The Gang of Five
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The Continuing Saga

Pterano · 535 · 70455


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Still panting, the flyer looked over at Devon. "I just... had another terrible sleep story again. I've been having so many of them recently. About the mistakes I've made... about hurting others... about..." he gulped, and lowered his voice considerably. "Losing you." He admitted.

"Did you... see that flying rock?" he asked, motioning to where a new plume of smoke was starting to rise.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon looked at him surprised at what Pterano had said about losing him. Then he smiled at him. "I saw the blue light coming from it...Why do you think you would lose me?" He placed a hand on Pterano's back, rubbing up and down for a few moments as he was all ears to hear what Pterano would say next.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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He closed his eyes, feeling the flyer he considered more like a son to him rubbing his back. "Because.. I've already lost so much." he said in a quiet voice. "I've lost... a lot... even before I met you Devon. There were things I used to have... the least of which being the respect others had for me." he was almost whispering now.

"I led so many to their deaths... I kidnapped my nephew's best friend... I nearly lost her doing so... I foolishly sought a stone like the one you just saw in order to gain more power... nearly ended up killing the young ones when they chased after me to retrieve their friend... I just don't want to lose anything else... not anymore." he said.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon closed his eyes in silence as he heard Pterano speak. The poor old flyer... he sympethised. He gazed at him, wrapping his arms around Pterano's neck, pulling him into a tight hug, doing his best to comfort the old flyer.

(Oh do I smell a father son moment coming on? :lol )
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Pterano did not resist, and let himself be pulled in. "Oh Devon..." He wrapped his own arms about his "son". "There's... some things I still have to tell you. You know why I was banished of course... and why I initially stayed away the first time as well... but there are a few other things I haven't ever related to you either. I only hope that you see me as a good flyer... even after all I've done." he said, patting Devon a few times on the back.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon pulled back, but still clung to the old flyer. "Oh Pterano...why wouldn't I think of you as such? After all you did for me? And besides, if it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't be here by now..."

Devon thought about the horrible memory of laying in the grass that evening, bloody and beaten, having only a certain time to live, all because of his abusive father. And if Pterano hadn't came along...well...let's just say he wouldn't have lived through the night. Pterano had done so much for him since then...

Devon hugged the old flyer again, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek before nuzzlling him gently. "You wanna know something Pterano?" he started, deciding that it was time to let the red flyer know just how he felt about him.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Pterano nodded, knowing all of what Devon said was true. "Helping you out was my first attempt at trying to make restitution for what I had done. I was so... terrible... to many others." he yawned now, stretching a bit. "But... I hope to do more as well. I want to prove I can be an asset here. So then..."

He blinked a little, his tiredness returning from before. "What did you want to tell me? I promise you I'll tell you everything I've been holding back as well... at a later time... maybe tomorrow, as I'm starting to get tired again, and I want to hear what you have to say anyway." he stated.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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"You're...kinda like a father to me...and...if it wasn't for you..." he stuttered, trying his best to find the words to say to his dear friend. "I wouldn't be here right now...what I'm trying to say is..." he sighed, tears falling down his cheeks. "I love you...Dad..." He tightened his arms around his neck, nuzzling his shoulder gently, scooting himself closer.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Pterano went wide eyed at this revelation. He gasped a little, and could only stare at Devon at first. He waited patiently while Devon stumbled his way into finding the correct words, but this only caused Pterano to smile when he realized just what it was Devon was saying.

By the time Devon threw his arms about him and nuzzled him, Pterano's own eyes were getting a little misty. "Oh... well..." he said, bringing his arms up once more to hug Devon tightly against him. "I can say... that I love you too... son. I'm very happy to have met you." He stated, patting him on his back again. "It was the best thing that happened to me out in the Mysterious Beyond."

"Hoo..." he said, yawning again. "Well... I think... I'm ready to try and get back to sleep." he said, releasing his newfound son and starting to sink back down onto the rock. "You've helped put my mind at ease, and I think I won't be having any more bad sleep stories tonight." he said, curling up a little and lifting his arm, in case Devon wanted to move underneath like before. He looked at Devon one last time before his eyes slid shut, and he was once again asleep.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Devon smiled happily through his tears as they broke the hug and Pterano laid himself down. Without hesitating, Devon laid himself on Pterano's chest, sighing as the red flyer wrapped his arms about him, keeping him safe and warm.

