The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

The History of the Gang of Five (2001-2019)

Petrie. · 71 · 51365


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Oh, and I gotta go to the city now so I can't work on it much today. :(  I'll try to revise the character page soon though.

Thanks a lot Petrie!  That was really fun!  If you look at my profile, I have web design as one of my hobbies. :lol:

It was a pain in the butt to recode the whole thing, but in the end, it was fun.  The only thing I'm worried about is the character pictures.  I have no idea how you made the pictures of the characters like that.  I know that you don't have photoshop, so how in the world did you do the pictures of the characters like that?


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Thank you for bringing the land before time archive back Austin :yes
It sure is good to have that page online again. Good going!


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As long as you had fun, that's all that matters. :)  I was surprised you didn't merge the site you had already done with this one.


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I was surprised you didn't merge the site you had already done with this one.

#1, I didn't think I had the right to and #2, I didn't make my other page with html.  The best thing I could do is put a link to each other on each of them. :P:


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Forgot to answer this one earlier:

The only thing I'm worried about is the character pictures. I have no idea how you made the pictures of the characters like that. I know that you don't have photoshop, so how in the world did you do the pictures of the characters like that?

Those came from using outdated software and vhs captures (yep, no dvds).  :lol:  The program was called Microsoft Picture It 2002 and it came with my old desktop.  I have Microsoft's Digital Image Pro and it can do the fancy borders, so if worst came to worst, you'd have to email me the pictures and I can continue with the border for consistency, or you have the option of not using it at all.  You're the webmaster now so its your call...don't let my interpretation from the past hold you back. :)  I honestly don't care.


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Is it wrong for me to hold my head up high like a prideful Longneck for simply having my name added to the forum history? XD

A Roleplay Pioneer indeed. *smirks* but I also give credit to other wonderful members.. Manny, Kor, GreatValleyGuardian, Nick, and several other members worthy to get recognition for their efforts and help in reviving the Roleplay section.

If we continue to work together as a team, I forsee this little section of the web grow into something big.

Again, I tip my hat to you, Petrie, for your hard work and efforts

Manny Cav

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Yes, the Role Play pioneers are all of those who helped to, er, "revive" the thing (it never really seemed dead to me). :P: I'm not much of an RPer at all, and truth be told, I'm not that much into it, but the Insane CafÈ was my first venture into such, and also served as a sort of sandbox to get me familiar with the process and see if it's for me. So far, it is the only role play I have participated in because, as I stated, I'm not an avid RPer, so AvestheForumFox was definitely more better suited for the position of role-play moderator than I, and for that, I congratulate him. :)


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jul 9 2007 on  05:36 AM
Okay.  I just got a decent domain name and submitted the site to google.  That other one was bothering the heck out of me.  Here's the new one:

And get some sleep. I didn't say fix it in one night

I tend to get a little obsessive.
hey I love the new place you said about!!! :DD


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Added a tiny piece this year.  Seven months and nothing had been written for 2010.  Quiet year for us. :yes:


  • Cera
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So does this mean that the GoF will be celebrating a kind of tenth birthday this year, since this thing has been building up for about ten years now. Seriously, we should have some sort of celebration for the tenth year of hard work for this.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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That would be if you want to count those unofficial years before the board was created.  Otherwise you need to wait a couple more years for a tenth anniversary.

What would you do for ten years?  I couldn't think of anything to do...after ten years, you've pretty much done it all. :)


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Well, the unofficial years were still building up to this, so there's that. Hmm. It's kind of hard to hold a celebration on a chatroom, but I'm sure there's something that can be done. Oh well, if it's not for another couple years, then I guess everyone here has plenty of time to figure it out.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Other than maybe a "GoF awards of all time" vote or something like that, I can't think of anything.

I feel kind of weird just now joining a very old board for a dead franchise. I hope this place stays alive, I don't want to see it go :cry .
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I don't think that the GOF is so dependant on the franchise that it would cease to exist with the franchise. Not only are there many topics and fanmade stuff left to discuss about it but also there are many non LBT related topics in the GOF. I think the interest in LBT provides the basic common link under which we, the members of the GOF have found together, but it is us rather than the franchise that keep this community alive. And seeing how active we are, how new and active members keep joining us, how even the very regretable decisions of some appreciated members to leave do not mean a deathblow to the community, and also seeing how some members who left returned... with all this I see the GOF as a community very much alive and not going any where any time soon.
I thank all of you for that :yes
As for 10 years anniversaries I'm not so certain if 2011 is the year for it. I also think that individual members may link different dates to the GOF. This here exact board was created in September 2004, so 2014 might be the most appropriate year for an anniversary. There had been predecessor boards to the GOF which had already been frequented by some of our members. For me personally August 2002 marks a very important point as it was when I got to know Adam, but it might be rather ego(s)centric to consider this the anniversary of the whole community.


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Ideally, I would set the 10th anniversary date to October 12, 2013 - that would be 10 years from the date the board (in its original creation--it wasn't the GOF from the start).  Even if it wasn't hosted here on invisionfree.

Malte, you have a point about 2002...and it sounds egocentric, but I don't believe the GOF would've happened had we not met up.  I had no intentions of a LBT site or was all Dinotopia then. ;)


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I feel kind of weird just now joining a very old board for a dead franchise. I hope this place stays alive, I don't want to see it go

Well, its not a super old just happens to have survived and made it through many years and happens to have LBT as a theme.


  • Cera
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Well, if there's going to be a GoF Award Ceremony, I've got dibs on "Worse GoF Regular".
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Well, if you give away out with or without a ceremony, I still got dibs on "Worse".
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf