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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349303


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Diddy and Junior both dove into the pizza without care or a hint of politesse: they were starving after the terrifying ordeal with their folks, and pizza sounded like just the thing to hit the spot. Diddy was a bit more generous about making sure the two girls had plenty of slices left over to eat as well, given his heroic upbring. Junior was a brat through and through and largely ignored the girl's warning about Stripetail having to pay. But even as the bratty koopa prince stuffed his face, his eyes caught something that Diddy's didn't. A certain...look that Wendy and Dixie gave each other that he chose not to comment on. But he stored the observation away, ready to ask at another time.


From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien, March 28th 1998

Two days ago we completed our full-sequence computer simulations of formula Types 0011, 0028, and 8830. In the traditional manner, we’ve named them Death, (we'd already named The Fool), and The Sun. All are hideous, just like the others were. Each image to appear on the screen seemed to sow more and more unease in our staff. The first wasn’t… terrible. Death would end up being just a humanoid with gigantism and extreme upper body muscles, not too terribly unlike The Chariot, although theoretically it's physical tenacity would far surpass Type-27's or, indeed, ANY of our other strains: the thing would be damn-near bulletproof. The Fool is even easier to accept on its mere concept: it has sloth DNA as its basis and, sure enough, it looks just like a sloth. Simple, really. One only has to ignore the fact that it’d be as big as a grizzly bear, have razor sharp teeth, a ravenous carnivorous appetite, and extremely enhanced muscular speed to the point that it could easily chase down a human being if it so desired. The Sun is the one that seems to unnerve my staff the most, though. It would take the form of a tree. And one would think that was a fairly benign form for one of our sequences to take, wouldn’t it? Just a simple, inert tree. Not a humanoid muscular giant or an ultrafast, ultra aggressive sloth: just a tree. The only problem is that it would be a tree with a snaking root structure with a biomass that would exceed the total weight of five blue whales, musculature along its xylem fibers so that it could move its roots and vines like an octopus’s tentacles, and apical meristems with razor sharp mouth-like teeth. It would also have the propensity to attack living organisms like a more sentient version of a carnivorous plant, and given its sheer size it could easily consume every living being within an area the size of a skyscraper. In short, it would make Audrey 2 from Little Shop of Horrors look like a desktop fern.

Writing it down, it sounds almost funny. Oh look, a giant man with an upper body strong enough to lift a stone column with the ease of a baseball bat! An enormous sloth that moves with the speed of a deranged, flesh hungry tarantula! A tree that can infest every crevice of a ten acre area and eat anything that comes close! Are we doing lifesaving medical science here, or coming up with creatures for some Hollywood shlock film? I’ve had more of the staff turn in their resignations: it’s becoming harder to find the funds to pay for all of their silence. I don’t know what I’m to do if more decide to leave. I’m almost out of money. I’m… I’m hesitant to think what I’d have to do to ensure none of what we’re doing here reaches the ears of the authorities should more of my staff try to leave.

Soon we will be ready to finally create our first full sequence mutation. We’ve chosen a corpse with the most suitable residual genetic structure to bring "The Chariot" to life, and are ready to begin the procedure. We've already fitted it into the containment armor, and as I write, I'm reading an email detailing how the corpse is beginning to grow in size to meet the projected dimensions. We've flooded its nervous system with neurotransmitter antagonists, so the mutagens shouldn't cause it to come to life until the corpse's body has been fully mutated. At the same time, we're making preparations for "The Hangedman". I shudder to think of those abominations on our computer screens being brought to life, but it must be done. The data we'd obtain is too crucial for us to abstain from a full sequence genesis. They only need to be animate for a short while, and then we can terminate them. I expect more staff leaving when its done, and if that’s the case… I have a desperate last plan to ensure their 'silence' if I do indeed run out of money to bribe the staff. I have one staff member with an extensive military background and an extreme commitment to our cause...