He too fell asleep with a big smile on his face.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Redback moved aside to allow space for the fast-biter to hide with him.

"Redback's the name. I'm just, er, waitin' here for dark. Y'see, a friend of mine managed to sneak into that there valley, and when it's dark, he's gonna help me sneak in. What about yerself?"

Tero joined his old companion in gazing up at the stars. The Valley certainly was peaceful. Just the kind of place he and Redback would like. The flyer stretched his limbs and lay down on his back, facing the sky. Not long now, he thought. As soon as the old longneck falls asleep, it's go-time.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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As it turned out, Tero did not need to wait very long. The old longneck did not stay up for any extended length of time, and soon had his neck down, curled around the sleeping spot of his grandson, and was snoozing without a care in the world.

He was not awoken by the second "Stone of Cold Fire", nor was Littlefoot. Tero would be relatively in the clear from this section to go about his business.

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Tero gave the vaguest hint of a tight smile of satisfaction as he watched the old longneck fall asleep. Waiting a few minutes to ensure both he and the younger one were truly fast asleep, Tero got up and quietly padded his way out of their sleeping spot.

He was apprehensive about flying, since any creature looking up would instantly see him, so he went down on all fours, crawling like some strange winged lizard. It put alot of strain on his legs, especially his crippled left one, but it was worth it for the absolute silence it allowed him to move in.
He moved past the herds of sleeping dinosaurs, stopping as he noticed a pair of flyers, fast asleep in eachother's arms. Very strange, he thought to himself, since they were different kinds. The larger one was a crested flyer, same as himself, but the other, he was a different kind, and not much older than himself.
But what does it matter, Tero thought to himself. It doesn't concern him, so he moved on, crawling away towards the great Wall.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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((I'll jump to the next morning so that not everyone is stuck; however, since I don't think it'll take that long to get Redback and Cira inside, don't feel rushed at all, guys. There's no pressure to hurry. ^^ I can wait as long as needs be. :)))

The dawn brought a stirring in all the nests, and once Pterano felt the warm splashing of sunlight on his face, he stretched a little and murmured as he began to come awake. "Good morning, Devon." He said, slowly opening his bleary eyes. "How did you sleep?"


Littlefoot was munching on a few treestars his grandfather had plucked for breakfast at a tree nearby. "So... I guess we have to have a meeting about Pterano's return... don't we, grandpa?" the young longneck asked as he chewed.

"Yes, Littlefoot. It can't be avoided. Mr. Threehorn will insist, I'm sure. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he came trotting over here asking what the hold up is... though it's still early. Either way, we'll have to start gathering in the meeting circle soon I suppose." His grandfather gave a sigh, and snapped a smaller branch off of the tree with his mouth, setting it down to begin munching upon the leaves.

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper and Ruby searched the Mysterious Beyond all through the night. As they searched, Chomper caught a whiff of a couple of sharpteeth. "Hey Ruby, I smell some sharpteeth! I smell a fast biter and a...can't really tell what the other one is."

"Better stay away." Ruby said. "You know how most sharpteeth are, right?"

Chomper nodded his head in agreement. After several more hours of searching, they stumbled upon just what they were looking for; The carcass of an adult longneck.

"Oh, I'm so relieved, Chomper!" Ruby called.

"Yeah, I am too. And I'm happy we could find something that's already dead this time!"

Chomper went over to have his fill of longneck, while Ruby went into some nearby bushes to have her breakfast. She didn't really like looking at Chomper eating dinosaur meat. Yes, she was an omnivore, but she never had the flesh of a dinosaur before. It had always been some shellfish, bugs or a fish here and there. She mostly ate greenfood.


Mr. Threehorn raises his eyelids as the sunlight reaching over the Great Valley Wall made it's way into them.

"Cera? Cera, it's time to get up!" He called to his daughter as he got up to stretch. He went to a nearby tree, and rammed it; knocking down thousands of treestars in the process.

As he munched, he thought about what all happened last night. He'd head over to the Longneck Nest soon to see about the meeting.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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As she and her siblings had breakfast, Ducky clamored higher up on a tree branch, shaking loose some more treestars for Spike that were out of her brother's reach before giggling and landing on the pile she made.


"Hmm? O-k" Cera stretched as her father awoke her and walked over to where he'd knocked over the tree. She didn't say much as she munched. Tricia woke up soon too though and rushed over to joyfully greet Cera and rush about her in playfulness.

