The Gang of Five
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Messages - fanciful_flyer

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Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: May 21, 2015, 05:58:27 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,May 14 2015 on  03:04 PM
Last year a fourth Dinotopia book was released, making account of the events that led to the sinking of Posidos. I haven't read it yet, but I intend to.
Do you mean the book "First Flight"? That one involves a story playing long before the arrival of the Denisons in the town of Poseidos, but the book appeared long ago. I got to admit that I found it to be the weakest in the series since it somewhat abandoned the concept of "fantastic realism" by including all kinds of sci-fi technology and letting all kinds of animals and humans talk the same language (the framing of the story included Will Denison reading that story in a libary though, so the concept maybe that it is mostly fictional in the reality of the Denisons).
The most recent book that appeared that I am aware of is "Journey to Chandara" in which Arthur Denison is traveling to Chandara. It is quite nice and with beautiful illustrations, though not quite as gripping a story as in case of "A land apart from time" and "The world Beneath". The story of "Journey to Chandara" seemed to end without a real ending of a story arc, so it would make a lot of sense for it to be concluded in another book (and I would be thrilled to learn of the appearing of such a book :D).
Yeah, it was "First Flight." :)

I admit, upon reading a few sample pages, it isn't as "Dinotopia-like" as the other books, but I'm still curious to read it. ^^
I agree about the technology and talking animals, though. In fact, even having read "First Flight" (not the extra story they included at the end of the special edition one), I felt like I was reading a story taking place in a world totally separate from Dinotopia.
You bring up a good point, though - it's possible that the "First Flight" story is something of a fairytale/fiction in Dinotopia.

It's funny, I actually enjoyed "Journey To Chandara" more than the first two books, even if the plotline wasn't as gripping. Maybe I felt like I was getting a "behind the scenes" look into parts of Dinotopian society that haven't been explored in the other books - for instance, the way Chandaran society differs from the rest of Dinotopian society, the fact that it's a monarchy, e.t.c.

But yeah, supposedly there's a new edition of "First Flight" that includes "never before seen" painting and story ideas by James Gurney. I had the original "First Flight" that only included the story about Gideon and Avatar, but lost it years ago, and was thinking about buying the new one - not least of all because it included never-before-seen stuff. XD

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:27:04 AM »
Quote from: Ptyra,May 2 2015 on  08:51 PM
Quote from: fanciful_flyer,Apr 17 2015 on  03:33 PM
I have to admit, I'm pretty fascinated with dinosaurs, and have been for most of my life. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a paleontologist. I mean, I don't currently, but I used to. XD
But I like getting immersed into dinosaur books and movies. My favorite dino-related things are (obviously) The Land Before Time, and Dinotopia. James Gurney's paintings make me believe that a world with humans and dinosaurs co-existing exists (not really, but I mean it sets the imagination on fire.)
Some dinosaur documentaries are interesting to watch as well (if you can get past the cheesy animation.) Not long ago, I watched "Dinotasia" on Netflix which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be (again, you kinda have to ignore the lack of superb animation.) It's definitely not your average dino documentary. It's hardly a documentary, actually, because the narrator (Werner Herzog) speaks so seldom. It's more like you're watching different groups and individual dinosaurs live their life and face trials. I think any dinosaur fan would really appreciate Dinotasia! :)

Often when I read the dinotopia books, when they mention a dinosaur I'd never heard of, or don't remember what kind it is, I'll pause my reading and look said dinosaur up online. I like randomly reading about the different types that used to exist.
Dinotasia is actually an anthology of the short series Dinosaur Revolution, which details a heckuva lot more on the dinosaurs, as well as the background. Such as the Allosaurus being based on an actual fossil that had a bad jaw. Dinosaur Revolution, however, lacks the totally fabulous narrator of Dinotasia :lol .

What I like about Dinotopia these days, especially the original, is that the dated-ness of it hurts so much more than any other dinosaur stuff from the 2000's and before. And yet it's still great. Gurney's depiction of Deinocheus, for example, just looked like really, really big ornithomimus-type dinosaurs. I wonder if he's done a depiction of what we know now.

Last year a fourth Dinotopia book was released, making account of the events that led to the sinking of Posidos. I haven't read it yet, but I intend to.
That's actually pretty fascinating - I had no idea. :)

I've only just heard of the 4th Dinotopia book coming out, and want to get it so bad. Have you seen some of the art? It shows a side to Dinotopia's history that - well, we may have heard of here and there, but never got an in-depth look at. It comes with the "First Flight" story, I think, yes?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / What you don't like
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:22:13 AM »
Pretty much what's already been mentioned: when I first started checking out the series, the first thing that irritated me were the repeated songs. -_-
And yes they should have had more characters reappear.
I did notice that sometimes they were out of character, short, I consider the series the last thing to go to for LBT entertainment/lore (besides the 13th movie, of course.) Coming on too strong with the corniness.

The Welcome Center / Hey!
« on: May 08, 2015, 02:14:13 PM »
Hi, and welcome to the forum! I also started watching the series a short while ago. :) Glad to have you here!