On a bit of more positive news, I heard that yesterday they finally managed to resurrect a cell using our most important strain: Type-0. I wasn’t there to see it. I spent the whole day at the hospital, with Daniel. I don’t know if I will succeed in my quest: every moment I have left with him is precious to me. Even though Type-0’s trial is a massive breakthrough, we’re still so far from our goal. So many things could still ruin us.
His voice is getting weaker, but he still has that wonderful smile he’s had even as a baby. I tell everyone I can that he has so many of his mother’s features. He’s growing into such a fine young man. I’ve never been a very religious man, but last night, for the first time in my life, I prayed.
Please, god, just let my son live. Nothing else matters. Not even my own life matters. I would do anything. Anything. Please… Please…

« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 10:53:12 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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Wendy was too busy eating pizza, to notice  that Junior was staring at her, particularly when she gave looks to both Dixie and Flurrie, the look was longer with Flurrie." flurrie was eating her pizza at a normal pace, well normal for a wind spirit at least. ' I am curiouss Diddy, about your hometown. do uyou have a theater? Have you ever performed on stage?' flurrie asked her eyes twinkling with interest.
 _ Stripetail's walkie talkie buzzed and he saw the number was from Usso. " Hello, Usso. What  can I do for you?' The wizard asked from his desk, which was covered with layouts  of Dreadzone that had been scanned off the holonet.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2020, 10:31:53 AM by Nick22 »
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Ms. Swimmer looked over the prisoners. Thanks to the enchanted uniforms, all of them -- regardless of species -- took on the draconic form of a Dramosian. Their uniforms identified them as holovision camera crews. Of course, many of the channels were shell companies owned by the Dramosian government. She watched as Mr. Bigmouth gave them lessons on how to operate the equipment so they'd be more convincing.

She then poked her head into the bridge. "Usta, are we ready to lift off now?"

Dr. Zanasiu finally made his way to where he had previously been imprisoned. He found Aimee and Hailey unconscious...or dead in the cells. He opened the cell and quickly checked their pulses.

He let out a sigh of relief as felt a faint throbbing in his fingers. They were alive but just barely. He made his way to the guard room and ransacked the place. There was an emergency oxygen tank.

The Human snatched up the tank and returned to the cell. He turned on the oxygen and held the mask to Aimee's muzzle.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Yes we are ' Utsa said. ' we have , by my count 106 prisoners on board, unfortunately, chong and voxc have captured nearly 600 So. while its a good start, we still have a long way to go before we get everyopne out.  'in the meantime. we'll head to crasius 7 to rest and recuperate and plan our next move. its a small nearby water  planet, with a large volcanic island chain in the middle.
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"Strap in boys," Carmelita told Po and the Panda King as she took a seat on the ship that was taking the prisoners to freedom. She was relieved to be out of that accursed cell.


Bentley went to contact Sly on the binocucom. "Sly can you hear me? Sly come in!" the turtle called.


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Diddy scratched his head to pretend to look bashful and cute. It was a trick that had wooed Diddy many times and for the moment still worked on Junior. "Aww, we don't have anything fancy like that on kong island. We just barely opened a mail office. We get our letters sent in via seagull delivery-- we're a bit behind on the times." He titled his head thoughtfully. "Although sometimes we have little mini plays during our island Luau's. Mostly ad libbed stuff to entertain friends: most kongs don't have the patience to memorize a script."
Junior simply nodded, his eyes on his pizza and looking lost in thought.

"Hey there, Mr. Stripetail," Usso sighed, rubbing his temples. "I'm calling from my room on the Spire. I, uh... well... is there anyone on the ship trained in psychology? Anyone with therapy training? I used to see one pretty regularly back at Casarellia to, uh, work through some stuff." He paused, looking at a picture he had on the dresser. It was a picture of him, the Shrike Team, Mrs. Marbet, and Oliver. Not counting himself, Mrs. Marbet was the only person in the picture who wasn't killed in the war. "I could really use something like that now. Do you know anyone I could talk to, maybe?"


From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien, April 26th, 1998

Today, we took a look at Type-0’s completed computer simulated model. The Chariot, The Hangedman, The Fool, Death, The Sun, and The Hermit were all monstrous. This one looked… it looked human. Not a ghoul, or a gargoyle, or a spider… a fairly normal human. With a few exceptions: it would have horns, and its hands and feet have expanded but reduced digits.
And there’s something else… something we never could have predicted from the gene structure alone. If this computer model is correct, it’s brain structure… It’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. We don’t know exactly what it would mean if it were made, but we have a hunch. A world-shattering hunch. It may actually be far too dangerous for us to ever attempt to fully create—we may need to simply used simulated model for some of the data. I hate that thought. Simulated data can’t compare to real data.

