The Gang of Five
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Songs of the Hunters

rhombus · 72 · 74996


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I really love your idea. Chomper's parents have always been somewhat unpleasant to have around but now that they are in the mood to mate again, they are acting weird. Well, I know very well what an overdose of hormones is able to change in people's personalities so this is really understandable. :p
The scene between Ducky and Chomper is very powerful too. :yes

I don't really know what else to say do I'll just say: Well done! :D
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thanks for the review, Ducky!  :) In the next chapter we shall see what happens when the pack has to decide on what to do next.  For the first time in a long while, they find themselves unconstrained by an alliance.  It will be interesting to see how they decide to handle their new found liberty.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 5: Divergent Paths

After the conclusion of Ducky's verses, silence descended upon the assembled dinosaurs.  The angelic sounds had gone abruptly silent as the green fastbiter bowed her head slightly and gestured towards the massive dinosaur in the back of the pack.

Several of the children stirred at this gesture as they looked back to where their mother was gesturing.  It was only then that a slight growl of amusement left the massive beast's body as he rose off of his haunches.  It was at this point that the resounding sound of crashing feet could be heard.  Chomper was in motion.

"Do not fret, children!"  Came an amused grunt from the oncoming sharptooth as the children began to move behind Ducky out of concern for their safety.  "I don't think that your folks would be happy if I crushed any of you."

"Oh, I don't know.  Pouncer has been quite a pain lately..."  Chomper rolled his eyes at Taunt's words as he knew as well as anyone what was coming next.

"Don't you start, dad!"  Came Pouncer's retort as expected.  "You're just mad that I beat you at that game!"

As the two bickered, Chomper took the opportunity to position himself in the middle of the circle.  It did not take long for their humorous back and forth to continue.

"It isn't much of a game when your dad doesn't know he is playing son!"  Taunt's voice had obvious mirth in it.  "I don't like having my tail bitten in the morning."

Pouncer's voice echoed again across the short distance.  "Yeah... that is why I won!  Never let your opponent know you are coming!" The little biter seemed so distracted by his argument with his father that he didn't notice Chomper edge his face closer to the youngling.  "See, I outsmarted you just like momma does!"

Cera laughed at this, which greatly confused her son.  "Speaking of outsmarted, son.. you may want to look beside you..."

Chomper smiled.  Now for the fun part!


The small youngling jumped several times his height at the sudden roar from the sharptooth mere feet away from his head.  In an utter panic he ran headlong towards his father and embedded his head in the elder's feathers.  All thoughts of his 'triumph' over his father having been forgotten.  It was only now that Chomper allowed himself to laugh, which was quickly followed by the other children and adults.

"Wha..."  Pouncer's voice resounded over the laughter.  "Path!  Why you..."

Chomper smiled at the little biter as his booming voice echoed in the clearing.  "It seems that you have learned what it is like to be in a game that you don't know you are playing!"  Chomper's voice contained only mirth, but its sheer volume and the massive dinosaur itself made the gentle chiding horrifying to the small biter.  "Make sure to never take your eyes off of the world around you, Pouncer."

The little biter seemed thoroughly humiliated now, as Taunt gently nuzzled his son back towards the clearing with the other fastbiter and flyer children.  His son would have to deal with the embarrassment of being showed up by the massive sharptooth.  It was only when Pouncer was back in position and glaring at his siblings, who were laughing at his expense, that Chomper decided to begin.

"As Haven has told you, children, we departed from my parents on that day.  But we still had not decided what we were going to do from then on.  Would we help scout our old lands for my folks, or would we strike off on our own?  It is here that my song begins."

♪♪  So there it was, the possibility I dreaded the most.
Time had caught up with me. We had left behind our beloved hosts. ♪♪  

♪♪  I felt crushed and dismayed. Was this really the end?
It was that very next morning when I confided in my dear friend. ♪♪  


The Bright Circle rose upon a desolate scene.  The windswept ground was on the verge of cracking in the absence of discernable moisture, as periodic tufts of grass provided a cruel reminder of what they had left behind.  Such lushness seemed like a distant memory now.  The distant vistas of Hanging Rock beckoned in the distance, a reminder of the place to which they could not return.  

It was in this place that the fastbiters slowly rose from their slumber.  The coming of the morning meant that their ceaseless journey would soon have to resume in earnest.  No food would be found here.  Just like in their initial journey to the Land of Shallow Waters, the lowlands would have to serve as their salvation.

Littlefoot rose slowly from his perch near Spike's sleeping form.  He had the final watch of the night and now that the first morning rays were emerging across the horizon, he knew that his work was done.  Now he would have to wake his reluctant friends and begin the tireless journey to...


The fastbiter stopped in mid-stride at the hissed word.  His gaze immediately feel upon the purple sharptooth who was leaning against Ducky.  His legs contorted in anxious spasms as another word crossed his lips.


Littlefoot slowly put his raised foot back on the ground and bowed his head.  He is really taking this hard.  A sigh escaped his mouth as he raised his head and again looked at the Bright Circle's brilliant orb rising in the East.  I still have a while before we have to move...  He grimaced.  As much as he hated to delay, he knew that his friend needed a good talk.

He gently bent down and proceeded to nuzzle his friend awake.


"So I was talking to Snap the other day and do you know what he told me?"

High up on the tree above, Petrie suppressed a sigh.  He and his uncle had been inspecting the Land of Shallow Waters for days and had not found anything of particular interest.  While Pterano took the opportunity to inspect the terrain and comings and goings of the various dinosaurs, Petrie was stuck spying on the conversations below.  He had heard it all: the banter of threehorns, the romantic flirtations of swimmers, the arrogant ruminations of longnecks...

But nothing was more boring than the gossip of the fastbiters.

"What?  That you have more scales than brains?"

Petrie shook his head.  Maybe me be spoiled by friends, but fastbiter talk very boring!  This pack stupider than threehorns on mating day!  He then immediately shuddered at that thought.  Sometimes he wished that flyers like him weren't so good at seeing things from a distance.  Some things simply couldn't be unseen.

"No, you arrogant tail-biter!  He told me about that pack from the wilds.  You know...  Seeker's pack."

Petrie's eyes went wide at the fastbiter's words.  Suddenly the conversation wasn't so boring.

The other fastbiter snorted.  "The one who supposedly went from a sap-sucker to one of us?  Please..."  She shook her head.  "If Snap believes that then he is really stupid indeed.  Perhaps all of his time thinking in caves has finally rotted his brain."  She chuckled at that thought but then caught the indignant look on her companion's face.  "Wait, you don't honestly believe that nonsense, do you?"

Her counterpart snarled.  "Yes.  Yes, I most certainly do."  He edged closer.  "You have heard the tales from the survivors.  You don't honestly think that they are all false?"

The female huffed.  "I am saying that the falling rocks did something to their brains.  The food doesn't simply turn into the choosers of the dead.  Even a hatching knows that!"

"Even a hatching knows that when the strongest of the strong submits to a youngling that there is a reason!"

Petrie stared at the evolving argument with rapt attention.  He edge closer to the edge of the branch, his ear facing the two predators as if he were listening into a cave.

"Oh, be reasonable, Dodger!"  The female exclaimed.  "The children may be crafty, but who in their right minds would believe this nonsense about a Stone of Destiny?  They are obviously just some newcomers who..."

"Oh, for the love of... Now who is being unreasonable?!"  The male protested.  "A bunch of feathered fastbiters no one has ever seen before... from a KIND no one has ever seen before... come over and defeat Redclaw and his entire pack."  He shook his head.  "But yet you doubt their words?  I think that I would listen to a pack such as that.  And we should listen to my brother... we should plan..."

The female spat at the other in an indignant display.  

"Then believe what you will, fool!  Perhaps you and Snap can work together on his nonsense.  I swear I don't know which of you is the stupider one!"  She then ran off in a huff, not even looking back at the somewhat amused male.

"See you later, sis!"

Petrie stared at the male for several moments as the sound of retreating footsteps could be heard from his departing sister.  She was reminiscent of Cera in a way.  Headstrong and unwilling to be made a fool of in front of others.  However, it was the male's words the most caught his attention.  

I think that I would listen to a pack such as that.  And we should listen to my brother... we should plan...

Petrie blinked.  He did not like the sounds of that.  Just how much had this pack heard about Petrie's packmates and their methods... and what were these predators planning?

He followed the fastbiter with his eyes for some distance.  After several minutes of silently observing the male, the flyer could hear the flapping of wings and the gently thud of his uncle landing.

"There is nothing new out there that we haven't seen before.  Four leaf-eater herds, a pack of fastbiters, and several belly draggers..."

Petrie tilted his head without taking his eyes off of the fastbiter.  "Anyone that we know?"

Had Petrie had turned his head he would have seen his uncle fix him with an exasperated stare.  As it was he could hear it in his voice.

"Gee... I don't know, Petrie.  It isn't like I can just go up to a bellydragger and ask in sharptooth: 'Excuse me, sir!  Do you know my friends?  They are several fuzzballs, a purple biter, and a flyer who asks stupid questions!'"

Petrie laughed as he turned around and faced his uncle.  "You talking like me now, uncle?"  He seldom heard his uncle act in such a snarky manner.  "Was your flight that bad?"

Pterano shook his head.  "You have no idea... we have been flying..."

Petrie interrupted.  "You fly.  Me listen."

The elder flyer nodded.  "Yes...  I have been flying around for four days now and there is nothing in this jungle except leaf-eaters and a few fastbiters.  Needless to say I think Chomper's parents will have an easy time claiming this land as their own."

Petrie nodded absentmindedly, as he turned to face the retreating form of the fastbiter again.  Petrie's distraction was evident to his uncle.  He hesitated before speaking again.

"I take it that you have found something interesting?"

Petrie nodded.  "Me not sure, but me need to find out."

Pterano watched as Petrie took to the air without another word.  Petrie's lack of attention and unwillingness to engage his uncle cause the elder flyer to draw a conclusion of his own.

They say when you don't find trouble, that trouble will find you...


“So…”  Littlefoot started awkwardly.  It seemed that there was no tactful way to start this conversation.  “How are you feeling?”

The purple sharptooth did not meet Littlefoot’s eyes as the two plodded away from the slumbering forms of the others.  It was as if the two were trying to find a private cove in which to have a conversation, despite there not being a tree or cave in sight.  Just an open field.

“Sad.”  Chomper stated plainly.  He didn’t need to elaborate for the fastbiter to comprehend the meaning.

Littlefoot nodded and then stopped as the Bright Circles rays began to intensify noticeably at the passing of distant clouds.  The others would be up soon and the chance for a private conversation would soon be lost.

“That is understandable.  It is never easy to leave your parents.  This is the third time that you have had to do this.”  Littlefoot acknowledged.  “Just remember that I am here if you need to talk.”

Chomper nodded and only then did he raise his head to look at his friend.

“This is the third time… and the last time.”  Chomper frowned.  “If I ever see my mommy and daddy again then it will be as an adversary.”

Littlefoot blinked.  “Surely it wouldn’t be that…”  But he didn’t get a chance to finish.

“If mommy and daddy make me brothers and sisters then they will be protected by them.  Even if that means protection from me.”  Littlefoot looked surprised at Chomper’s deduction, which caused Chomper to respond.  “I am not stupid. Seeker.  I knew about how my kind was long before you tried to hide the truth from me.”

Littlefoot licked his lips nervously.  “Path, I thought that you were too young to know about all of that.”

Chomper smiled.  “I knew about all of that… but I chose to not see where it was going.”  He shook his head.  “I guess that sometimes when the truth hurts that…”

Littlefoot finished for him.  “...that we try to ignore it.”

Chomper nodded again as Littlefoot lightly nuzzled the little biter.  If Chomper knew the full magnitude of what had transpired then that made his job a lot easier.  But that didn’t mean that the path ahead would be an easy one.

“I have an important choice to make, Path.”  

Chomper perked up at this.  Littlefoot had seldom asked for direct input like this except during a group-wide meeting.  In fact, his friend had not confided like this since their first months as a pack, back when Littlefoot was as unsure of himself as a swimmer in a desert.  His mannerisms opened up many memories and few of them were pleasant ones.

“The pack is free now.”

Chomper nodded slowly.  “We were always free, Seeker.  We could have left at any time.”

Littlefoot looked down at his friend and smiled slightly.

“Yes, but there is a difference between being able to strike off on your own and actually being forced to do so.  We have no bonds of honor with your parents now.”  The finality of the statement made something in Chomper’s stomach shift uncomfortable.  “We are truly free to ally with who we wish and to make a territory where we wish.”

Chomper spoke without thinking.  “We answer only to ourselves.”

Littlefoot answered just as quickly.  “We also only have ourselves to rely on.  One false move and we are doomed.”

Chomper nodded slowly.  He had to improve his friend’s mood as nothing good would come from having Littlefoot dwell on what could not be changed.

“Daddy always said that danger and opportunity were usually the same thing.”

Littlefoot snorted.  “Yes, Path.  But your daddy is a huge sharptooth that can afford to seek out danger.  We are, to use one of your daddy’s other quotes, little fuzzballs that occasionally bring back tasty food.”  Before Chomper could respond, Littlefoot continued.  “What I mean is…  I have to be cautious.  The entire pack depends on us choosing wisely.”

Chomper paused for several moments to let that sink in.  The very future of the pack was at stake, but yet he had been focused on his own personal anguish.  In that moment Chomper felt more than a little shame.  This turn in mood did not escape Littlefoot’s attention.

“There is nothing wrong about feeling upset, Path.”  The sharptooth turned to see Littlefoot’s face turned towards him.  His fierce eyes being contrasted with a light smile.  “You have just as much reason to cry as the rest of us.  How many times did you comfort us during our journey away from the valley?”

Chomper nodded.  “Yeah…”  He closed his eyes for a moment and then reopened them as a thought struck his mind.  “So what would be in the best interest of the pack?”

Littlefoot looked surprised.  “What?”

Chomper continued.  “Like you have said many times before, you have to consider what is best for the pack.  So… what does that mean for us?”  He gestured towards the sunrise.  “If mommy and daddy take the Land of Shallow Waters then what is the best place for us?”

Littlefoot paced for a moment.  “Well… we could go back there… but we would have to stay out of your parents way.  They are sharpteeth, but a few fastbiters wouldn’t bother them too much.  At least for a while.”

Chomper stared into his friend’s eyes for several moments.  He could almost see the thoughts racing through his head.  Despite his suspicion of what Littlefoot was conspiring to do, he asked the inevitable question.

“What do you have in mind, Seeker?”

Littlefoot placed a single digit to his chin in a contemplative gesture.

“I was thinking about…”


Petrie landed on the perch with a soft thud, which the bluish-green fastbiter below thankfully did not notice.  He seemed to be fixated upon something in front of his body.  Looking more closely, the flyer could see that it was a pile of plants of some kind.


A plant went flying across the cove of trees.


Another went flying the other direction, which nearly made Petrie take evasive action.  What this fastbiter doing?  He thinking about eating green food?  If so, he awfully picky!

The fastbiter then looked at a reddish root for several moments with a contemplative expression.

“Where did you find this, brother?”

Petrie was momentarily distracted.  Brother?  What brother?

“It was by the watering hole, where the swimmers drink.”  Petrie nearly jumped in surprise at the sudden voice.  It was Dodger, the fastbiter he had been spying on earlier.  He had not noticed the other fastbiter sitting in the shadow of the trees.  “For some reason they would not eat that, though they ate everything else.”

“How very strange. Normally sap-suckers would eat just about anything in front of their fat faces.”

Petrie stared at the root with his mouth agape.  Oh no…

Dodger shrugged.  “Maybe it doesn’t taste good.  You know… kind of like why I never ate spiketail brains as a kid.”

Snap picked up the red root carefully between his claws. He made a quick cursory inspection. His nostrils flared as he inhaled something that appeared to be familiar to him. He lowered the root and his head turned to face his brother. “There is something familiar about this root.”

Dodger edged closer to his brother, which allowed for the illumination of his body by the light of the Bright Circle.  His head was tilted in an inquisitive angle.  

“Perhaps you heard about it somewhere… Is it a healing root?”  Dodger offered.

In response to this turn in the conversation, Petrie could only cringe.  If either of them tried to use the root for healing they would most certainly be cured.  Of life.

Snap chuckled. “If it is what I am thinking of, then if you were to try to use it to heal anyone, you might as well rip out their throats to go along with it!” He looked back at the root. His smile broadened. “Well, there is one way we can find out for sure.  Is there a pack of ground fuzzies nearby?”

Dodger nodded.  “Yes… As my favorite female…”

“Are you referring to Opal?  The fastbiter who hates your guts?”

Dodger glared at his brother a bit.  “She just hasn’t seen my good side yet… but yes, dear brother, as Opal was telling me, there is an abundance of ground fuzzies nearby.”  He gave a pathetic strut.  “She said that she was worried for my well-being, that must count for something.”

Snap fixed Dodger with an amused smile.  “It means that she thinks that you are a poor hunter and would starve without her help.”  Snap then made an odd smirk with his mouth.  “I suppose that she wants to be the one bring you into the Land of the Parted.  She can’t do that if you starve!”

Dodger glared at his brother.  “This is coming from the person who relates more to bones and plants than people.”  It was a weak retort, but it was the best that he could offer.  “Anyway, yes, Opal says that there are ground fuzzies nearby.”

Snap still had a smirk on his face. But he seemed to know better than to try to pester his brother further. He simply gave a nod of his head. Keeping the plant pressed firmly in his claws, he asked, “Can you lead me there?”

Petrie watched silently as the two fastbiter strided away from the cove and towards the watering hole.  In a moment which seemed to stretch on into eternity, he tried to comprehend what he had just seen and heard.  This was absolutely the last thing that they needed.

The flapping of wings caught his attention as he could see his uncle approaching cautiously from a distance.  With a wing, Petrie gestured for him to come closer.  Within moments, the flyers were united on the perch.

Pterano spoke immediately upon landing.  “What is going on, Petrie?!  You look horrified!”

Petrie nodded mutely.  He took a few moments before speaking.   “The pack have very serious problem.”  His eyes seemed to stare far away as he said this. “A problem me no know how to fix.”

Pterano nodded at this before sighing.  “How big of a problem?”

Petrie looked at him once before speaking.   “I need you to tell Seeker something for me, uncle.  Tell him that everything fine here.  There are fastbiters but they not be a problem.”

Pterano sputtered.  “But you said…”

Petrie nodded.   “I know what me said.  There be problem, but me fix it now.  But you must go.”

Pterano gritted his beak nervously. “I don’t like this… But alright. I’ll do it.”  He spread his wings out hesitantly. “Is there anything else you would like me to tell them?”

Petrie looked straight ahead as he contemplated this.   “Actually, uncle…”  He paused for several moments as if contemplating something unpleasant.   “This be something that may require both of us.  Do you see those roots over there?”

Pterano shifted his head to see what his nephew was talking about. He stared for only a few seconds before his eyes widened. “Yes…” He spoke in a lowered voice. “But..what exactly are you…?”

“They discover orange death.”  Petrie spoke softly, but as he spoke it sounded like a distant storm.   “They cannot live if pack is going to live.”  He then faced his uncle again.  

“Me have a plan.”


“The lowlands.  Finally!”

Taunt’s words echoed the sentiments of the other members of the pack as they looked upon the long sought-after sight.  Their journey of several days had finally reached its conclusion.  None of them dared think about the long journey that yet remained.

“Alright!”  Littlefoot called out happily.  “We are out of the barrens so it is now time for a hunt!”  

Cheers emanated from the group at their leader’s words. As he looked over at the lowlands in the distance he could see the swimmer herd that had already taken residence by the streams.  Younglings were visible in their ranks.  He could almost taste the meat…

Cera was equally enthusiastic about the idea of a hunt.  “Finally!  I haven't had anything for two days!”

Despite his enthusiasm for the hunt, Taunt could not resist taunting his friend.  “We noticed, dear.  You mentioned it every few steps since Hanging Rock.”

As the two squared off, Ruby decided to intercede.  “Alright, you two!  Let’s hunt food and not hunt each other.”  At Taunt’s triumphant expression, Ruby added.  “...even if Taunt deserves it.”

“Wait what?”  Taunt protested.

Littlefoot chuckled.  “Alright, everyone!  Let’s get ready.  Finder and Haven, you two will need to be on scouting duty.  Stern Claw, myself, and Ponder will be on chase duty.  Spotter will be on…”

Littlefoot stopped in his tracks.  His expression was suddenly overtaken with one of concern.  Spotter and Pterano still had not found them yet.  It had been several days.

“I am sure that they are okay.”

Littlefoot turned towards the soft voice of Chomper.

“You told them to inspect the Land of Shallow Waters and that is a large place.”

“Yeah.”  Cera muttered.  “A shame that all of their work is for nothing.  We aren’t going with Path’s folks so there is no need for us there.”

Littlefoot looked at her with a guarded expression.  His change in demeanor was not lost on the others.

“Seeker?”  Thud offered as his packmates arrived on the scene.  “What are you thinking about?”

Littlefoot cocked his head in a contemplative position.  “What I am about to propose is risky, but then again so is any of our options right now…”  He paused for a moment.  “But let’s eat first…  then we can discuss it with full bellies.”

This suggestion needed no encouragement from the others as they immediately got into their assigned places for the hunt, with Leap and Swift acting as the new scouts to replace the absent Petrie.  Littlefoot couldn’t help but look with pride as his fellow packmates.  It was further reminder of what he was honor-bound to protect.  Before he gave the order to commence the observation of prey, however, he gave one final look to the blue skies.

Stay safe, Spotter, wherever you might be.


“It’s working!”

Snap watched as the ground fuzzies began to violently convulse.  The scraping of the roots through the skin of the small mammals had a nearly immediate effect.  The frothing at the mouth and rolling of the eyes into their heads only confirmed his suspicions.  

This was the orange death.

“The stories must have been true.”

Snap looked over at his brother.  He couldn’t fault his brother for having some doubts, but the stories were almost too amazing to be false.  This was the final confirmation of what he had been suspecting for some time.

Redclaw’s hordes had been defeated by the risen sap-suckers.  The valley had been saved by their former residents.  Now one of the weapons that had given them an advantage was in his hands.  Now this jungle could now be bent to his will.  Now he would no longer be underestimated by his inferiors.  It was at this time that he said something that changed his fate forever.  A barely-concealed joke that became so much more.

“Heh… I wonder if Seeker’s pack would ally with the likes of us?”


In an instant Snap was forced to the ground by his brother as two flyers nearly collided in the end.  It was as if they were swooping in for the kill and suddenly stopping at the last moment.  

Snap shook his head in order to regain his bearings.  As he rose from the ground he could see two flyers starring in his general direction.  One of them had a very familiar scar for anyone who had heard the story of Seeker’s pack.  Instantly, he knew who he was dealing with.

“Heh…"  He laughed nervously.  "Sandstorm or Spotter?  Which name do you go by today?”

The flyer looked at his talons for a moment.  It was only at that time that the two fastbiters realized that the flyer’s claws were drenched in a rather familiar orange fluid.

“Well…”  The flyer spoke darkly, his eyes staring directly into Snap's eyes.  “That be up to you.”

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 6: Convergent Paths

Chomper stopped his song for a moment as he nodded in the direction of the flyers.  At first, Petrie did not seem to understand what his friend was alluding to, but then he quickly came to a realization.

"No, you keep on, Path.  You do good!"  Petrie smirked.  "Besides, brutal part of story need brutal voice!"

Chomper gave a toothy grin that made the children back away in concern as his friends chuckled lightly to themselves.

"Are you saying that my voice sounds horrifying, Spotter?"

Petrie looked at his mate and shrugged.

"Well, me can fly, so me say it.  Yes, you have horrifying voice."  Petrie's mate rolled her eyes at her mate's honesty.  "No wonder you scare children."  Petrie now had an arrogant grin in his eyes, as Chomper stared at him.

Chomper now turned his glare towards the children who ran back to their parents.  As they did so, Chomper laughed boisterously.  

"Now you see how intimidating Spotter can be, children.  He is even willing to stare down a sharptooth like me!"

"Yeah!"  A cynical voice arose from near Taunt as Pouncer came out of hiding.  "Because he can fly away!"

Chomper shrugged, which was an amusing gesture considering the diminutive size of his arms.  "Maybe so, but if you have an advantage then you are wise to use it."  He then smiled a bit more good-naturedly.  "Anyway, I think that I have had my fun with that.  Come along, children, and I will tell you the story of how the pack came back together after Petrie's discovery.... and the unwitting chain of events that he set into motion.

♪♪  Darkness fell as the night came near,
A time of hope was also one of fear,
The pack's decision had yet to be made,
As Petrie's plot threatened two with their grave.  ♪♪


Littlefoot stared at the fresh kill with a mixture of ecstasy and contemplation.  

The adolescent longneck's face was frozen in a perpetual expression of horror as the life had left its body.  A single pair of gashes appeared down its right flank as evidence of what had slowed the poor soul's attempted flight.  An orgy of gashes, ripped flesh, and bites stood testament to what had ended his life.  The neck was nearly unrecognizable after the assault by his friends.  In their hunger and excitement they had not even used proper technique in their hunt, opting to strike the longneck from the front as it was in mid-charge.  They had gotten lucky this time, but it could have been far different.

Licking his lips, he took another bite from the victim's belly.  He resolved not to berate his friends for their haste in this hunt.  Yes, they had used improper technique.  Yes, they could have risked serious injury by not taking the slow and dependable way of bringing down longnecks.  But he couldn't fault them for their sloppiness on this day.

After all, he was hungry too.

"So..."  Cera paused as she proceeded to chew the bit of flesh that she held in her mouth.  " wanted to talk to us about something, Seeker?"

Littlefoot couldn't help himself.  

"You seem more receptive to a meeting than you were earlier."  He noted dryly.

She shrugged.  "Give me a full belly and I will listen to any sort of nonsense!  Even if it comes from you."

