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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424726


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(Aboard the Starship Phoenix)
 Nick pushed dishes though the dushwasher and wiped his brow
 it was muggy in here. The Insane Cafe was qiuiet as it was noit yet time to open for business that day. it had taken a lot of hard work and money to buy this old ship hire a crew to fly it and convert part of the ship into a resteraunt, but thanks to his shate of the treasures found at the Inglotious Hotel(now fully restored and renamed a national place of interest) he had enough cash for the job. the rest he had put into a account and let the interest pile up. finding Aves, who had somehow lost his memory had been a harder task. Nick figured that he had insulted a customer and gotten brained for his cheek. Still it was impossible to know for sure, hopefully once aves recovered his memory they could get caught up aon what Aves had been doing the past year . Nick had tahen part in the war afgainst chong,and hopefully that nutjob was locked away for good this time.
 Nick finished running the last load and headed out toewards the front desk..
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(Starship Phoenix)

Dr. Kerzach quickly stirred the seafood fried rice as an assistant peeled some shrimp.

He had decided to join Nick and Aves to assist them. Now with the war against Chong over, he just wanted to relax.

"Nick! The seafood fried rice is ready!" he called as he scraped the fried rice into a large serving platter and rinsed off the wok.

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great thats the appetizer' Nick smiled.. Ketzach had been wih them for a couple months now, and he was an excellent cook..
_ back on earth, a wedding reception was taking place. Scooby and Dixie had gotten married and all thier family and friends were there. the sheer number of guests approached 1000, biut tere was one particular guest who had not yet appeared. That was Scooby and Dixies boss, Lord stripetail. But right now Dixie was more concerned with greeting all the guests. She smiled while wearing her white wedding dress, there wasa a flower in her hair and blush on her cheeks. her red lips were parted in a smile, as she posed for a photograpgh with her friends Tigeress, agumina and Cynder near a fountain o the lawn. ' You guys having fun? she smiled at them " of course" Cynder smiled " There is so much food and stuff here.. you and Scooby will be unwrapping gifts for weeks.."
_ Scooby was chatting With Kopa the crown prince of the Pridelands at a nuffet table inside the mansion "Thank you for coming Kopa. " well Vitani and Kiara insisted we come. My brother in law kovu should be around here somewhere, theres so many  creatures coming in and out.. you know a lot of people Scooby..' i have a big family and a lot of friends Scooby said. Kopa was a large red-maned lion, his green eyes twinkled with mirth.. " Hi! cried a voice as Scooby was jumped on by a purple blur ' Hi Uncle Scooby!' smiled a young wolf pup. ' this was Flash, Tiger and Tigeress' daughter. " Flash shouldn't be with your dad and mom? Scooby said after ruffling her fur. ' They're talking with Aunt Dixie..' came the reply. "Kopa this is Flash, the daughter of my friends Tiger and Tigeress. Flash, this is Kopa, the king of the pridelands.' Shes a cute one ' Kopa chuckled ' Nice to meert you flash. he smiled as Flash shot him a grin.. "
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Wataru and Kivat approached Scooby. Wataru wore his best black tuxedo, he had shortened his hair slightly. The small black and yellow bat perched on his shoulder. Kivat wore a small bow tie beneath his mouth.

"Hey, Scooby," Wataru greeted.


A large red pirate ship approached the Insane Cafe. A large blue engine propelled the ship. It stopped above the resturant ship and dropped anchor.

Six figures disembarked from the ship, descending on their own length of chain.

"All right, let's eat!" a man dressed in a long red coat declared. He grinned. His black hair was long.

"Hold on, Marvelous-san," a young man, dressed in silver hurried to cut off the red-clad pirate. "I don't think they're open yet."


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Wataru? good to see you Scooby grinned " Its been awhile, since the shurlup mess at the old cafe? how have you been? Scooby was wearing a black tuxedo with a bowtie below his neck "And Kivat. Good to see you as have things been with you..
Kopa let Scooby greet the newcomers and headed over  into the dinning room where a stack of presents covered the table.. there were guests everywhere, there were humans lions, dogs cats, a lot of hustle and bustle..
Nicck heard the bangng on the door and pointed to the sign " Not open until 830.' You've got 10 minutes to wait.
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"Things have been... busy," Wataru replied. "We've had to fight a few battles since then."

