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The PS3


  • Ducky
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I'm sure the PS3 is going to be a good system and all, but a $600 price tag?!  WHAT THE F WERE THE GUYS AT SONY SMOKING?!  At first I wanted my dad to upgrade from a PS2 to a PS3 when it launches, but when I heard of the radiculously high price for it, I want him to get an Xbox 360.  You get the same graphics value from and Xbox 360 for a lesser price.  Sony was as successful as Microsoft for the past five years.  But with the rumors of a $600 console, Sony is going back to making appliances if they don't drop the price.


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I completely agree!

The purpose of a game console to me, in the past, has been:
A cheaper alternative to a computer, to be able to play video games as a social activity.

Video game consoles used to launch for approximately $300 (Canadian).  The X-Box 360 launched for $500, which I felt was very steep.  I've seen the graphics and performance of an X-Box 360, and I don't feel that it's worth the huge price tag.  I have more use for a new video card for my computer than I do for an X-Box 360.

When I saw that the PS3 was going to launch for such a disgusting price, I decided to back out of the video game market completely.  I don't think I'll be buying another game system for a LONG time.  

NOTE: That statement is coming from the guy who bought or was given as a gift: a NES, a SNES, a Genesis, a Virtual Boy, an N64, a PS1, a PS2, a Dreamcast, an X-Box, and a Gamecube.  I've used my share of video game systems, and the new wave of consoles just seems a bit rediculous.  If you want to game to that extreme, get a computer.

I'll stick with my PS2 , X-box and my Gamecube for social gatherings, thank you.  They're good enough for me.  If my friends and I ever want to play a newer game, we'll bring our computers and LAN game.


  • The Gang of Five
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ABout 250 pounds for a Xbox360 when it first came out with another game on top and some other things worked out around 380 pounds my brother paid. I bought the 360 off him since he don't play computer games much, so I buying it for 250 pounds games and all.

The console I am waiting for is the new Nintendo system Nintendo Wii.

So far I got...

Half own another PC
Mega Drive
Game Cube
PSX (old playstation)
Xbox 360
Nintendo DS
Gameboy advance

and soon to get the Nintendo Wii :)

SO got a bit of a collection the only ones I hardly used for a while is the N64, Mega Drive. the others I used quite a bit, but since I am in USA I can't at the moment. I want to play my games! :cry




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I was not surprised by the high price on PS3.


  • Cera
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Pass. I've never been into X-Box or PlayStation at all. I'm strickly a Nintendo fan, myself. If I didn't pay for PS before, I'm sure not going to now that I've seen that price.  :blink:  Ow... unless I dunked into my savings, I'd have to do some very cheap living until my next paycheck just to get by after buying that.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Yeah, that's highway robbery. I udsually wait until prices hsave dropped on gsames before I buy them, so that usually means I but games that have been out for a year or so.  I have a Gamecube, and I'm sticking with it. I hear you'll be able to play Brawl on GameCube so I'm pumped.
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I hear you'll be able to play Brawl on GameCube so I'm pumped.
Whaaa...? :D
I was half-debating getting a Wii Just for Brawl, but what's this you're saying about Brawl on the Gamecube?  I can't find a word of news about this.
This article states that perhaps SSB:Brawl will possibly support the gamecube controller however I see nothing about the game being ported to Gamecube.


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I prefer Playstation/Playstation 2 over all other systems.


  • Cera
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Meh...getting the Wii just for Brawl may be very costly.

As for Dark, personally, I can never understand how anyone can even work the PS. The buttons feel the same, so I had to keep looking at the controller to use it. With G64 and Gamecube, each button has a different shape and size, so I can keep my eyes on the screen, and identify each button by shape.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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The thing is this, Sony has put the most advanced gaming technology into the PS3.  So much in fact, that the $600 price tag is probably the lowest they can go leagally when it comes out.  I'm sure they tried everything possible to make it less than that, but failed miserably in the end.

My brother in law has recently brought an XBOX 360, and there is a certian game I want when it comes out.  That one I just can't wait to play.