Cera gave her a small smile, but found even her baby sister she was more fond of than she'd let people know fully was just reminding her once again of her other sisters, the one who had been her age, and now weren't here...due to Pterano.

"Well thanks, think I'll go find my friends now...or most of 'em if I can help it" Cera muttered the last part as excused herself and rushed off across the Valley.


As the light from the bright circle fell across the spiketail herd (about the only one in the Valley at the time) Ridge stretched and stood up. Although still considered a kid himself, the days to his own adolescence and all that boring stuff that came with it were quickly drawing near so he was at least allowed the privilege of not having to sleep in a nest anymore but more just right by his mother's side.

It was the part of feeling grown-up that the spiketail liked. He was still going to jog off to find something fun to do though, and didn't feel he was up too early as his father had already moved off to find breakfast.

Ridge of course went off to find either Harper or "the gang" again first, knowing anything exciting that was probable to come from this day would probably come from being around them.

He had a good idea where to look, too, heading towards the Rock Circle and meeting the grown-ups no doubt had up to discuss Pterano's return either in the flyer's presence or in the time they had before he made himself more known, but it was still early and plan probably hadn't been made on that.

As he wandered across the Valley he soon spotted his father. The adult spiketail smiled at his son, "Well, and where are you off to with such purpose?" he asked in amusement, "Going to show off more spiketail tricks to young Spike? I can't imagine you're rushing over to play a boring two person game of hide and seek with Harper?".

Ridge knew he should probably let his father find out about Pterano the same way everyone else did, even though their herd not knowing him he wasn't likely to care. "I...I just got bored...early" he smiled, "So yeah, I'll go see if Harper wants to do anything and if not I'll find something else to do" the pre-teen jogged off.

He soon reached the flyer's nest and grinned to himself. "Hey Harper, you up yet?!" he called up to the cliff. It was two of her other brothers and one of her sisters who peered over at him with frowns. Ridge laughed, though he was considerate and had it been too early in the morning he wouldn't have gone distrubing folks like that.

"Harper, that spiketail friend of yours is here" her sister told her in an annoyed tone.

Harper smiled as she flapped down, "Don't mind Ridge, he just likes to do that sometimes".

"Hi Ridge, did you already have a plan of what to do today?" she asked as she landed. She noticed Ridge glancing over to where her Uncle Pterano and Devon slept. "...or are you just hanging around so that whenever they do ask to speak with Uncle Pterano you won't miss it all?" Harper smiled knowingly.

"Uh, yeah, that" Ridge admitted. He hoped Harper wasn't offended, but she laughed, showing she wasn't.

"Well since you probably rushed over here without breakfast, here, want my last treesweet?" she rolled over one of the smaller one's she'd found to him. He ate it, but then knocked down another from a nearby tree and bat it over to Harper to start up a game. She flew and kicked it back and they kept this up for a bit.


Meanwhile, in her nest, and catching that Harper had already darted down to one of her playmates, Petrie's mother kept an eye on both her son and the other of her hatchlings as they either slept still or awoke. She gathered her own thoughts on this self appointed mission for Pterano.

To say she was at a loss as to how to go about what she was about to attempt, would be an understatement, she felt. Asking about a strange flyer seen by and now seemingly the obsession of her brother? But she had said she'd do it. Truth be told, she wanted to do it. Something in Pterano's whole manner last night, for once genuinely focused on something other than himself, gave her more hope of perhaps some change in character having had to have taken place out in the Beyond.

If her brother was on the way to being better, than by the night lights she would help that endevour however she could! She'd try Grandma Longneck first, she assumed, though given how she knew a meeting about her brother's return was probably in the works she feared she was going to end up having to question less familiar sources. Still, she didn't worry on it now.


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[K, I'll make this quick, just to get the story going. Note: everything up to the dotted line happens while it's still night]

Redback jumped as, out of nowhere, a rock landed with a jarring CLACK! Right next to him.
Standing up, he looked around for the thrower, and saw to his relief, Tero, waiting for him on the ridge. He waved silently to him and climbed up to meet him. He waved to Cira, gave a quick "Be seein' ya!" and slipped from view.