Littlefoot stuck out his tongue at his friend as she returned the gesture with that obscene hand gesture that Taunt was so fond of.  Taking the sickle claw and pointing it at the ground.  This brought them the attention of Taunt.

"Oh, the slow claw!"  He wore a sardonic smile on his face as he contemplated the claw gesture with almost a connoisseur's grace.  "Stern Claw must be talking about me again!"

"Perhaps..."  Spike's voice came from the other end of the corpse.  "...we should simply make that your new name, Taunt?  You would simply be an unpronounceable hand gesture that caused everyone offense."

Taunt gave a little leap in the air in jest as his father rolled his eyes.  "That's an idea!  Why didn't I get that as my pack name?"  He asked in jest.

"Skytail did not enjoy cursing, believe it or not."  Breeze noted with a chuckle.  "But you often drove him to cursing anyway!"

Taunt took on a cocky smile, but resisted the urge to make a snarky retort.  Instead his response caused a turn in the mood of the entire gathering.

"I wonder what he would think of us now."

Silence fell upon all of the dinosaurs as they considered this.  Breeze sat beside him in a friendly gesture, as Cera did the same on the other side.  Spike, for his part, took his spot at Breeze's side to which Ducky followed.  Ruby brushed up beside Littlefoot which was his reminder that she was still at his side.  Only Chomper was some distance away from the others, which Littlefoot resolved by giving him a wide gesture to come to his side.  It was only when he was present that Littlefoot spoke.

"That is something that I often wonder about, Taunt.  I think that he would be proud of us, but we must always strive to be worthy of that pride."  He smiled sadly.  "You do not want to dishonor your friend and I do not want to dishonor my grandparents."  He paused.  "Or my mother."

"Or Mr. Thicknose."  Ruby offered.

"Tranquil."  Ducky nodded sadly.

"Valaria."  Spike offered stoically.  "Spotter was very distraught over that."  He looked around for a brief moment.  "Speaking of which, isn't he supposed to be back by now?"

Littlefoot nodded.  "That is actually what I wanted to talk to all of you about.  Spotter and Pterano have been gone for a while now in their search of our former home.  We need to decide what we are going to do, before we can tell him what to do next."  He looked at Chomper for a moment, who fixed him an understanding expression.  "Are we still going back or are we finding a new home?"

Silence reigned for several moments as each packmate considered Littlefoot's words.  Each looked at the others as if a nonverbal conversation was taking place.  Cera had a look of ambivalence about her, while Taunt appeared to be in silent contemplation.  Ducky and Breeze, meanwhile, were looking at Littlefoot for guidance.  Ruby, however, had her eyes firmly fixed on Chomper.

"If we go back to our old home, then we will not be able to stay in our home."  Ruby noted.  "If we want us and Path's folks to be safe then we need to stay away."

Cera nodded.  "I agree.  Dein was not very nice when we left him."

Chomper protested.  "Daddy couldn't help it!"

Breeze immediately intervened.  "Stern Claw meant no disrespect, Path, but he was dangerous in the end."

"That's right."  Spike affirmed.  "It might be best for us to stay apart for a while.  What was that old saying you said earlier, Thud?"

Thud stepped up to the circle at this point, with Leap and Swift close behind.  Littlefoot looked more than a bit embarrassed upon realizing that he had forgotten to 'invite' the other pack to the discussion.  He practically considered them part of the pack and had forgotten his etiquette.  He bowed his head slightly and began to speak when Thud cut him off.

"It is better to be allies from afar than enemies for nearby."  He then looked at Littlefoot with a smile.  "It is alright, Seeker, the invitation ritual tends to be waived when packs travel together anyway."

"Then why did you not join in?"  Ducky asked innocently, which was just the opening that Taunt was waiting for.

"Because he is old."  Taunt smiled as Thud gave his son a wry look.  "My dad never met a tradition that he didn't like!"

Thud rolled his eyes.  "The tradition about eating disrespectful children is sounding pretty good right now."


All of the assembled dinosaurs turned their heads back towards Littlefoot, who now had a rather amused expression on his face.

"As much as I would love for the father-son bonding session to continue...  I think that we need to talk about what to do next."  

In response to this, Taunt gave a snort and nodded his agreement with Littlefoot's order as Thud did the same after giving his son a playful nip on the tail.  Cera laughed heartedly at the antics of her friend, but nonetheless brought her focus back on Littlefoot and the situation at hand.

"I guess..."  Chomper spoke unsurely as everyone went back to their places, the longneck corpse almost serving as a macabre focal point of the meeting.  "I guess my mommy and daddy could be fine.  I just don't know about food in the lowlands..."  The others nodded at this.  "What will we do in the summer?"

Ruby raised a finger as if to make a point.  "Path's right.  When food ran out in the last Dry Time, we had a hard time going to our new home.  It will be even harder if home isn't home anymore."

Cera pondered this with a sigh.  "Yeah...  The lowlands aren't good for hunting all year round."

Ducky pondered this for a moment as she looked at her old friend.  The purple sharptooth seemed to be about to say something, but no words left his mouth.  She decided that he needed some friendly motivation.

"Do you have an idea, Path?  We could use an idea.  Oh, yes, yes, yes."

Chomper closed his eyes as he brought his arms down in a contemplative expression.

"Maybe."  He said uncertainly.  "Maybe mommy and daddy won't take all of the Land of Shallow Waters.  Even the worst parts of it still had food."

"But we will still have problems once your new brothers and sisters grow up, Path!  Your mommy and daddy won't like a bunch of fasbiters near their nest."


Everyone paused and looked in Spike's direction.  Though by no means mute as he once was, he still seldom spoke during their meetings except when he had something constructive to say.

"If we listen to Path that still gives us some time.  Time for Spotter to find us a new territory.  That would be a lot smarter than going somewhere and hoping the prey follows."

Ducky nodded.  "We have Spotter, so we can know where the food is."

Littlefoot smiled slightly as he considered his friend's plan.  Yes, this certainly had risks, but it also had benefits.  It was then that he shifted the meeting to the next order of business.

"Well... if we are going to the Land of Shallow Waters after all, then we need to know what we are up against."  He looked in the general direction of his old home.  "Should we go there now and have him meet us on the way there?  Or should we wait for him to meet us?"

Taunt muttered.  "Yeah, wait until Path's folks enter the lowlands.  They were only a few days behind us, remember?"

Mutterings arose in the packs as they considered Taunt's words.  Could they really afford to wait for Path's parents to threaten them yet again?  The lowlands were too small for a pack to be safe with two two-footers on the prowl.  The Land of Shallow Waters on the other hand...

Littlefoot took on a determined expression.  "Alright, everyone.  By a show of claws, who is in favor of staying here?"

Not a single hand rose at Littlefoot's proposal.  With a short nod to Chomper, he looked in the direction of his former home.

Here we come, Spotter.  


Sandstorm or Spotter?  Which name do you go by today?

Well... that be up to you.

Snap stared into the flyer's eyes as his words echoed in his skull.  He had struggled for many weeks to prepare the orange death based upon the rumors that he had collected of the momentous events in the valley.  As had been the case so often in his life, only his brother stood by his side as his peers ignored him as a hopeless fool.  But he did not doubt the stories... no...  he was hell-bent on following them to their logical conclusion.  He would be like the weak leaf-eaters who managed to achieve much through cunning and teamwork.  He would do whatever it took.

Now here he was.

As the flyer continued to stare at him, he could hear the breathing of his brother and the other flyer to his side.  He knew that he should say something, but now that the initial shock had worn off, he was too overwhelmed to speak.  One of the legendary pack members was right in front of him now.  What could he say?

Suddenly the other flyer said something in leaf-eater to Petrie, which elicited a response in leaf-eater.  This exchange only confirmed the situation in the fastbiter's head.  It was only then that he decided to speak.

"You were going to kill us?"

Petrie stared back, his eyes unblinking.  He did not say anything to answer his question, but his actions answered it for him.  Shivering unconsciously at the flyer's coldness, Snap heard his brother speak.

"Why?  We have done nothing to you!"

Snap sucked in a breath.

"Dodger?  Please, be quiet."

He could hear the indignation in his brother's voice.  "Snap?  Why do..."

Snap cut him off immediately.  "We know one of their secrets.  That makes us a potential threat, brother.  Sandstorm here wants to make sure that we are not another Calin."  The flyer's eyes softened almost imperceptibly at Snap's words.  "I think that you now realize that we are not like that, don't you?"

Petrie did not answer for several moments as he turned his attention towards Dodger, causing the fastbiter to flinch.  Despite the fact that the flyers were on the ground and could not really manage a surprise attack on the fastbiters, the mere fact that they were now here and showing that they had the means to do so at any time scared the hell out of him.  

It scared the hell out of Snap too.

"Me not smell evil on you, but evil sometimes done by good people."  The flyer then looked back towards Snap.  "Why you want orange death?"

Snap opened his mouth slightly before finally answering.  "The same reason you wished to have it?  To be able to defend myself and my brother."

Petrie stared at him in silence for a moment.  It was at that time that the wind suddenly gusted, causing the flyer's wings to rustle in its motion.  This made the small flyer look even more foreboding.  

"Be careful what you wish for."  The flyer spoken ominously.  "They sometimes be not what you think they be."  He then stepped forward and stuck out his right talon in an odd gesture.  "Me wish for power to defeat Redclaw, but me become worse than him."

Snap protested, forgetting for a moment that the flyer still had the means to potential kill him and his brother.  "That's not true!  You're not worse than him!  You saved all of us from that brute!"

Petrie looked at Snap with an odd expression, obviously being surprised at the antics of the fastbiter.  But the flyer's response to this was even more surprising to the fastbiter.

He laughed.  A dark and sad laugh.

"Tell that to sharpteeth we killed.  Did we save them?  Did we save others who fall around us?  Did me save sister?"  His eyes turned dark as he shook his head.  "Orange death only brought death."  He looked at Snap intently.  "You not look like killer of own kind.  Do you want to become one?"

"Leave my brother alone!"

Petrie stared at the offending fastbiter as Dodger tried to move in front of his brother.  The flyer smiled at this.

"You ready to be killer of own kind, but only to help brother."  The flyer noted.  "But what does your brother want, Dodger?  That be important."

Snap sucked in a deep breath.  The flyer had seen through his act and knew exactly what he wanted to do.  He knew that there was no reason to continue hiding the truth.

"I want to be strong enough to not be a burden anymore."

Silence reigned for a few seconds until Dodger spoke softly.

"Brother...  you are not a burden..."

Snap shook his head.  "Don't lie, brother.  You know that you get most of the hunts, while I am too clumsy to be much help.  As you said, I am better suited to looking at plants and bones than people."  He smiled sadly as he bowed his head.

Snap stared at the ground for several moments as the magnitude of what was happening began to weigh on him.  It had been his idea to search for the mysterious roots.  It had been his idea to seek out the rumors of Seeker's pack.  Undoubtedly the pack had heard of his interest and had sent their terrible flyer in order to eliminate a potential threat.  This was all his fault.


Petrie looked at the fastbiter with an unreadable expression, but deep inside he was distraught.

What me do now?

The initial plan had been simple and brutal.  Fly in when the fastbiters didn't suspect anything and lightly strike at them with their poisoned talons.  It was not a prospect that he enjoyed, but it was something that appeared to be necessary.  He had to act.  To have another pack with knowledge of the orange death would be...

And that was where the doubts began.  Skytail had originally used the orange death so he must have learned from somewhere.  Did Petrie and his friends have the right to murder others just because they were a potential threat?  After all, the new fastbiter could very easily be a new potential friend, like Skytail was.  Despite his resolution to carry out his dark plan, he still felt an underlying sense of unease.  They had killed Redclaw for such tyranny.  Would Redclaw's death be worth it if they became the very thing that they had fought so hard against?  Against this backdrop, he had heard the words that had changed everything.

“Heh… I wonder if Seeker’s pack would ally with the likes of us?”

In an instant the doubts manifested themselves a hundred-fold.  Despite being in the middle of the terminal dive that would purge the world of the two fastbiters, he could not carry through with his plan.

Now here he was.  Staring at the two fastbiters and feeling just as lost as they surely felt.  He was an executioner who suddenly was left to deal with the would-be victims.  He did not doubt the emotions of the fastbiter in front of him, but he did doubt his ability to use the power wisely.  Therein lay his dilemma.  

"Do you feel comfortable doing this?"

Petrie looked up at his uncle.

“No... No me do not.”

The elder flyer’s face stared into his own for several moments.  Petrie thought that he could see something ripple through his eyes, but Pterano suddenly took on a unreadable expression before Petrie could see what emotion was about to shine through.  However, the next words out of the flyer’s beak carried all of the emotion that he had tried to hide.

“They don’t do it.”  His uncle choked out, his voice hoarse.  “Let them go and see how this plays out.”

Petrie’s eyes darkened. “Pack could be at risk...”

Pterano interrupted.  “They could be at risk if we finish this too.  They may have allies.”  Petrie nearly cringed when he realized that he had not considered that possibility.  “A peaceful solution might be advisable.”

Petrie sighed.  He was only supposed to observe, not interact.  Now it was up to him to negotiate on behalf of the pack.  Again.

“Okay.  Pack ready to make deal with you.”

The depressed fastbiter in front of him suddenly seemed to come to life, as he realized that his life was not yet over.  “Yes?  We would be willing to hear your terms.”

Petrie shuddered.  Snap made it sound like Petrie was ordering his surrender.  Which he supposed he was doing in a way.  The unshed tears in the small fastbiter’s eyes communicated something else as well.  Concern for his brother.  Hope that he would no longer be a burden to the one that he loved.  This made something break in the flyer’s chest.

“Good.  Here be what me had in mind...”


Two days later:

Cera grumbled as she and the others pushed ahead through the desolate wastes.  They barely had enough time to eat a good meal in the lowlands and to get a night of sleep before they were forced to journey on again.  She could not fault anyone for this decision, as she had agreed to it as well, but that did not mean that she was happy about the situation.  They could have stayed an extra day... but the appearance of Chomper’s parents in the distance had forced their hand.  If they were going to provide assistance to the great biters then they needed to hurry along.  Despite the necessity of this, she couldn’t help but to gripe one last time.

“I had forgotten how much of a pain in the tail this journey was!”

She growled as she could hear a familiar male voice respond from behind her.

“I hadn’t!  At least the wind isn’t blowing sand in my face this time.”

Cera was about to respond to Taunt’s banter when the wind decided to gust, causing hot sand to blow into their faces.  Cera covered her face to protect it from the sudden onslaught.

“Damn it, Taunt!  You just had to give the wind ideas!”

She could hear the fastbiter spit out sand as Thud coughed after inhaling the unwanted cloud.

“What can I say?  Great minds think alike!”  She was about ready to bite her annoying friend when his father beat her to it.  “Ow!”

“Knock it off, everyone!”  

Cera turned back in the direction of the oncoming dust cloud in order to hear Littlefoot’s voice more clearly.

“We need to get out of this crap, it...”  The brown fastbiter paused as the onslaught stopped just as quickly as it had began.  The thick cloud soon became a light haze.  “Never mind... it stopped.”  He looked around at the others for a moment before wiping his eyes with his hands.  “Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again!”

Cera snorted.  “You can say that again!  How much further do we have to go anyway?”

She could hear someone walking beside her as the rose-colored form of Ruby appeared.  Though her feathers were noticeably duller due to the all-encompassing dust.

“We are by the big rock and the big rock is by our old home.”  She intoned.  “Maybe a day?”

“I think we are a day away.”  Ducky’s voice called out with little enthusiasm.  “I hope so, anyway.  I do not want to be in the barrens any longer than I need to be.  Oh, no, no, no!”

Spike and Breeze then walked beside Ducky as she tried to get dust out of her ears.  Spike tried to assist his sister with preening the dust out of her feathers, as Breeze took the chance to speak.

“I second that motion.”  She then shook her head.  “Though we need to decide what to do when we finally get there.  We haven’t heard from Spotter.  It could be dangerous for all that we know.”

Cera was about to speak when Thud addressed her point for her.  “We have survived it in the past, I am sure that we can survive it now.”  Cera could only nod at this.  “Though it is odd that Spotter isn’t back yet.”

Cera frowned.  “Spotter is fast and hard-headed.  I am sure that he is fine.”  However, her face betrayed her concern.  “Though I wonder where he is...”

Littlefoot nodded as Swift and Leap then joined into the makeshift circle.  “It is hard to say.  He may have missed us and had to circle back... though I would think that he would now that we would be coming that way...”  He then suddenly looked up at something in the distance.  “Well speak of the flyer and he shall appear!”

Cera looked up suddenly as the small forms of two flyers appeared in the sky.  “Spotter!”  She was so overwhelmed with relief that she did not try to hide her emotion.  Now the pack was united again.

“There you are, Spotter!”  Ducky leaped with happiness.  Her concerns about her feathers were promptly forgotten with the return of her dear friend.  The forms of Petrie and Pterano slowly increased in size over the next few moments as they approached against the wind.  Finally they were within hearing range.

“There you are!”  Petrie replied with a booming voice.  “You not where Spotter expected you to be!”

Littlefoot smiled as he shouted against the wind.  “Things got bad!”  He couldn’t see Chomper’s sad expression at that affirmation, but Cera did and gave the little biter a supportive hand on his back.  “We had to do what we talked about.”

Petrie did not answer until he and his uncle landed a few seconds later in the center of the pack’s makeshift circle.

“Me sorry to hear that.”  Petrie admitted in leaf-eater as he gave an understanding nod in Chomper’s direction.   “So you want to find new home then?”

Cera looked up at the flyer as Littlefoot prepared to answer.  No, that would have been the smart thing to do!  We wanted to do things the hard way!  She thought to herself sardonically.  

“No.”  Littlefoot answered in his old tongue for the sake of Petrie’s uncle. “We want to make sure things are okay in the Land of Shallow Waters before Path’s folks come back there... then we will leave.”

Pterano clicked his beak with concern.  “Um...  That may be a problem...”

Petrie shook his head.   “Me think it me okay, but me could be wrong.”  He paused as he considered his next words.   “Me find new fastbiters and me kind of make proposal to them.”

Cera reacted before Littlefoot did.  “You did what!?”  All concerns about speaking in leaf-eater for the benefit of his uncle were forgotten.  She stepped forward as Pterano shifted uncomfortably.  “Don’t you think that the pack should make proposals!?”

Littlefoot nodded at this.  “You should have observed and leave the talking to us, Spotter.”  His face softened slightly as he could see the flyer was hesitating to speak.  “Unless you didn’t have a choice... what happened?”

Cera watched as the flyer swallowed.  “That be long story...  It look like there be rumors about us.”

Ruby stepped forward.  “What rumors about us are being told about us?”

The flyer sighed.  “Other fastbiters talk about us like we horrifying.  We scare them.”

Cera laughed arrogantly.  “Then these fastbiters might not be so stupid after all.”

Petrie swallowed.  “No, that be part of problem.  They hear about orange death...”

“Oh crap!”  Spike echoed the sentiments of everyone.

Petrie nodded.  “Yeah... and one of them find orange death.  He test it on ground fuzzies...  Me had to take action.”  He stopped for a moment as his face began to contort in obvious unease.  “Me and uncle decide to kill them with orange death so they not be a threat, but...  it not feel right.”

Cera frowned at the flyer’s story.  She remembered what it was like to be forced to kill in the heat of the moment.  The screams of the threehorn younglings that she killed in order to save Dein several seasons ago still occasionally echoed in her mind.  She knew full well that Petrie had been forced to make such hard choices as well.  The fact that he couldn’t carry out his plan this time could only mean that something convinced him that another options was available.

“What happened?”  Cera asked softly.

Petrie looked down.  “One of them joke about allying with us... and me call off attack.”  Cera stood stoically as Petrie struggled to continue his story.  “Me scare them instead... get information... both of them seem harmless.  So me offer them my deal.”

Chomper smiled slightly at this.  “It is always good when you can avoid a fight.”  Even now the preference for pacifism in the sharptooth was evident in his voice.  “What deal did you make them?”

Leap stepped forward.  “Yeah, what did they agree to?”

Petrie nodded in relief as his packmates were open to hear his proposal.  “They agree to not harm us or Path’s mommy or daddy.  They agree to help us crush opposition in old home, which me need to talk to you about later, Seeker.  They also agree to leave if we tell them too.”  Cera smiled as this sounded like quite a great deal thus far.  “They only request one thing.”

Cera tilted her head.  “What’s that?”

Petrie smiled.  “They want help finding new home if we make them leave.”

Cera looked over at their leader as he digested this information.  When the brown fastbiter smiled broadly she knew that the pack’s decision had been made.

“Well, I would hate to violate an agreement in the pack’s name, wouldn’t you all agree?”  He looked at his packmates as they nodded empathically.  Seeing this reaction, he turned back towards the two flyers.

“Well, Spotter, it looks like we are in your debt.  Let’s journey on and see if our new friends live up to expectations.”


“Well... well... well...  look who has returned.”

Snap hesitated before making a deep bow at the green fastbiter.  He was rewarded for his show of submission by a kick to the head.

“Why do you disgrace my presence with your pathetic self, Snap?!”  The fasbiter shouted as he stared down Dodger.  “Not even our dear brother is stupid enough to defend you here.”

Snap coughed as he struggled to regain his footing.  He tried to maintain his composure despite the other fastbiter’s words and actions.  After all, this wasn’t the first time he had a run in with this fiend.

“You told me to never come back unless I could prove myself useful...”  Snap began, as he gave a red root to the other sharptooth.  “I finally found it.  That which gave Seeker’s pack their power.”

The green fastbiter glared at his brother as he stared at the root for several moments.  It was only now that his two other packmates dared to step forward.  One of them was a fastbiter that Dodger had spoken to just the other day.

His sister.

“It seems that you were correct, Dodger.”  She noted simply.  “Our lame brother has finally succeeded at something.”  Her words were venomous, but her tone indicated that the words were forced.  She did not meet Snap’s eyes.

“Well...”  The green fastbiter remarked.  “It seems that you might be of some use after all.  If I am to hold his land then we will need something more formidable than teeth and claws.”  His tone was suddenly quite dignified, as if he were addressing a vast assembly.  His eyes then turned towards Snap as he gave an arrogant smile.  “I am pleased that you and your brother finally saw reason.  I am the strongest of the litter.”  His eyes were piercing in their intensity as Snap reared back in fear.  “I take it that you want a place at our side again, runt.”

Snap merely looked down as he bowed his head again.  “Yes, Clawsting.  Me and Dodger both wish to be forgiven for our transgressions.”

Clawsting smiled at this.  “Hmm... Isn’t this precious!  Perhaps mother wasn’t completely wrong in not eating you, Snap.”  His eyes then took on a serious expression as he directed his two sisters to move to his side.  “You and Dodger will have my protection.”

Dodger now took his turn to bow.  “Thank you, bro...”

He didn’t get the chance to finish as the massive body of Clawsting slammed into the smaller fastbiter.  Dodger crumpled to the ground as he struggled to regain his breath.

“Never interrupt me, brother.”  Clawsting spoke in a cold monotone.  “For your years of being a thorn in my side and trying to turn our dear sisters against me, I should have you killed.  You only live because I need Snap at the moment.”

Snap looked up with wide eyes.  The threat in those words was implicit.  If Clawsting ever got to the point where he didn’t need them any more...

“So, Snap...”  Clawsting walked back towards the still groveling brother with a cavalier expression.  “You were telling me that we were about to get some company?”

Snap nodded.  “Yes, brother.  Seeker’s pack is coming here.  The two two-footers as well.”

Clawsting smiled as Dodger slowly rose to his feet.  “Excellent!  What better way to make a name for myself than my killing the strongest of the strong?”  His eyes drifted off as he imagined the possibilities.  “Just imagine, Snap... you couldn’t even kill a hatchling with your claws, but you have killed an entire pack with your words...”  The eyes of his brother seemed to stare into his soul as he took the other roots from him.  “I always told you trust was a weakness, brother... I am glad to see that you finally saw the light.”

As Clawsting walked away and began to bark orders to his sisters and the still-recovering Dodger, Snap’s mind was in turmoil.

I just want my family to be safe...  but at what cost?  He looked down with a despairing expression.  

What have I done?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Review of chapter 5:

I really can't get enough of the playful banter of the family and their children :smile

Chomper's sleep seems to be troubled. He sure is having some issues with the decision the pack agreed on.

Word of the tales of Seeker's pack has gotten around as it seems :p It's really interesting to see the other pack discuss about whether it's just a stupid tale or actually something to worry about.

Nice conversation between Path and Seeker :) I like that Seeker referred to the time they needed comfort from Chomper.

Oh, now a pack possesing the Orange Death as well is truly something to worry about...

Seeker's pack has reached the Lowlands. I'm looking forward to the hunt in case you decided to give it some importance :)

Uii, Spotter is up to something... this should be exciting :yes

Good chapter! Glad to be able to catch up now :p
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  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of chapter 6:

Well, nice discussion the pack is having. I'm interested to see whether their decision is the right one :yes

Oh, now that is exciting. Spotter has decided that the fastbiters might be helpful as allies. I wonder what the rest of the pack will think about that...

Oh, so that's what Spotter negotiated with them... quite a good trade if you ask me :)
The pack's reaction upon hearing what deal Spotter made was to be expected. Indeed if you can avoid a war then you should :exactly

Aww damn, looks like the others seek a war though... some of them anyway. That will be very exciting!
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Thanks for the reviews, Ducky!  :) Yeah, there is quite a complication with Petrie's plan of mercy.  Now that the other pack is on the path to battle, it will be up to the gang and any cooler heads in the adversary pack to try to resolve the situation.  I hope to have the next chapter (the last in this particular night of songs) done by the weekend.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Fanfiction link:

Chapter 7: Crisis in the Swamp

"I think that it is your turn, dear."

Littlefoot blinked as Ruby's words registered in his mind.  Right, we always did sing this part.  He frowned.  Not the easiest song to sing.

