The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Ask me?

Saft · 84 · 7586


  • Ducky
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I did a platypus once..if I dig up my art thread buried in the Art's section, I'll post it there.:p

I've actually thought about your question Czacza. Not entirely sure how to best answer it but I'd be Mogget from the Abhorsen Trilogy.:D

Why?  Mogget while holds the appearance of a cat, he's not what he seems to be.  Which goes to show that things are never as they seem with something or someone, that there is always will be something deeper.  Anyway, despite his sarcastic personality and his initial intent to er destroy people (which makes me sound violent :p)  in the end he goes against his initial belief that everything should be destroyed to become part of the group that 'saves the world' from the 'Destroyer'..he does it for life...but I think he does it also because he realizes that not all people are as bad as he presumed them to be.  This is something that i hope that i can learn from...that I shouldn't take things so negatively.  I am learning to do this.  So I think that despite him being male, a 'cat like figure' and fictional, I really hope that I can reach a similar conclusion that Mogget did about aspects.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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I’d like to “borrow your ears for a bit,” as they say. Some things I do wonder about.

1. What is the story behind your cat’s name? Is a member of your family fond of the musician, perhaps?

2. Have you stopped drawing for a while? I really enjoy your deviant art work as I’ve mentioned in a few reviews there, so I’m curious if you intend to pick your “paintbrush” up any time soon.

3. You love ancient history, but I wonder what kind you would actually enjoy experiencing. If you were stuck in the past and could live with any ancient civilization, which would you pick and why?

4. You’ve mentioned a lot of people bothering you at college, which is awful, though I wonder, is there a group of students you have to hang out with before, between, and after classes as well? I don’t want you feeling alone. My father says that sometimes, online relationships alone aren’t enough to curb people’s feelings of loneliness, and I just want to know if you’re well off when it comes to offline friends.

5. Did you ever beat that Batman game you mentioned months ago?

Lastly, 6. Has your sleep issues been resolved? Are you getting enough rest now? All those problems you’ve mentioned really has me concerned. Back when I had a problem getting good rest, my whole outlook on life got a little gloomier, and you don’t need anything else making you feel unhappy.

Yes, like you, I do have spurts of questions myself, hee hee  :p.

P.S. I hope none of these were asked before. I will be terribly embarrassed if they have, and my WoW playing has my eye begging me not to read every other post here.


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  • Cera
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Have you seen the update I made to your star day thread? :angel

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Ducky
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Pangaea: And I have, see my response on the thread.  But thank you, very much I really do appreciate it and no worries about the lateness it is the thought that counts, plus also the effort that was involved.:)

My ears?  I don't know...they are quite attached....

Well the origin of Mozart's name isn't something entirely special.  You see, Amy at that time was learning to play the piano and had music pieces from W.Amadeus.Mozart.  When we got Mozart, his name for the first three days was actually Sternern meaning ''star'' or something similar.  That was mum's idea.  However, we felt that it didn't suit him.  So we had a vote.  During that time, the little kitten's favourite refuge was under and on the piano itself.  When we had the vote at the dining table, he had decided to walk across the piano to rip up the music pieces from Mozart.  It was Mum's idea again to call him that.  So we agreed.  It's supposed to be cute......

Again, nothing entirely special.

Yeah.  I have.   I haven't really had time nor the inclination to draw.  

Probably either the ancient egyptians (after all, women at least had some rights) within the 17th or 18th dynasty; technically the golden age of Egypt.  Or with the Romans but probably during the Imperial period, not the Republic.   I think why is quite self-explanatory.

Actually not entirely.  There are a few people that I know.  One from my hall who was in the E(arly) I(nduction) P(rogram) and then there are three others from the group.  They are pretty nice really.  But I am not yet fully friends with them.  Hopefully that will happen.

Yeah, I did.  For Christmas I got the Lego Harry Potter game.  Nearly got enough golden bricks to unlock Voldemort.

Er, it kinda has.