Our simulation of its brother strain, Type-0000, is woefully incomplete. We can’t even produce an image of what it would look like. But we have similar questions about its brain structure. It’s funny, it’s… almost breathtaking to think of the implications if these hunches  of our are correct. Type-0 and Type-0000 wouldn’t just be monsters like the others. They’d be capable of feats undreamed of save for humanities wildest fantasies.

I asked all those present if I could name Type-0 and Type-0000. The staff had no objections: while certain staff had more personal work invested in each of the other strains, everyone knows these two were my life’s work. The two keys: the support beams that would turn everything we’re doing into true medical breakthroughs. As had become our little tradition, I shuffled Sampson’s tarot deck and drew two cards from it, one from the top and one from the bottom.

I know it’s hard to believe, but I knew what I was going to draw before I even saw them. Many years ago, at the circus with my father, an old woman had done a Tarot reading for me. She told me everyone has a card that shows their inner being and outer destiny. She had me shuffle the deck, and then she drew the top and bottom card from the deck, and told me that the top card was the card of my destiny, and the bottom the card that represented my inner self. My life’s card, and my destiny’s card. The card of my destiny was The Magician. The card of my inner self was the Wheel of Fortune.
They were the very same I drew today.

I gave Type-0 the name ‘The Magician’. I never had a concept of luck or fortune, but I’ve always believed in fate. With Daniel’s own fate in my thoughts, I named Type-0000 ‘The Wheel of Fate’.

Tomorrow we shall see the Chariot come to life. God help us all, I fear the worst. Cyril and the others we've been reviving have already given me a share of nightmares, but at least, at LEAST they're still vaguely human looking. When that sixteen foot tall abomination in armor starts moving... I don't know how I'll react to it. I don't know how the staff will react.
For the Hangedman, we've selected a body to begin the genesis. A child who had died at a young age. Instead of growing the body to full dimensions and then stimulating the resurrection, we're going to do a full mutation at the corpse's current size and then allow it to naturally grow for a better data set. Assuming the resurrection with the Chariot doesn't go disastrously wrong, we should be able to get it up in a few days.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 10:31:42 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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No, unfortunately, but I have been through enough wars to tell when a soldier has suffered trauma from what he/she has done or seen. Why dont you come up to my room, and we'll talk? if memories from your war experience come up, just talk about them. The fact that you are here, Usso, is a good thing. whether luck, or fate, or the mercy of the divines, you are here. There is a thing called ' survivors guilt' and you see it often in those who survive battle where much of, if not nearly all ,of their fighting group died. The survivor wishes they had died as well. But ,that leaves out the friends, family, children that their loss would also impact. For instance, I know you have a girlfriend, and a child, as well as some friends back home. You have to be there for them, in whatever way you can. What survivors, like yourself, have to find, is peace, healing and hope, for a positive future. I've been around long enough to know that is not always possible, some are simply affected too deeply. let us hope you are not one of those." Stripetail said. ' i'll provide some drinks. what would you like?
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"You're pretty talented," Oliver complimented to Ollie as they were fairly matched in the video game they were playing. "You must've tried some of these games before." He was genuinely happy to have a fellow feline for a friend. "Say, have you ever had lasagna? A cat I know back on my planet has a great recipe..."


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Mr. Bigmouth nodded. He had returned to his position in the engine room. The ship's Dramosian mana engines hummed and emitted a soft, pale blue glow as he started up the fuel pumps. The Saurolophus watched as the engines' gradually began to heat up and reach the proper operating temperature.

He checked his watch; Qwark's promo would be near its end. Mr. Bigmouth swore softly as the temperature gauge started climbing. He radioed Utsa. "Utsa, the engines aren't a 100% warmed up yet but they should be okay for take off."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Usso's first response was to say "Vodka", but he bit it back. In his time there was too little authority and too few people around to police anything other than major crimes like theft and murder. Nobody cared if a fifteen year old veteran drowned himself in liquor. But he wasn't in his time anymore, and he figured it'd be better to answer: "Lemonade, if possible," Usso said, smiling wearily. "Thank you, Stripetail. I mean it. I'll be over to your room shortly. Usso out."