"But enough about that," Kivat said. "We're here to wish you well and enjoy some wedding cake."


"Ah, mou," Luka sighed, placing her hands on her hips. She wore a short yellow jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Her brunette hair was cut short.

"Ten minutes?" a shorter male sighed. He wore a green jacket and had blonde jacket. He grabbed Luka's shoulders from behind and began shaking. "I can't wait that long. I'm about to waste away!"

Luka growled and jabbed him in the ribs. "Quit it, Doc!"

Don 'Doc' Dodgier grunted and stumbled back, now grasping his stomach in pain.

"Well, there's not much we can do but wait," Ahim said. She wore an elegant white dress and looked a little out of place among the group. Her hair was long and black.

"I don't think so," Marvelous said. "We take what we want, that's what being a pirate is all about."

"Eh?!" Gai exclaimed. "That's rude!"


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well i've been busy too Scooby replied " I was in a war against Chong and it took 6 months to finally beat jhim, then I go pay My Cousin Dee a visit and end up bringing back the Laffalympics (we won, in case you are wondering) and after all that we start to plan for this wedding.. and we've had a HUGE turnout.. pretty much everyone friom the laffalympics to my family is here..
 We've got a number of customers out there banging on the dor ' Nick sighed ' i really don't need this this early in the morning..
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(Wedding Reception)

The sound of jet engines echoed through the wedding reception as Lt. Martin, Captain Fairchild and Major Lockie preformed a flyover.

They even pulled a few strings to have some of their military buddies put on an airshow.

They then landed at the available "runway". If one could call the nearby closed off road that.

"Scooby! Dixie! Glad to see you!" Captain Fairchild said. He and Major Lockie both wore their simple battleship-grey paint scheme. However, they had the full color roundel of the Seaboard Coalition Air Force (a stylized gold lightning bolt crossed with a stylized dragon wing on a sky blue background) painted on their flanks and tails.  

Lt. Martin touched down as well. "Glad to see you all!" she chirped. She was wearing a subdued blue paint scheme with gold highlights on her wings, tails and flanks. The the full color roundel of the Seaboard Coalition Air Force was painted on her tail

Dr. Zanasiu, Deimos, Rime, Strut and Zachary were the next to arrive.

Zachary and Dr. Zanasiu wore very expensive and nice looking black suits while Rime and Deimos wore their a set of dress blues that they had from when they worked at Pelvanida. Medals and rank insignia decorated the uniform.

Strut, on the other hand, had no clothing that was not either a ballistic vest or a photographer's vest so he chose to wear nothing.


(Starship Phoenix)

"Nick, I need to fetch some fresh produce, what do you need?" Dr. Kerzach asked.

The Phoenix not only boasted a resturaunt but a fully equipped garden that grew fresh plants and seafood. It also served as part of the ship's life support system.

