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Is Guido gay?

Jrd89 · 20 · 8397


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Hey there. ;)

I've been watching/observing Guido's behavior in "Great Day of The Flyers".. And I think from all the smiles and the smiles he gives to Petrie and the guys (and smaller smile(s) to petrie's sisters just makes me wonder about something.. it's something i've been thinking about. And I think that yes, Guido is gay.  (no offense at all intended either. I meant no harm/offense to any Guido fans. :( )
I've been looking at Guido clips from "Great Day of the Flyers", and he smiles a lot to guys. and speaks studdery/shy, too. especially with Petrie, but he just studders..or smiles a lot (with eyes wide open), and he talks in a very very high spirit.

Now, with Guido being happy, shy, studdery towards another male..what's that have to tell you about him?   ; )   (no offense at all, i'd never ever talk trashy about any lbt character) ;) it's just something I believe i've discovered. I think that Guido is gay.

here's a quote by him from one scene:
(Guido's face is shy/smiling deep, eyes fully open)  "Hey fellas..c'mon take it easy.. your rear ends look just like your uh.. how can he tell which way you're flying. (smiling very brightly with every...every word.)
and when he said "fellas".. that means guys, and there were girl flyers (petrie's sisters) there, too.
Notice that he's never dirty or fussy or pushy at all towards Petrie.
He gives a "small" smile to one of Petrie's sisters after she says (smiling at Guido).. "you're all right, Guido"
Guido uses larger smiles with Petrie, or with his brothers and sisters in a whole group together. He sure seems very happy/smiley around guy groups.

What's your view on Guido?  Do you think that he's gay? I say that yes, he is, from seeing the movie clips i've watched of him and his behavior/body language.


  • Petra (He/They)
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Interesting observations, Jared. But remember that not all gay people are jolly and joyful and get nervous. However, I'm not saying that it isn't possible. I mean after all, homosexuality exists in over a thousand species. Maybe it could've existed in dinosaurs too.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Petrie
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It may have, and I say it's "possible" that he's gay, but nothing's official. It's only a possibility/theory. and remember that he's a cartoon character and a character's orientation and the thought of it... hardly comes up when you think about it.

This was just something that came into my mind today. I didn't mean to hurt the feelings of or tarnish any Guido fans here. :(


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I'm sorry, but no, he isn't.  In fact, there's a little something you should know about kid's shows and movies made in America.  It's the simple fact that ALL characters in kid's shows and movies made in America are straight.

It's something I have observed in my 29 years of life.  ALL American made characters in kid's shows and movies are straight.  Not a single one of them have proven to be gay in any way, shape or form.

Also, whenever a character shows something that could prove them to be gay, there's usually an explanation behind it. (I can't tell you how many times the siblings/cousins/BFF explanation has been used.) In Guido's case, there are key factors you are forgetting that are very important to his character.

The big one being that he is in new place surrounded by completely strange beings.  It's only natural for him to be nervous around them.  He's quite unsure what to say during certain points in the movie.  Don't forget that one of the first he met was Topsy and their meeting did not go well.  I'm sure that effected his speech skills in some way.  Especially if one of the first males he met he got on the wrong side of.

So, as far as I see it, he was unsure of how others would react after his meeting with Topsy.  Plus, they're all strangers to him.  You'd be nervous around them too. :)


  • Petrie
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Oops. a MAJOR misperception on my part. I never thought of all of those things you mentioned.

yes I would be nervous, pokeplayer.

I'm sorry, my apologies. (God, O_O sometimes I ask the strangest questions here)

I'd be tons nervous for sure, now that i've thought about it. :)

You've made a very great point there, Pokeplayer. Thanks for clearing things up firmly for me and setting this straight. ( -_- No pun intended. -_-)


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I think that a gay character can exist in children's medium but they would not "come out of the closet" and it wouldn't be mentioned. Sexual orientations are not always brought up with all the characters, which leaves them open to interpretation.

Since Guido never once expressed interest in anyone, it is possible to interpret him as being gay or bi, not just straight. I do not think he is gay just from his behavior though. That is stereotyping. Gays and bis are just as diverse as straights. It is impossible to tell if someone is gay or bi just from their personality.