"It is also your turn, if you remember."  Littlefoot replied playfully, trying to ignore the grimness of the song in his mind.  "What does Taunt always call it?  The dark duet?"

Taunt stirred from his vantage point at the other end of the pack.  "The abysmal duet."  At the stunned looks of the children, he clarified.  "They sing it well, but the story is not a happy one."  His expression took on a rare frown.  "Not a happy one at all."

Ruby nodded.  "Not all stories are, but it is one that needs to be told.  If it isn't told by us then it won't be told."

Pouncer and Biter nearly spoke in unison.

"Don't tell me something happened to Snap!?"

"Or Dodger!  Their brothers and sisters are jerks!"

Littlefoot gave a slight smile.  "Well, I guess that we will need to tell the tale, dear."  He then grasped her shoulder with one hand as he gestured with the other towards the children.  "Otherwise the younglings will be left in suspense."

Ruby nodded.  "Yes, let us finish the song."

Chomper nodded at his two friends as he waited for the younglings to make him a path back to his old sitting area.  Upon making a step forward, Pouncer and Biter quickened their pace noticeably.  Despite the reputation of the friendly sharptooth, neither of them wanted to be in the walking path of a dinosaur many hundred times their size.  As he settled back down, he noticed that Littlefoot had moved to the center of the circle, with Ruby at his side.

"We will now sing to you of the end of this tale.  Not all tales have happy endings.  Some end in sadness.  Some end in anger.  But most tales are bittersweet.  This song is all three."  At that ominous introduction from Littlefoot, Ruby began the song.

♪♪  As the pack continued approached in haste,
Clawsting's pack prepared their plot,
Neither were aware of the hidden danger,
That arose from a familiar spot. ♪♪


Snap ate his share of the fallen spiketail in silence.  The only sounds greeting his ears were the snapping of his jaws and the munching of his siblings beside him.  Well, most of them anyway.

He looked in the distance to the nearby pond where Clawsting was examining the pointed sticks with amusement.  They were Snap's creation, of course, but Clawsting would undoubtedly be the one to gain glory from the creation.  He tried to ignore the pang of pride that rose in his chest at that thought.  His brother finally seemed to be approving of something that he had done.

"Why did you really come here, brother?"

Snap looked up from his meal.  It was a mangled mass of shattered bone and removed tissue at this point anyway.  What he saw in his meal's place was the yellow eyes of Voda, his eldest sister.  Her mouth was closed in an expressionless line, while her eyes were stark and cold.  However, the tone of her voice did not condemn.

"You think that my intentions are not truthful?"  He asked carefully.

She snorted as a glimmer of amusement finally reached her eyes.  "Of course, you intentions are not truthful!"  She looked towards Clawsting for a moment as if she feared being heard.  "You would never go here even out of desperation."  She sighed.  "You are too damn proud for that.  That is the one thing that you share with our brother."

Dodger looked up at her affirmation, but he kept silent.  Snap realized that his chastisement and attack at the claws of Clawsting was more than likely the cause of his sudden cautiousness.  Could he even trust his sisters anymore?

“If I had not told you of the flyer’s offer, then all of you would more than likely be the first to die.”  Snap offered.  “Even though you have treated me as an enemy and my brother as a fool, you are family.”

A low growl came from his other side as Rustling made herself known in the conversation.  “We never considered you as an enemy brother.  However, one who eats alone is a rival.  Two who eat alone are a rival pack.  And a rival pack is dangerous.”

Snap laughed coldly.  “Oh, yes… Like my lovely brother gave me much choice on that account.  I think that his exact words were, ëthe weakling will only slow us down’ and he left me and Dodger to fend for ourselves.”  He looked in Rustling’s direction.  “You made us a rival pack, sisters.”

Voda spoke without emotion.  “We were starving, brother.  A choice had to be made.”

Dodger now was sufficiently angry to speak despite his apprehension.  “So you decided to save yourselves at the expense of your other brothers?”

Rustling protested.  “We decided to save ourselves.  Dodger decided to go with you.”  Her emphasis on Dodger’s name confirmed her impression that he was to blame for his own hardship.  “I don’t blame you for being angry, brother, but we had to make a choice and we made it.  The pack had to go on... even if one of us did not.”

Snap stared at the bloody mess that had been his meal.  “Do you regret it?”

Silenced reigned for several moments as Voda and Rustling both looked towards the advancing form of Clawsting.  He would again be within hearing range within moments.

“Yes.”  Voda answered.

“Every day.”  Rustling admitted.

Snap stared at the advancing form of his brother as he approached closer.  “Meet up with Dodger then when it is time for us to scout for the other pack’s possible paths.  I don’t think that you will get a chance to talk to me alone again until it is time.”

Voda blinked.  “Time?  Time for what?”

Snap did not answer as Clawsting rejoined his siblings and began to ask Snap enumerable questions about the Orange Death and the pointed sticks.  Neither sister noticed the rage-filled expression on Dodger’s face.



The next day:

“We are almost there, dear.”

Terri laid down upon the ground with some difficulty.  Despite the relatively short amount of time that she and Dein had been able to tend to the demands of the Time of Mating, she could already feel the changes to her body.  Eggs would soon be coming.  Then would come the time to prepare a nest.  The time to secure a territory.

“Dear...“  Terri moaned as she felt another cramp.  “Do you think Path and his friends are alright?”

Dein snorted.  “I am sure that they are fine.  They were smart enough to get the hell away from us, which shows that my son is not a meat-brain!”  Count on Dein to make a compliment sound like an insult.  “I am sure that they are far away.  Living their own lives.”  He nuzzled her.  “Don’t worry dear… we will soon have new life to worry about.”

Terri snorted.  “So you tell me not to worry and then tell me something new to be worried about?”

Dein rolled his eyes.  “I never said I was good with this whole reassurances thing.”

Terri sighed.  “That you are not.”  She shuddered as she suddenly shifted uncomfortably.  “These feel a lot different from when Path was coming.  I think that we are talking about eggs, dear.  Not an egg.”

Dein looked into her eyes as she said this.  “Are you sure, dear.  It took you many more days last time… um… the only time.”  He was at a loss for words.  “You didn’t feel like this until…”

Terri nodded.  “...I laid Chomper’s egg.  I know.”  Her eyes looked concerned.  “I still have many more days to go, dear, but I feel as if I am about to lay an egg.  That must mean that I am full of younglings.”

Dein gave her a nuzzle.  “Don’t worry, dear.  With Redclaw gone and both of us healthy, I am sure that our younglings will do fine.  

As the two lay together, the winds began to pick up in the barrens, causing sand to fly into their faces.  They closed their eyes at the onslaught and awaited the ending of the horrible gusts.  When it finally did end, they were surprised to hear the sound of flapping wings.  Dein was the first to react.

“What the…”

The nervous form of Petrie greeted his eyes.  “Uh… hello.  Me sorry to disturb you, but there be a complication.”

Dein glared at the small flyer.  “What is that, flyer?”

Petrie chuckled nervously as he stretched his wings.

“That be kind of long story…”


“So, there is our old home.”

Littlefoot stared at the scene with an unreadable expression.  His dour tone was in stark contrast to the enthusiasm of some of his packmates.

“Gee, Seeker, you almost sound like you are disappointed.”  Taunt observed, the usual joking tone gone from his voice.

Ducky joined in.  “Yes, this is our home.  We should be happy!  We should, we should!”

Ruby stepped forward to be beside her friend and stared into his eyes with an understanding expression.  Wordlessly, she simply gave him a nuzzle.  

“We can’t stay, guys.”  Littlefoot noted sadly.  “We are just hear to make sure things are okay for Path’s folks.  Then we have to leave.”  He gritted his teeth.  “Our potential friends also concern me.”

Spike stepped forward.  “You don’t trust them?”

Littlefoot turned and tilted his head at Spike in a contemplative expression.  “Spotter mentioned that Snap’s brother and sister were arguing about the rumors of the Orange Death…  Do you honestly think that Snap won’t tell his siblings about this?”

Leap nodded at this.  “But they might decide to join in our arrangement.  We help find them a new territory if they vacate this one.”

Cera suddenly had a stunned expression.  “Wait!  Why wasn’t Snap and his brother with the other siblings in the first place?  Spotter said that they seemed estranged!”

Littlefoot gave a simple nod.  “That is right, Stern Claw.  I suspect a plot.”

Chomper walked over to his friend and sat by his side.  A grim expression on his face.

“I don’t want to risk the pack, Seeker.  You should do what you think is best for all of us.”  Chomper looked down sadly.  “Just… if it comes to that please have Spotter warn my mommy and daddy.  I know that I have no duties to them now, but…”  He trailed off as Littlefoot gave the little biter a soft nuzzle.

“Don’t worry, Path.  I already have made arrangements to warn them and we aren’t leaving just yet.”

“Wait a moment.”  Thud exclaimed.  “Where is Spotter?”

Littlefoot frowned.  “I already sent Spotter to warn Path’s parents of my suspicions.  ...and Spotter already told Pterano to tell the valley about the other pack knowing of the Orange Death.  This is a threat to the leaf-eaters as well.  I have no doubt what they would ask of us if it were their choice.”

Swift frowned.  “The only good sharptooth is a dead one?”

Littlefoot nodded.  “If they had their way then they would want us to kill anyone else who knows of our methods, but I will give them a chance.  A chance to prove themselves worthy of friendship or worthy of death.”  He frowned.  “Time to prepare our pointed sticks.  Spotter will have the Orange Death ready shortly.”

The other pack members looked at him with sad expressions as they contemplated their orders.  Even while they planned for peace, they were preparing for war.

“I do not like this.” Ducky complained.  “I know why we are doing this and I agree with what we are doing.  But it seems wrong.”

“We all do, Haven.”  Thud admitted.  “But I think this is one of those times when we need to prepare to commit a harder right over an easier wrong.”  He then grabbed a branch from a small tree.  “We have made our peace offering, now let us prepare for the worst.”

The others now began to move at the elder fastbiter’s words.  As they prepared to commit another dark deed if their overture for peace failed, another conversation several miles away was beginning to take on great importance.


Dodger looked at his spear with an uneasy expression.  Its sharp point seem to glare at him like an unspoken condemnation.  He had betrayed his word to dinosaurs who meant him no ill will in order to protect his family.  Despite his noble motivations, he felt dead inside.

This is insane.  This is completely insane.

“What is it, Dodger?”

Dodger looked up at Voda’s inquisitive eyes.  He thought that they almost had a mournful quality to them… but maybe that was his imagination.

“Well… where to begin, sis?  Our esteemed brother wants us to attack Seeker’s pack.”  He gestured with frantic hands.  “Seeker’s pack..the pack that killed Redclaw… the pack that is feared by sharptooth and leaf-eater alike.  The children of death…”

“We get it, Dodger.” Rustling muttered.  “But Clawsting has given us our mission…”

Dodger raised his spear in agitation and slammed it to the ground.  “Yes, he certainly has!  But his mission is insane.  How can five of us take out a pack of ten?!”

Voda spoke uncertainly.  “Well… brother thinks that if we injure one then they will get the point and let us be.”

Dodger laughed.  A sad, bitter sound coming from his throat.  There plan was hopeless.  Utterly hopeless.  They were being lead by a fool who was too strong to be challenged.  Not unless he were willing to use the ultimate… no… he would not go that far… he couldn’t.  Could he?

“If we hurt one of them then they would murder us all.”  Dodger finally spoke in a cold monotone.  “Do you understand, sis?  We will all die.  Unless we stop this madness now.”

Rustling frowned.  “Why did you rejoin with us, brother?  You obviously want to do your own thing.”  She jabbed an accusing claw at his chest.  “Why are you and Snap here?”

Dodger frowned.  “I am here to save both of you.  If you try to fight this pack then they will kill you all.”  He looked away as his eyes began to shimmer.  “You may not love us, sisters, but Snap and I do not wish to have your deaths on our conscience.  If… if it comes down to it then we will fall with you.”  He looked up at the two females sadly.  “Do you remember mom’s last request?

Rustling looked down, while Voda spoke softly.  “Of course.  She wanted us to stay together.  She wanted the family to outlive her.  She wanted us to remember her songs.”

Dodger sucked in a shuddering breath.  “Then tell me, sisters: is this how you honor her request?”

Voda now looked down.  Dodger’s words were hanging over her like rain clouds on a dark day.  When she finally spoke again, her voice was barely audible.

“What do you suggest, brother?”

Dodger sighed.  "I suggest that we talk to our older brother together.  If we all have spears then he would be unwise to use his strength against us."

Rustling was shocked.  "You want us to threaten Clawsting?!"

Dodger shook his head in annoyance.  "No!  I want us to talk to Clawsting!  He never listens unless he is forced to."  He looked at his two sisters.  Their eyes broadcasted their conflicted emotions to all who could see them.  "I am not asking you to choose between your brothers, sisters.  I am asking you to simply talk to our brother."  He looked down.  "If he refuses then Snap and I can go our own way... and both of you can make your choice."

"Considering that our brother doesn't listen, you are forcing us to make a choice, brother."

Dodger looked into Voda's eyes as she said this.  Only hurt shown in those gelatinous orbs.  He could only frown in response.

"I am sorry then.  But... we should do this before Snap makes his move."

Rustling stepped forward, a concerned expression on her face.  "His move?"

Dodger gritted his teeth.  "Right now he is helping Clawsting gather the orange death."  His eyes blazed with an inner fury.  "Even though he told me his plans, I know that he is just as likely to change them..."

Voda glared at him.  "Get to the point!"

Dodger growled.  "Do you honestly think that if Snap sees an opportunity to end this violently that he won't take it?  Our brother has shown him only scorn and left him to die!"

Rustling snorted.  "Like he would be able to defeat Clawsting without..."  Her eyes went wide in recognition.  "Oh crap."

Dodger nodded.  "Exactly.  Let's go over there and talk to..."

His sisters took off with furious speed in the direction of their two brothers.  Any consideration of their brother's plan being lost in their desire to prevent a bloodbath.  They never heard Dodger's refrain.

"Wait for me!"


“This is the root that you will need.”  

Snap slowly raised the orange bulbs from the soil.  Their brilliant color seemed to gleam in the sunlight.  A beautiful color that was in stark disagreement with the reputation of the plant in question.

Clawsting picked up one of the bulbs with a flourish.  Turning the bulb over in his hand, he inspected it as if it were the most interesting object in the universe.

“It is amazing that such destruction could be contained in something so small.”  He grinned.  “I suppose looks can be deceiving.”  

Snap did not meet his eyes as he picked up a few more of the bulbs.  “I suppose so.”

I could do it right now… He would be incapacitated before he could even make a move against me.

The larger fastbiter walked to his side.  

“What are you thinking, Snap?”

I should do it now.  While I have the chance!

Clawsting continued to walk around him until he found himself staring at his reflection in the water.

“Do you remember when mom and dad would bathe us in the stream, brother?”  He laughed, an odd sound coming from Clawsting.  “I couldn’t even hold my own in the water… but you were able to swim laps around me!”

Snap nodded.  “It was the only place I wasn’t a disappointment to father.”

Clawsting sat down as Snap was shaking with obvious distress.  His pointed stick shaking like a leaf in the wind.

“Father never liked you.”  The booming voice of his brother admitted.  “And neither did I.  But not for the reason that you think.”

In a flash, Clawsting knocked the spear from Snap’s hands and looked at his brother as if nothing had happened.  For his part, Snap looked at his brother with a horrified expression.  His gambit had failed.

Snap stammered.  “You never liked me because I was weak.”  His words dripped with sadness and bitterness.  “And now my weakness has doomed everyone that I love.”

Clawsting said nothing for several moments, as if he were contemplating something.

“I never liked you, Snap, because you never had the courage to do what needed to be done.”  With a slow deliberate movement, Clawsting picked up his own spear and placed it against Snap’s throat.  “You were contemplating killing me, brother, and you nearly succeeded.  I didn’t see it!”  His voice roared as he lamented his own lack of observation.  “Do you hate me that much?”

Snap closed his eyes as he spoke.  “The only thing I wanted from you is to be listened to… the only thing I want now is for you to stop this madness…”  His voice came through is gasps as he struggled to not let the poison at the tip of the spear puncture his skin.  “I want everyone to be safe.”

Clawsting roared.  “They made their choice!”  Snap fell to the ground as he took a kick to the belly.  “A pack leader makes the decisions, Snap!  That is something that you will never be!”

“What good is being a leader is you lead them to oblivion?”  Snap choked out as he tried to think through the tremendous pain in his midsection.  “A leader cares for his people.”

Clawsting snarled.  “Are you saying I don’t!”

Snap looked up at him with a sneer.  “I say that you care more about your position.”  He then spat onto the ground.  “What would you do if one of my sisters left your side?  Would you bash them as well?”

As if to answer his question, his body again erupted into pain.  Clawsting’s body slammed into his smaller brother’s side like an avalanche roaring into a mountain side.  His world soon turned dim as his consciousness hung on by a thread.  He knew that this was the end.

His older brother’s enraged form rose above him, spear raised.  The Bright Circle shined behind the hulking form as the azure sky covered the land in a canopy of blue.  

Snap closed his eyes.  Goodbye, brother…

With a distraught roar, Clawsting’s spear descended towards its victim.



Silence reigned in the swamp for several moments as Clawsting completed his attack.  Not even the sounds of flyers or the rustling of trees disturbed the ears of those who had witnessed what had occurred.  

“Damn it, Snap!”  The elder brother wailed.  “Why did you push me to this!?”  He made no attempt to walk away from his deed as he stared at Snap’s prone body.

“Mother always loved you… she always tried to protect you… she always gave you attention.”  He grimaced.  “And you just had to have her damn personality.”  He began to shake.  “You can never leave an argument without having the last word.  You are always so damn sure of yourself.”  He then began to beat the ground.  “Why won’t you yield!?”


Voda watched in horror at the sight in front of her.  She had seen the very end of the argument between her brothers.  She had seen the exchange of blows.  She had seen Clawsting raise his spear.  She had seen the coming of silence as the impact of the spear was heard all around.

My brother is dead.

The words echoed in her mind but she could not really accept them.  It was like something out of a nightmare.  Except that she knew that this was a nightmare that she had helped to create.

I was the one that agreed first…

Memories of the hard Cold Time came to her in a rush.  Mommy and daddy had died.  Now only the siblings remained.  There was no doubt which was the weakest and which was the strongest.  Food was so scarce and Snap was too slow to catch the prey that remained.  Despite her mother’s final request, she decided to betray her word.  Her sister had followed shortly thereafter.  Only the idealistic Dodger stood by his brother’s side.

I could have stopped this.

Tears welled in her eyes as the world seemed to grow smaller.  The only two things that she could see was the tail of her fallen brother which was barely visible and the back of her hulking brother.  The murderer of Snap.

Her hands tightened their grip on the spear.  She knew what she had to do.  This madness had to stop.  She would avenge her fallen brother, the one that she should have protected in the first place.

She barely registered the footsteps of her two other siblings behind her.

“What is it, Voda?”  She sucked in a breath as it was obvious that they had seen nothing of what had transpired.  “It looks like you have seen a…”

Without listening for the remainder of Dodger’s words she hurled herself forward in a headlong sprint.  She would not let Dodger burden his conscience over this.  She already had the blood of one brother on her hands, she would accept the burden of murdering another.  One she killed by omission and now another by commission.  But at least the pack would be safe.

“Why don’t you speak to me, Snap?”  She could hear the monster say, as if her fallen brother could speak from the dead.  “I always did what I thought was best for the pack…”

“Voda!  Wait!”

She quickened her pace as she could hear the others scramble from behind her.  Regardless of Dodger’s desire to avenge his brother, she would do the deed.  He was too kind of a soul… she would pay the price.

Despite the protests from behind her, Clawsting did not look back.  It was as if he were entirely focused on his act of fratricide.  Of all the times her brother decided to be introspective, he had decided to wait until it was too late.

“Perhaps we will try it your way…”

She raised her spear for the assault as she prepared to leap into the air.  It was time for her to put this sad episode to an end.  As she put her weight on her back legs, Dodger’s scream echoed in her ears.

“Voda, please stop!”

She leapt into the air.


“I always did what I thought was best for the pack, Snap.  But… but... this once I will try it your way...  Yes, perhaps we will try it your way.”  The voice hesitated.  “I… think I went too far this time...”


Snap was only fully aware of his situation once his brother suddenly stopped talking.  The spear was planted firmly into the ground next to his head.  It seemed that his brother had not had it in him to do the unthinkable either.  At least his brother truly did care about the pack…


“Oh no!  What have I done!”

Snap slowly raised himself off of the ground as the voices of Voda and Dodger echoed in his brain.  Shortly thereafter, their vague figures could be seen in his vision.  As could a limp fastbiter.

“Br... brother?”  

The other three siblings turned towards Snap with horrified expressions as he stumbled over to where his brother lay, ignoring the lingering pain in his midsection.  A spear was planted firmly in the fallen fastbiter's chest.  His sister’s spear.  His mouth was contorted as if he were attempting to whisper at someone, but his eyes were blank and expressionless.  His conversation with Snap had been his last.  


Snap grasped his brother’s face with both hands as he stared into those eyes.  His brother had been a thorn in his side all of his life. Not once had he showed Snap the slightest compassion, except for when they were in the youngest of their youngling years.  Yet, Snap could not shake the need for validation from Clawsting.  This fastbiter who had been everything that he had not.  Fast, confident, strong…  Now in those final moments of his life, he had finally let the facade fall and shown the empathy underneath.  A final expression of those traits that he had suppressed for his own vanity and…

I always did what I thought was best for the pack, Snap.

Snap shook as he could feel Dodger’s hand on his shoulder.  He and Dodger had nearly starved during that Cold Time.  If it wasn’t for a lucky piece of carrion in the barrens… Had his elder brother had been right?  Were he in Clawsting’s position could he have made the hard decision?  Was it hard for him?  Until this time he would have said no, but despite his faults Clawsting’s words were not those of a traitor or a butcher.

They were the words of a leader.

As he stared into the blue sky once more, Snap did something that he had never done before.

He cried for his brother.


Ruby's tried to control her breathing as she maintained her steady run through the underbrush of her former home.  She knew as well as the others that they had to be silent here.  Observe and wait was the mission.  They would let the other pack confirm their intentions with deeds.  If they wanted peace then they would honor that.  If not...

Ruby tightened her grip on the spear.

She extended the length of her stride as she heard the labored breathing of the others behind her.  As of yet she had not seen anything of any significance.  But it was her duty as the lead runner to relay any notice to the others.

Grass covered the ground, with thick patches of bushes arising at irregular intervals in the verdant display.  Ahead of her, four large trees rose from the edge of a stream.  Nothing of notice resided there.  Only the endless grass, sticks, and...

She raised her hand and came to a sudden stop, which caused the others to stop immediately.  With a few careful steps forward she raised one finger and waved her spear slightly.  As if on cue, Chomper and Spike, the two best sniffers in the pack, came to her side.

She simply looked at the purple sharptooth and the green fastbiter.  A quick nod from her sent them into action.

She and the other crouched down as her two friends went to work.  Her spear was ready for flight at the slightest surprise.  She did not have to look behind her to know that the others were doing the same.  The only sound that greeted her ears during this tense moment were the calls of distant flyers and the rustling of the grass in the wind.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity but was actually only a few moments, Chomper cautiously walked towards her.

The small sharptooth simply raised his stubby claws five times.  He then pointed at Ruby twice and at Spike three times.  It only took her a moment to deduce the meaning.

Five fastbiters.  Two female, three male.  So only one more than we assumed.  

With a wave of her arm, Littlefoot went to her side and awaited her report.

"One more than we expected."  She whispered."A male."

Littlefoot nodded as he edged forward and looked at the fallen spear.  She joined him in this visual inspection.  They could have smelled if they were very near.  Right now, their scent was recent... but not present.  That was when Littlefoot noticed something.

"They left in a hurry.  See the gashes in the ground."

Ruby took careful notice of the disturbed ground.  Her friend's observations were quite correct.  But that would also mean...

"That is why they dropped the pointed stick!"  Ruby hissed.  "That must mean that they are unprepared for us.  And one of them doesn't have their spear."

She looked at Littlefoot who gave her a grim smile.

"Pack, get ready to prepare an ambush.  We will end this one way or another."

At that moment a familiar flapping became audible as Petrie landed with an almost inaudible thud at Littlefoot's side.  He only spoke when Littlefoot gave him a slight nod.

"Dein and Terri coming.  What should me tell them?"

Littlefoot picked his spear off of the ground as he looked at the swampy land in front of him.

"Tell them to follow our scent.  If strange fastbiters walk beside us then they are leaving.  If they walk apart from us... then they may deal with them as they wish."

The flyer took to the air without making a sound.  Littlefoot then simply raised his hand and gestured forward.

The plan was now in motion.


Snap lay on the ground as the initial shock began to wear off.  The sight of his impaled brother filled his vision as the wails of his sisters could be heard echoing off of the trees.  Shuddering breaths racked his body as he recovered from his debilitating bout of grief.  Now that the despair was gone, only emptiness remained.  For some reason this seemed to hurt him more.  

"I... I thought he had killed him... I..."

Snap turned towards his distraught sister.  Voda was being embraced by Rustling as the guilt ridden fastbiter shook like a leaf in the wind.  He had never seen anyone react in such a way since their parents had died many seasons ago.  The echoes of those memories still haunted him.  They had wandered aimlessly with Clawsting trying to hold them all together.  Well, everyone but him.  

Snap shook his head in order to clear the terrible memories.  Wishing to look at anything else he looked towards his last remaining brother.  The kind soul who had stood by him while the others had left.  Dodger had a blank expression on his face as he stared straight ahead.  It was as if his brother were someplace else even while his body was just in front of him.  Finally noticing his brother, however, Dodger gave him an understanding frown which was followed by a nuzzle.

Snap then watched dumbfounded as his brother walked passed him and went towards their two sisters.  Both were in states of abject despair, but Rustling seemed to be holding out the best of the two.  Voda was utterly inconsolable.