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nice to see you all again Dixie smiled it was then a portal opened as tarrax the dragon stepped out of it "greetings to the bride and groom. Forgive my masters tardiness, he is busy at the moment' Tarrax said putting down a beautiful golden and jewelensrusted mirror on the table " this mirror hgas many magical properies. he said to them.. ' just don;t waste too much time looking in it, or bad things will start to happen..
 lord stripetail was indeed busy, if by busy you mnean being bored out of his mind listening to president qwark of the plorais galaxy prattle on about the great things he had dine. 'Mr President" stripetail said testily. ' get to the point ' well you see um, mr bord striptail, well our galaxy has started missing planets,..
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bring out some of everything , just to be on the safe side 'Nick said.. " the clock now read 8:27.  Nick decided to open and couple minutes early and unlock the door. " He hoped he wouldn't be regreting it..
" Missing planets? mr qwark you could have saved me the last 85 minutes of listebing to your exploits and told me that upfront" stripetail said his eyes narrowing " Why did you ask for me ' Because the guys I usually go to turned me down.. and we're in a pickle here.. I can't afford to run for re-election, not with 6 missing planets.."Qwayk said pathetically "and who are these other guys ' Oh ratchet and Clank they live on veldin. Ratchet a young lombax and Clank is small robot.. they've assisted me on some of my past cases.. " if by assisted, you mean did everything for you and you then took the credit, yes they asisted you.." stripetail said " i have a wedding reception to attend  Mr qwark, and the bride and groom are close friends..give me the contact information for ratchet and Clank i will talk to them . "About helping get those planets back' Qwark said hopefully " No, about start to work for me, thing is my jobs require there be a female counterpart.. ' stripetail said. " Are there any female Lombaxes? "just one, actually, but noones found a trace of her for almost 6 years, her names Angela cross..' Qwark said pulling up a holographic file. " Then I'm just going to magically bring her here then 'Revulous! Stripetail barked and in a twinking a female lombax fell on the floor.  she looked like she had not eaten well recently, her uniform hung on her in folds. "How did you do that Qwatk said bord " Its LORD STRIPETAIL Mr qwark" stripetail said ' as Angela slowly got to her feet.. Where.. where am I? ' she said blinking as her eyes got adjusted to the light "  Last thing I know I'm in a Kerchu Prison on Tannus 9, and now I'm.. her eyes widened as she recognized Qwark ' well well if it isn't Captain Qwatk " last time I saw  you were testing out the crotchitizer. How did that go, by the way? ' Qwark's face turned green, er not so well . and its President Qwark now Angela .
- President? what planet was dumb enough to elect you President? Angela said. " not a planet Angela, the entire Polaris Galaxy'Qwatk said proufly..
Which is while I prefer living in the bogon Glaxy Angela said , before Stripetail stepped " miss Cross?' Angela turned and loked at him " Lord Stripetail at your service.. do you prefer Angela, Angela Cross miss Cross? ' Angelas fine.. " angekla said. "What can I do for you.. 'well I have a job in mind for you, a very well paying job/ ' so whats we're talking 100000 bolts? ' try BILLIONS" stripetail grinned.. 'you will need to find a male Lombax to partner with.." we can talk about that later " i just want to get out of here and get something to eat, eating Kerchu food for 4 years straight does a number on your stomach..Well we're going to a wedding reception, goodbye mr qwayk' stripetail said as he teleported himself and Angela out of the room.
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Dr. Kerzach hopped aboard a small repulsersled parked in the back of the kitchen and started up the engine. The ship was so massive that it could take him several minutes to walk to his destination.

He then sped down the cool stainless steel hallways. Exposed conduits carrying water, atmospheric gases and other such materials lined the walls and ceilings. While the resturaunt (and small shopping center and living spaces) of the ship were decorated with beautiful paintings and other art, the maintainance areas were just as spartan as those on any military starship.

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Dixie walked around the yard, and was embraced by a pink cat with large red lips " Arlene! its get to see you" Dixie smiled "Hows the studio going? " its taking a bit longer than we thought so i;m going to have to stay  here a bit longer.. " that's fine Arlene you're always welcomes here..' arlene nuzzled her warmly then headed over to the buffet table. Next up came two lionesses, Vitani and Kiara ' Hi Girls Dixie smiled at them ' thank you for coming.. ' Well we brought the entire royal family ' Vitani, who was Kopas wife, said..
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Jason was at the party.  At times he was in his imperial dragon form wearing his full formal imperial prince stuff.  But at other times it seemed he was at another part of the party in his time lord form wearing his formal Prydonian Chapter robes.

Sara was at the party, in her korodos formal outfit With brooklyn & his son Gnash.  

At another part of the party was Guilmon, and elsewhere some of the road rovers.