General Land Before Time / The Sixth Movie
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:04:27 PM »
For the sake of starting a discussion, and also because I'm curious, having noticed a few things I never did before:

Maybe I'm not being observant or something, but where exactly were the entrances/exits to and from the Great Valley in the 6th movie? In the other movies it seems like we get a clearer idea of how the Gang enter into the Mysterious Beyond, whether by accident or on purpose.

2nd movie: The gang accidentally break open the rock wall, which becomes and entrance to and from the Mysterious Beyond.
3rd movie: I actually haven't seen this one in a long time, but as I recall, the Gang lead the adults to the Mysterious Beyond where the water got trapped. (I don't think it showed how they got there.)
4th movie: Another one I haven't seen in a while, but I don't think they ever actually said anything about the Mysterious Beyond in that one. We know that Littlefoot goes to the Land of Mists, which also makes me wonder if they consider anything beyond the Great Valley the Mysterious Beyond, or if the Mysterious Beyond is considered a certain section of the dinosaur world (I highly doubt this, and think it more likely that they consider anything beyond their home as the MB.)
5th movie: Again, leaving through some unseen exit.
Alright, maybe not all of these are clear, but it makes me wonder.

The entrance and exit into the Great Valley in the 6th movie wasn't clearly defined, and I guess it could just be that they didn't show it - same as they didn't in 3 or 4.
But they encountered sharpteeth near Saurus Rock.
Maybe the Great Valley has hidden exits/entryways, or maybe it's a simple matter of climbing over a large wall - one that tends to block sharpteeth from entering the valley. Grandpa Longneck and the Gang seemed to do a lot of climbing over rock walls when they sought out Littlefoot in the 6th movie. But I couldn't help but wonder.

Am I over-analyzing? Probably. XD But I love analyzing small things.

Also, does Doc only save longnecks?
Offhand, that might be a stupid question, seeing as how he technically helped save not just Littlefoot but Grandpa Longneck and the other members of the Gang toward the end of the movie.
But in the flashbacks he's only around other longnecks and saves those longnecks, and also only ever seems to save Littlefoot from a few dangers. (Yeah I know they did it on purpose so as to make Doc shine all the more in Littlefoot's eyes - but let's ignore that for just a moment. XD )
Personally, I'm sure he would save any dinosaur who was in need (leaf-eating dinosaur, specifically.) But I'm interested to hear all your thoughts on this. ^^;

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday fanciful_flyer
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:46:03 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Apr 28 2015 on  05:13 AM
Thank you both! It's actually my 27th year, haha - but close enough. XD
I congratulated for your 27th birthday and wished your all the best for the 28th year of life which does indeed begin with the 27th birthday. I didn't let you age by an additional year :lol

Oh, I see. XD Interesting way to put it, but thanks! It's going to be a great year.

And I love the picture, Dalekdino! Thanks for the wishes everyone. :D

The Party Room / Things the LBT cast would NEVER say...
« on: April 28, 2015, 08:39:42 PM »
Ducky: *anything once*

General Land Before Time / Is This The Start Of A New LBT Generation?
« on: April 27, 2015, 11:09:38 PM »
The Land Before Time movies still have a lot of potential - in my opinion, it just depends on whether they decide to use it or not. Outwardly it does seem like they've milked the plots for all they're worth. After all, it's not easy coming up with conflict in the LBT world (at least not conflict that hasn't been used over and over.) You're basic antagonists are sharpteeth and natural disasters, and we see these in almost every movie. The question is, how do you liven things up? XD It's another reason why I have respect for the 7th movie - they decided to use a family member of one of the Gang as an actual villain. All the other "villains" were out for food. Back to the point, though - I wouldn't mind if they reintroduced certain characters like Doc, or Ally. Yeah I know we saw them in the episodes, but a movie would have been better... :( They'd have received more screen time, and been involved in a deeper plot, which would have been interesting.
Other than that, they might have to stretch things and give human attributes to the dinosaurs (I mean more so than they already have) to keep things interesting. They could introduce a new villain who - like Pterano - isn't a bad guy because he/she is hungry and following instinct, but who actually has ulterior motives of some kind. Without, of course, making it resemble the 7th movie too closely.
It might come down to this question: What haven't we already seen that isn't redundant and also doesn't drift outside of the Land Before Time world too much?

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday fanciful_flyer
« on: April 27, 2015, 11:00:15 PM »
Thank you both! It's actually my 27th year, haha - but close enough. XD

General Land Before Time / LBT Score
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:35:13 PM »
Quote from: action9000,Apr 21 2015 on  07:09 PM
There's still a few the person hasn't put up that I'm searching for

Sadly, what you're searching for generally isn't made available to the public.

Even for larger film scores, typically the score itself isn't really treated with a lot of respect:

* The sheet music typically isn't available

* It can't be purchased on a soundtrack

* Even the master copies may not exist anymore because they're no longer of use and just take up space somewhere - It costs someone money to store all of it.

Long story short, many film scores just aren't kept anywhere at all. Odds are the master recordings just don't exist, or only exist in the hands of one or two people (the sound engineer and composer, for their portfolios for getting future contracts). Those people aren't going to part with them unless you're willing to pay hefty royalties..and even then it probably isn't worth their time.