Dodger moved closer towards Voda as she turned her gaze in his direction.

"Sister..."  Dodger started as if he were unsure about how to begin.  He placed a hand on her shoulder as she looked down.

"I killed him."  Voda's voice came out in a low monotone.  "I killed my brother..."  Snap felt uneasy at the tone of her words.  It was as if she were announcing a verdict.  

Dodger breathed in with a slight shudder.  "You thought that you were avenging Snap..."

"That doesn't matter!"  The scream caused Snap to jump.  The despair had turned into rage.  "I have killed my own flesh and blood; what would mom and dad say to me now?!"  Her eyes were like fire as the bore into Dodger like a spear.  "They wanted us to stay together and I end up betraying everyone..."  She began to sit down as if a massive weight had fallen upon her.  "First, I leave Snap and you... and now I have sent Clawsting to our ancestors... what kind of monster am I?"

Breathing deeply, Snap stepped forward and joined his brother at her side.

"You are no monster."  Snap spoke with a sob in his voice.  "You saw what happened to me and you... reacted."  He looked down.  "He... he would want us to stick together."

Voda began to shake as Snap finished his words, which caused him to place a comforting hand on her shoulder.  However, the shaking soon turned into a sad, cheerless laughter.  A horrifying sound that made Snap's blood turn cold.

"Stick together?"  The laugh was now something between a humorless chuckle and a sob.  "Look what good that did him!"  Snap looked down as the sound of his brother's death throes began to die down.  "He never liked you, Snap!  That's why I...  that's why I thought..."

Snap closed his eyes as he spoke.  "Do you know the last thing that he told me?"

Voda remained silent as Snap stroked her shoulder.

"He told me that he went too far this time... and that we would try it my way."  Snap watched as his sister's muscles went limp.  "He did not like me, but I think...  No...  I know he had the wellbeing of the pack in mind."  His sister's sobs grew in intensity as he continued to speak.  "I don't think that if he were still here that he would condemn you, sister.  He would just want us to take care of ourselves."  He then gestured in the direction of the remaining Orange Death roots and nodded at Dodger.  "And that can't happen if you join him in death."

Rustling was startled by this.  "What?!"


Snap held his focus on Voda as both sisters looked in the direction of the splashing water.  Rustling had a confused expression, whereas Voda looked defeated.

"I saw you looking at them, sis.  Your death would help no one."

Voda snapped.  "How do you know..."  She growled.  "I am the only member of this family to kill another.  You would all be better with me gone."

Snap hugged his sister as Rustling and Dodger did the same.

"You know that isn't true, Voda...  you will get through this."  Snap looked up at his other siblings.  "We all will."

Rustle... Rustle...

Dodger suddenly took up an alert posture as he picked up a spear.

Rustle... Rustle...

"We've got company, guys!"  Dodger shouted as the others rose to their feet by instinct.  Snap picked up a spear, whereas Rustling just then discovered that she had lost hers.  That was when the chaos started.



Upon Littlefoot's order, the pack arose from their hiding places.  An endless sea of fastbiters and one two-footer rushed out from behind the nearby trees as their spears were raised in a threatening manner.  An endless parade of poisoned spears greeted their eyes as a thunderous racket arose from behind them.

"Shit!  Two-footers!"  One of the opposing pack members called out in a panic.  It was only now that the opposing pack knew that they were surrounded.

Carefully, Littlefoot raised a hand and the advance of his pack came to a halt.  The time to show force had passed.  Now the time for diplomacy had come.

Here goes nothing... Littlefoot cleared his throat.

"As we have promised, we have arrived.  May I speak to your leader?"

Littlefoot watched in fascination as the mood of the opposing pack changed in rapid succession from one of uncertainty, then confusion, and then, finally, sadness.  It was only when one of the males stepped aside towards a female that he saw a ghastly sight.

A dead fastbiter.  

A spear was planted in the poor soul's chest and blood had escaped through his mouth and chest.  Had the opposing pack already began to use their resources to build a territory?  Did they have to defend themselves?  A million possibilities raced through the fastbiter's head until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me speak."

Littlefoot did not need to look beside him to know that Ruby had spoken.  Perhaps a pack leader might be too intimidating here. He noted.  Especially if they have already been attacked by another pack... He then mutely nodded in Ruby's direction as she stepped forward.

Ruby looked at the dead body from a distance for several moments as the sounds of Chomper's parents approached.  The fear from the opposing pack could now be smelled even over the scent of death.  However, what she and Littlefoot both noticed was how the opposing pack behaved around the body.

They were standing beside it.  As if they were protecting an injured member.

"Was he... one of yours?"  Ruby asked tentatively.

"He was our brother."  The smallest of the fastbiters answered curtly.

Ruby nodded.  "You are siblings then?"  Their looks confirmed her question.  "What happened?"

Silence reigned for several moments as no one dared to speak.  Each side had their spears raised.  The two males of the opposing pack and the nine members of her pack.  Only Ruby had her spear aimed downward in a show of peace.

"I killed him."

Ruby looked in shock at the female that had uttered those words.  She had no spear and made no attempt to grab the spear that was still embedded in her brother.  Nonetheless, Ruby tightened the grip on her own spear as the rest of the pack took a few steps forward at Littlefoot's nonverbal gesture.

"She... thought she was saving me from him."

The small voice of the male could barely be heard, but Ruby nodded and gestured for the pack to halt once more.  This was when a soft thud could be heard.

"That him.  He the one me talk with."

Ruby nodded at Petrie's words as the male tried to speak again.

"What is this?  We have done you no wrong."

A tap on Ruby's shoulder told her it was time for her friend to take over.  With a mute nod, she stepped back and joined the line of fastbiters.  Her spear was again raised.

"I am Seeker."  Littlefoot spoke with an imperious tone.  "What stand before you are the victors of the Battle for the Valley.  The killers of Redclaw.  The slaughterers of countless fastbiters."

At his introduction, the smaller male stepped back several paces as he tightened his grip on his spear.

"Our packmate, Spotter, has made an agreement with you.  You promised us that you would leave this place and help us clear it of hostile sharpteeth.  In return, we agreed to help find you a new place to settle and to help you claim that land."  He glanced at each member of the opposing pack in turn.  "Spotter only talked to two of you.  He was under the impression that the rest were hostile to you... Snap."

Littlefoot refrained from smiling at Snap's sudden look of fear.  It was obvious which one would go by that name.  Petrie had said that Snap was certainly the runt of the group.


Another voice called out now.  The larger of the two males.

"Yes, my sisters were with my other brother.  We were not together at the time."

Littlefoot nodded coldly.  "So you took command from him?"

The other male looked horrified.

"No!  I mean... We..."

"You don't have a leader then?"  Ruby asked from the row behind Littlefoot.

Dodger looked down.  "We were mourning him as you found us."

Littlefoot took a deep breath as the sounds of Chomper's parents could be heard nearby.  The ground had already began to rumble as the massive beasts approached from the other side of the stream.  Soon, he realized, they would be visible to all of the dinosaurs present.  With slight hesitation, he gestured for the pack to lower their spears.

"If you still are willing to honor your agreement, then we will honor ours."

Littlefoot's pack waited with the spears aimed towards the ground as the opposing pack remained unchanged.  Then, in an instant, Snap dropped his spear to the ground.

"I will honor my commitment."  He then kicked his spear towards Littlefoot, which caused it to roll slowly in his direction.  "I entrust my life into your claws."

Dodger was the next.  He threw his spear into the stream and lowered himself in a gesture of submission.  Rustling followed suit by impaling her spear into the ground and lowering herself in the same gesture that Dodger was making.

Only Voda remained standing, saying nothing.  This made Littlefoot uneasy as he could not decipher the emotions in her eyes.  Likewise, her scents were a confusing mix of despair and confusion.  When he remembered that she was the one who killed her brother, he spoke softly.

"We will not hold what you have done against you."  It was only now that her siblings noticed her silence.  "You have nothing to fear from us as long as you are peaceful."

Dodger's expression immediately took on grave concern.  "Sis!  Just lay down, okay?!"

Snap spoke next.  "Voda!  Please don't do anything rash!"

Voda shifted her gaze to the spear that was embedded in her brother.  Littlefoot saw her gaze immediately and raised his hand for the pack to again raise their spears.

"What are you planning, Voda?"

The female did not look at Littlefoot as he spoke.  "This is none of your concern!"

Littlefoot cautiously took a step forward against the hissed protest of Ruby.

"Oh, I do believe it is."  He retorted.  "A potential friend thinking about suicide is certainly my business."

The female took a step closer to the spear, which caused her brothers to raise themselves off of the ground and approach her.  In an instant, she pulled out the spear from her brother and placed its tip next to her neck.

"Stop, or I will do it!"

Both Littlefoot and the opposing pack stopped in their tracks.

"Don't do this, sis!"

"This won't bring him back!"

"Please, sis!"

Littlefoot gulped.  He felt out of place in the unfolding drama.  It was as if he were transported to the scene of a tragedy that he could not stop.  Nonetheless, he knew that he had to try.

"You should listen to them, Voda."

Voda shook her head.  "They will be better off without a murderer as a sister."

Petrie flew right beside Littlefoot and spoke before the others could respond.  "You wrong, Voda.  You not deserve to die!  They not deserve to lose sister!"

Voda roared in rage.  "What do you know?!  You don't know me!"

"Me know what it like to lose sister."  Petrie replied sadly.  "Me not wish that on anyone."

Littlefoot took a cautious step forward.  "I know what it is like to kill your own kind."  He shuddered a bit.  "Both my current kind and my own kind... it is horrible, Voda.  But it doesn't have to be the end."

"Listen to them, Voda!"  Snap called out.  "We still need you!"

"Yes, sister."  Rustling sobbed.  "Just drop the spear.  Don't leave us all alone."

Voda's hand shook as she looked at the spear with an unreadable expression.  "Dying is temporary... my crime is not."


In an instant, Chomper's parents made themselves known by tearing through the foliage on the far side of the stream.  Trees toppled as the two sharpteeth entered the area in a rage-filled trance.  The tension of the Time of Mating and their own annoyance had built up into an unstoppable combination.  The ground shook as they approached.

"What?!"  Voda looked up from the spear at the approach of the two two-footers.  This was just the opening that Snap was looking for.


Both fastbiters rolled end over end as the runt hit with more force than he had ever mustered in his life.  The spear rolled onto the ground after it left the hands of the would-be suicide victim.  Littlefoot wasted no time in kicking the weapon into the stream.

"Let me go!  Let me go!"

The fastbiter's words were muffled by the bodies of her siblings, who had piled upon her to protect her from herself.  Her words were soon drowned out, however, by the sounds of her own pained sobs.  The emotional dam had finally broken again.  Littlefoot could only look sadly at Ruby and his other packmates as the other pack comforted the emotionally broken fastbiter.

If I had killed one of my packmates then I would have considered the same thing. Littlefoot reflected.  

"We came here looking for threats, but the biggest threat was ourselves."  Littlefoot looked with some surprise as Chomper broke from the pack's defensive line.  "They would all be alive right now if we had stayed away."

Littlefoot grimaced.  "But your mommy and daddy could have been hurt."

Chomper nodded.  "Maybe... or maybe this pack would have fled."

"We will never know, because we would have to have done something different for us to know."  Ruby proclaimed.  "But we can save what is left of them."

"Yeah..."  Cera approached as the other walked forward as well.  "We helped cause this... so we should help fix this."

Nods and growled affirmations followed from the rest of the pack as the other pack continued to be joined in communal mourning.  It was only after a sigh that Littlefoot nodded at the pack's consensus.  They would honor their commitment to the other pack.  Despite whatever questionable motivations that pack may have had, they had earned a reprieve from their hardship.

"Are these the ankle biters that you wanted to kill!?"

Littlefoot looked up at the towering sharpteeth that now stood before them.  The opposing pack could only cower as both of the predators looked upon them with murderous intent.

"No."  Littlefoot stated simply.  "The threat has already been taken care of.  We and them will leave you in peace."

Dein growled in annoyance.  "We can protect ourselves, you know!"

Chomper protested.  "Not from the Orange Death, daddy!  We took care of that!"

Father and son stared at one another.  Littlefoot could tell that the instinctual response to the pheromones of Chomper's species was having an effect on the two Tyrannosauruses.  Knowing that this might not end well, he intervened.

"I guess that we fastbiters aren't very good at following instructions, huh?"

The elder male snorted.  "You listen about as well as my mate."  This earned him a tail slap which he recovered from after some difficulty.  He did not notice that the other pack had already been attended to by Thud and his pack.  Now all of the fastbiters were together.  Littlefoot took this as their chance to retreat.

"Chomper?  Are you alright?"

The small purple sharptooth clinched his stubby claws several times, not answering his friend.  But after a few moments, he addressed his father.

"Our kind's instincts suck, dad."

This earned a chuckle from the elder male, as his demeanor noticeably improved.  

"You are just now figuring that out, son?  I see that you are learning to cope."

Chomper hesitated.  "I... I have to be there for my friends.  I nearly snapped at Seeker the last time.  I have to fight it."

Terri nodded as she stepped beside her mate.  "I am glad that you helped us, dear.  But it is best to not tempt fate."

Chomper nodded.  "I know, mommy."  He proceeded to jog in the direction of the rest of the pack, as he knew better than to risk one final nuzzle with his family in this condition.  "Can you and daddy do something for me once I am gone?"

Dein nuzzled his mate as he stared at the retreating back of his son.  "Anything, son."

"Tell my brothers and sisters about us..."  He then took on a smile despite his somber mood.  "...and don't eat Petrie when he checks up on you."

Dein snorted.  "I can promise you the first request."  

As expected, this caused an exclaimed protest from the flyer.  Both parent and child laughed, the instinctual tension being forgotten for the moment.  Nonetheless, he knew that his departure would have to be hasty.  Both his and his parents' moods could shift like the winds in this state.  As a result, he again turned back towards his friends.  It was only now that he permitted his tears to flow.

As he continued his retreat, he could hear his mother clear her throat.  He paused at this and slowly turned around to face his parents once more.  It was at this point that both parents gave the obligatory farewell to a departing son.

"Happy hunting, Path."

Path smiled.  "Happy hunting, mommy and daddy."

Path nodded in a low bow as Littlefoot and the others gave a respectful nod, whereas the other pack seemly looked upon the scene in mute horror.  Finally, however, the pack resumed their movement out of the Land of Shallow Waters and back towards the barrens.

"You know..."  Dein noted.  "They never told us what the threat was."

Terri looked at the fallen fastbiter and gave it a sniff, recoiling immediately as she noticed the smell of Orange Death.

"I think that the threat they removed is obvious, dear."

Dein nodded as he looked at the pack retreating in the distance.  "Yeah."

When the Bright Circle finally fell and the world descended into darkness, the pack finally exited into the barrens.  It was only then that the threat had left the Land of Shallow Waters.


As Ruby and Littlefoot concluded their song, the echoes of the final high notes echoed across the forest.  The fading refrain seemed to haunt the children as the echoes were overtaken by silence.  The quiet that followed was just as foreboding as several of the children huddled together for emotional support.  It took several moments for one of Ducky's children to break the silence.

"That... that is so sad."  Fischer lamented.  "Clawsting died and... and..."

"He died for nothing!"  Sprint protested, which caused the rest of Cera's children to nod.  There lamentations were joined by the affirmations of Spike and Breeze's children as well.

Littlefoot nodded at the children's lamentations.  "I guess that is what makes so hard, isn't it?"  He gestured towards Ducky.  "Haven's aunt, your namesake Tranquil..."  He looked towards the small child.  " least was avenged when Redclaw's pack was defeated.  Spotter's sister was also avenged."  He gestured towards the flyer family.  " were my grandparents.  But Clawsting simply died due to a misunderstanding.  He was not a bad sharptooth, though he was not a kind sharptooth.  He simply meet a pointless, tragic end."

Ruby then joined in the conversation.  "I think that we spoiled all of you with our song about our change and the Battle of the Valley.  You were all spoiled by those."  Ruby placed a hand on Littlefoot's shoulder.  "Even though it hurt us to retell how we killed leaf-eaters, none of you were hurt by that.  None of you have ever had leaf-eater friends..."

"Leaf-eaters are food."  Spike's son Nibble affirmed.

Ruby chuckled.  "Indeed they are.  But when you used to be a leaf-eater, you have a different perspective.  That is part of the reason we will not allow you to have leaf-eater friends.  It is easier if you can do what you have to do with no regrets."  Her voice became much more somber as she finished her statement.  "The leaf-eaters that we killed in our first story died just as pointlessly.  Life is like that sometimes."

Biter walked towards his father with a bowed head.  As he laid down at Littlefoot's side Swipe followed suit, yawning quite loudly.

"That's not fair, daddy."

Littlefoot nuzzled his son.  "Sometimes life isn't fair, Biter.  If you want fairness then you have to fight for it."  He frowned slightly.  "The only reason that we are still here is that we were willing to do harder rights over easier wrongs.  This is a hard lesson, but we all felt that it was time for all of you children to hear it."

Littlefoot looked up at the children, only to see that they had all congregated around their parents.  Several were already closing their eyes, whereas the others were yawning.  It was obvious that the time for rest had come.

"Well, I think it is time for the little biters to go to sleep."  Ducky cooed.  The lack of any protests from the little balls of feathers confirmed how utterly tired they were.  As one of her young ones, Aqua, fell off in her attempt to climb up her back, she couldn't help but laugh and help the others up.  "Up you go, children."

Littlefoot and Ruby did the same, allowing their son and daughter respectively to climb up their tails onto their backs.  Then, using their hook like claws to anchor themselves to their parents, they promptly closed their eyes and hunkered down.  They were asleep before either parent were able to begin the trek to their sleeping area.

"I hope that they understood the message."

Littlefoot looked over at Taunt.  He was now carrying two children on his back, while Cera carried one.

"I am sure that they did.  They were never leaf-eaters like us, nor a friend of us leaf-eater like you, Taunt."  Littlefoot acknowledged.  "That greatly changes things."

"Perhaps it is better that way."  Spike spoke, himself carrying two of his youngling on his back.  "I wouldn't trade my memories of being a spiketail for anything, but it would have been easier..."

All of the fastbiters nodded at that as the towering form of Chomper let out a massive yawn.

"I guess that it is time for me to rest as well."  He then took on a joking expression as he leaned his large head towards the fastbiters.  "And your by my sleeping spot."

Littlefoot rolled his eyes.  He was quite thankful that the excitable children were too tired to pay much attention to the antics of the large sharptooth.  They had already had their scares of the day.

"Yep, we are."  Littlefoot affirmed with a smile as he and the others began to leave the clearing.  "Have a nice night, Path!  We have a hunt in the evening I do believe."

Chomper snorted as he laid down in the clearing, causing a resounding thud.  "Indeed.  Unless you want to be hungry.  The spiketail is now only bones."

As they left Chomper's visual range, Taunt gave the sharptooth a parting shot.  "Yeah, because you ate the rest of it!"

Littlefoot did not hear much of Chomper's response except for something about 'whiney ankle-biters' but he nonetheless knew that the sharptooth had taken the playful jab in stride.  They were still a pack and they would again hunt and feast together with the coming of the Night Circle.  Then the songs would begin again.

Curled up next to his mate, he slept peacefully that night.


Biter cautiously opened his eyes.

The snoring forms of his parents were curled a short distance away, while his sister's slumbering form lay next to his.  

Good.  They bought it.

Being careful not to wake his sister, he slowly moved away from his sleeping family.  He was already late and he didn't want to keep him waiting any longer.  As he moved at a steady pace in his stalking stride, he quickly moved past the loudly snoring form of Chomper and the swiftly flowing stream that provided them all with fresh water.  It was here that he finally found his target.

"You're late!"

Biter smiled as the silhouette of his friend came into view.  He had been hiding behind a tree on the other side of the stream, just like Biter had cautioned.

"The songs took longer than usual... but it should be safe for you to go out and feed now.  Just remember what I told you."

The shadow of the dinosaur became more visible, as Biter could see the form shrug.

"I know... I know... Only eat in your pack's territory so no one else gets me and don't wake them."

Biter yawned.  "I'm sorry, friend.  I need to sleep.  Mommy and daddy are going to train us before they hunt tomorrow..."  Realizing what he had said, he quickly amended.  "Um... so I will not be able to play tonight.  Just stay safe!"

The dinosaur finally entered into the moonlight, which illuminated his form with a haunting glow.  It was only now that the rainbowface youngling's bright colors could be seen in the reflected light.  His face was surprising stern for his age, but his eyes were kindly.  The leaf-eater bowed towards Biter with profound gratitude.

"Thank you, Biter.  You are a great friend."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 8: The Other Side of the Rainbow

The entire forest was enveloped in darkness as the light of the Night Circle gave rise to ominous shadows.  The branches of the trees gently swayed in the wind as the creaking of the wood added its own tones into the symphony of the dark.  The small longneck looked upon the scene with some trepidation.  Children of her kind were not meant to experience such dangers alone.

“Is Datum back yet?”

The longneck jumped into the air as if she were thrown by some mystical force.  Then, without looking at her surroundings, she went bounding off into the bushes.  It was only after several moments that she realized what had happened.

“Darn it, Charger!  That isn’t funny!”

The small threehorn chuckled from his prone position.  “You should have seen the look on your face!”  His voice was low, however, a testament to not only their delicate situation, but also to his injuries.  “I was just wondering if he was back yet.”

The longneck huffed.  “You can see just as well as I can that...”  Upon seeing the threehorn wince, facing his injured side away from her, she quickly amended her statement.  “...sorry.  No, he is not back yet.”

The small threehorn’s body was muscular in the typical nature of his kind.  This made the injuries on his right side all the more apparent.  Deep gashes ran from his face to his side, showing signs of significant scarring.  Meanwhile, his emaciated form showed the toll that the resulting infection had taken on him.  He was now free of the scent of infection, but his body was a testament to weakness.  His one remaining eye reflected his shame of his condition.

The longneck frowned.  “Don’t worry.  I am sure that he is okay.”

Charger put on a scornful look as he shrugged.  “Of course he is!  I am not worried about him!”

The longneck refrained from rolling her eyes at the small threehorn’s pride.  Even in his state, he refused to admit his fear for himself or his fellow friends.  Not even she or Datum’s efforts to save his life had changed that.  

I suppose that is a good thing.  She reflected.  If he ever loses that pride, then I will be very worried.

“Well...”  She cooed.  “...I am sure he is okay.  Biter has trusted him so far...”

“Sharpteeth cannot be trusted, Sauria.”  Charger retorted.  His voice gave away his concern for his companion.  “I don’t care how ënice’ he says Biter is.  Biter is still a sharptooth.”

Sauria sighed as she ducked down back into the bushes where Charger lay.  This was a conversation that they had all had several times before.

“He is our best hope to stay safe until you can get moving again.”  Sauria retorted.  “If this is his parent’s territory, then they are all we have to worry about.”  She looked at him sternly with almost a threehorn’s determined glare.  “It is better to hide from one family of sharpteeth than to run from many of them.”

Charger sucked in a breath.  “I don’t like it.  I don’t like it at all.  Even Datum knows that it is dangerous, that is why he hasn’t told Biter about us.”

Sauria nodded reluctantly.  When Datum had talked to the sharptooth in his native language, she thought that they were all dead.


Seven days ago:

The trio ran as fast as they could.  First they had lost their parents to the sharpteeth and now it seemed that they were soon to join them.  The sounds of snarls and growls approached them with growing intensity.

“We have to get away from them!”  Datum choked out between gasps.  “They’re gaining on us!”

Charger seemed to falter as if he wanted to make a retort, but his exertions were now solely focused on trying to keep moving forward.  Blood was still oozing from his face after their first escape from the sharpteeth and it was obvious from his reduced speed that the injuries were now taking their toll.  As she desperately tried to match Datum’s speed, she saw the rock before Charger ran into it.

“Charger, wait...”

In an instant the threehorn’s injured leg hit the rock and buckled under his weight.  The poor youngling turned head over heels as he rolled over the rock and finally settled onto his back.  It was in that position that he lay, eyes closed.  No movement emanated from his body except the slight movement of breathing.

Sauria looked upon the scene in shock.  This was it for her friend... He was going to die.  And there was nothing that she could do.

“Sauria, run!”

Sauria froze as she looked at Datum.

“Run now!”

She protested.  “But, Datum...”


Already petrified with fear and overwhelmed by the adrenaline pumping through her system, she heeded her friend’s call and ran as fast as she could.  Her sobs echoing into the woods.

It was only several moments later, as she lay behind a tree, that she realized her predicament.  One friend was certainly dead and the other... the other...  

She shook her head.  Why did she run?  Her mother had been brave when her friends had demanded it so why couldn’t she live up to her legacy?  A deep feeling of shame welled up in the longneck.

Thump... Thump... Thump...

Sauria held her breath as the sound of running feet greeted her ears.  This was soon followed by the sound of gasps and a nearby snarl.

Oh no... It followed Datum here...

She heard something impact a tree and the sound of scampering feet.  The sound seemed to grow fainter as if someone were climbing a nearby tree.  It was then that the running feet stopped and a horrifying laugh echoed into the forest.

“I know... I know...”  The frightened voice of Datum resonated from above.  What Sauria could only deduce was from up the tree.  “You got me...”  The sound of scraping feet could be heard as the sharptooth climbed as well.  “You have what you want!”  His voice became very soft as the fear overwhelmed him.  “You probably already got my mommy and daddy, just finish the job already!”

The sounds of distraught sobbing resonated from the tree as the sound of climbing continued.  Sauria steeled herself as she struggled to think of any way to help her friend.  She knew that time was of the essence.  If only she had some way of distracting the sharptooth in the same way that Datum had distracted him from Charger...  That was when it came to her.

She would be the distraction.

With a deep breath she bounded from behind the tree that had been her shelter and prepared to get the sharptooth’s attention.

“I haven’t killed anyone.”