From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien: May 9th, 1998

We’ve decided to postpone the Chariot resurrection until next week: the same day as The Hangedman’s full sequencing. The staff met the news with relief. I feel like a coward. I’ve made the decision out of clinical necessity to better our preparations and not out of any sense of fear or dread… but a part of me was all too happy to kick that can down the road, even just for a week. The nightmares have been getting worse. With the ever increasing number of resurrected human’s we’ve been creating to supply subjects for our tests and analysis, their growls and moans and shrieks have started to penetrate even the soundproof plexiglass cells we’ve placed them in, and every time I close my eyes to sleep my dreams are filled with those same sights and sounds. White eyes. Decayed flesh. Scraping nails. Gnashing teeth. The staff that have remained with me through all of this are the bravest men and women I have ever known: I will never be able to repay them enough for their loyalty and dedication.

With the Hangedman, we’re planning a very different approach to its resurrection. Unfortunately, its one that’s going to require us keeping it alive a great deal longer than the Chariot, but we’ve deduced it will be the best way for us to get the essential data we need. With the Chariot, we selected a corpse and slowly grew its body to its full projected size within the armor we’ve created so that it won’t change any further once the resurrection occurs. For the Hangedman, we’re taking the opposite approach: we’ve procured the body of a young child, and have begun the mutation process without increasing the size of the corpse. Instead, we expect it to grow naturally into its full projected size with time. Much like an ordinary child growing into an adult, albeit, we project, at a vastly accelerated pace.

One of my team leaders, Sophie Richards, took me aside today and tried to convince me to abandon this grisly research we’re doing and use the time instead to make Daniel's last days more meaningful. It wasn’t the first time one of my staff has made the suggestion—it wasn’t even Sophie’s first attempt. She’s been quite vocal about how uncomfortable she’s been with all the ethical boundaries we’ve had to cross. But today she did more than just ask: she got down on her knees with tears in her eyes and pleaded with me to stop this.

I wasn’t angry with her, of course. I see the truth in her words all too well. The resurrected human corpses were already a step too far, and we did that expecting much less horrific results than what we got. We can’t claim ignorance this time around. We KNOW that Type-041 and Type-27 will be monsters, and that’s just our official hypothesis: they could end up being as horribly beyond expectations to our computer simulations as our human and animal subjects were to our initial estimates.

She says she’ll stay on, but she still begs me to reconsider. It’s not too late, she says. Its not too late.

I want to believe that’s true. But for me, it IS too late. I’ve given myself a glimmer of hope that I can save my son’s life, and I’ve followed that hope down deep into the darkness. There’s no turning back for me. Either we succeed and Daniel is saved, validating all this grisly horror, or we fail, Daniel dies, and I take a jump off the top of this mansion’s roof to my own demise.

Even if we do succeed, I'm growing less and less confident that I won't be doing that anyway.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 08:52:19 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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Usso Evin slowly made his way over to where Stripetail was, contemplating all the messed up elements of his fairly young life he desperately needed to talk about. It wasn’t easy: there was a LOT to talk about. Not just from the war: people he’d killed, people he’d SEEN killed, people who were far too young or far too old to die in combat. Even people he was fighting against who themselves saw just how terribly humanity had botched it’s dream of a peaceful and noble future. Times he had been abused by his CO, or by the enemy when he had been captured. Both enemy and allied adult women who had... “taken advantage” of his youthful male naivety, drawn to the clear talent for piloting a mobile suit that he could only assume he inherited from his great grandfather. He never told anyone except Shakti and Mrs. Marbet that he was actually related to him, of course— lord knows, a lot of people still, to this day, held a grudge against the legendary Red Comet for trying to destroy the world.

He had a lot of confusing thoughts, and he lived in a confusing period of history. In his time, no one batted an eye at a fifteen year old boy and a fourteen year old girl raising an adopted son together. Hell... they didn’t even bat an eye when a fifteen year old boy had gotten their fourteen year old girlfriend pregnant with his child, because who was around to call such things wrong or immoral any more? No one. After the Zanscare war the world shrunk to such a degree that no one cared about pretty much anything except “am I gonna have enough to eat tomorrow?”