  • The Circle
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I assume for Guido to be not older than Littlefoot and the others all of whom are kids (not even teens) and likely rather unaware of the bees and birds so to speak (indications for that assumption can be found in LBT 2 when Littlefoot asks his grandparents about babies, in LBT 10 when he is unaware of the necessity for the existence of a father and in LBT 11 when they are wondering about whether Tria is now to be the mother of Cera). With this blissful unawareness it is not likely that Guido is aware of whatever orientation he may be or what on earth an orientation is in that context ;)

Dr. Rex

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With each time I watch LBT 12, the more I think of that theory to be true. His interactions around Petrie certainly had some homosexual overtones that I could see.


  • Petrie
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With each time I watch LBT 12, the more I think of that theory to be true. His interactions around Petrie certainly had some homosexual overtones that I could see.

Really, Dr. Rex? That's kind of interesting.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'm sure Guido isn't gay (at least that's certainly not the kind of message the movie is trying to get across!) I agree though that there are a few scenes (also in the tv-series if I recall correctly...) that imply it but... no, he's not gay. Not in my opinion at least
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As others said, since Guido’s sexual orientation isn’t specified, it can be pretty much anything you want. I’m aware in media that if it isn’t specified, the sexual orientation is presumably straight, but pah to that.

I always assumed Guido to be an adult, albeit the child-friendly quirky type. He does have an interesting tendency to apologize and then start rambling as he apologizes again, as though he’s attempting to cover all of his tracks so people wouldn’t be mad at or attack him. He kind of gives off the air of someone who’s been this way before his barely touched upon amnesia came around. Whether he was born with this behavior or learned this from experience, I don’t know.

Despite how scared he can be, he does go out of his way to help others. What most sticks to my mind is the point when in the Day of the Great Flyers Petrie failed a flying formation again and Guido, breathless from walking, goes over to comfort him. The other moment is when he volunteers get off Swooper’s back and glide alone. Despite his trepidation and inexperience with gliding, he knew Petrie was in no shape to fly with his injured wing and was willing to take the risk of something happening to him if it would get his friends home. That selfless quality was one of the things that endeared him to me when I watched his film fully for the first time earlier this year.


  • Ducky
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If he is gay who cares he's still a pretty decent character. I mean he's not the best character in the franchise but decent. He's got some decent traits to him. He was pretty funny character. He had some okay jokes I thought. So all and all I didn't mind this character much at all. His song wasn't the best but it was decent


  • Chomper
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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Dec 20 2012 on  03:29 AM
I'm sorry, but no, he isn't. In fact, there's a little something you should know about kid's shows and movies made in America. It's the simple fact that ALL characters in kid's shows and movies made in America are straight.

It's something I have observed in my 29 years of life. ALL American made characters in kid's shows and movies are straight. Not a single one of them have proven to be gay in any way, shape or form.

Also, whenever a character shows something that could prove them to be gay, there's usually an explanation behind it. (I can't tell you how many times the siblings/cousins/BFF explanation has been used.) In Guido's case, there are key factors you are forgetting that are very important to his character.

The big one being that he is in new place surrounded by completely strange beings. It's only natural for him to be nervous around them. He's quite unsure what to say during certain points in the movie. Don't forget that one of the first he met was Topsy and their meeting did not go well. I'm sure that effected his speech skills in some way. Especially if one of the first males he met he got on the wrong side of.

So, as far as I see it, he was unsure of how others would react after his meeting with Topsy. Plus, they're all strangers to him. You'd be nervous around them too. :)
I know it's been years since you posted that, but I have to disagree with you here :) look carefully at this scene, and see how the dragon treats a male human. If that's not a gay behaviour, then idk what it is
there alsh have have been a lot of other indications of his attachment to Master Fung in this way throughout the whoel series

Also I think most of us remember that scene where Guido grabbed Petrie beign scared of Black Rock, and petrie was like "Please get off me, me no need what you do with other males"


  • Petrie
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Petrie157578641: Yeah. I agree.

I know it's been years since I posted this question. It was only a thought I had at the time, but I understand now.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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He could be gay; although, it was never stated in the series. I think his sexuality is left up to interpretation in fanfiction.


  • Ducky
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It shouldn't matter what his sexuality is that's not a common issue or shouldn't be a issue at all. Just like the character for who he is that's all.


  • Ducky
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I'd say Guido is only as gay as the author of the next fanfic wants him to be. Such is the case with most fictional characters. ;)


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Quote from: Coyote_A,Jun 18 2017 on  12:02 PM
I'd say Guido is only as gay as the author of the next fanfic wants him to be. Such is the case with most fictional characters. ;)

The same I can tell about any romantic relationships between young characters here.  :anger

Gentle Sharptooth

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Guido is not gay. He simply is insecure and unaccustomed to female flyers.

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