She froze.  Had the sharptooth just spoken?

“My mommy and daddy haven’t even taught me how to hunt big things yet.”

She dove behind a bush as the spectacle dragged on.  A talking sharptooth?  What kind of madness was this?

The rainbowface stared at the young fastbiter in shock as he opened and closed his mouth several times.  Both dinosaurs seemed to be locked in an uneasy truce.  Each of them not being sure what to do.

“Are... are you going to kill me?”

Sauria shook at the grief resonating in Datum’s voice.  He had always been the most curious of all of his friends.  Now it seemed that his thirst for knowledge and adventure was coming to a premature end.  She could only look on in shock.  Her thoughts of creating a distraction having been lost in the confusing scene that was now playing out in front of her.

“I... Thought that you wanted to play.”  The sharptooth’s voice sounded so innocent.   “I thought that you were my sister when I heard the running feet.  But when I heard you call me a ëlittle biter’ I still chased you...”  The sharptooth seemed uncertain.   “I guess... I am supposed to kill you now.”

The manner in which the sharptooth said those words brought up curious emotions in the longneck.  In those words were a mixture of innocence and callousness.  This was still a predator that had not yet killed another dinosaur.  Datum seemed to understand this and used it to his advantage.

Growl... Snarl... Growl...

Silence reigned for several moments.  Both sharptooth and rainbowface stared into one another’s eyes as their claws dug into the bark of the tree.  Sauria had no idea what Datum was doing by growling at the sharptooth.  However, the sharptooth’s response gave a clue.

Snarl... Snarl... Growl?

The rainbowface gave a sigh of relief as he nodded his head.  “Exactly.  My mommy and daddy taught me your language.  They thought that it would help to keep me safe.”  His voice broke again.  The trauma of running for their lives and being separated from their parents was still fresh in their minds.

“My mommy and daddy told me a story... about when leaf-eaters became friends with sharpteeth...”  The sharptooth paused as if contemplating something.   “You are in my pack’s territory.  If I were to tell you when it is safe to eat... then you should be safe.  No other sharpteeth dare to be seen here.”

Datum looked surprised by this turn of events.  “You... would help me?”

The sharptooth turned his head to look down at the ground, which caused Sauria to dive behind the bushes once more.  After a few moments, however, she could hear the sharptooth speak again.

“My mommy and daddy always tell me to observe.  Do you know what I observe?”  There was a pause during which she could only imagine that Datum was shaking his head.   “I observe that you could have kicked away the loose bark I was holding onto earlier, but you did not.  Why not?”

The rainbowface’s words came out slowly.  “I... I just couldn’t do it.  You’re just a kid...”

Sauria looked from behind the bushes to see that Biter had bitten down on his hand and offered the bleeding appendage to the rainbowface who looked upon it in a mixture of revulsion and confusion.

“You spared me, leaf-eater.  Daddy always taught me to win hunts, but he also taught me to never hurt allies.”  He tilted his head.   “What is your name?”

“...Datum.”  The rainbowface stammered.

“Well, Datum.  I am Biter.  Let me show you how we fastbiters make allies.”


Back to the present:

Charger watched as his friend stared off into space.  He didn’t need to say anything in order to confirm that she was thinking about their frightful flight from Biter.  She had seldom thought of anything else since it had happened.

She still blames herself for abandoning me.  Silly girl, it isn’t like she had another choice.

He had not remembered much of their panicked escape.  He remembered the burning pain from the injuries to his face and side.  A reminder of falling headfirst into the brambles from the first attack.  The attack on their families.  Then he felt his feet hit something hard and his head impacted the ground.  

It was only several minutes later that the darkness lifted.


Seven days ago:

“He’s waking up!”

Charger groaned at the sudden shout beside his head.  He felt like he was floating in fog.  Or fire... There was a diffuse pain to go along with the confusion.

“Can you hear us, Charger?”

The threehorn gritted his teeth as he nodded slowly.  With every move of his head it felt like he would lose consciousness.  In addition to this feeling of unease, nausea was beginning to rear its ugly head.

“Okay... okay...”  Sauria’s soft voice whispered.  “What do we do, Datum?”

Silence fell as Charger reveled in the darkness of his closed eyes.  This respite did not last, however.

“Charger, we need you to try to get up.  Biter said that the stream will hide our scents.”

Charger felt something lurch in his stomach.  “Who is Biter?”

There was a pause.  “...a friend.  He only knows about me right now...  I can explain later, but we need to move now.”


The present:

Charger shook his head.  He was irate when he had heard what his friend had done.  He had actually befriended a sharptooth of all things!  He did not protest the results of Datum leading the sharptooth away, but he did not want his friend to risk his own life for the sake of his.  It tore at his threehorn pride.  But, more importantly, it greatly concerned him about his friend.

Though Charger would never admit that.

Once the trio was behind the stream in an area that Biter had indicated to Datum, Charger’s treatment began.


Six days ago:

“You damn rainbow-ass!  I will crush you!”

Or at least that was what Charger wanted to say.  The others had had enough sense to force him to fill his mouth with leaves before treating his wounds.  It would do no good for the sharpteeth in this place to hear his pained screams.  Charger’s world was now covered in a red haze of pain.  He was lost in his agony.

“I know it hurts, Charger.  But you have to be strong.”

Charger bit down on the bundle of leaves even tighter.  The sap of the special leaves had turned the dull ache of his wounds into a blazing fire of anguish.  He could barely understand the words of his friends.

“Are you sure this is working, Datum?”

“Yes.  This is just like what my mommy and daddy taught me.  If it hurts, then it is working.”

Charger wanted to spit the leaves out.  He wanted to tell them to just let him die of infection and to stop the pain.  That he didn’t care about his pride.  He just wanted the agony to end.

But yet he continued to bite down on the leaves.  By the time he passed out again, the special leaves covered his entire side.  It was only when his fever dissipated three days later that he realized the truth.

His friends had saved his life.


The present:

Charger looked down at that memory.  He owed his friends so much, but at the same time it was their foolishness that had led to the tragedy in the first place.  Had they only stayed with the rest of the younglings then the sharpteeth wouldn’t have overcame them.  They had all heard the screams after they had fallen down the hill and rolled into the brambles.  They had all seen the bones and the blood after they had left their makeshift shelter.  No sign of their parents could be seen.

It is all our fault.  Charger lamented.  Daddy... if you are still alive then I hope that you are not ashamed of me.  Because I am ashamed.


Charger looked up with his good eye.  The colorful form of Datum could be seen approaching from the stream.  He waved a hand to tell his companions to keep quiet.

“Shush, guys!”  He hissed.  “I talked to Biter and his pack is now asleep.  They stayed up late tonight, but will be hunting tomorrow.  You know what that means.”  It wasn’t a question.

“We need to eat tonight, because we won’t get a chance tomorrow.”  Charger deduced.  He sighed.  This was becoming a recurring theme.  Eat a lot one day because you may not get the chance tomorrow.  “Well, we had better get started.  Hopefully in a few days we will be able to leave this place.”  He did not mention that he was the reason that they were stuck here, but that reality still ate at him nonetheless.

Datum smiled.  “I am sure that we will."  He then looked at the nearby bush in the darkness.  Despite appearing as a dark gray blob in his visual field, the lush food still called to him.  "Let’s eat!”


The Great Valley, the next morning:

“How do I let you all talk me into this crap?!”

The pink dinosaur fumed at the situation that she found herself.  She was supposed to be the voice of reason and discipline.  She was supposed to be the rock that remained unchanged in the winds of popular opinion.  

She was a threehorn after all.

She sighed.  Perhaps it would have been different if the other four members of the group were here, but their families had been part of the delegation to visit the hidden runners.  As a result she had no other voice of reason to back her up...

So here she was.  As she watched the roaring water splash across the rocks, she looked at the dinosaurs that had led her to this foolhardy enterprise.

The swimmer.  Malka was perpetually infesting her friends with enthusiasm for their little 'adventures'.  As soon as the little spiketail had gone missing, she had been the first one to speak up.

"The adults won't stop arguing!"

The threehorn sighed at the swimmer's pronouncement.

"Are you surprised, Malka?  It seems to be what they are good at."

The swimmer was silent for a moment as the sound of flapping reached the threehorn's ears and the familiar weight of a small flyer appeared on her head.  That could only be their friend Flip.

"My mom has agreed to search from the air."  Flip noted smugly.  "She will find him before the land-walkers do!"

The threehorn rolled her eyes.  "That is unless the spiketail is hidden in the forest, which is where he was last seen."

The flyer seemed to shuffle around on her head as an amused squawk left his beak.

"What? Are you worried that we flyers might outdo you threehorns again?"  The threehorn could feel her blood pressure rising.  "Who needs horns when they have wings?"

This was the final straw as the threehorn bucked her head, causing the small flyer to flutter off to a nearby branch.  Despite the reputation of threehorns being the most arrogant kind of dinosaur, the flyers certainly were a close second in that regard.  The worst part was that you couldn't bash some sense into flyers, they would just fly away!

"Are you two done?"  Malka deadpanned.  "Because I say that we three can find him before any of our parents do."

The threehorn sighed.  "So let me get this straight.  You want us to directly disobey our parents, enter a dangerous forest, and look for a spiketail that will most likely be found anyway?  Just because we are sick of our parents being useless?"

Malka shrugged.  "Well... we were also bored, weren't we?"


Tricia sighed as the words of the flyer reached her ears.  "Yes, Flip?"

"I don't think that the spiketail is over here."

Tricia closed her eyes as her sides began to shake.  The flyer knew what was coming and promptly flew in the direction of their swimmer friend.

"Gee, you don't say, Flip!"  Tricia raged as she bared her horns towards her friends.  "We have been looking for who knows how long in order to find this darn kid and we haven't found anything!  Are there any other obvious things that you would like to say flyer?!"  The swimmer merely rolled her eyes at her friend's antics, while the flyer continued to be tense.  "If that little leaf-gobbler knew what was good for him then he would get over here right now!"

Silenced reigned for several moments as she struggled to reign in her emotions.  It was only when the danger had dissipated that Malka spoke.

"Well, you made her mad, Flip.  Are you happy now?"

The flyer shifted uncomfortably and said nothing.  This caused Malka to snort as Tricia strutted in satisfaction at the flyer's fearful response to her rant.  After a few moments the swimmer began to speak again.

"Well, I guess that he isn't over here so perhaps we should..."

Suddenly a rustling in the leaves interrupted the swimmer's suggestion.  The three dinosaurs looked upon this development with some trepidation as the unseen intruder approached.  Within moments the flyer and the swimmer ran behind their threehorn friend.  Despite Tricia's pride, she prepared to take flight as well, until a small green object slammed into her.

Tricia looked down at the terrified spiketail.  The little youngling was no more than two years old, but must have understood the tone of her voice.  He was shaking and looking up at her with chastised eyes.  It seemed that her anger had actually proved to be useful after all.

"Wow, Tricia!"  Flip exclaimed.  "You're so scary that you scared him to us!"

Tricia sighed at the flyer's pronouncement, but could find no suitable retort.  Finally, she addressed the matter at hand.  "Well let's get this little guy back to his mommy and daddy.  Because do you know what scares me more than me?  My mommy and daddy.  Do you have any idea how ticked off they will be if they find out that we weren't playing in the valley?"

Just then an ominous sound registered from the air, which could be heard over the wind.  Within moments the sound of flapping wings could be heard as a large flyer landed in the clearing.  It was Flip's mother.

"Oh, I have some idea."  The large flyer frowned towards her son.  "I think that someone may need to have their flying privileges taken away for a few days."  The small flyer moaned as he collapsed on the ground, but he knew better than to dispute his mother's verdict.  The flyer then turned her gaze towards the threehorn.  "Your father is looking for you, by the way."

Tricia gulped.  She knew that this wasn't going to end well.


Topps growled in annoyance as Tria gave him a look to keep it civil.

"So tell me again, Tricia.  Why did you decide to disobey my direct order and to go look for that spiketail?"  He glared at his small daughter.  The fact that she was nearly as large as Cera was when she entered the valley was not lost on him.  "You could have been eaten by sharpteeth out there!"

Tricia opened her mouth before promptly closing it.  She knew that her first instincts of what to say were seldom the best words to act upon.  She looked down when she finally found her voice again.

"Well, daddy... none of the parents were searching so we... um... decided to do our own search."

"And what made you think that we adults weren't doing anything?"  Tria offered.

Tricia blinked as she looked at her mom.  What was her mom implying?

"We were determining the best way to find the child without attracting sharpteeth."  Her father noted.  "The forest is thick and most of us adults are large.  If we had gone to the forest in huge numbers it would have told every sharptooth in the area that we were looking for something."  He then glared at his daughter.  "Having other children enter the forest would do the same thing."

Tria's mouth shook as she took in this information.  I... endangered the child?

"...but... but we..."

Tria stepped forward.  "Found him?"

Tricia nodded.

Tria frowned.  "You succeeded this time, Tricia.  You got lucky, but luck is not something that lasts forever.  You remember what happened to your sister..."

Tricia looked down.  How could she ever forget?  Every time she and her friends had gone on adventures her sister was used as a reminder of why they wanted her to stay safe.  It was annoying, but she could not deny their words.

"She is okay now..."  Tricia protested weakly.

Topps snorted.  "Yes, but look what she went through to get there.  And all because she and her friends disobeyed us and touched that damn stone!"  

He looked in the direction of what had become Crater Pond in the valley's interior.  The blackened stone was still there, despite being mostly submerged by water.  It now formed a small island in the pond's center, which the swimmers had named Fastbiter Rock.  A constant reminder of what had come before... and what it had caused.

"I nearly lost her... and in some ways I have lost her."  He gave a slight snort.  "She has children of her own now.  I am a grandfather.  But I don't think that I will be able to invite the little ones over to the valley anytime soon."

Tria couldn't help but snort as well.  "It is odd hearing about our daughter's accomplishment from Pterano.  Though we all knew that it was coming."

Topps shook his head.  "His exile to the Hidden Canyon ends this season."  He then looked up at the sky.  "Then he will fill all of the little flyers with his rubbish stories!"

Tria nuzzled him.  "Well... it was your idea and he already is telling the little flyers of his stories.  They can fly right over the rock wall, you know?"

Topps growled.  "Yes, but if he is in the valley then I will be able to hear the rubbish."

Tricia attempted to take this opportunity to edge away from her parents.  If they were concerned about Pterano then maybe they would be too distracted to actually punish her.  This had worked before when her dad was angry at Bron or the other adults.  With as much gracefulness as she could manage, she slowly walked away from her nest.

"Now where do you think that you are going, little one?"

Tricia looked down.  Darn.  It was worth a shot.

"I think that it is time for you to actually get some responsibilities in the valley.  A busy threehorn has no time for mischief."  Her father began.  "Not to mention, if you think your life is boring now, just wait until you have to deal with actual adult responsibilities."  

Topps smiled at his daughter.  A disturbing sort of smile that made Tricia shiver at what her father had in mind.

Oh, just ground me and get it over with!

However, his next words ended any hope that she had of a normal punishment.

"Today it is my turn to greet any newcomers to the valley.  You will join me."


Tricia sighed as the endless parade of boredom never seemed to end.  Thus far they had simply eaten a few leaves and waited on any new entrants or departures from the valley.  The fact that Tricia had considered wishing a fond farewell to a departing longneck as the highlight of her day was a testament to how boring this job was.  How did her father not go insane?

"See, you children don't have it too tough!"

Tricia looked up at the smiling face of her father.  Her mind rebelled against this monotonous activity and her father's cheerfulness outright annoyed her.

"How do you stand this?"  Tricia finally couldn't take it any longer.  "Being grounded is better than this!"

Tria laid on the ground and huffed as she waited on her father's angry retort.  But none came.  After several moments she looked up and saw her father's smiling face.

"Had I know this punishment was effective I would have used it on Cera."  His eyes seemed to look far away for a moment despite them still staring in her direction.  "Oh, how I miss her."

Tricia slowly got up and nuzzled her father's foot, which earned her a nuzzle as well.

"I miss her too, daddy."  When she thought back to Cera two different images came to mind.  One was of an orange threehorn that in some ways reminded her of herself.  Prideful, arrogant even, but kindhearted.  The other was of a brutal fastbiter who had defended the valley from its mortal enemy.  But the eyes... the eyes were always the same.  Those eyes that exuded protectiveness for those she loved.  There was no doubt that Cera was still Cera, regardless of what sharptooth name she went by now.

"My little girl now has little ones of her own."  Topps intoned.  "I wonder if they cause her as much trouble as she did in her time."

Tricia snorted.  "Maybe you should ask Pterano the next time he comes by?"

Topps smiled.  "I might do that.  It would be better than having Pterano talk about the antics of Petrie's children or Pterano's adventures in the Mysterious Beyond."  He snorted.  "Though I guess he is biased.  Petrie is his nephew after..."

Tricia was momentarily confused by her father's sudden silence.  After a few moments she looked up at his face and noted the stunned expression plastered upon it.  It was only then that she looked in the direction that he was looking.

Three long necks had emerged from the hidden entrance into the valley.  The first to appear was Shorty.  The tall neck of the green sauropod seemed far smaller on this day as it was bowed in a gesture of supreme sadness.  His eyes were downcast and his expression despondent.  Despite having just completed his Time of Great Growing the previous season, he now looked like a much older longneck.  As if some horror in his short journey had noticeably aged him.

The next to appear were Bron and Uta.  Normally Ali would have gone on such a mission, but her mother had decided to go in her steed as Ali was heavy with eggs.  For his part Bron had dutifully accompanied Uta on this journey for, having lost his first mate while he was away, he resolved to not repeat that mistake again.  He would defend Uta to the death if need be.  He would not allow any more of his children be left without a parent as Littlefoot had been.

But yet... as the three lumbering forms came into full view, Tricia could notice that there were only four little longnecks on Bron's back, whereas Shorty carried the rainbowface family on his.  Two faces were missing... one small rainbowface and one small longneck.  Datum and Sauria.  Her dear friends.

Tricia's mouth opened in horror as the dinosaurs approached.  Neither of the two threehorns gave the customary greetings as the possible implications began to dawn on them.  Topps was frozen in place as he attempted to will his legs to move.  But that was when another form suddenly emerged from the entrance.  A form that made Tricia let out a choked sob.

The lumbering form of Charger's father could be seen with a downtrodden expression on his face.  An expression that Topps remembered well from darker days in his own past.  The younger threehorn's mate was nowhere to be seen, but the large gashes on his sides gave clear indication of what fate had befallen his beloved and child.  

Trembling, Topps finally stepped forward and asked the obvious question.

"Thunder?  Bron?  What has happened?"

The threehorn collapsed to the ground as the rainbowfaces cradled their remaining child and wept.  Four of Bron and Uta's children huddled together on her Bron's back as they mourned their loss.  Shaking with sobs, Uta was finally the one to speak.

"Sharpteeth attacked!  Our children...  Oh, Sauria!"

She bowed her head in anguish as Bron gently nuzzled her.  Within moments Shorty collected his younger brothers and sisters on his back in order to allow his adopted father and step-mother to mourn their loss.  For only the second time in his life, Topps saw the elder longneck cry.  It was a sight that he had hoped to never see again.

A terrible tragedy had befallen the valley and now it was up to Topps to break the bad news to its unsuspecting residents.  Ali had lost a little sister... three families had lost a youngling... and Tricia had lost three friends.  It was only when that reality came crashing down on Tricia that the small pink threehorn finally broke down.

It would now be up to Tricia to tell her remaining friends that their gang would never be whole again.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of Chapter 7:

Well, that was an interesting read!

Quite a tragic story what happened to Clawsting... I was hoping to see a vicious battle but I think I'm quite satisfied with the outcome of this situation as well :yes
I must say though... somehow you've managed to write a long chapter but the most interesting part is the very last paragraph :blink: Little Biter is having secret friends, huh? :smile
Inactive, probably forever.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of Chapter 8:

Oh, a different POV this time. So far the story was always told from the POV of Seeker's pack but now there's a new perspective and a new... story.
That little bit about Biter in chapter 7 had more importance to the story than I suspected. There are three children working together, Charger, Sauria and Datum. They seem to be related to the Valley if I got that right. The three children in the valley seem to be the other part of that new "Gang"
Now it seems like Tricia is following her sister's footsteps... Topps' punishment is actually quite good and he really is amused about Tricia's reactions :smile
Then however a group of adults plus Shorty and some children arrive with sad news...
I wonder... was Seeker's pack involved? I didn't get that though I assume it was them... which would mean... Uh oh...
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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From what I gather the 'lost kids' are the two that befriended Biter, so they are still okay... if you call being in a place infested with sharpteeth that want to eat you 'okay'.

Hopefully, this'll have a happy ending, but you never know when Rhombus is writing it. :p
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Administrator
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Thanks for the reviews, everyone!

From what I gather the 'lost kids' are the two that befriended Biter, so they are still okay... if you call being in a place infested with sharpteeth that want to eat you 'okay'.

Hopefully, this'll have a happy ending, but you never know when Rhombus is writing it. dino_tongue.gif

You now me all to well.  :p The plot concerning the kids is certainly thickening in this chapter.  We will soon learn of their fate.

That little bit about Biter in chapter 7 had more importance to the story than I suspected. There are three children working together, Charger, Sauria and Datum. They seem to be related to the Valley if I got that right. The three children in the valley seem to be the other part of that new "Gang"

Yep.  There are some ironic echoes there.  This gang is oddly reminiscent of the original 'gang'.

Now it seems like Tricia is following her sister's footsteps... Topps' punishment is actually quite good and he really is amused about Tricia's reactions Dino_grins.gif

Yep.  :lol Topps has gotten a bit more inventive at this whole discipline business since Cera's departure.  Poor Tricia now has to put up with a more experience father.

Thanks for the reviews!  The next chapter should be posted in a few minutes.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 9: Crashing the Party

"This is daddy's smell!"

Ruby smiled at Ambush's exclamation.  The children always did enjoy sniffer training.  However, the difficulty was being ramped up this time.  They would have to do better if they were going to have their first hunt in a few weeks.

"Yes, Ambush," Ruby nodded in agreement, "but what else do you smell?"

She smiled as the little fastbiter struggled to sniff the branch again.  It was obvious that Ambush was uncertain what Ruby was alluding to, but Cera's daughter just couldn't admit her confusion.

She is so like her mother and father. Ruby thought to herself.  Well, they all are, but especially her.

Soon the other children clamored around the branch and began to sniff as well.  It was only a matter of time until the ambitious children attempted to outdo one another.

"I smell treestars!"


Ruby laughed at the antics of the little ones.  They did not realize that she was referring to what else they could detect from Taunt's scent.  She quickly decided to put them on the right path.

"Indeed, children!  Those are scents on the branch, but I was referring to Taunt," the children looked at her in confusion, "can you tell anything about Taunt from his scent?  A good hunter must know details!"

In an instant the children were upon the branch again.  The sound of sniffing noses was almost deafening as the little ones had no conception yet of being stealthy in this endeavor.  It did not surprise the rose-colored fastbiter when her daughter, Swipe, finally made a guess of her own.

"Umm... did he eat some ground fuzzies this morning?"

Ruby nodded in pride as her daughter had solved part of the puzzle.  Taunt had indeed eaten ground fuzzies before relieving himself on the branch.

"That's right, Swipe!"  Ruby beamed, "he stole some of Finder's catch before he went with the others to hunt."

"That thief!"  Spike's son, Sniffer, protested.  "It isn't nice to steal!"

"Yeah!"  Nibble, Spike's other son, agreed, "I am sure my daddy worked hard to hunt those!"

It was at this point that Pouncer, ever the defender of her family's honor, decided to speak, "Don't blame my daddy for tricking your daddy!  He should know to watch his food!"

Ruby rolled her eyes as Cera's three children began to approach Spike's children aggressively.  It was obvious that there would be a little 'play fight' if she did not intervene.

"That is enough children!"  Ruby stepped in between the two 'packs' of children just as they began to strut in what was meant to be a threatening display, but ended up being cute and humorous.  She then looked at Spike's children with an amused expression, "Besides, your daddy originally took the ground fuzzies from me!"

Ignoring the laughter from her own children, she watched as the two groups of children lost the will to fight almost immediately and returned to their original positions with somewhat embarrassed expressions.  Ruby realized that controlling emotions was a tricky skill for sharptooth children to learn.  Knowing this, she tried to use this moment as a learning experience.

"Now, children, how would your mommies and daddies feel about you acting like that?"

The five chastised children looked down at Ruby's question.  They all knew the answer to her question.

"I didn't like them talking about my daddy that way."

Ruby looked over at the fastbiter who had given that explanation.  She was not surprised to see Sprint.  He was just as protective of her family's pride as her other two siblings.

"Yeah?  Well then your dad shouldn't have taken my daddy's food!"

Ruby coughed, which made all of the little ones look in her direction.

"You mean my food," she smiled as Spike's children squirmed at being reminded of that fact, "the important thing, children, is that Finder was just playing a trick on me, and Taunt a trick on him.  It was just a game."  She looked at her own children as she said this.  "However, if you say the wrong words, it can turn into something much nastier.  Something much nastier it can turn into," she raised one finger for emphasis, though her face was kind, "we hunt leaf-eaters, not one another."

After she said this, Ruby noticed that Biter was shifting uncomfortably, which caused her some confusion.  He had been absent from the little dispute, so why would her words disturb him?

"Mommy, I smell something else!"

Ruby smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm for the lesson despite the little interruption courtesy of her friends.  However, most of her attention was still focused on her son.  Why did he look worried?

"What do you smell, dear?"  Ruby asked as she continued to watch her son.

Swipe turned around with a smile on her face.  A predatory smile.

"I think that I smell a rainbowface!"

Ruby turned at that announcement and went to where her daughter was sniffing.  Her concern at Biter's behavior was put aside as she pursued her daughter's finding.  As a result she did not see that her son had closed his eyes, a morose expression on his face.