In order to get what you seek, you're going to have to reproduce the score/track yourself by ear or find someone else who has already done so. Alternatively, ask the composer directly if you can get a copy of the audio, but that typically won't work.
It was worth a shot. :/
I'm glad they at least have some.

General Land Before Time / LBT Score
« on: April 21, 2015, 06:16:44 PM »
Quote from: Ducky123,Apr 18 2015 on  08:23 PM
YouTube Playlist of some tracks from the sequels ;)

(hope it's okay to put the link in here  :unsure: )
This is great, exactly what I was hoping for! There's still a few the person hasn't put up that I'm searching for, but it's a great start. :D
Thank you!

And thanks to everyone else, too! ^^

General Land Before Time / LBT Score
« on: April 18, 2015, 06:13:35 PM »
Does anyone know if the score from any of the LBT movies (besides the first) can be found/had? I know that the soundtrack/score exists for the original movie, and that they also came out with one called "The Songs From The Land Before Time" which include vocals from some of the movies. But I've done some searching and can't seem to find a score for any of them except the first. Maybe it doesn't exist, but does anyone know for sure? Thanks in advance.

Hobbies and Recreation / Paleontology
« on: April 17, 2015, 05:33:11 PM »
I have to admit, I'm pretty fascinated with dinosaurs, and have been for most of my life. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a paleontologist. I mean, I don't currently, but I used to. XD
But I like getting immersed into dinosaur books and movies. My favorite dino-related things are (obviously) The Land Before Time, and Dinotopia. James Gurney's paintings make me believe that a world with humans and dinosaurs co-existing exists (not really, but I mean it sets the imagination on fire.)
Some dinosaur documentaries are interesting to watch as well (if you can get past the cheesy animation.) Not long ago, I watched "Dinotasia" on Netflix which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be (again, you kinda have to ignore the lack of superb animation.) It's definitely not your average dino documentary. It's hardly a documentary, actually, because the narrator (Werner Herzog) speaks so seldom. It's more like you're watching different groups and individual dinosaurs live their life and face trials. I think any dinosaur fan would really appreciate Dinotasia! :)

Often when I read the dinotopia books, when they mention a dinosaur I'd never heard of, or don't remember what kind it is, I'll pause my reading and look said dinosaur up online. I like randomly reading about the different types that used to exist.

Hobbies and Recreation / What is Your current job or future job
« on: April 17, 2015, 05:25:57 PM »
I currently work at Nordstrom's Rack doing mark-downs. ^^ I like the work well enough, even if I'm not used to standing for 8 hours on end (ouch.) I've always been very undecided on a dream job. For a while I thought I wanted to be an animator, but changed my mind when I realized that it was more computer-based than traditional-art-based.

The Fridge / Scariest sounds ever
« on: April 15, 2015, 02:28:06 PM »
Cougars definitely sound eerie. I've never heard one in person, thankfully, and I hope I never do. I live in California, and cougars are, supposedly, all over the state. Still glad I've never heard or seen one, though.  :o

One of the eeriest sounds I've ever heard (well, does hearing them online count?) came from a video someone posted on YouTube. They claimed that it was a sasquatch, and although I think it's highly unlikely that they exist (just my opinion...), the sound is still pretty scary regardless. The people who caught the audio filmed about 15 minutes of it, I think.
On occasion, you can hear what sounds like dogs in the background. But I have no idea what the continuous roaring could be. o__o

Aside from that, there was one time several years ago in April that I woke up at 4:00 AM to a long, snarling sound that came from the ravine near my house. It sounded like a huge cat, and my first thought was "cougar." Oh my gosh, it was scary...I lied in bed with my eyes wide open, still as a statue, trying to figure out what on earth was making that noise. Another one soon followed after that sounded like a wounded cow, and I thought maybe a cougar had killed one on the ranch in the valley. The howling and moaning went on for a long time, and it actually wasn't until years later that I found out the noise had come from mating bobcats.
Super creepy!

Visual Art / Rammy's other art and photography...
« on: April 15, 2015, 02:19:51 PM »
I'm loving your art - both the drawings and the photography! :)
My mom is a photographer, and even though I myself know very little about it, I like to think that I've still learned at least a thing or two over the years. I definitely encourage you to keep going - photography is a long, wonderful, exciting journey to undertake, whether you do it professionally or as a hobby.  :)

Your art is gorgeous. Keep it coming, I'd love to see more! ^^

The Party Room / It is....and I am....
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:53:17 PM »
It's 1:52 and I'm hungry.  :unsure:

It's Party Time! / Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:34:23 PM »
Banned for having a llama shark mailman!

Land Before Time RPG / Rinkus & Jared rp
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:11:26 PM »
If this is still active, I'd like to try my hand at role-playing again. ^^ It's been years since I've done it, so I might be a bit rusty...  :unsure:
I did read "Pterano's Return," which I thought was kinda cute, even if some of it was ooc. But that's all opinion-based, technically. XD

It's Party Time! / Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:06:00 PM »
Banned because your avatar has tape on its costume.

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