And so it was with those heavy thoughts and feelings in his young heart that Usso Evin knocked on the door of Stripetail’s room on the Spire. “Mr. Stripetail? Can I come in?” Usso asked.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 09:40:52 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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come on in usso" stripetail said, from  a chair. a pitcher of lemonade was sitting on a table in front of him, with  a glass already poured for Usso. "Have a seat young man' the wizard said, motioning to the open chair 'i can tell from the look on your face that you've been carrying a heavy burden for a long time. forgive me, wizards habit of reading people.' Stripetail smiled briefly as usso took a seat across from him. ' start whenever you feel like usso, after all, the more you talk about it, the more the weight will lift. Some of it will always be there. the memories of fighting. the kill or be killed choices you've made, images of friends dying. the less pleasant aspects of civilization that come out of war: men and women selling themselves for pleasure or to get close to power. " stripetail sighed. ' and yet , there are good things that come out of this too.  leadership skills are honed and made evident. you have a family that you love and provide for as best you can, and you try and piece together some form of normalcy, although that is beyond what 1 person can do on their lonesome, that requires a community.' Stripetail continued. so, start when you feel up to it.
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As Oliver was describing his favorite lasagna recipe to Ollie, he noticed an envelope get passed under the bedroom door. "Huh, what could that be?" he asked as he went over and opened it.

Inside was a letter that read "Am in need of assistance for some small tasks. Will pay well for help." Oliver showed Ollie the letter. "Huh, sounds like we have a job offer," he told his fellow cat.


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"Thank you, sir," Usso said politely, taking the lemonade and drinking it while keeping his eyes on the floor. He was always a shy kid. His friend Odelo had always teased him about it, and when they were just starting to become pen-pals Katejina picked up on that shyness immediately even over the barrier of written words. She told him it was cute. That was a separate lifetime ago.
He listened to the wizard speak. "I imagine they do, sir," he said, taking another sip from the lemonade. And he froze the moment the wizard invited him to choose a place to start. A place to start, a place to start...
He had told his story to only a couple people, as there were only a couple people left alive around Kasarelia. Some of the survivors of the massacre at Woowig knew his story. But not many beyond that. Still, he was practiced at the very beginning of where it all went wrong.
"It all began with the first Zanscare raid on the area. The first of the Shokew coming in on their beam rotors..."


Junior picked his teeth with a wooden tooth pick and relaxed back in his seat, rudely kicking his feet up on the table counter. "Good pizza," he declared. Diddy, much more politely, wiped his lip with a napkin and cleaned up after himself. "Thanks for treating us, Wendy," he said, tipping his red hat in a cowboy-esque gesture of gratitude and an even more cowboy-esque grin.

G, Rogan, and Defago all waited patiently as Joshua held the diary in his bandaged hand, his terrifying icy blue eyes skimming the page he was about to read aloud with a clear curiosity. "Interesting..." he said.
"What's interesting, boss?" Defago asked, tapping a claw on his metal helmet that he currently was holding his lap. All throughout Joshua's reading of the diary, his degree of change into the Wendigo varied, sometimes diminishing to a nearly completely human appearance. At other times in the reading he rapidly turned more into La putain de bête, so much so that G and Rogan ocassionally reached for their guns as if expecting to have to defend themselves. Each time, Defago held up a clawed hand to show that he was under controlled. "The bastard git his blood going at parts," he explained with a fanged smile at those times.
Right now he was only moderately transformed, almost passable as a man wearing an extremely convincing costume and make-up for a movie role.

Joshua didn't answer Defago immediately, but instead glanced at G and Rogan, as if inviting them to explain in his stead. They already knew this diary, after all. But neither appeared to take the invitation. "Well," Joshua said, and continued.