Ruby quickly sniffed the grass to which her daughter had gestured.  In the resulting avalanche of information she was able to confirm Swipe's findings.  This was the scent of a rainbowface, but that was not all.

It was that of a young rainbowface.

Ruby smiled, "Alright, children!  How would you all like to use your sniffers to track prey?"  The clamoring of voices was instantaneous.

"We can hunt now?"

"Yes!  We can hunt while our mommies and daddies hunt!"

"I will make the first kill!"

Ruby laughed.  "I don't know about all that," she ignored the disappointed moans from the children, "but you can show me that you can track with your sniffers!"  She smiled as their enthusiasm returned, "...and if you are successful then maybe you all can have some rainbowface for dinner!  Some rainbowface for dinner, you can have!"

As the children cheered enthusiastically and began to track the scent towards the stream, no one saw the horrified look on Biter's face.

What am I going to do?!


Let's see...  four swimmers.  One adolescent, two adult, one elderly.  Adolescent walking awfully slow.  Heavy with eggs?

Littlefoot peeked through the bushes as he analyzed the scene that lay before him.  Petrie and Soar had already given their report, but there were some things that he simply preferred to do himself.

Not to mention that the flyers lacked his sniffer.

Taking a deep breath, Littlefoot carefully admired the array of scents that came flooding through his perceptions.  The sweet smell of flowering plants and pollen greeted his nostrils immediately, as he tried to focus on the finer details.  The swimmers were quite easy to spot in the cascade of scents.  Their stench was an odd mix of a pungent swamp and the sweetness of flesh.  A most appetizing scent that made Littlefoot's mouth water.  Nonetheless, he had to stay focused and continue to observe what he was smelling.  They needed all of the information that they could get if this was going to be a success.

His thoughts were interrupted by a slight disturbance in the bush behind him.  It was not significant enough to be noticed by the unsuspecting prey in the clearing, but it was enough to nearly make Littlefoot jump in surprise.  He calmed quite quickly when Ducky and Spike's scents reached his nose.

"You may speak, but keep it low," Littlefoot cautioned without looking behind him, "swimmers are not deaf."

"I could have told you that.  Yep, yep, yep." Ducky mused, "They are not from my family.  I would smell it if they were."

Littlefoot nodded.  Ducky obviously would have caught the scent of her family long before Littlefoot would have made the connection.  If these swimmers were unrelated to her then that would make things a lot easier.  No complications.

"The elder has several scars on its flank, but the adolescent is slow," Littlefoot smirked, "I know that your former kind began young, Haven, but this is ridiculous."

Littlefoot turned in time to see Ducky give him the obscene gesture that was Taunt's trademark, which caused Spike to simply roll his eyes at the antics of his sister.  Even during the middle of a hunt they were not safe from the jocular remarks of their comrades.

"Well," Spike offered in a low whisper, "the more younglings they make, the more food for us.  That swimmer is not pregnant, however."

Littlefoot took another sniff into the air and tilted his head, "How do you know?"

Spike smiled as he walked beside his friend, "I always told you that I had the best sniffer!"  He quickly moved on with his point when he saw Littlefoot roll his eyes, "She has an infection.  The scent is very light, but it is there."

Littlefoot looked at the small swimmer and narrowed his eyes.

"Well then, I think that we have our target.  Go get the others, Haven, we have a hunt to start."

As his two companions darted away towards where the others were observing, Littlefoot couldn't help but smile.  Today looked to be shaping up to be an easy hunt.


"There they are."

The green fastbiter looked upon the scene with an ecstatic expression.  His pack had been hoping to catch Seeker's pack unaware, which was quite the challenge with the flyers overhead.  However, with the flyers suddenly breaking off their surveillance of the area, it seemed that his pack now had an opportunity to advance.  With all of them hiding downwind from Seeker's pack, they had little fear of detection.  Seeker would not know what was happening until it was too late.

"So, do you want to carry out your plan?"

The fastbiter looked up at the light blue female who looked at him with a coy smile.  Three small fastbiter younglings clung to her back, as they were too young to travel on their own.  Their silence was a testament to how well that the children had already been trained in their short lives.  They would undoubtedly make good hunters one day.

He would expect no less from his children.

"Yes, dear... I think that is time to return the favor after how they 'greeted' us during the last Cold Time."

He then watched as the eight fastbiters positioned themselves in a more tactical position to strike the swimmers.  The prey still had no idea what was coming.  The lack of Chomper in the scene clearly indicated the strategy in what was to follow.  A chase to flush out the slower swimmer, which was to be followed by Chomper finishing the job.  A classic chase and hunt strategy.

But that did not explain where Ruby was currently hiding.  If she were standing watch elsewhere then she might have noticed their approach.  This filled the fastbiter with some dread.  If she knew about them then she could ruin the entire plan.

"Is something wrong?"

He looked at his mate with an unreadable expression.  Regardless of if she was out scouting ahead or not, he could not afford to terminate their plan now.  They had to strike before the flyers returned.  They had to seize the initiative.

"No, dear.  I was just thinking."  He then looked into her eyes as a smile reached his face, "Gather the rest of the pack.  Let's show these ankle-biters what we are made of!"

As Littlefoot and his packmates continued to get into position, they had no knowledge of the invading pack encroaching on their position.  Unfortunately for them, Ruby and the flyers were several miles away.  There would be no warning of the coming threat.


Ruby smiled at the advancing children.  They had taken to the prospect of tracking down the rainbowface with great enthusiasm.  Although she would save the kill for herself in order to save their first kills for when their parents were present, the fact that they were willing and capable of tracking the prey was a very good sign.  She and Littlefoot had discussed organizing the first child-directed hunt for Swipe and Biter after the next cycle of the moon.  Perhaps she might persuade Littlefoot to move up the schedule...

"I don't understand.  The scent gets weaker over here.  Did we take a wrong turn?"

Ruby noted Pouncer's question, as she positioned herself to where the children were congregating.  This was a question that she would allow the children to work out on their own for now.  Having the children develop their critical thinking skills was more important than their tracking ability.  Even if the rainbowface was lost, she wanted this to be a learning experience for the children.

"Maybe they used the stream to hide their scent?"  Swipe offered, which caused a noticeable wince from Biter.  Ruby frowned at his reaction, which was quite different from that of the other children.  What was her son up to?

"That's a good idea!  Why didn't I think of that?"  Ambush praised Biter in a rare moment of humility.

"Yeah!  Let's follow the stream and see if we can find the scent again!" Pouncer agreed as the other children went to work sniffing the edge of the stream.  Within moments the children were spreading out in a widening arc in their search to reclaim the rainbowface's scent.

However, Ruby's attention was only partially focused on the efforts of the other children.  Biter was only absentmindedly sniffing at the stream edge in a poorly hidden effort to look active while not actually participating.  This was very unlike her son who was always among the most proactive of the children.  He had even 'hunted' his father's tail on several occasions.  Ruby was about to walk over to Biter in order to ask him what was wrong, when she noticed him look towards the stream with a concerned expression.  That was when she saw it.

A brief flash of color disappearing behind a bundle of vegetation.  She had found the rainbowface.

Ruby smirked as she raised her arm in preparation to give the children the news, but that was when something in Biter's expression stopped her.  There was fear there.  Unmistakable fear.  The kind of dread that could only come from caring for someone other than oneself.  The fear of loss.

"I smell him!"

Both mother and son looked up at Ambush's alert form as her tail pointed in the air.  She had found the scent once more.  Within an instant the other children began to advance as a unit towards the other end of the stream.  The hunt was back on.


Biter froze as if he had been caught doing something naughty and looked back towards his mother with a guilty expression.  He could not hide his motivations when his mother talked to him in that tone of voice.  The smell of fear, anguish, and despair emanated from him as his mother held him in her gaze.  Finally she spoke.

"We will follow the others and see if we can smell what they smell."

Biter nodded mutely and began to sprint ahead as his mother joined his stride.  It was clear from his scent that he thought that his mother had not caught what happened earlier.  That was when Ruby destroyed that idea.

"And to tell you the truth, you should tell me the truth."  Her eyes seemed to stare into her son's eyes as he came to the chilling realization that his secret was out.

"Why are you protecting that rainbowface?"


The swimmer munched on the leaves nervously as the gentle wind blew towards the forest.  Her eyes continuously darted from her meal to the dark green of the massive trees.  Who knew what dangers lurked in those depths?  Being a swimmer far away from a major body of water, she could only keep herself prepared to run in the event of an attack.  Swimming away would not be an option here.  She would have to limp to the best of her ability.

"Damn this illness!"

The elder swimmer looked up at the adolescent with a concerned expression as the two other swimmers looked on.

"It is alright, dear.  I am sure that the healing plants will make you better soon."  His voice shook as he said those words.  It was obvious to everyone present that he was not sure of their truthfulness.

The adolescent coughed several times as if her body were mocking the words of the elder.  Finally, however, she seemed to regain some control over her breathing.  After a few wheezing breaths, she spoke.

"I'm afraid that I don't share your confidence," she looked at the two younger swimmers, "Grandma, perhaps you should take Crest and Current with you.  I can rejoin you when I feel better."

The two swimmers protested their younger sister's words.

"Don't be silly, Wave!  We can wait until you are better!"

"Yeah!  We are not leaving you!"

The elder sighed as her youngest grandchild began to cough again.  Despite the healing plants that she had directed her towards it was obvious that they had yet to take effect.  If anything, the cough seemed to be getting worse.  Nonetheless, she could not argue with the assurances of her other grandchildren.  She had already lost several of her children and she would be damned before she would come back to her eldest child with any of her grandchildren missing.

"Your brother and sister are right, Wave, we will stay with you until you get better.  Now just keep on eating your green food.  I want to get away from this forest as soon as possible."


Littlefoot's feet tensed in anticipation.  The elder was looking their way, but clearly had not yet seen anything.  She was positioned between the two healthy swimmers, while the ill adolescent was a mere six longneck lengths from the edge of the forest.  A mere ten second sprint for the hidden fastbiters.  If they made the first move then they would have the initiative.  They could injure the swimmer before her small herd could intervene.  An injury is all that it would take.

Littlefoot smiled.  ...and then Path could do the rest.

He raised his arm and then dropped it to the ground.  In an instant he burst through the bushes as the sound of his packmates emerging from their hiding spots echoed into the clearing.

The hunt was on.


"Sharpteeth!  Run!"

Wave barely had time to process her grandmother's words when the feathered beasts appeared suddenly from the sea of green.  In an instant the serene forest had shown its hand and revealed a murderous surprise.  Such an event required no hesitation and no thought.  It required immediate action.  It required instinct.

And instinct was something that swimmers had in abundance.

Pumping her legs with an intensity that hardly seemed possible to her, she quickly burst from her position in a flurry of movement, causing a torrent of loose grass and dirt to fly in her wake.  Running for her life, she could not see the malicious fiends who were chasing after her, but she could hear them.

The shrieks of the fastbiter.  A most horrible and incompressible sound.  A refrain that emboldened their kind and struck fear into the hearts of their prey.  She could hear the sound getting closer as they approached.  She had to speed up!


She gritted her teeth as she could see her brother slow down and look back.  "Go, Crest!  Run!"  She didn't have to repeat herself as he quickly resumed his pace beside his grandmother and older sister.  

With more exertion than her frail body seemed capable of delivering, she inhaled deeply and continued to pump her legs.  She could see her family members begin to get closer as she matched and slightly overcame their speed.  In her panicked mind she realized that she actually had a chance to survive this.  Just a bit farther and the fastbiters might give up the chase.  Just a bit farther...


That was when Wave screamed.


"Got her!"

Taunt leapt off of the swimmer as she fell to the ground and hastily resumed her run.  However, Taunt had done the necessary damage.  The torn flesh from her leg was a testament to that.  Within moments he could hear the others approach.  That was when he felt an all too familiar nip at his tail.

"Good work, dear!"  Cera beamed, "Path should have no trouble now!"

Taunt raised his tail in a show of gratitude for her words as he looked towards the form of Littlefoot, who had just stopped beside the orange fastbiter.

"Darn it, Taunt, it looks like you broke my kill streak!"

Taunt bowed in a show of faux respect, which caused his leader to roll his eyes.  Trying to be the pack member that struck the crippling blow was a kind of game that had developed between them.  They had to be cautious and be very team-like for difficult hunts, of course, but for easier hunts such as this they had more room for levity.  With that in mind, Taunt answered his leader's tease.

"But now the question is, Seeker: can you beat my streak?"

Littlefoot looked ready to respond, when Breeze finally broke the banter.

"Well let's get Path's attention before we get too carried away.  I doubt he will be glad to know that dinner was delayed because the boys wanted to boast."

Cera chuckled at Breeze's chiding of her mate and the pack leader, as the two male fastbiters shrugged at one another.  They both knew that the next time they had 'chase-down' duty for Chomper that their little 'game' would start anew.  

Littlefoot turned in the direction that the swimmer had gone and noticed the three other swimmers surrounding their injured comrade as it painfully limped away.  If they wanted to risk it then they could have easily chased down and killed the injured swimmer on their own, but to challenge multiple leaf-eaters always entailed risk.  No reason to do that when a full-grown Tyrannosaurus was on your side.  With a slight flourish Littlefoot took a deep breath to roar the signal that would get Chomper's attention.  However, that was when something entirely unexpected happened.

"What the..."

Upon hearing Spike's exclamation, Littlefoot looked back towards the swimmers.  They had begun to scatter as if they were dodging further attacks.  Attacks from a most unsuspecting source.

"Intruders!"  Littlefoot raged.  A long wailing alert roar left his mouth as the others grouped around him.  At least Chomper would now the situation when he came on the scene.  "Let's show them how we treat intruders!"

Without another word the pack took off at full speed towards the debacle that was playing out in front of them.  The elder swimmer had taken an injury to the hip as she and the healthy swimmers reluctantly backed away from their ill counterpart.  Within moments the other pack had embedded their claws into her back and sides, riding upon the pain-stricken victim as if it were some kind of morbid mount.  As they tore into her flesh the sounds of pained screams and fearful wails could be heard.  It was only now, with the swimmer obviously mortally wounded, that the other swimmers mournfully fled.  The only companionship that the prey would have in her final moments would be with her killers.

Littlefoot fixed his eyes on the dying swimmer in the distance as he flexed his claws.  They had no orange death with them on this excursion as they preferred to hunt the old-fashioned way.  However, this put them at a disadvantage in a pack fight.

We need to taunt and delay... once Path and the flyers are here then we can strike.

Littlefoot glared at the green fastbiter that was riding on top of the swimmer's back.  He could deduce from his movements and demeanor that this was the leader.  He would see to it that Petrie got the order to strike him down with orange death.  A leaderless pack is a helpless pack.  The cheeky bastard would pay for this insult.  Who dares invade their territory?

The swimmer crashed to the ground as her legs failed her.  As the enemy fastbiter leapt off of their kill in a celebratory fashion, he could begin to see details of the pack that lay before him.  A light blue fastbiter...  two brown fastbiters...  and several fastbiter younglings who had just emerged from the underbrush...

Damn it!  Littlefoot lamented internally.  Just yield... I don't need the deaths of younglings on my conscience.  To kill a younglings parents would be a death sentence for the unprotected younglings, as would trying to adopt them with the 'interesting' instincts of his kind.  Littlefoot knew that if it came to that then the only humane choice would be to strike them down.

As that morose thought racked his brain, another thought took prominence.  Why did the green fastbiter look so familiar.  From his distance it was hard to see much detail.  As a result it was actually Taunt that put everything together first.


Littlefoot slowed as he stared at the green fastbiter once more.  The shape of his tail... the contour of his back... the shade of his hide...

It was Thud.  This was Thud's pack.

The pack slowed as they approached the swimmer carcass and the victorious pack.  With the exception of the younglings, which disappeared as soon as they came into view, the other members of the pack did not react.  Only Thud made an effort to react, which he did with a kind smile and a bow.  Despite the usual protocol, Littlefoot permitted Taunt to advance ahead of him.

"Dad!  It is great to see you!"

Thud smiled.  "It is great to see you again as well, son.  How do you like our peace offering?"

Littlefoot sputtered.  "A peace offering?!  You can't just steal our kill and call that a peace offering!"

Taunt looked a bit dumbfounded at Littlefoot's reaction, but stepped back nonetheless in a show of support for his leader.  Thud, on the other hand, reacted in an unexpected manner.

He laughed.

"It isn't your kill until you actually kill it," Thud retorted in good humor, "however, my pack will, of course, allow your pack to eat this gift as a peace offering as a show of our esteem."

Littlefoot shook his head as a smile reached his face despite the not so subtle insult.  He knew exactly why Thud was acting this way and he couldn't really blame him.

"This is about Thud calling you old, isn't it?"

Thud smiled at Littlefoot's deduction, "I just thought that Seeker's pack could use a friendly reminder that even an old fastbiter can have a few tricks," he looked at his son expectantly.

Taunt reluctantly nodded, "Alright, dad, you got us.  Now can you drop the big bad pack leader act?  I haven't seen you in a year!  So much has changed!"

Littlefoot and Thud exchanged a glance as both packs stared at one another expectantly.  Only the two brown fastbiters in Thud's pack had an aggressive stance, as they were obviously not used to the usual banter between the packs.  With a smile and a nod, Littlefoot gestured at his pack to stand down, which Thud immediately did as well.  Within moments, both packs were intermingling.  A year worth of memories and tales were just waiting to be shared between the assembled dinosaurs.  So many questions just waiting to be answered.  Such as who the two brown fastbiters were in Thud's pack?  Why did Thud take so long to get back into contact with all of them?  And...

Littlefoot froze.  Those younglings... that must mean...

Littlefoot turned towards Thud as Swift settled beside him.  The younglings immediately leapt upon her back in the usual manner of fastbiter children of that age.  Ducky and Leap stood a respectful distance from the family, as they bowed in a respectful manner.  Despite their joy at Swift's motherhood, they both knew to not approach her younglings at that age.  Lest the unfortunate instincts of their kind take hold.  Instead, Leap merely showed his support for his beloved sister through his expression and soft cooing.  It seemed that both surviving siblings had successfully made a new generation to carry on the legacy of their brother and parents who had fallen years ago.

Littlefoot smiled at the display between the siblings, but an obvious question came to his mind that was certainly on the minds of the others as well.  If Swift was now a mother then who was the father?  Littlefoot found himself looking at the two brown fastbiters.  It either had to be one of them or...

Littlefoot blinked as the realization crashed down upon him like a boulder.  If Thud was sitting right next to Swift and the children then that had to mean...

"Taunt, my son," Thud began with great dignity as he picked up one of the younglings from Swift's back and pointed it in Taunt's direction, "I would like you to meet your new brothers and sisters."


"That was too close!"

Datum shook himself off as he approached his friends.  He had heard the commotion from the excited fastbiter younglings and quickly followed the stream as his parents had told him.

When tracked water is your friend.  It is easier to flee than it is to defend.

"Where have you been?"  Came a gruff voice from the bushes.  Datum recognized it immediately.

"I was... delayed, Charger," the rainbowface offered, "it seems that the younglings were not where we expected them to be."  He prepared himself for the onslaught that he knew was coming.

"Damn it, Datum!"  The irate voice of Sauria came from behind the rainbowface, which caused him to jump in surprise, "What did we tell you?!  The healing plants could wait!"

"Yeah!"  Charger offered as he took a few slow steps in the rainbowface's direction.  Datum was heartened to see him moving much better, notwithstanding Charger's current anger at his friend.

Datum shrugged, "Yeah... yeah... well I made it, didn't I?"  He then proceeded to drop the leaves in front of Charger with the utmost care as Charger dutifully devoured them.  Only an annoyed grunt left his mouth prior to his impromptu meal.  He knew full well that this was probably the last batch of healing plants he would need to consume.  The sickness had been gone for several days.

Sauria, however, was not so docile.

"We were worried, Datum!"  She quieted down when Datum gave her a concerned look.  She resumed at a lower volume, but with no less irritation in her voice, "you could have been killed out there!"

Datum sighed as he sat down, "Do you not think that I don't realize that?"  He looked at the leaves that were rapidly disappearing from in front of the threehorn, "I needed to get those leaves before the pack went back to their sleeping areas... the only plants that I could find were by their sleeping spots."

"What!?"  Both Sauria and Charger exclaimed at Datum's admission.  They looked at their friend as if he had lost his mind.  Datum decided to preempt further protests from his companions.

"I grabbed what remained and then I headed for the stream," He looked at Sauria as he said this, "I knew that my smell would be there, but I also know what my parents told me," he waved his finger for emphasis, "When tracked water is your friend.  It is easier to flee than it is to defend."

"What in the name of sanity does that mean?"  Charger asked, with obvious irritation for his friend.

"It means," Sauria answered before Datum could respond, "that if he ran into the stream and followed it before crossing the other side then it would make him harder to track.  My mommy taught me the same thing."

"It is one of those things that the 'good' sharpteeth taught the valley," Datum added as he placed his head in his hands, "if only our mommies and daddies had found those ones instead of..."

The stress of running for his life and defending his actions to his friends finally became too much as Datum went silent.  Both of his friends knew that he was on the verge of tears, but too prideful to show that emotion.  Charger, accordingly, went back to eating his healing plants as to not disturb his friend.  Sauria, on the other hand, tried to sooth the poor rainbowface's nerves.

"I am sure that they are in a better place," Sauria looked into the stars as the nearly silent sobs of Datum could be heard in the silent night, "I am sure that they would be proud of you, Datum.  You knew the plants that helped save Charger and you befriended Biter who has kept us safe so far," she smiled sadly, "I know that they would want us to carry on."

Datum nodded as he kept his eyes closed.

"I know," he silently spoke, "I will just be glad to get out of this place."

"We all will."  Charger agreed.

The three friends sat together now that their friend's moment of weakness had passed.  Though no further words were exchanged, it was obvious what their gesture meant.  They were all in this together, and they would escape together.  They would carry on the legacy that their families had left for them.


The dinosaurs suddenly turned at the unexpected rustling of the bushes behind them.  Each prepared to sprint away at the apparent threat, but as a solitary figure emerged from the bushes Datum relaxed slightly.

"Biter?  Uh... these are my friends..."  But he grew silent as soon as he saw the look in Biter's eyes.  A look that he had never seen before.  A curious mixture of regret and fear.  "Biter?  What is it?"

Biter closed his eyes and sighed as rustling could be heard all around the assembled leaf-eaters.  The prey could only cower as fastbiter younglings appeared from all directions.  Finally, a rose-colored adult appeared behind biter with a stern look on her face.  It was only now that Biter addressed his friend.

"I'm so sorry, Datum..."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Really interesting chapter, Rhombus!

So, Ruby is onto what Biter is up to, huh? Biter telling his leaf eater friends sorry does make you think one way, just like Chomper's first kill in that flashback, but maybe there's still hope?

Looking forward to the next part, buddy! :)
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Thanks for the review!  :) I should have the next chapter posted shortly.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 10: Discussions and Ruminations

"All of you should be hatching soon... so like your father, always sleeping in."

"Hey!  I can hear you, you know?"

Ali laughed at her mate's jocular response as she nuzzled her eggs, being careful to arrange them so that they could all benefit from the warm sun.  For countless days and nights she had tended to her clutch.  She had laid them prior to her mother and father-in-law leaving the valley and it seemed that they would hatch before they could return.

She frowned slightly at that thought.  She had hoped that they could see the hatching of her first clutch of younglings.  However, she knew the importance of their mission.  Since she could not attend an audience with Ignis, someone else would need to perform that duty.  That was one alliance that the valley could not afford to weaken.

"Are you thinking of them again?"

Ali turned towards the deep voice of her love.  His massive neck approached hers as he lumbered from his resting spot to where their clutch was situated.  His voice was gentle, which matched his general demeanor.  However, behind the gentleness was a protectiveness for his love.  It was no accident that her nesting site was well away from all other dinosaurs and that he had taken to screening any visitors.  Even in the safety of the valley one could not be too careful.

"Yes, Somni, I am," Ali admitted, "I expected them to be back by now."

Somni gently nuzzled Ali's neck as he lightly growled in a purr-like manner.  Ali calmed almost immediately at his familiar gesture of affection.  It was only when he could feel her heartbeat return to its normal rhythm that he spoke again.

"It is a long journey there and back, Ali.  Remember how long it took us to make that journey last time?"

Ali nodded at his words.  The first journey had seemed to drag on forever.  Even with the assistance of flyers to keep them on the proper path, it involved days upon days of walking through barren wastelands and foreboding ravines.  The journey would only had taken a day if a flyer had been the one to make the journey, but things were not quite that simple.

"Those healing plants were not going to carry themselves," Ali noted.  

It was certainly a fair arrangement, Ali had to admit.  The valley's wide variety of healing plants greatly improved the lives of the hidden runner younglings.  Where before nearly half would die in the first year from the common ailments of their kind, now relatively few met a premature end.  In exchange for the risk that the dinosaurs who carried the plants took upon themselves, the hidden runners vowed to maintain their alliance with the valley in the event that they ever needed assistance.

Somni snorted, "They almost were not carried at all.  It took forever to find all of those damn things!"

Ali rolled her eyes at her mate's whining, "Oh, admit it, dear...  you were just upset that you had to get up early to help find those things."  Her smile grew as she knew how her mate would respond.

"Six days, Ali," his eyes were widened as if to show to hear the enormity of the time span in question, "I barely slept for six days finding those things."

"Oh?"  Ali smiled coyly, "was that hard on you, dear?"

Somni sputtered, "Are you serious, dear?  It was hard on all of us.  Everyone in the valley worked through the night to find those things.  We knew that the sickness was passing through the hidden runner herd and..."  His face suddenly took on an odd expression as if he suddenly realized something.  His next words had a suspicious tone to them, "You're playing with me, aren't you?"

Ali laughed, "Whatever gave you that idea, dear?"

