to remind everyone that the following prompts are now active:

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

As always, I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ooh the Argument prompt sounds fun to write about! :lol

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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@OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247 @DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @Sovereign @DarkWolf91 @vonboy @jassy

Good evening, everyone!  Due to requests (and the fact I will be offline for the next few days) I am going to extend the submission time for the January prompt for a few days until March 7th.  I would like to thank all of you who have already submitted entries, and I look forward to the upcoming entries as well. :)

With that in mind, here are the fanfic prompts which are currently active:

January 2019..............................Jan 1 – Feb 28 EXTENDED UNTIL MARCH 7

One word prompt: Argument

Dialogue prompt: “I am not going to put up with this!”

Major prompt: Write a story where two or more characters have a serious argument or disagreement.  The eventual outcome of the argument and the narrative is entirely up to the author.

February 2019..............................Feb 1 – Mar 31   

One word prompt: Love

Dialogue prompt: “You know, I think I’m falling for her/him.”

Major prompt: Write a story explaining how an established couple in the Land Before Time universe came to be.  For this prompt you may use canon LBT characters OR you can also use original characters established in your previous LBT fanfics.

March 2019..............................Mar 1 – Apr 30

One word prompt: Conflict

Dialogue prompt: "This means that we fight."

Major prompt: A rather straightforward prompt this time: write a story that features battle as a major plot point.  The battle may be to defend a herd (for leaf-eaters), find success in a hunt (for sharpteeth), defends one’s reputation or standing, or for training purposes.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 12:59:35 AM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I was curious. Is there a length limit for prompt entries? I spent two months working on my February prompt, and completed it a few days ago. Yeah, I can sometimes be a fast writer because my priorities tend to shuffle. I've been having a hunch that my latest story would probably not make the list because it's so long and other readers couldn't possibly read a 20-chapter story in just a few days like I can.

I only didn't want to wake up tomorrow morning and suddenly yell out, "Hey, wait a minute!" I really need to stop being the shy guy around here. :sducky
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

Ducky x Petrie forever! :)petrie :duckyhappy