Tero gave the sharptooth a quick "ssshh!" before clambering onto his back and pointing the way to head. The pair quietly trotted their way along the fast water, until they arrived back at the Longneck's sleeping place. Looking around, Tero spotted an ideal place for Redback to hide until the dawn, a large cave entrance in a hillside.

He pointed it to Redback, who nodded, and headed inside for the night. Tero looked about for a moment, debating whether to stay with his friend, or go back to the Longnecks.
He chose the former and headed in.


As the sun poured through the cave, from within there came a resounding, juicy WHACK! Moments later, Redback emerged from the cave and stretched his arms. He looked around and smiled as he saw that no other dinosaurs were around yet.

"Wow, this place is even prettier in the daylight!"

Yawning, he turned back to the cave entrance as Tero emerged, rubbing a black eye. Or at least, blacker than usual.

"That's fer snorin' all night!Wingbrain... Barely got a wink of sleep!" Redback muttered, as the pair set off to explore.

The pair stopped as they heard voices. Tero motioned for Redback to stay put, and ventured to take a look, and was relieved to see it was those two longnecks who he stayed with yesterday.
He ventured out and joined them eating. Redback watched with baited breath. Just what was his strange friend up to this time?


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Rinkus stretched a little, attempting to banish the cramps that had infiltrated his joints overnight. He'd been forced to seek shelter in a tree, hiding himself away from everyone for the moment. He had watched Pterano, and had briefly considered making a go at either that loud mouthed swimmer or one of the other young ones... but he wasn't like Sierra.

He wasn't one to tip his claw too soon, and thus he had waited. Pterano had been there after all, and though he didn't outright fear the flyer, Pterano, if not capable of stopping him physically, was more than capable of alerting the other adults if Ducky had been nabbed, and thus Rinkus had played his hand more carefully, staying back and watching things unfold.

Looking out over the sunny valley, he smiled to himself. Time to see what the day had in store for him. Stretching his wings out, he dove off the branch he had been perching on and decided to go for an early morning flight, both to get some exercise and to look around.


Pterano looked over at his niece and her spiketailed friend, and couldn't help but break out into a smile as he watched them playing. "Ahhh the innocence of youth!" he exclaimed, beginning to sit up on his haunches now in order to get a better view of the game.

"You know, I am curious, Harper. How did you and... Ridge, was it? How did you two meet?" he asked, motioning with his claws to indicate the two of them. He couldn't remember the spiketail's name off the top of his head, and hoped Ridge was correct. "You most certainly seem like staunch friends, and I don't recall seeing Ridge the last time I was in the Great Valley." Pterano commented. He looked about him for some food, and in particular some treesweats, but he was going to wait for Devon to fully rise before he ate.

Seeing something as tranquil as the Great Valley still took his breath away. Dinosaurs of all different species living and working together in harmony. He had that deeply ingrained sense of flyer superiority still within him of course, but he was working on accepting all forms of creatures as well as he could. He figured asking Harper about Ridge was a good start.


Littlefoot paused on his munching when he saw that Tero joined them. "Oh! Hey there, Tero!" He greeted the flyer, and moved over to allow him to eat from the pile. His eyes wandered over to that twisted and scarred leg, but tried not to stare too long.

"Out for a morning fly, were you?" Littlefoot continued, moving his gaze back up to the flyer's eyes.

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  • Petra (He/They)
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Petrie stretched as he stood on the edge of the cave. He smiled at the sunset before turning to where his uncle and Devon slept. Pterano was up and awake, talking to Harper, as Devon was still snoozing on Pterano's lap.

He took flight to land on Pterano's shoulder. "Good morning, Uncle!"

By now, Devon opened his eyes, yawning due to Petrie's loud greeting. He smiled turning his head to face Pterano.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


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Tero apprehensively joined Littlefoot and helped himself to the pile of leaves. His mind was racing. Speech impediment aside, how was he supposed to tell him that he had willingly helped a sharptooth into the Valley?!
He gently nudged Littlefoot and gestured towards where Redback was hidden with his head. Giving a quick "sshhh." He slowly headed in that direction, hoping the longneck would get the message and follow him.

Redback watched nervously. Tero must have met them before, he thought. But what is he thinking? Knowing any other leafeater, as soon as he spots him, he'll run for help, screaming his head off about sharpteeth infiltrating the Valley!

Tero stopped in the small clearing next to Redback's hiding place, and pointed to the lump in the foliage where the sharptooth was hidden.