The Nintendo Wii controller is so different, that it will have to be put into my room in order for it to be played at all. (Note that my little brother's room is rather cramped with that huge waterbed of his.  I have to sit on it just to play the Gamecube by myself.  There's barely enough room on the floor for when guests want to play it with me.  I told him it was a bad idea to put that waterbed in there, but he didn't listen.) I happen to have quite the space in my room.  It will still be comfortable when four people play at once. (I'm sure you're imagining quite the space right now.) With how I understand it, it's practically like those futuristic virtual reality gaming systems.  It's barely the 21st century and we've come this far in gaming technology?  Who knows how far we'll go?

Anyways, it's the upcoming Nintendo Wii for me.  I've been a Nintendo fan for years and I'm staying one. :^.^:


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*moved to the fridge*

They're hoping their base of PS2 owners will buy....even if it is that expensive.  And I think they will.  Think about it: gamers are more likely to splurg on high-end stuff so that their gaming experience is real.  They'll buy this version even at that price.  Its nothing compared to what they spent on everything else (tv, sound system, couch, recliner)


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I personally don't like how the Gamecube buttons are shaped. I despise it because they make one of the buttons so much larger than the others. o__o;; I don't care if the buttons are different shapes. That doesn't bother me. It's just that I wish the A button wasn't so large.

The Playstation controller isn't really difficult to use. You do not have to keep looking at the controller. All you need to do is memorize where each shape is. For me, learning how to use the Playstation controller was easy because I was used to Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. With these systems, the "action buttons", if that's what they are called, were the same shape and size, no different than the PS controller. The Gamecube controller is the only controller I have used where the buttons are not the same shape.


  • Cera
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I could memorize where the buttons are on the PS controller, but I actually love the Gamcube controller. It just works perfectly for me.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Ducky
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I am use to a whole variety of controllers.  From the original NES controller to the Xbox.  But mostly I play computer games.


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I heard the Gamecube controller was difficult to master, but I do like using it nevertheless. I miss playing Zoids: Battle Legends on it. I loved that game.

I don't like playing games on the PC. XD With the exception of Halo though. I am looking forward to playing Spore when it comes out.

Oh there is something that confuses me about your reasoning of not liking PS, WeirdRaptor. You state that you don't like it because the buttons are the same shape and size.

Most game controllers' "action buttons" are the same shape and size. Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis are all good examples of this. And you say you are a strict-Nintendo fan, so I'm guessing that means you enjoyed playing NES and SNES, both of which have controllers with same-shape action buttons.

So what I'm saying is I don't understand why you find it difficult to use PS controllers with the "same shape" reasoning when you pretty much endure the same thing on NES and SNES.

Sorry, I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just confused, is all. ^^;


  • Cera
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I've never played with the Sege consoles.

As for the nes and Super Nes. The Nes only had two buttons, and memorizing what the left button does and what the right button does was a sinch, and most of the time, the top two buttons of the Super Nes served the same function of the lower two. Its just when four action buttons of the same shape all serve a different purpose, and often times, pressing two at once made something else happen....that's I when get lost, for some reason. It just feels monotonous and confusing to me. I find the different feel of the Gamcube controller buttons much more confortable when I have to press multiple buttons to get things doing.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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My brother and I were talking about game controllers last night, and he brought up the Gamecube controller. He said that combinations on the Gamecube controller were difficult, especially if you had to press... X and B at the same time. I don't think he had any complaints about the different shapes though. Neither did I. I was surprised, but nothing more.

We also discussed the simpler controllers, such as Nintendo's two-button controller, and the Atari controllers. I had forgotten about the 2-button thing in my last post, because you are right, with only two buttons, it's not really that hard to figure out which button does what.

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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I probably will not buy this system now or ever. I'm perfectly happy with PS 2 everytime I get  a new system some new system comes out and my "Now"system is now Absoleate. What can a PS 3 do? I mean since it's so expensive it must do something that the PS 2 can't.


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It's been a while since I looked at the specs about PS3, but a few things I remembered was it had wireless controllers, and it can play something that PS2 can't. Can't remember though.


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