Seeing that he had been bested in the battle of wits, Somni rolled his eyes and laughed as well.  As the two gazed at their future sons and daughters in the nest, the white color of the eggs appeared to glow in the sunlight.  Both of them knew that in the next few days that life would emerge from the seemingly lifeless orbs.  They would soon have the great responsibility of caring for the next generation of the herd.  It was a task that neither of them would take lightly.

"Have you thought of names yet?"  Somni asked softly.

Ali smiled.  They had made an arrangement that she would name the girls and that he would name the boys.  As of yet, however, neither had disclosed their choices.

"I am still deciding.  My mother once recommended to wait a few days until you knew their personalities, then name them.  Perhaps we should do that?"

Somni was silent for a moment as he pondered that idea.

"So for a few days we would have children that had no names?  The other dinosaurs would think that we were quite strange," He bobbed his head a few times in the longneck gesture for 'crazy', "what if any of them got lost?  Would we have to run around the valley calling for nameless longneck 1 and nameless longneck 2 to return to the nest?"

Ali laughed, "Well, dear... if we watch the kids effectively then they shouldn't get lost.  You make it sound like our kids are going to be trouble from the time that they hatch."

Somni shrugged, "Well they do have a certain trouble-maker I know as a mother."  He lightly nudged her as she shrugged him off in a playful manner.

"...and they will have a certain pest as a father," she nudged him playfully in retaliation, but she soon took on a contemplative expression, "though I think you may be right, dear.  Our children should have names on their first day."

Silence reigned for several moments before it was broken by Somni's words.

"I think that if we have a son, then it should be named Rhett."

Somni watched his mate carefully as her facial expression turned to shock, then melancholy, and then an odd mixture of emotions.  He feared that he had made a bad choice, but Ali's words soon corrected that misconception.

"That is a beautiful choice, dear.  I... am just surprised that you remember that tale."

Somni frowned and nuzzled Ali, "I remember you telling me that he was a friend of yours and that he made the ultimate sacrifice so that you might live.  For that alone, I think your childhood friend deserves to live on in name."

Ali rubbed necks with Somni as her eyes threatened to shed tears.  No words were exchanged for several moments, but then again, none needed to be exchanged.  It was only after a short while had passed that Ali spoke.

"If we are naming our sons and daughters after past heroes, then I have too many names to choose from.  So many of my friends died or risked death so that I could be here right now."

Somni nodded.  "Aye.  It is that way for any longneck.  For every one of us that lives to be a parent there are many others who watch over us from the Great Beyond," his eyes fixed themselves on the sky, "I am the only one of my brothers or sisters to have this honor."

It was now Ali's turn to give her mate some comfort as she gave him a comforting nudge, "Then we will have to make sure that our children hear all of their tales.  As a longneck once told me, your loved ones are never really gone as long as you remember them."

She didn't dwell on the thought that that longneck was not a longneck anymore, and had in fact been the one to send Rhett to the Great Beyond.  He now had his life and she had hers.  That did not change the truth in his words.

She was interrupted in her thoughts by the sounds of thunderous footsteps.  Somni immediately sprung to action and turned in the direction of the sudden commotion, but he promptly relaxed when he saw the source of the footsteps.

"Mom!  Bron!"

Ali walked excitedly towards the elder longnecks, which caused the rumbling sound of her feet to join in with theirs.  She was so lost in the moment that she did not notice the expression on her mother's face.  It was only when the amazingly tall form of Shorty appeared behind the elders that she noticed something was amiss.  Shorty's long neck nearly dragged the ground in sadness.  That was when she took a good look at her mother's face.  In its gently gaze was an emotion that Ali hoped to never see again.  

Gulping, Ali walked towards her mother and bowed her head respectfully.  She already could ascertain the news that awaited her, so she resolved to spare her mother any more pain by feigning ignorance or hoping for the impossible.  With a deep inner fortitude that could only arise from being used to tragedy, she steeled herself and asked the obvious question.

"Which one?"

Her voice nearly broke as she said those words.  In response her mother bowed and in a soft voice confirmed the tragic news.

"Sauria.  Our beloved Sauria is gone."


Taunt stood mouth agape as the small younglings looked at him with wide, innocent eyes.  These were his brothers and sisters, but the reality was almost impossible for the fastbiter to comprehend.  Perhaps he was naive for imagining his father remaining un-bonded after the death of his mother, but to see his expectation be broken in an instant was quite the shock.

"Hello, young ones.  I am Taunt.  I am your older brother."

Taunt spoke softly as not to frighten the small younglings or concern their mother.  At their current age they were utterly helpless and only capable of basic vocalizations.  He knew that Swift must had been fighting her instincts to even allow them to get this close to Taunt without her lashing out at him.  The ancient instinct that sometimes made rival males kill younglings would be firmly planted in her mind.  Taunt's pack had found a way to resolve that difficulty, but that option was not available to Swift.

He watched as one of the younglings, one that he could smell was one of his sisters, walked towards him slightly.  She stopped a few feet away from him and proceeded to sniff in his direction.


The light growl of his sister seemed to entice her siblings to build up the courage to approach him as well.  Within moments their polite growls joined in the chorus.  It was the standard greeting to a close relative; an instinctual vocalization that preceded all language and thought.

Taunt smiled as he growled back towards his younger siblings, as if against his will.  It seemed that the instinctual response had seized him as well.  In his unthinking response, he barely registered another voice growling behind him in the same manner.  For several moments the growls of Taunt, the children, and the stranger behind him echoed in the clearing like some kind of primordial chant.

When he finally ended his response and could think about things rationally, however, he realized that he did not mind his momentary loss of reason, because that meant...

"Thankfully, we don't have to worry about the snapping instinct with you two," Swift observed with a smile on her face, "You may come over here now, Taunt," Taunt noted that Swift no longer had a defensive posture around the younglings, "and the same goes to you too, brother.  It is nice to see you again."

Taunt blinked as Leap joined him in their advance to Swift, Thud, and their children.  So Swift's brother had been the other one growling behind him.  It was only now that Taunt realized that, with the exception of the growling, Leap had been silent this entire time.  For that reason it did not surprise him when Leap finally broke his silence.

"Sister... Congratulations," Leap sputtered in obvious surprise at the situation, "and congratulations to you as well," he bowed to Thud in a gesture reminiscent to the greetings that he gave the elder fastbiter back when Leap was a member of Thud's pack, "I didn't realize that you two had mated."

Thud took in a breath as the little younglings proceeded to gather around the two newcomers and sniff them profusely.  The extended family was beginning to become acquainted with one another by their unique scents.  Such an interaction was more personal that any exchange of words could be.  Even though the younglings were too young to speak, he realized that they were already having their first conversation with him.  A conversation without words or pretense.  A poem of the unsaid.

"This... is quite a surprise for me as well." Taunt admitted to his father.  Any jocular words that he could have said seemed to fade from his mind in this moment.  He had literally been stunned into politeness.

Swift smiled as she turned towards her brother, "How long has it been since the last time we met, brother?  Since before the last Cold Time, I do believe... and what were you and Haven busy dealing with back then."

Leap coughed as Ducky proceeded to shift uncomfortably in response to Swift's innuendo.  They had all been quite busy with 'adult matters' during the spring prior to the last Cold Time.  Their children were a testament to that.

"I ignored the instinct at that time," Swift admitted, "but I resolved to not forsake my duty to the pack during the next mating season.  The only difficult part was convincing your father," she turned towards Taunt as she said this, "that I did not need his help in finding a suitable male elsewhere.  I already had one in mind."

Taunt couldn't help himself, "I am sure my father didn't need much convincing."

Rather than look embarrassed by Taunt's implication, she nodded in Thud's direction.  "You would be surprised, Taunt.  Your father was full of excuses."  She paused as she nuzzled Thud slightly before nipping at his tail in jest, which caused their younglings to try to catch Thud's tail in imitation of their mother.  "What were some of those excuses, dear?  I am too old, you should have someone younger.  I am old enough to be your parent," she nuzzled him again as he looked at his son with a 'see what I have to put up with' expression, "but you relented in the end.  I am not a replacement of your first love, dear, but that doesn't mean that I can't love you."

Thud nuzzled her as well, "Indeed.  Though she would have approved of you if she could have met you."

Taunt smiled slightly at the exchange.  In his younger days he would have raged at his father's taking of another mate as a callous replacement of his beloved mother.  However, with the benefit of the years, he understood that life had to go on after tragedy.  He had not betrayed Skytail by joining with Littlefoot's pack, and his father had not betrayed Taunt's mother by again taking a mate.

"Well I certainly approve of this," Taunt bowed as Thud gave a noticeably relieved expression at his son's expression of support.  "though that doesn't mean that I won't be giving both of you grief for this.  You have no idea how much fun I can have with this." Taunt smirked as the two parents rolled their eyes at his antics.

"I support this wholeheartedly," Leap added before Swift or Thud could address Taunt's threat of future jokes and banter, "though you don't have to worry about much pestering from me."  He gave Taunt a cheeky gesture with his tail as Taunt rolled his eyes at his friend's jest.

"Oh, we expected that to be the case," Thud affirmed with a wide smile, "that is why we trained our children to only do this to Taunt."  He then gave a light growl and nodded towards Taunt as Swift repeated the vocalization.

Taunt's eyes went wide, "What is tha..."

He never got the chance to finish before the small little younglings proceeded to climb up Taunt's body and nibble at his skin.  As he struggled to get his small siblings to willingly remove themselves from his body, the sounds of laughter could be heard emanating from behind him.  It was only now that his packmates made themselves heard at his expense.  It seemed that even without the gift of language his siblings had managed to best Taunt in the battle of wits.


In an instant the children leapt off of Taunt and ran onto their mother's back.  The two mysterious fastbiters from Thud's pack retreated to a defensive position in front of their leader and his mate, whereas Littlefoot's pack slowly turned towards the unexpected sound.  They had recognized that roar.

"It's alright, Path," Littlefoot began, "it's Swift and Thud!  They're back!"

The large purple Tyrannosaurus slowed to a stop as he glared in the direction of the newcomers.  His expression soon turned to one of happiness, however, as his own eyes confirmed Littlefoot's news.

"Welcome back, guys!"  The two brown fastbiters in Thud's pack trembled with the same amount of fear as Thud and Swift's children, whereas the remaining fastbiters smiled at their friend's warm welcome, "What brings all of you into our lands?  We haven't heard from you since you went to the Misty Mountains."

All of the eyes of the pack turned towards Thud and Swift at Chomper's question.  The surprise about Thud and Swift had overridden conversation on any other topic, but he did raise a good point.  Why were they here?

Thud nodded, "That is a good question, Path, and one that will take a while to explain."  He then turned towards the two brown fastbiters, who had relaxed slightly after seeing that the purple sharptooth meant them no harm, "I will also need to explain how Ripper and Torn came into our pack.  So much has happened since we last met."

Littlefoot smiled, "Indeed it has.  You haven't even had a chance to meet our children since they learned to talk."

Swift seemed to jump off of the ground in excitement at the mention of the other children, "Oh yes, how are the little ones?"

Leap smiled at his sister's enthusiasm, "They are great!"  He then looked in Chomper's direction as the sound of his thundering feet could be heard,  "but perhaps we should talk during dinner before Path devours everything."

Littlefoot laughed as Chomper proceeded to give their recently killed swimmer a sniff prior to taking a tentative bite out of its flank, "That is so like Path.  If the pack is not in danger, then kill something and eat it.  If the pack is in danger, then kill the danger and then eat it."

Chomper did not respond to his friends jocular comments except to make a somewhat dancing motion with his backside.  This did not require him to actually lift his head from the swimmer's corpse.  Laughing at his friend's antics, Littlefoot finally gave the order.

"Alright, everyone, let's eat!  We can catch up with one another when we have full bellies."


The female rainbowface shivered despite the warmth of the mid-afternoon sun.  The fragrant scents of the blooming flowers greeted her nose, and the usual sounds of the valley greeted her ears, but those welcome distractions could not dissuade her from her inner torment.  Her brother was gone.

"I just can't believe that he is gone."

After a shudder, another series of tears fell from her eyes.  It was only when her father wiped them from her face that she again became aware of her surroundings.

"He always loved the valley this time of year," Chronos noted with thinly veiled melancholy in his voice, "he would be running through the grass right now leading his friends on some adventure of some kind," his eyes glistened as he reminisced about his son, "he was so like me when I was young.  So full of energy."

Axiom took a deep breath as she wiped her eyes and looked down at the gently flowing stream.  The saddened form of a young rainbowface greeted her.  Her eyes red with exertion.

"He would be calling me a crybaby right now," Axiom observed, "he would want me to talk to our friends...  to tell them exactly what happened... but I don't think that I can.  What do I even tell them?"

Chronos looked at her daughter with understanding eyes, "Simply tell them the truth.  They mourn for him and your friends as much as we do," he hugged his daughter as a tear fell from his eye, "I am sure that they would appreciate knowing that they haven't lost you as well."

"I am still here." Axiom retorted.

"Yes," Chronos noted, "but you are not with them.  I know that you may not feel ready to see them, Axiom, but I think that they would do you some good right now.  Grief is a chasm that can threaten to swallow you whole if you let it.  We have lost so much, but it is important to remind yourself that we haven't lost everything."

Axiom wanted to retort.  She wanted to scream that her brother was dead and that nothing else mattered at the moment.  However, the logic in her father's words were undeniable.  Her brother's legacy would live on through her memories and her friends stories.  But it would be up to her to comfort what remained of the old gang.  Her brother and Charger was no longer here to fulfill that duty.  Although their loss had created a hole that could not be filled, she knew that her friends would have to cross it.  

Axiom and Charger would have wanted it that way.

"Alright, daddy... I will try."  She wiped her eyes one last time as she struggled back to her feet.  She would not abandon her friends in their time of need, just as she knew that they would not abandon her.

"They are by the Thundering Falls, dear," he smiled softly as she looked at him in surprise, "they told me that they would wait for you there.  They knew that you needed some time to yourself."

Chronos nearly gasped as his daughter hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, daddy.  I will be back by nightfall."

Chronos nodded as Axiom turned to walk away, "Of course, dear.  Mother and I will be here if you need to talk."

As the form of his daughter retreated towards the Thundering Falls, he finally allowed himself to sob quietly for several moments.  He had been strong in front of his daughter, but now he could not contain what lay inside of him.  He had no idea how long he had cried, it could have very well been minutes or hours, but he was finally roused by his mate's gentle nuzzle.

"Did she go to her friends?"

Chronos nodded as Logos sat beside him, "She did.  It took some convincing."

Logos nodded as she looked in the direction of the Thundering Falls, "The valley is ready for the meeting, dear.  Topps is going to tell the valley..."  she closed her eyes as she struggled to finish her words, "tell them what happened."

Chronos closed his eyes as well, holding Logos close, "Well, let's go to the meeting then.  At least Axiom is with her friends; I would hate for her to have to relive what happened."

As the two slowly walked to the meeting area, they leaned upon one another for comfort.  They both knew that they would have to carry on for the sake of Axiom and for the valley, but the loss of Datum would leave a void that would never be filled.


"We have known Ripper and Torn ever since we went to the Misty Mountains.  We stole one another's food on more than one occasion."

Leap listened with interest as Swift told the story of her journey to the pack.  The half-devoured swimmer was strewn across the ground as Thud's younglings played on its skeletal tail.  However, Chomper had been careful to save more than enough for Ruby and their children who were still training.  There was more than enough left to go around.

"We... um... had a few disagreements at first," one of the brown fastbiters noted, the one that called itself Torn, "but we soon found that Thud and Swift were fastbiters that we could trust."

"We began to join in hunts even though we kept a separate territory," Ripper added.

"That is an interesting arrangement," Littlefoot noted, "so each of you had a separate territory, but the one thing that a territory is meant to protect, the food, you decided to share?"  He smiled as Thud shrugged, "Why didn't you four just unite as a pack right then and there?"

Swift smiled as Thud beamed happily and Torn shifted uncomfortably.

"The boys," she gestured to the brown fastbiters, "were hoping that I would join with them once I was in season, but once they were made aware that I already had other plans, they decided to do the obvious."

"Oh, so you really complicated things then, sister."  Leap noted with some humor, "I take it things are settled down now?"

Thud nodded, "Indeed it is.  We were actually moving to a new hunting ground in order to get enough food for my growing younglings here," he smiled as splashing could be heard as one of the younglings had begun rolling in the swimmer's blood.  It seemed that the younglings would soon be due for a washing from their parents, "and also for any potential newcomers to the pack."

"I take it that Ripper and Torn are looking forward to new female members," Taunt added with a cheeky smile.

"How could you ever guess?" Torn added with a jocular tone.  He was obviously not embarrassed by his predicament, only annoyed by it.

"Well then," Littlefoot spoke, "I am glad to see that everyone is doing well.  As you and Thud both know, our own pack was nearly ripped apart due to the complications of mating.  It is good to know that everything worked out for you."

Swift smiled, "Perhaps Ripper and Torn could be told that song sometime?  I can think of few packs that had such an adventure in the process of becoming parents."

"You know us," Spike butted in, "we can't seem to do anything without having an adventure."

It was then that Leap had a sudden realization, "You know, guys, we have never told our kids that particular tale."

Taunt looked at Leap with an odd expression, "What?  How our kids came along?  Well that's simple I liked Stern Claw; she liked me; so her and I went to a secluded area and..."

"Not that, you lecher!" Cera muttered as she slapped Taunt with her tail, "Leap means what came after all of that."

"Those were trying times." Ducky added softly, her eyes deep in thought.

Leap took the opportunity to nuzzle her, "Indeed they were.  All the more reason to tell our children the tale."


Silence fell on the pack for several moments as Soar finally made herself known from the trees.

"Speaking of your children, should we go fetch them?  Their sniffer training should have ended by now."

Littlefoot blinked at this.  Soar was completely correct.  The flyer children had already eaten their fill as they did not really use their sniffers to track prey, but the fastbiter children should have been done much earlier.  What were they up to now?  Littlefoot nodded as he looked in Petrie's direction.

"You are absolutely correct, Soar.  Petrie?  Would you mind telling Ruby that dinner is ready?  I am sure that the kids are hungry and would be glad to see Thud and Swift again."

Petrie nodded in agreement as he took off in one strong burst of his legs, "Me get them!  But now would be good time for my children to test their wings!"

Soar laughed as her children struggled to gain altitude despite being overburdened with the large meal they had just consumed.  Her mate had quite the right idea in training the children to being ready to take flight at a moment's notice, but she suspected that he was mainly doing this for shear entertainment.  Nonetheless, she decided to enjoy the show as well.

"Alright, children!  Away we go!  The last one to reach Ruby has to clean the blood-sucking buzzers from mommy's crest!"

Their speed accelerated as they advanced into the sky.  They would find the children in no time.


In the shadow of the Roaring Falls three dinosaurs lay on the moist grass.  A small swimmer, a brown flyer, and a pink threehorn did not seem to be bothered by the onslaught of water from the waterfall's mist.  They did not appear to notice much of what was going on around them at all.

Axiom unsteadily approached her friends as they sat motionless by the river.  They obviously did not hear her approach over the roar of the Thundering Falls.

"Hey, guys," she softly greeted as she sat beside them.  Their reaction was immediate.

"Axiom,"  Tricia greeted her friend warmly as she gave her a bow, "I am so sorry."

Axiom steeled herself as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her again.  She had to be strong for the benefit of her friends.  Her brother was no longer here to be the voice of calm in the group.  It was all up to her.

"Oh, no you don't."

Axiom looked up at the swimmer with surprise.  Malka had her arms on her sides, but had an understanding expression on her face.  It was only then that she realized that her eyes were red.  The mist of the waterfall had hidden her friend's tears, but her eyes gave her away.  It was then that the swimmer embraced her and spoke again.

"You lost your brother, Axiom, don't pretend to be strong for our sake."

It was only then that Axiom allowed the emotional dam to break once again as she proceeded to weep openly.  She could feel the landing of a flyer on her back and the light brushing of a horn against her side as her other friends began to comfort her.  What remained of the gang was now joined in an outpouring of grief.

Little did they know that their three lost members were still very much alive...


The flyers had departed several moments ago in order to fetch the children, which gave the rest of the pack plenty of time to talk to their allies.

"So did all of you have an idea of where you wanted to migrate?"

Thud shifted uncomfortably at Littlefoot's question as he looked towards his mate.  That was when she gave him a nod and he gave an audible sigh.

"That is what I actually wanted to talk to you about, Seeker.  As you know, the population of sharpteeth have been expanding in the Mysterious Beyond."

Littlefoot nodded, "Where there is prey, there will be predators.  These are plentiful times."

Thud nodded, "Quite right.  However, this is also a problem.  More predators mean more competition, and we all know how that can end up."

Littlefoot took on a neutral expression as he began to guess where this conversation was going, "True.  Though you are a pack of four, with two members of great reputation.  Not to mention formidable allies."

Thud smiled at that, "Very true.  You are formidable allies and friends.  That is why I ask this with all due respect," Thud then took a deep bow, which caused Littlefoot's eyes to widen.  He knew what was coming, "Dear Leader, what expanse do you claim?"

Littlefoot took a deep breath at Thud's words.  His statement carried two meanings.  The first meaning, that any fastbiter would have known, is that his question was one that inquired about the size of Littlefoot's territory so that Thud's pack would not encroach on Littlefoot's territory when claiming their own land.  That was the obvious meaning, but the hidden meaning was no less important.  The fact that Thud wanted to know where Littlefoot's territory ended indicated that he wanted to settle nearby.  Thud would not be complying with Littlefoot's directives as a lesser ally this time.  He would be an equal in all ways.  That was what the term of endearment, Dear Leader, had indicated.  Thud wanted his children to live in a pack where he himself was the pack leader.  At the same time, he wanted to remain an ally and friend of Littlefoot's pack.

Littlefoot shifted his weight slightly as he maintained his expression.  His pack had never really delineated the exact boundaries of their territory.  Like most packs they would simply let any intruding pack experience their fury if they got too close for their comfort.  However, thinking about where their hunts had occurred, he made a quick determination.

"Honored Friend," Littlefoot began as custom dictated, "we claim this forest and the grassland outside to ten longneck lengths," Thud bowed respectfully as Littlefoot spared him the ritualistic formula in order to make the request that he knew was coming, "we would be honored to have your pack next to ours.  The forest that lies across the plain is not claimed by us.  We would rather be surrounded by friends than my strangers."

"That's right!"  Cera affirmed from behind her leader.

"Yep, yep, yep!"  Ducky added her voice of support.

Thud smiled as Thud and Leap both gave vocal yelps in support of Littlefoot's decision.  Even Chomper gave a loud roar which, although it scared Ripper and Torn, was also a show of support in his own way.  He gave a swift bow and finished the necessary custom that he had instructed Littlefoot on several years prior.

"You have my thanks, Dear Leader.  May the alliance continue to benefit us both."  Then with a slow, deliberate motion he rose to his feet.  The customary actions were now fulfilled.

"I certainly hope I got all of that alright," Littlefoot admitted with a smile, "I never had the chance to follow that ritual before."

Swift laughed, "Most who have the opportunity simply chase the intruders away anyway.  We are glad that you did not take that option!"

"We would never chase away our friends in their time of need.  Nope, nope, nope!"  Ducky affirmed heartily as the others likewise affirmed her sentiments.

"I think Ducky speaks for us all."  Littlefoot affirmed.

Thud smiled at their show of support, "You did quite well, Littlefoot, and we are all incredibly thankful for your offer.  Two strong packs side-by-side will make any rivals to think twice before challenging our territories."

"And it will protect our children," Swift noted, "speaking of which, is that Biter?  My goodness he has grown!"

Littlefoot and the others turned around at Biter's question as the distant form of Ruby and the children came into view.  The children seemed happy enough, but Ruby had a noticeably unhappy look on her face.

"It looks like they have brought dessert!"

At Taunt's suggestion, Littlefoot then noticed the threehorn, longneck, and rainbowface which were in-between the small fastbiter younglings.  The sight of young leaf-eaters walking under their own power between the instruments of their doom was truly an odd scene indeed.  Not wishing to wait on their arrival, Littlefoot advanced towards the children and tilted his head in a questioning way towards his mate.

"It seems that our son has decided to ally himself with these sap-suckers," Ruby glared at her son, which caused Biter to look away in shame, "how would you suggest we handle our allied food?" she mocked with more than a little bitterness, "somehow I don't think they will be of much use in hunts except as bait."

Littlefoot sputtered at Ruby's words.  He had never seen Ruby so mad at one of their children, and now the reason for her rage was obvious for him to see.  His son had made a blood pact with leaf-eaters, which prevented the pack from eating the prey which now cowered before them.  How was he going to handle this?

"Why son?  Did you forget what we taught you?"  Littlefoot lifted his son's chin as he scolded him, "making friends with the food will only make it harder to be what you must be."

Biter opened his mouth before promptly closing it.  Before he or his parents could respond, however, Pouncer added his commentary.

"Can we eat them?  We didn't make the promise."

"Yeah!"  Another childish voice called out, "we are hungry!"

"Silence!"  Littlefoot exclaimed, which caused all of the other children to huddle together in fear.  They had never before been addressed by the pack leader like this, "go to your parents and eat the swimmer that we have caught," he then turned towards his daughter as the other children fled, "you too, Swipe.  Ruby and I will need to have a talk with your brother."

Swipe turned once more towards his brother to give him a disapproving, yet concerned, look.  It was only now that she seemed to realize the gravity of Biter's infraction.  However, a light nudge from her mother made Swipe follow her father's instructions.  Now Biter was alone with his parents and the three leaf-eaters.

"What are your names?"  Littlefoot asked in leaf-eater, "I take it that my son has already spoken to you in our language?"

"I am Datum." Came the crisp response of the rainbowface in the sharptooth language, which nearly caused Littlefoot to take a step back.  "and these are my friends..."

"You can speak sharptooth?!"  Littlefoot and Ruby both exclaimed, interrupting the rainbowface's introduction.

"I can," the child affirmed, "it is something that my parents taught me in the valley."