From the Diary of Dr. Roy Curien: May 16th, 1998

As I write these words, I smile for the first time in many months. More than smile—I’m overjoyed!
The resurrection happened half an hour ago. Oh, I dreaded and fretted this moment happening for so long, I only I had known!
After carefully fettering The Chariot’s body to a steel table in its containment cell, gathered around to observe from just outside. Using a remote robot injector, we introduced the final segment of the Type-27 helix into bloodstream of the corpse, and on the table next to it, we held the petite form of the corpse selected to house the Type-041 helix. Both came alive within seconds.
I was stunned. When they were just inert dead matter, how did I ever think them to be hideous? Seeing them move, seeing the Chariot with its red eyes the deep black of the Hangedman’s stare back at me with such obvious intelligence—we’ve created such magnificent creatures. What was different? Why had I been so scared of those images on that computer months ago? Why were the resurrected corpses from before so hideious compared to these marvels? I don’t know. Perhaps it was one thing to see a still picture and another to see it right before me, alive.
Their bodies aren’t just resurrected. They’re… reborn. With a full genome sequence of our creation, The Chariot and Hangedman are entirely their own creature now.
And yet… why can’t the staff see that? They all had looks of disgust on their face when our creation took its first fiery breaths through its helmet. Now, the fear I can understand. Chariot is much stronger than our data had suggested it would, and broke one of its bindings almost effortlessly upon its rebirth. It only seemed to stop once it saw our reaction on the other side of the glass. Only an idiot wouldn’t be afraid of a fifteen foot tall being of unknown tempremant breaking out of its restraints in their immediate vicinity. But the disgust?... I don’t know, perhaps they’re just in shock. I’ll give it time. Surely they’ll see the beauty of it as time goes on. Especially given what happened after it was freed of its restraints. Even as I write, I can hardly believe it myself!

The Hangedman, little thing that it is, was much gentler. It squirmed in its bonds but was unable to break them. As I said, both seemed to cease their struggles once they noticed us observing them. Theyw were looking specifically at me. The staff were all cowering or scrambling to get away: only I stood firm behind the glass and met its gaze.
It was stupid of me in hindsight, but in that moment I was so amazed that I entered the locked door and into the testing chamber. The other techs screamed at me to stop. I barely heard them.
Excited, I ran over to release the Chariot from its restraints. Damn near burned my arm on the heated armor it was wearing while doing so. When it stood up, it absolutely towered over me. It’s a wonder it didn’t hit its head on the ceiling. I could hear the mechanical breathing behind it’s respirator as it stared down at me with glowing eyes. 
I did the same to the Hangedman before I could even see the Chariot’s reaction to me freeing it. It seems so reckless looking at it written down, but I was possessed of such a feeling of… injustice, I suppose, of these beings being restrained like criminals.
Both free, the two stood besides their tables, looking at me. The Chariot, the towering knight burning with volcanic metabolic heat, and the child-like Hangedman meekly folding its bat-like wings behind it and clasping its hands in front.
The staff stopped screaming for me to come back. I think by this point they expected one of the two to strike me dead where I stood, as if they were the monsters we had dreaded they would be. But they didn’t. What happened next was… extraordinary beyond words.
They bowed to me. They gave a total, unmistakable bow of fealty, just like the knights of old did before their lords. Somehow, some way, by some means that had to be beyond the mere genetics we had installed in them, they immediately recognized me as their creator!
But that wasn’t all! The Hangedman opened its beaked mouth and did the unthinkable: it SPOKE to me.

“Master…” it said in a helium-high pitched voice. It said the word awkwardly, as if it remembered the word from its previous life as a human child but found it hard to bring the word to bear with its new mouth and vocal chords. Dear god, DID it remember the word from its previous life?? Is that possible? Lord, the questions I have! The possibilities before us!
The Chariot also bowed, although it did not speak. Perhaps it’s not able to—we never considered the possibility that it would have any understanding of language. Th
What am I doing writing all this down, really? I must return to them! This is a breakthrough beyond breakthroughs: I must return to my research! Oh, I can scarcely even imagine how Goldman and that old ghoul Thornheart will react to this news! And Daniel… we’re on the right path now! Before now I grew so unsure, but now I know in my heart we will succeed! We WILL save your life!

« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 09:05:51 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »


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you guys do know that you have those cards with your pay on them? what are you going to with that coin?' wendy said, her eyes fixed on her brother. " dixie, flurrie and I can take you boys shopping for stuff. new outfits , perhaps a set of formal attire. i wonder if they have suits that work with shells?"
_ Utsa pushed the controls forward and the large ship took off breaking the atmosphere of the planet within seconds. " we have 3 possible landing spots, all moons of nearby planets. The largest is called Deshaan theres a space colony there that has a small touruist area anbd a park area for ships. just a place to catch our breath and plan our next move.
 skylar and plux followed eris and elida around the island enjoying the tropical breeze. ' at least this is a break fropm patrols ' Skylar said.
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(Read the second Insane Cafe. Could I get caught up to speed for this one? I'd like to join.)
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Life. It's easier when one spends less time obsessing over the problem and more time focusing on their solutions.