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it was the n stripetail teleported into the reception, along with Angrela Bart appeared carrying a set of armor. " Hello everyone' stripetail smiled. " aren't you a bit late? Ma Doo, Scoobys mother said to him ' Madam, a wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he means to. where is your son/ I have a couple gifts for him and his bride' Stripetail said ' hes out near the fountain, for more photod..Pa Doo said.
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Dr. Kerzach eventually ended up in one of the main hallways. The hallway itself was well lit with LED lights that gave everything a warm glow. The halls were mostly empty save for maintenance workers, engineers and the occasional early shopper.

He then entered the garden, which was also accessible to the public. It looked more like a public park than a farm with grass underfoot and fruit trees everywhere. It even had a blue sky (though it was actually an illusion but it was so realistic - it even simulated weather).

He then started picking some celery from a nearby garden along with some fresh herbs.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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ooc: unfortunately I dont have enough time to read every single post here so assuming everything is still slightly normal as far as situations go I'll just post Aves's intro into this story right here :p

Aves soon left his quarters looking groggy and still half asleep. The night before was a long one as he was left to do the dishes and clean the kitchen area.

He groaned as he stumbled down the hall towards the kitchen entrance  almost as if half drunk

His memory was still somewhat shot, he couldn't remember much of anything but he was slowly recovering his distant memories of the Insane Cafe back when Lord Chong first owned the restaurant and the great and terrible Spork Battle that ended his reign then.  

Another thing that frequently popped into his mind was the word "cupcakes" and what sounded to him like distant girly giggles and the color pink and for some odd reason this caused him to cringe. Also when he was discovered by his friend Nick he was found with some strange wrist computer device that did not seem to work (nor would it come off his wrist) and he was left to wonder about its purpose and why he was stuck with it.


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Nick noticed his friend enter the kitchen and sighed ' Long night eh, hey Aves.. you still haven't told me what that wrist thing you're wearing does, if anything..It';s good to have you back and all cleaned up, when I found you you were babbling and covered in cupcake batter and pink frosting. Chongs in prison, hopefully for good this time.. the prison they put him in,supresses magical abilities, and gives them splitting headaches if they try to use any we hopefully won't se him again..
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Aves shrugged and went for his apron.

"Dont be silly, Nick. Chong's immortal and from what I remember from reading dusty old scrolls, Chong always finds a way to escape. He'll own this cafe again long after we're dead of old age. Mark my words."

And then as Aves was slipping on his apron the little wrist computer started to beep.

"Oy..." said Aves, "this dratted thing has been beeping off and on like this all night but every time I try to operate it this picture pops on the screen and I cant do anything with it!"

Aves glanced at the screen which displayed a picture of balloons over a pink background.

"What's this stupid thing supposed to do? And why do I have it"


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Dr. Kerzach was busy climbing an orange tree when he felt something drip on his shoulder. He quickly scrambled down the ladder and tossed the satchel of fresh oranges into the repulsersled. He then got into the cab and started up the engine just as it started to "rain".

He then piloted the vehicle back to the kitchen and plugged it into the charger. He hefted his bag of oranges. "Nick! Aves! I need a hand unloading some of the food! I've got fresh catfish, fresh shrimp, fresh potatoes, fresh corn and some fresh oranges for dessert."


(Wedding Reception)

Mr. Bigmouth and Ms. Swimmer were the next to arrive. Mr. Bigmouth again, wore nothing like Strut. Ms. Swimmer wore an elegant emerald on a gold chain along with her set of silver bracelets.

"We're not too late, are we?" Mr. Bigmouth asked. "Oh, I have a gift for the newlyweds."

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No, the reception is going to go on all night' Scooby sad stopping over to meet them.. " its good to see you again..
 Inside the mansion the Digimon guests had gathered around a huge tv. Genki was fidding around with a joystick and blasting away at a monster.. " Genki! came an exasperated voice behind him " You do know we are at a wedding reception.." It was tigeress, she had found Flash and noiw was carrying her on her back.. " Scooby said I could play' Genki replied as he finished beating the monster and with it, the level.
Chongs not immortal, the last war proved that" Nick replied.. " he'll never own the cafe again, not as long as I have anything to say about it..
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