Both parents looked upon the rainbowface with horrified expressions.  Their anger at their son's actions being superseded by the revelation that they had just received.  That was when Littlefoot took a hard look at the trembling longneck and the resigned threehorn with the blinded eye.  He had never met these dinosaurs, but he suddenly felt as if he knew them quite well.

"And you will be happy to know, Littlefoot, that your eldest sister, Sauria, seems to be getting along with other kinds just like you did in your leaf-eater days.  Your father wanted me to tell you that she is now hanging out with a swimmer, a flyer, both of Chronos and Logos's children, and two threehorns, including Tricia."

"Ha!  That is lovely news, Pterano.  I take it that they are causing my dad as much grief as me and my friends did back in our younger days?"

"Every day," the flyer affirmed with a smirk, "it seems that mischief runs in your family."

Littlefoot blinked.  He had to know for sure.

"What is your name, longneck?"

The small longneck looked up in terror at the large fastbiter.  The smell of fear and despair permeated her scent.  It was only after a few breaths that she answered in a squeaking voice.


Littlefoot took several steps back as he looked towards the three dinosaurs in shock.  Ruby likewise covered her mouth at the realization of who these leaf-eaters actually were.  It was enough to make Biter swallow his fear and ask the obvious question.

"Mommy?  Daddy? What's wrong?"

Littlefoot continued to stare at the female longneck with astonishment, as she looked at him with confusion.  The scent of confusion was now beginning to supplant the terror that had existed previously.  With a carefully controlled voice that hid his concern at the implications of this discovery, he spoke in leaf-eater.

"This," he gestured towards Sauria, "is your aunt.  My half-sister."

Upon the look of dawning comprehension on the Sauria's face, Littlefoot lightly bowed towards the leaf-eaters.

"Hello, younglings, I am Seeker.  Perhaps you have heard of me?"

The younglings stared at him in shock.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 11: Hospitality of the Predator

Sauria looked up at the brown fastbiter with utter incomprehension.  He was Seeker?  The dinosaur who used to be known as Littlefoot?  These were the sharpteeth that had saved the valley those years ago?  Her brother...  It was almost too much to process.

She looked over at the other fastbiters, who were standing many feet behind their leader.  The horrific scene of a half-eaten swimmer being devoured by the fastbiter younglings was thankfully hidden by the body of the massive purple sharptooth.

Chomper...  she deduced, which caused her to look at the other fastbiters.  The orange colored fastbiter was talking to another orange predator with black stripes, That must be Cera , she thought with some amazement, Tricia's sister.  She will be glad to know she is doing well. Beside her were the others that her mother had taught her in the stories.  Spike, Ducky, and the flyer Petrie.

She swallowed as she turned back to her brother again.  She now knew that his words were not false.  Despite the misgivings that Ali and her mother had for Littlefoot, they both told her that he was a good sharptooth.  But sometimes even good sharpteeth had to kill.  She had nightmares for days when her mother had told her the importance of protecting eggs by explaining what Littlefoot and the others had done to her old herd.

Now the nightmare was standing in front of her...

"Are... are you going to kill us?" was her pitiful response.  Despite this being her long-lost brother, she knew what fate awaited defenseless leaf-eaters who crossed sharpteeth.

The brown fastbiter looked at her with a mix of horror and guilt.

"No!" he choked out, which caused her to cower at his raised voice, "No, I would never hurt family, Sauria.  Not now, not ever." he finished in a firm, but calmer voice.  He kept his claws noticeably closer to his body than they were previously.

"But that swimmer wasn't so lucky, huh?!" came Charger's enraged reaction.

Datum shrunk back as he tried to stop his friend, "Charger..."

But the threehorn would have none of it.  The shock of their situation was too much for him.  The smell of fear and distress was almost overwhelming to the fastbiters as Charger continued to rant, "My daddy warned me about this.  He warned me that sharpteeth could not be trusted, and now look where that has gotten us!  Biter has betrayed us and now his parents are here..." he bowed his head as his legs began to shake.  Charger's bravery had made its final stand and now only fear remained.  All Sauria could do was to look at her friend with concern.  She had never seen him in such a state.

"Biter did not betray you, little threehorn," Ruby corrected Charger, "I saw your rainbowface friend here and made Biter tell me what was happening."   Datum looked down in shame as Ruby continued, "We do not eat friends, and if you are friends of Biter, then you are friends of us."

Charger sat down on his haunches as he tried to recompose himself.  Sauria sighed as she closed her eyes.  Charger was not the only one who was having trouble dealing with this new reality.

"Uh... aunt Sauria?"

Sauria looked up at the little brown fastbiter who was fidgeting awkwardly by his father's tail.  Had the situation not been so surreal, she might have thought of it as cute.  She mutely nodded for him to continue, as she did not trust her voice at that moment.

"I'm... I'm sorry for all of this,"  he looked down, "I... uh... never knew you existed."

Sauria nodded at this, "My mommy..." her voice cracked at mentioning her.  She knew that she would never see her again.  "My mommy told me that the seven had children of their own."

Littlefoot looked at her closely for several moments with a morose expression.  He then carefully examined the others and noted their smells.  It wasn't just the smell of fear that remained, it was also the smell of something else.  Something far more bitter.

Littlefoot laid down on the ground in a placative gesture, as Ruby did the same.  After a confused pause Biter did the same.  The sharpteeth were all silent for a moment as Littlefoot gazed into Ruby's eyes.  Their non-verbal conversation confirmed that she had the same suspicion that he did.  Sighing, he tried to ask the question as gently as possible.

"Children, where are your parents?"

In the instant that the words had left his mouth the three leaf-eaters took on expressions of profound grief.  Sauria looked down as she struggled to hold back tears, Datum closed his eyes and clinched his hands, while the threehorn...

Charger had curled up in a ball as he hid his horned head between his massive forelimbs.  Littlefoot had only seen threehorns cry during the aftermath of the Battle for the Valley, and it was something that he had hoped to never see again.  However, his reaction and that of his friends confirmed the worst for Littlefoot.

Their parents were dead.  Ali's mother...  the threehorn's parents... Chronos and Logos...  It was enough to almost make him want to weep as well.  He owed much to his friends in the valley, especially the two rainbowfaces.  The fact that his sister was left without a mother and that Datum was all that was left of the legacy of his friends was almost too much to bear.  That was when the other realization hit him.


Littlefoot's eyes went wide as the full ramifications of their reactions came to him.  If Ali's mother were with Sauria then Bron would surely be there as well; he would not want to leave his mate alone as he did with his mother so long ago.  His father...

Shaking, Littlefoot looked towards Ruby, who quickly leaned against him in a show of support.  Biter, who had not yet made the same deduction his father had, leaned against his father as well while giving him a confused expression.

"Sister,"  Littlefoot croaked as he took a deep breath, "was my father with your mother when..."  he shook his head, "what exactly happened?"

He didn't even finish as Sauria nodded tearfully, "The sharpteeth came and we were all too far away from our mommies and daddies," she choked back a sob as seeing the morose fastbiter only made her grief worse, "it was all out fault!  We shouldn't have been playing away from the sleeping area." she looked away in shame as Ruby silently cooed for her to continue, "We heard the sharpteeth when we were playing a game..."


Several days prior, the day of the attack:

"You're it!"

Datum sighed as he felt Sauria nudge his leg.  His bright coloration certainly did not do him any favors when it came to Hide and Seek.

"Alright, Sauria," Datum rolled his eyes at the longneck's enthusiasm in telling him that he had been found, "go and try to hide your freakishly long neck somewhere."

His mild insult earned him the sight of Sauria sticking out her tongue at him.  He prepared himself to cover his eyes when the agitated sound of Charger reached his ears.

"Damn it, you two!  I have been hiding in the bushes all this time, while you two have been catching one another!"

Datum could only smile at his friend's agitated response, "It isn't my fault that I am flashy," he posed as if to show off his rainbow snout which cause Charger to roll his eyes, "or that Sauria's neck makes her stand out like a tree."

Charger grumbled something about 'arrogant rainbow asses' which made Sauria laugh.

"Do you talk to your mother with that mouth, Charger?" Sauria asked playfully.

"Ha!" Charger smiled, "My mother curses even worse!  We threehorns aren't afraid of words like you flatheads and rainbow butts are."

Datum rolled his eyes, but smiled at his friend's antics.  For he knew that Charger was in a good mood if he were bragging about the exploits of his kind.

"Alright," Datum proposed, "I say that we change games.  Perhaps we could race?"

Charger rolled his eyes, "And have you beat us?  How about we play Head-Basher instead?"

Sauria laughed at this, "I don't think there would be much of you after that, Datum!"

Datum was not one to be outdone by her wits, "And your head would be even flatter, Sauria!"

Charger smiled as he sat down to watch the show.  Sauria and Datum could certainly hurl insults when they were animated, and, much as he would not admit it to anyone else, he preferred to be the spectator in their little battles.


The three children sighed as the distant call of Bron could be heard from the sleeping area.  It seemed that their absence had been noticed by their families.  They had wanted to play, but knew that they couldn't do that close to their families, lest they wake them up and be forced to resume the journey early.  Taking a look at Bron's massive form in the distance, they noticed the small form of Axiom with her hands planted firmly on her hips.

"I guess sis is mad that we didn't wake her,"  Datum deduced.

Sauria nodded, "Well, she did have the coughing sickness..."

Datum deadpanned, "Do you honestly think that is going to save me from her wrath?"

Sauria laughed, "Nope.  Have fun, Datum!"

As he began to walk in the direction of the sleeping area he muttered back, "She is going to yell at you too, you know?"

Charger made his presence known again from beside Datum, "Yeah, but you have to live with her!"

Datum rolled his eyes, "You two are enjoying this."

Charger laughed to himself, "Immensely."



The present:

Sauria choked up as she recounted the terrible moments that followed.  The others were silent except for their soft crying at the reopening of their emotional wounds.  Even Biter was clinging to his mother upon realizing what the children lost.  Finally, however, Sauria built up the strength to continue.

"The sharpteeth went between us and our mommies and daddies.  We heard screams... terrible screams.  Then Charger's daddy screamed at us to run.  We ran as fast as we could."


The day of the attack:


Sauria looked over at her threehorn friend as the screams of his mother echoed across the plain.  She could see him begin to slow, but the growls of the tyrannosaurus behind them confirmed the continued danger.

"Keep going, Charger!"  Sauria screamed despite her terror and exhaustion, "We have to get out of here!"

Sauria continued to pump her legs despite the burning sensation that was coursing up her legs.  She knew that the predator was advancing on them, but yet safety did not seem anywhere to be found.  It was looking increasingly likely that she would meet her end with her friends.  Just another youngling to meet her end at the claws of a carnivore.

"Look!"  Datum screamed from several body-lengths ahead of the others.  This caused Sauria to look ahead with renewed vigor.

Looking ahead of their current position she could see that the plains seemed to give way to brambles and dry roots.  However, upon further observation, she could see that the ground was sloping downwards.  They could seek shelter in the brambles!  The predator would not seek them out there!

Doing her best to ignore her burning lungs, Sauria redoubled her efforts and tried to outrun her pursuer.  However, the thunderous sounds of its footsteps and the terrible vibrations from the ground told her that she had little time.  The air from the strikes of the predator's feet were beginning to make itself known to the longneck's back.  She wasn't going to make it...

"Sauria, look out!"

Before she had time to react, Charger collided with her full force as the tyrannosaurus's massive maw dug into the ground where she was an instant before.  Then the ground began to dance around her as the longneck and the threehorn rolled end over end into the brambles and roots.  That was when everything went black.


The present:

"We both woke up to Datum slapping us.  It was only then that I noticed that my leg hurt and that Charger had lost an eye."  Sauria looked down as she recounted the horrors that they had faced.  This was the first time that she had a chance to recount their tale, and the emotional impact surprised even her.  She finally sucked in a deep breath, "Charger got sick and we got healing plants to make him better, but we had to stay here until we could move again.  Then your son met Datum and... well... you know the rest."

Silence greeted Sauria's tale as Littlefoot continued to stare at the ground.  Both his mate and his son looked towards him with concern.  The rest of the pack kept their distance behind him out of respect.  They would let their leader mourn in peace.

Despite his apprehension, Biter was the first to speak.  His voice betraying his youthful innocence, "Daddy?  Does that mean that grandpa is dead?"  Even though Biter had only heard of the massive longneck from his father's stories, his voice were tinged with loss.

Littlefoot swallowed, his expression blank, "Yes, son."  He paused for several moments as his own words echoed in his mind.  "My father is dead.  At least mom isn't alone anymore."

As he bowed his head and closed his eyes, Ruby took the opportunity to embrace him.  Despite his loss, Littlefoot did not weep or shake as he had when he first heard the news.  Now he was simply numb.

The three leaf-eaters looked at one another apprehensively as the silence again became repressive.  With Biter matching his father's expression and Ruby comforting the brown fastbiter, they were left to themselves.  It was only several minutes later that a brown sharptooth flyer silently landed beside the other three sharpteeth and bowed in a deferential manner.

At first Littlefoot did not react, but after a few moments he looked up at the flyer.  Only now did he think to speak in leaf-eater again, so that the leaf-eaters could understand what was being said.

"I take it... that you heard all of that?"

Petrie nodded mutely, "We all did, Seeker."

Littlefoot closed his eyes for a moment as he sighed, "If my father..."  he nearly lost his composure, but quickly retook control, "and the others are dead, then the valley doesn't know.  We will need to tell them what happened, and that some of the children are safe."

Petrie paused for a moment as if he wasn't sure that his leader was done, but quickly gave a nod when he realized that Littlefoot had said all that he was going to say.  Nonetheless he stayed present waiting for more specific instructions.

"Children?"  Ruby began uncertainly, "Where did you say this happened?  Could you describe the place to us?"

Datum stepped forward slightly, "Well... there were the brambles that we tried to hide in... then there was the forest where our families were sleeping." he thought for a moment, "we had to cross quite a bit of grass to get to this forest."

Littlefoot's eyes went wide, "The attack happened in the field outside of this forest?!"

Datum was frightened into silence, and simply nodded at Littlefoot's exclamation.

Ruby placed both hands on her face in a stunned expression, "How did we miss this?"

"It is a large field, and we only patrol part of it," Taunt noted, making himself known the group, "the attack could have happened when we were hunting deep in the forest."

"It is still too close for comfort," Cera noted, "Path is only one two-footer.  If there are more than one wanting our territory..."

"If they want a fight then I will give it to them!"

The three leaf-eaters cowered as Chomper's massive form came towards the impromptu meeting.  As the predators had switched back to their native language, they had no idea what was going on.

"I appreciate the thought, Path," Spike offered, "but we need to plan.  They might know about our ways.  If so then we need to be prepared for anything."

"The Orange Death?" Ducky questioned.

"The Orange Death." Spike confirmed.

By this point the fastbiter children had heard the commotion and had arrived on the scene as well.  Their concerned faces joined in the chorus of confusion and surprise.


The pack looked upon Littlefoot with a confused expression as he looked in the direction of the leaf-eater children.  The looks of his packmates communicated the obvious question: how could these leaf-eater be of any help?

Seeing that the children were frozen in fear, Biter walked towards them but then stopped and looked back towards his father.  Finally receiving a nod from Littlefoot, he continued to walk towards them and began to speak.

"It's alright, guys."

Biter's rainbowface friend remained frozen in place as the other children cowered at the pack before them.  That was when Biter had a revelation.   Their fear smell is different.  It isn't like it was with me and daddy.  It's...

"Would you feel better if Path backed away?"  Biter asked gently.

A simple nod from Datum caused an immediate response in the purple sharptooth as he backed away back towards the carcass of the swimmer.  It was only now that their fear smells became less extreme.

He is the same kind that killed their parents... and my grandpa, Biter observed.  The thought unnerved him in a way that he couldn't explain.

"Sorry, children."   Littlefoot cooed, breaking Biter from his thoughts, "I didn't even think about Path being the same kind that..."  he sighed, "look... if we are going to know what we are facing then we need you to lead us to where it happened."

The looks of horror from the children were immediate.

"I don't look forward to this either, but if we can find their tracks then we can find out where they have gone... and decide on the best way to lead you all home."

Littlefoot looked down as the scent of fear was replaced with dread and acceptance from the leaf-eaters, a less pungent smell.  Even though they remained silent after his request, he already knew that they would agree.  Before the three began to lead the pack towards the fateful site, however, Biter could barely hear a few words from his father's whispered sigh.

"Father... keep mother company for me."


Swipe walked behind the adults with an emotion building in her that she couldn't describe.  Her grandfather was dead.  She had never met him, nor seen him even from afar, but she had certainly heard of his exploits from her father.  However, the emotion that this elicited in her was curiously muted.  It was difficult to feel too emotional for someone you had never met.

But her father's reaction...

She had never seen her father mourn, but from her vantage point by the swimmer she could hear the choked sob.  Despite her hunger, she had immediately lost her appetite as Littlefoot heard the news.  It was his reaction more than anything else that colored her perception of what had transpired.  It was that which made her shake with agitation.  These two-footers, whoever they were, had made her father cry.  She would never forgive them for that.

She looked to her side for a moment.  Pouncer was giving her a concerned expression, but said nothing.  Neither was there any cutting remark from Nibble about her brother making friends with the food.  No, even her friends understood the magnitude of the situation and had taken on an ominous quiet.  It was something out of their training.

"What do we do when the pack might be in danger?"  Ruby asked the assembled fastbiters.

A shout rose as they spoke in unison, "Be quiet, sneak, and listen is the way to win the mission!"

Ruby smiled.  They were such quick learners.

"Look there!"

Swipe looked up at where Pouncer was gesturing.  Petrie and Soar were rising into the air and falling in the distance.  They could barely be seen, but it was obvious that they had found something.


Swipe looked up at her father, only to realize that by using the leaf-eater language he obviously was talking to their three leaf-eater guests.

"Children, you don't have to follow us up here if you don't want to.  You have done enough."

Swipe considered her father's words.  If her parents had died, would she be willing to go back to the place where it happened?  To see what was left?  It was a horrifying thought that gave her pause.  She had always thought of leaf-eaters as food.  Even though her parents had told her stories about their leaf-eater days, it seemed like an afterthought.  Even her father had stressed that she would have to kill leaf-eaters one day and that it was best to only think of them as food.  She had taken his advice to heart.

But her brother hadn't...

She looked towards her brother, as he kept his place right beside the rainbowface he had allied with.  For this transgression she so wanted to berate him... to criticize him... to make him do the right thing...  but had he not done this then they would not have learned about her grandfather.  Likewise, the pack would have unknowingly killed her aunt.  It was enough to make her doubt her former views.  If her brother was so wrong in befriending the leaf-eater, then why did it turn out so right this time?

"I will go ahead."

She looked towards the threehorn with surprise.  His right eye and much of the right side of his body were marred by deep gashes and scars.  It was as if he had challenged a fastbiter to a fight and lost.  Nonetheless, both his face and scent communicated pride.  Though he could not hide his fear from her sniffer.  This dinosaur was an enigma to her.  He was so much like Cera and her kids now that she thought about it.  Had he had feathers and claws he could almost have fit in to her family...

"So will I."

The small little longneck stepped forward as well.  In many ways, Swipe noted, she was even a greater enigma than Charger.  The threehorn's pride and sense of duty compelled him to act the way that he did.  The scent of it was all over him.  But for the longneck, her scents were far more confusing.  There was sadness and more than a little fear, but there was little pride overriding those distinct scents.  In fact, the only other scent that she could pick up with her sniffer was...

Guilt. Swipe quickly deduced.  But this only served to confuse her more.  What did the longneck have to feel guilty about?  It wasn't her fault that she and her parents are food.  

"I will go too."

Finally, Swipe turned her gaze to the leaf-eater that had supposedly started this all.  He had been the one to risk everything to save his threehorn friend from being discovered by Biter.  He had been the one to talk to her brother and start the fateful friendship.  He had been the one that got discovered by Ruby.  In many ways this was all because of Biter and him.

His scents were far more obvious to the little fastbiter.  She could smell great sadness on him, but little in the way of other strong emotions.  In some ways this is what Swipe expected from the rainbowface.  In her father's songs the rainbowfaces seemed far too logical for anything in the way of lingering over regrets.  In some ways, he smelled like how a fastbiter would smell in a similar situation.  The predator would mourn what had happened, but reluctantly move on nonetheless.

Without any comment from her father or mother, the pack resumed their journey towards where Petrie had signaled.  Despite her own self-assurance earlier, she could feel a slight tremor in her legs as the realization of what awaited her tormented her mind.  

"It's alright, Swipe."

She turned towards the source of the assurance.  Dive and Lift, two of Petrie's children, spoke from slightly above her other packmates.  It seemed that they had noticed her distress.

"I am fine," Swipe dismissed their concerns, though her voice gave away her apprehension.  Thankfully none of the others seemed willing to press the point as she continued to advance with the others towards the site of the attack.  Her legs were beginning to ache from the quick pace of their journey, but she allowed the pain to occupy her mind.  At least it was something other than her own uncertain emotions.

The journey continued in its unending monotony.  Under normal circumstances she would have complained, but these were not normal circumstances.  Not even Cera's children said anything in the way of complaints.  Only the soft conversation of Ducky's children and the distant songs of flyers added diversity to the sounds of their steady footsteps.

It was a choked sob that finally caught her attention.

Ahead of the adults stood the tell-tale bones of a threehorn's crest.  Charger's emotional outburst needed no further explanation.  

"Stop here, children," came Cera's reassuring voice, "it is time for us to check for tracks."

Swipe could only look on as Leap stayed with the children and Chomper kept watch from many longneck-lengths behind them.  It would be up to their parents to assess the danger and determine what to do next.


Littlefoot gazed upon the white bones of the massive dinosaur.  Its crest glistened in the fading rays of daylight.  Despite being stripped bare by many days of gnawing by scavengers and the relentless action of the elements, the skull and vertebral column of the threehorn was still mostly intact.

"Sorry... mom.  I shouldn't have strayed."

Littlefoot frowned sadly at Charger's belated goodbye to his mother.  He obviously had seen something on the skeleton that confirmed its identity, though he had enough tact to not ask him what it was at that moment.  But this opened up another question.

Where was Charger's father?  For that matter, where was Littlefoot's dad?

The massive form of the threehorn was the only sight that he and the others had seen.  The few indentations that Petrie had helped track from the air had confirmed that the predators had long since moved on from this sight of carnage, but what could have happened to the others?

"I'm sorry too, mommy... daddy... sis."

Littlefoot then turned his attention to the rainbowface.  He had sat on the ground and appeared to be hugging himself in his profound grief.  Biter stood beside him, simply offering him comfort through his presence. It appeared that Datum had no bones to say his goodbyes.  His parents and his sister must have been eaten whole.

He then turned his attention to Sauria.  She was looking around in confusion, as if she had no idea where to go.  The bones of her parents would have been far too massive to simply be eaten whole or to disappear in the span of a few weeks.  That was when a sudden realization hit him.


The small longneck looked in Littlefoot's direction after some hesitation.  After a moment she worked up the courage to speak.

"I can't find mommy and daddy!  They should be here... this is where..."

She looked down at her predicament.  However, Littlefoot had quite a different reaction.

"Did any of you... actually see your parents be killed?"

Charger screamed in rage, "Yes, you damn child killer!  Who in the hell do you think I am trying to say goodbye to!?"

Littlefoot ignored Charger's anger, as it was justifiable under the circumstances.  Instead, he pressed his line of thinking.

"Besides your brave mother, did any of you see your parents die?"

Datum began to pace as the questions of the sharptooth began to lead his mind in the same direction, "Uh... no."

Sauria then added, "...but we heard them scream!"

Littlefoot gazed into the longneck's eyes, "Out of fear for all of you... and for Charger's mom."

Silence reigned for several moments as Littlefoot, Ruby, and Spike began to walk away from carcass, their heads firmly focused on the ground ahead of them.  They had checked for two-footer tracks, but they had neglected to focus on any other tracks.  In particular one pair caught Littlefoot's attention.  An alternating sequence of larger indentations in the soft ground.  The weathered, but lingering footprints of running longnecks.  Almost imperceptible... unless one was looking for it.

"What is it, daddy?"  Biter questioned his father.

"What do you mean?" Datum demanded, "What do you see?"

Littlefoot looked up from the ground and turned towards the two dinosaurs.  Gone was the mournful fastbiter.  He had been replaced with a determined predator that his friends all knew and loved.

Littlefoot smiled.


Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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A very nice, emotional chapter. Enlightening, too, since I had thought that it was Littlefoot's pack that attacked that herd, which was kind of confusing to me. Glad that was cleared up.

Littlefoot and Sauria got to share the same grief for a little while, though now they have hope.

Whatever happens, I hope these 3 leafeater kids stay in the story a little longer. They've really re-sparked my interest in the story, as I still love sharptooth/leafeater interactions in lbt fanfiction. Maybe they'll get to join the packs kids in hearing some of the packs stories?
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Thanks for the review, Vaughn. :)

A very nice, emotional chapter. Enlightening, too, since I had thought that it was Littlefoot's pack that attacked that herd, which was kind of confusing to me. Glad that was cleared up.

Thanks for the kind words.  I had actually considered making it so that the pack had been the ones attacking, but it is rather unlikely (to say the least) that Littlefoot and the others would attack Bron and the others unless they were utterly starving and mad with hunger.

Littlefoot and Sauria got to share the same grief for a little while, though now they have hope.

Yep.  I quite enjoyed writing the scene between Littlefoot and his sister.  Despite the species barrier, the similarities in their personality and temperament is quite striking.

Whatever happens, I hope these 3 leafeater kids stay in the story a little longer. They've really re-sparked my interest in the story, as I still love sharptooth/leafeater interactions in lbt fanfiction. Maybe they'll get to join the packs kids in hearing some of the packs stories?

Yep, yep, yep!  :yes

I should have the next chapter posted in a moment.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.