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( Its a long story. if you want the simple version:
 Nick starts out on a spaceship- restaurant called the insane cafe. Chong breaks out of prison, takes nick hostage and starts traveling across the cosmos. Stripetail and his friends get wind of it, and have been chasdng chong across the cosmos the entire time, all the while coming into conflict with Stripetail's rival mertavius from time to time. they are current helping ratchet and Clank ( from the video games) shut down a underground gladiator arena known as Dreadzone.
 What chars do you want to play. Post in the discussion thread if you have characters you want to play.
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And it was not a moment too soon. The promo ended and the holograms disappeared.

Mr. Bigmouth had tapped into the viewscreens for the arena using his tablet.

And there we have it folks! President Qwark's newest movie! Now that we've had a nice break, let's go back to what we're all here for! Full throttle live combat where everything goes, sponsored by Chong!

The Saurolophus shut off the monitor and checked the engine status. They were at the proper operating temperature and could now be opened up to full throttle. "Utsa, engines are now hot and can be run at full power," he said over the radio.


Ms. Swimmer was with Utsa in the cockpit. "Utsa, I think we should stick with the more crowded areas seeing as Chong and Vox are less likely to attack where there are many witnesses around," she said.

Internally, she wondered how long of a head start they had. The Dreadzone personnel weren't likely to notice a couple hundred "contestants" going missing.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Utsa pressed forth sand the controls and the ship blasrted forward. ' welll everyone. we are on our way. I trust of course thatr all the cameras were destroyed during the breakout? dont want  footage Vox can use later, after all" Utsa said turning to Bigmouth . ' ETA to Desgaan, is 25 minutes at our current speed.  We will moon and planet hop until we get back to Merdegraw.  We have a cover story for our group- doing remote coverage of fighting on Ursy 3 and Gaggyx 9. both are on the edge of the system dReadzone operates. On the other hand, securoty will be tightened on Deadzone going forward, so  be sure to have your ids ready when you get back to the media area.
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  • Petrie
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Junior tweeked a pinky claw behind his one prominent fang to clean it and got up.
“Shopping sounds great! I could use some more stuff ruin people’s day.” Diddy tilted his head. “Yeah, sounds good to me too. Although I don’t know what to buy... maybe a brain for BJ.”
“Harharhar,” Junior intoned Before cocking his head to the door. “Well, lets skedaddle. Ladies?”


“I vaguely recall you mentioning the word ‘Chariot’ when I asked about your family, Rogan,” Joshua said to the seated AMS agent. He closed the diary on one of his fingers to mark the place and regarded him through the eyeslit of his bandages.
Rogan nodded and took a swig of whiskey from his hip flask.  “Uh... yyyeah, I might have,” he said, and didn’t elaborate further, instead returning to reading the dossier on his PDA. Joshua was a man who could read people well, and he could tell that Rogan would, in fact, elaborate if he pressed him on it. But he had a feeling he had little to gain from it.

“Seems like this guy Curien had a changement de paradigme over seein’ his monsters up and aboat. Not shore I ever heard of anything like that ‘fore I was convinced to come aboard the Spire.”

“What did Stripetail do to get you aboard, exactly?” G asked. “I don’t think either of you ever mentioned it.
Defago shrugged. “Boss Stripetail, he very persuasive.”
“How so?” Joshua asked, and Defago tipped him a wink out of a sunken frost bitten eye socket.
“Lets just say he be making up for me bringing some badness to a cute little girl and her home, oui?”

Joshua, G, and Rogan all nodded.
“Oui en effet,” Joshua responded, his translator-educated French much closer to a Parisian dialect than Defago’s.
“He does have a knack for setting up those kinds of arrangements.”
He opened the diary back up to the spot his finger had been marking.
“Let’s continue...”

Usso spoke of how he got involved in the war— or at least the things he was willing to diverge in a first session of talking. Some memories were to heavily guarded to be given that freely even if a person dearly wanted to. It became habit to hide them for so long that it became hard to fathom ever not hiding them. Still, he told Stripetail what he could up to the burning of Woowig, or “Prague” as it had apparently been called in the past.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 10:34:31 PM by LoyfeCycleProtector »